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Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella

Page 1

by Jamie, Danielle

  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents

  Irresistible Desire


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen


  Inescapable Desire


  Edition, License Note

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Savannah’s Envy Interview!


  Indestructible Desire


  Edition, License Note


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty One

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Savannah & Brooklyn’s Dare to Tell Interview with Kayla the Bibliophile

  Infinite Desire


  Edition, License Note

  Fun for Readers



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty One

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Chapter Twenty Six


  About the Author


  Southern Desire


  Edition, License Note

  Kayden’s Envy Interview

  Kayden’s point of view for Vertigo

  One Day After Vertigo

  Night of the Envy Party

  Closet Scene

  Pleasure Pier

  Club Drip

  Alamo Bowl Deleted Scene

  Club Vertigo

  At Savannah’s Parents Ranch in Memphis

  Extended Prologue Indestructible Desire

  Kayden, Jax and Dixon at the Club in the Bahamas’

  The Scavenger Hunt

  Valentine’ Day

  After Savannah Went Back to Los Angeles

  Kayden, Dixon, Braxton and Jax at Vegas Motor Speedway with Chase Kenzington

  Brooklyn and Dixon at the Tattoo Parlor in Vegas

  Deleted Scene: Jax and Rebecca; Night of the Beach Engagement Party

  Night of the Beach Engagement Party

  Stripping at the Bachelorette Party

  ACA Awards Kayden’s Point of View

  New Year’s Eve December 31, 2013


  Birth of Kaydence Melody

  Interview with First Class Books

  Jake Wethers Interview

  Irresistible Desire


  Written By: Danielle Jamie

  Edited By:

  Trish Peloquin-Buddner & Kellie Montgomery

  Copyright © 2013 Danielle Jamie Wright

  ISBN 13: 978-1484090305

  ISBN 10: 1484090306

  License Note

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and you did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for supporting and respecting the hard work of this author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales, is entirely coincidental.


  The characters, places, situations and events of this story are developed materializations of my imagination and therefore belong entirely to me. Distribution of this story is only permitted with my written consent, and any use of the aforementioned factors must be approved of also. Please do not steal; I shouldn't be punished for your lack of originality and dedication.


  I do not own any of the name brands i.e. Nike, Gucci, etc. or music that may appear in this story.

  “Love is an irresistible desire

  to be irresistibly desired”

  - Robert Frost

  Chapter One

  After a full week of working, the last thing I want to do is kick off my weekend by attending dinner with my parents. I would rather walk over burning coals than have to sit through another two hour dinner with my mother and father.

  The only thing making it bearable is Logan, my boyfriend of four years. Since my parents returned from touring, they insist we get together every Friday for dinner. I admit I miss them while they’re away, and I do love catching up from time-to-time, but every week is a bit ridiculous.

  I’m in serious need of some fun; ‘fun with a capital F’, as they say. My plan is to rush through dinner, and meet up with Brooklyn to go and let loose. Brooklyn’s my best friend and partner in crime. We’ve known each other our entire lives, and it seems we’ve become more like sisters than friends.

  Our mothers had the same relationship, so while my parents were performing their world tours, I spent every free moment at Brooklyn’s in an attempt to escape the maids, butlers and nannies that filled my house.

  Part of me knows that I was blessed to grow up in a huge mansion with the freedom to come and go as I pleased. It was fun, at first, to be a teenager with no
one to answer to, but it got old. Sometimes, I just wanted a father who sat up all night waiting for me to get home from a date. I think I was the only girl who wished for a curfew.

  Instead, I settled for a butler who was kind enough to wait up, and let me inside if I was too drunk. I know that my parents did the best they could to spend as much time with me as possible, but when you’re country music’s number one singing duo it’s hard to find more than a few hours a week. Our time together consisted of hurried phone calls, texts, emails, and distracted video chats, with very little actual face to face contact.

  I finally round the corner to my parent’s gated community, and pray Logan has already arrived so we can get dinner started as soon as possible. I met Logan four years ago at one of my parents’ annual parties in the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel.

  Logan’s father is my mother’s plastic surgeon, and since he does such an extraordinary job of keeping her thirty year old looks, he gets a VIP invite to all their lavish parties. I lucked out when he brought Logan as his plus one. He took my breath away the moment I laid eyes on him.

  He was tall and tanned, with a well-built surfer’s body. His gorgeous, naturally blonde hair was cut short along the sides and back but longer on top. I loved how he kept it natural looking. The complete lack of product made me yearn to run my fingers through it, especially after he had spent the day in the salty water of the Pacific. His eyes were such a bright blue that it almost seemed like they were glowing; I could look into those eyes all day, and his smile is the sexiest thing I have ever seen on a man.

  “Thank you God,” I whisper to myself, as I pull into my parent’s driveway and see Logan’s car parked out front. The house really was breathtaking, and every time I see it I feel blessed to have been raised in such a magnificent home.

  It’s a three story Southern Colonial style house built completely from luscious red brick with towering white pillars outside the entire first level, and inviting steps leading up to a fantastic porch. The second story has a full balcony, and floor to ceiling windows that are framed by white shutters that cover the entire front of the house.

  Outside our home, and wrapping around both sides of our entrance, are vast gardens with shrubs and flower bushes. The first thing you notice as you pull into the drive is a Victorian style water fountain; the majesty of which makes you feel like you’re entering a house in Memphis, rather than Beverly Hills. This is the full intention of my Tennessee born parents, who wanted to bring a little Southern living when we moved to Los Angeles.

  I was five when we moved into this house, and I only moved out two years ago when Brooklyn and I finally decided to get our own place in the Hollywood Hills. Brooklyn’s father is CEO of The Queen Victoria cruise line and subsidizes her half of the rent until her “acting career” picks up. This allows us to live in a place overlooking the “Hollywood” sign, with an incredible view of L.A.

  “Hey sweetie, how was work?” My mother asks, pulling me in for a hug as I enter the house.

  She looks as beautiful as ever in her dress pants, and silk sleeveless top. She has the same long blonde hair as I do, but hers stops at her shoulder blades and mine is down to my butt. I’m told all the time that I look like my mother. It’s a compliment, as I cannot deny she’s beautiful.

  We both have bright blue eyes, tiny petite noses, and heart shaped faces. Our family is blessed with a high metabolism, and curves in all the right places. The only thing different about us is our height. She is 5’8”, and I, unfortunately got the raw end of the deal, coming up at just 5’3”.

  After a very light hug, and air kisses, we enter the living room to join my dad and Logan.

  “Work has been amazing! We’re working on this huge issue we have coming up: The Most Influential Men of 2012. Eloise has almost the entire list completed, and I get the fun part of picking out the best photo to use for each man. I also get to assist in interviewing a few of them!” I’m giddy just thinking about it, as I sit down on the over-sized sectional.

  Putting my hand on Logan’s thigh, I rest my lips against his ear and whisper “Hello”. I plant a gentle kiss on his cheek and smile up into his gorgeous baby blues.

  “Well hello to you, too.” His smile instantly makes me turn into putty on the couch.

  He gently traces his fingers up and down my back, as his eyes drift from me back to the game. Logan isn’t a huge fan of being overly affectionate in front of my parents. He says he feels that it’s disrespectful. Sliding my hand into his, I snuggle up against him, and focus my attention on my father, who’s glued to the wide screen television.

  “Hey Dad, how’s the game going?” I ask, as he turns and flashes me a small smile. He’s lounging in his large leather recliner, donned in his favorite fashion ensemble: blue jeans, cowboy boots, and tight fitting black t-shirt. He could easily pass for a decade younger than his forty-five years, with his jet black hair shaved to the scalp and well groomed goatee. He is six feet tall, but his demeanor easily tricks you into thinking he’s closer to seven.

  Maverick Livingston only takes one thing as seriously as his music, surprisingly, and that’s college football. He has it pre-set on the DVR to record automatically every week that way no matter what he’s doing, can still catch the game.

  “Going great, Honey. Tennessee is winning twenty four nil,” he replies, grinning ear to ear. He may live in Beverly Hills, but his heart and soul are in Tennessee.

  “Paisley, I have to know what’s for dinner. It smells absolutely delicious!” Logan asks, rubbing his stomach as he walks into the kitchen. He can be so suave and adorable, all at the same time.

  “Roasted chicken, BBQ ribs, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, green beans and freshly baked sweet rolls. For dessert, we have your favorite Logan: peach cobbler! Mrs. Trinton and I have been slaving away in the kitchen all afternoon, and I have to agree it does look and smell exquisite.” My mother says, smiling sweetly back at Logan.

  Thankfully dinner goes by smoothly and quickly. Dad and Logan discuss the football season, and whom they think will end up in the bowl games. I know very little about the sport, and avoid the conversation altogether, instead choosing to talk with my mother about my job at Envy.

  Envy is one of the world’s most popular magazines, covering everything from celebrity weddings and babies, top movies and music to this season’s hottest fashion trends. Its success is International, and I’m thrilled to have finally landed my dream job there.

  Following a three year internship, I took a chance on an Assistant Editor position for Eloise Spaulding; a vacancy thought to be one of the most sought after, in L.A., I couldn’t believe it when I found out they’d picked me – it’s such a huge accomplishment for someone my age.

  We thanked my parents for a lovely dinner and said our goodbyes. As Logan and I walk to our cars, I send Brooklyn a quick text:


  Hey girl! Just leaving my parent’s house. You up for some dancing at Vertigo??

  Less than a minute later my phones buzzing, alerting me I got a new text.


  Are you kidding? I was BORN READY! lol, I’m at the house already, my audition for As The Days Go By went okay, fingers crossed! I’ll start getting ready, see you in a few! xoxo

  “I just sent Brooklyn a quick text to see if she wanted to go to Vertigo tonight, she said definitely,” I laugh.

  “I think that girl would party for a living, if she could,” Logan says dryly, snaking his arm around my waist, and walking with me towards my car.

  To say he isn’t Brooklyn’s biggest fan, would be putting it very lightly. Their personalities are total opposites, and Logan can’t stand her; I can never quite get my head around it though; it’s frustrating to say the least. Life would be a whole lot easier, if they’d just get along.

  “So, are you up for joining us? We can head back to your place for the night, if you don’t want to stay at our house”.

  Logan lets out a long sigh, "I’m exhausted, and I have a
stack of paperwork to do when I get home. How about you and Brooklyn go out and have fun, and we can get together tomorrow for lunch?” Opening my car door for me, Logan grips the top of the door; leaning down our lips connect for a short, sweet kiss.

  Pulling away from my lips, he leaves them aching for more. Smiling up at him, I gaze into his mesmerizing, bright blue eyes. “Okay, but you know if you want me to skip the club and stay in with you tonight, I’m fine with that. I can pop some popcorn, and watch a movie or something while you work?”

  “No, don’t be silly; you go have fun and dance until your feet want to fall off. You’ve worked all week; you deserve to have some fun,” with another quick kiss, he’s in his car and driving away.

  Buckling up, I turn the key, firing up the engine. I love my car; it was a gift from my parents last year for my twenty-third birthday. They thought my last car had been driven long enough…If you consider four and a half years a long time, that is. It’s a white, 2012 A5 convertible; my dream car, and a huge step up from the convertible Volkswagen Beetle my parents bought me for my high school graduation.

  Tonight I’m going to have fun with or without Logan. Sometimes it’s depressing having a boyfriend who would rather sit at home and read Time magazine than go out clubbing with me. I guess it comes with the territory when you’re dating a thirty-two year old focused on building a business empire, and not so much into going out and partying.

  He said he did all that in college, now it’s time to focus on making his business a success. That’s one of the many reasons I love him, though. He’s determined to build a successful business to provide for us when it comes time to getting married, and start a family.

  Walking into our two-story Hollywood Hills home, Brooklyn is already dressed to impress in a very tight, very revealing black dress, with a plunging neckline and open back. She’s paired it with fantastic black, glitter peep toe heels; their red soles easily distinguishing them as Christian Louboutin to anyone who knows anything about shoes.

  I whistle when she spins in front of me, “You look HOT! I think you’re going to be beating the boys off you at Vertigo tonight!”

  Brooklyn is gorgeous. She has intense, brown eyes and dark auburn hair, which cascades in light curls around her face, and stops to draw attention to the right place on her impressive chest. She’s a good few inches taller than me, with legs to die for. They seem to go on forever – one of the reasons; I imagine; guys cannot keep their eyes off of her.


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