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Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella

Page 54

by Jamie, Danielle

  Zak had fired a shot at Jerome, but thankfully, he was wearing a bulletproof vest. The shot knocked him to the ground, and panic stricken, Brooklyn dropped to the ground and crawled under the car. She said it felt like an eternity for Zak to walk up to the car. Jerome was climbing to his feet, but before he could stop him, Zak hit Jerome in the head with his gun. He was knocked unconscious on the ground; Brooklyn said the sound of Zak’s feet, walking beside the car was terrifying.”

  I feel my knees go weak as the police officer continues. “Here baby, sit down.” Kayden tells me, as we make our way to a chair beside Brooklyn. Squeezing her hand, I stare blankly at the officer as he continues.

  “Crouching down beside the car, they locked eyes, and before she could react he fisted her hair, pulling her out from under the car. Zak landed a strong blow to her head, stunning her momentarily. But Brooklyn mentioned you both take Kickboxing classes, where she learned self-defense. Everything she learned quickly came to her in that fight or flight moment.

  Knowing this, I’m sure saved her life. She was able to kick the gun from his hand. While she was fighting him off, Jerome had awoken and dialed 911, alerting us where they were. Pulling out his gun, Jerome shot Zak in the leg, wounding him. Retaining him in the trunk, Zak was held there until the ambulance and police arrived.

  Zak is now in the ER having surgery to remove the bullet; he will then be transported to Houston. Jerome is also there being observed overnight. He sustained a concussion, and a few broken ribs from the close range shot to his vest.”

  I can’t believe Brooklyn fought him off! “Wow, I can’t believe you did that. I don’t even want to think about what would’ve happened if you weren’t able to get that gun away from him.” It’s impossible to not be in awe of her right now.

  Standing and sliding her heels back on, Brooklyn takes my hands and pulls me to my feet. “I gave him the ass kicking he deserved; I wish Jerome would have aimed a few more inches over, and really wounded the bastard.” She says, as she hugs me one more time.

  “Well you’re definitely a bad ass in my book, Brooklyn.” I can hear the relief in Kayden’s voice as he’s talking to Brooklyn. All of us feel like a weight has been lifted off of our shoulders. “Now that he’s been caught, we can finally move on with our lives.”

  We have to stay at the station a few more hours; we made sure LAPD got all the information from HPD about the entire Zac and Jacob event that took place. After finishing up all the paperwork, we were finally released to go home.

  Walking down the steps to the car, Brooklyn stops on the last one. Turning, Kayden and I stare at her wondering what she’s doing. We notice her eyes glossing over as fresh tears stream down her face. Turning to see where her eyes are pointing, we notice Jax standing there beside our car.

  “Hey mate, I got a call for Jerome. He said he was in the hospital and that Brooklyn had a pretty rough night.” I’m in total shock right now; Jax flew here from Houston to see her. If that isn’t romantic, I don’t know what is.

  Not wasting a second, Brooklyn sprints down the stairs, straight into Jax’s arms. “I can’t believe you came here for me.” Holding her tightly against him, Jax kisses her temple sweetly.

  Walking to the car, Kayden stops beside Jax and Brooklyn. “Brooklyn’s a beast! She whooped Zak’s ass, hardcore. Remind me to never piss her off because I think she’d kick my ass.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Sitting on the plane looking down at Hawaii below us, I’m bouncing with excitement. This past week has been a whirlwind of emotions. Knowing I’m finally safe and don’t need to worry about Zak is a relief. I’m still struggling, but I’m slowly getting stronger every day. Kayden seems a lot better since Zak was arrested, but still seems distracted. It’s hard to explain, but I feel if I love him with all I have, we’ll make it through anything.

  “Sooooo, Birthday Girl! What do you think Knox has up his sleeve for your birthday?” Brooklyn asks, plopping down in the seat beside me. The pilot’s voice interrupts me before I can speak, advising us to buckle up because we’re about to land.

  “I have no clue. He’s kept me in the dark about everything.” I laugh. “It’s driving me crazy! I know Kayden loves going all out, so I won’t be surprised if he goes over the top for my party. All I care about is seeing my mom and dad, and Reagan and Rebecca. We have a lot of celebrating to do! One being you, Miss Thing! You’re in a committed relationship; that’s definitely something to celebrate!”

  Blushing ten shades of red, Brooklyn slaps my leg. “Hey now, we’re taking baby steps. We’re not official, but we’re not seeing anyone else either. I texted Xander the day after everything happened with Zak. I told him I want to see where things can go with Jax but still want to remain friends, and definitely want to attend their concert when they’re in the area.”

  She hasn’t spoken to Dixon since the Bahamas; he texted her after Kayden told him what happen in LA with Zak, but she ignored it and never responded, which shocked the hell out of me. I know how hard she has been crushing on Dixon, so was dumbfounded when she blew him off. I can’t say it doesn’t make me happy, because Dixon just screams trouble. He doesn’t show any desire of settling down. Plus, I’m looking forward to lots of double dates with her and Jax.

  “So Kayden’s meeting us at the hotel?” Brooklyn asks as she stares across me and out the window at Maui below us. The plane is slowly descending towards the landing strip.

  “Yeah, he said he was boarding the plane in Paris this morning and would be in Maui by this evening. My parents, I believe, will be here first thing tomorrow morning, and Reagan and Rebecca too. So today is just Brooklyn and Savannah day! Let’s try not to get into too much trouble, okay?”

  “I’ll try but can’t make any promises.” Raising an eyebrow at me, I can’t help but smile at the mischievous grin on Brooklyn’s face. “I mean it! My idea of a memorable birthday is not sitting in the drunk tank beside you!”



  These last three days being in Paris have been hectic, to say the least. I’ve been postponing this trip for weeks, but now that I know Zak is behind bars, I finally squeezed in time the to fly to France. We’re remodeling the entire spa at the Knox Spa and Resort in Paris, and I had to check on construction, make sure everything’s on schedule, and still under budget.

  Dixon came out with me to help oversee all the changes going on since he owns a construction business; he knows more about all of this than I do, which made it a lot less stressful for me. He got pissed when I wouldn’t go out with him to a strip club the first night, immediately causing him to rag on me, tellin’ me Savannah has me pussy whipped.

  Since meeting Savannah, I could care less about watching some chick dance on a pole for tips. If that makes me pussy whipped, so be it. He only ended up staying one day, then had to get back to Houston to make sure things are running smoothly with my absence from Beaumont Industries.

  I was shocked to see Giselle at the hotel bar last night. Her father manages the hotel in Paris, so she goes back and forth between Paris, LA, New York, and Houston for her modeling jobs. Last I knew, she was supposed to be flying to Milan for a fashion show, but lo and behold she was here, and she wasn’t alone. She had another model friend with her, whom she claimed was a huge fan of mine. She rambled on and on for what felt like forever, about how much she loved my YouTube videos and the movies I’ve guest starred in. I was never so happy to excuse myself to my room. After a few fan pictures with her, I happily went to my room and crashed. I knew I’d be getting up early to fly to Hawaii today.

  Reaching into my pocket, I pull out the black velvet box I picked up in New York this morning when my flight landed. Flying first class isn’t as nice as a private jet, and I hate the layovers. Popping the box open, the diamonds sparkle in the light that’s shining through my window seat. I’ve been a ball of nerves for weeks since I asked Maverick for permission to propose to Savannah. I hope she doesn’t think it’s too soon and t
urns me down flat. I know deep down she’s the only woman I want to be with for the rest of my life.

  The old man beside me lets out a whistle as he eyes the three carat diamond infinity ring. “She’s definitely going to say yes when she sees that.” He says with a thick New York accent.

  “You think so? I’m so nervous; I don’t know if I’ll be able to hold the ring when I propose! I’ll probably end up droppin’ the dang thing in the sand.” I can’t wait to propose to her on the beach beside the ocean. Brooklyn told me that Savannah has dreamt of her proposal since she was eight. She always said she wanted her future husband to ask her at sunset on the beach.

  Breaking me from my thoughts, the old man nudges me with his elbow, “If she loves you as much as I can see you love her, I think she’d say yes if you asked her to marry you with a gumball machine ring.”

  I let out a husky laugh as I picture myself on one knee, holding out a fifty cent plastic ring. Savannah would probably cherish it as much as she would a million-dollar diamond ring. That’s just how she is: a ray of light that cherishes the small gestures in life.

  “I think so, too. Here’s to me gettin’ engaged to the woman of my dreams.” Raising my bottle of water in the air, I flash the old man a big smile and drink to my future wife.



  Tipping the bell hop, he leaves our bags in our suite. “Damn, this place is huge!” Brooklyn says walking around the two story penthouse suite Kayden booked for the weekend. Swinging open the French doors, we step out onto the balcony.

  Looking down at the beach, there are people surfing, which immediately gives me an idea. “B, I know exactly what we’re going to do right now!”

  “Oh gawd, what wild idea just popped into that pretty little head of yours, Savannah Elizabeth.”

  Digging in my suitcase, I pull out my bikini and flip flops. “Grab your swimsuit, bestie, because we’re going surfing!”

  It’s been almost a year since I got on a surfboard, and I can hear the ocean beckoning me to dive in. Quickly changing, we make our way down to the beach. After walking a few feet up the beach, we find a surf shop. Whipping out my debit card, I rent us each a surfboard. “I suck at surfing Savannah; I swear to God if I drown and need mouth to mouth resuscitation, I’m going to kick your ass. Unless it’s a hot lifeguard, then I’ll let it pass.” Winking at me, Brooklyn takes off ahead of me, leaving me speechless. I swear; I’ll never get use to the shit that comes outta that girl’s mouth.

  The beach is packed with people, and the water is full of surfers. Looking around, I find a spot free of people and wave Brooklyn to follow. Walking into the water, I lie on my board and paddle out towards the massive waves. The adrenalin coursing through my body right now feels absolutely amazing. Riding a wave gives me the biggest high. Just knowing the power it holds, but being able to dominate it…it’s the best feeling ever.

  Spotting a wave, I climb onto my board and get lost in the moment and push everything I’ve been through in the last six months into the back of my mind. Jumping off of my board, I dived into the water and pop back up to lay across my board. Watching Brooklyn attempt to surf is by far the most entertaining thing ever. There’s a dog riding a surfboard that is doing better than her!

  Paddling over to Brooklyn, I can’t contain my laughter as I witness her swearing at her surfboard. She’s got the mouth of a freakin’ sailor!

  “I think they gave me a defective surfboard, it’s a piece of shit! For Christ’s sake that fuckin’ old man over there is surfing better than me! He looks like he’ll bite the dust any second!”

  It’s an impossible task trying to hold back my laughter. “Why don’t you go work on your tan, Drama Queen? I’ll hit a couple more waves, and then we’ll go to the pool for drinks.”

  She immediately perks up with that suggestion. Waving to me as she jogs out of the water, I watch Brooklyn return her board to the cabana we rented it from. Shaking my head, I paddle back out and join a group of surfers who’re enjoying the stellar waves we’re having today.


  After enjoying an amazing dinner on the balcony, Brooklyn and I head down to the hotel bar to have some drinks. Kayden called me a few hours ago to let me know he was at his last layover. He said he’d be in Maui by nine pm. I can’t wait to see him, three days away from him has been torture. It’s nice getting some girl time with Brooklyn, but I still miss having Kayden in bed with me at night.

  We finally moved back into the beach house this week. It was hard at first, going back to a place that holds so many good memories, but was also tainted with memories of Jacob and Zak. I become overwhelmed each time I look next door at the beach house they rented with the sole purpose to grow close to me, its mind boggling what someone would do to gain money.

  Kayden promised to fill each day there full of new, wonderful memories with him and our friends and family. Each day we get through is another day closer to finally putting the past behind us. Tonight will be the first night I’ll go to sleep without any sleeping pills since I haven’t had a nightmare in almost a week. My sessions have gone better than I ever would have imagined with Dr. Wilcott. My last one with her was this Friday and she said that I’m on the road to a full recovery; I just need to recognize my triggers. I need to always be open and honest with Kayden about what I’m feeling. I feel like I’m finally seeing the light at the end of a very dark tunnel.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Putting on tight, hot pink halter dress and white, peep toe heels, I toss my curly hair into a side ponytail, clip in a hot pink hibiscus flower and I’m ready to go. Brooklyn looks drop dead gorgeous in her black booty shorts, and red tube top. Her black suede ankle boots are the perfect touch.

  As we step into the bar, we notice it’s jammed packed with hotel guests. They’re playing Macklemore’s Thrift Shop, the fun beat and lyrics boost my mood. Heading over to the bar, we find two seats on the end. “Can we get two Tequila Sunrises please?”

  “Girl, we so gotta stick to one drink tonight, we don’t want you hungover and sick for your birthday party tomorrow.”

  After a few minutes, the bartender finally slides our drinks in front of us. Plucking the cherry from my glass, I pop it into my mouth. “Good idea.” I say matter-of-factly, chewing on my cherry. “I’ll savor this one drink, and then stick to water the rest of the night.”

  Sipping the last of my cocktail, I hop down off of the bar stool. I reach for Brooklyn’s hand, and drag her outside to the poolside bar and dance floor. There’s a rainbow of lights shining into the pool and rock waterfall. The sky is full of stars, sparkling like a million tiny diamonds. It’s breathtaking; Maui is one of my all-time favorite places. I’m thrilled to spend my birthday here. February ninth I’ll be turning 25 and starting over; things can only look up from here. I’ve suffered enough these last six months to last me a lifetime.

  “Come dance with me!” Pulling Brooklyn through the crowd of bikini party-goers, we finally make it to the dance floor. Holding our hands up in the air, we bounce around to the beat of Ke$ha blasting through the speakers.

  “God, this feels so fuckin’ amazing!” Brooklyn shouts at me over the music, tossing her head back as she dances in time with the beat. With my eyes closed, I sway to the music, letting it wash over me and allowing my mind to drift away into an oasis. I have a slight buzz from the Tequila Sunrises we drank at the bar. My head feels fuzzy and my entire body’s hot and tingly.

  With my skin lightly misted with sweat, I make my way over to the outdoor bar. In desperate need of some ice cold water, I lean over the bar and wave my hand to get the bartender’s attention. Rolling the cool bottle across my chest, I gladly welcome the droplets of water that cascade down between the valley of my breasts.

  A voice snaps me back to the here and now, “I lost my number, can I have yours?” Laughing, I turn and lock eyes with Kayden, who looks downright gorgeous in his white Affliction t-shirt. The white makes his skin look tanner and is showing off
his muscular arms and chest.

  Licking my lip and pulling it between my teeth, I scan my eyes over his body. His ripped jeans are hanging from his hips just the way I like them. His black boots complete his edgy look. “Sorry, I have a boyfriend.” His expression is priceless. He started this, so I’m going to play along and have some fun with it.

  Ordering a Corona with a slice of lime, he eyes me with a small smile creeping along the corners of his mouth. “Lucky guy.” His husky voice makes every hair on my body stand at attention.

  “Yeah, he is, but truth be told, I’m the lucky one.” Spinning on the bar stool, I slid my legs apart and flash an impish grin at him. Taking the bait, he steps in between my legs, sliding his arms around my waist.

  “I bet he thanks his lucky stars every single day for being able to call you his.” Dipping his head down, Kayden kisses me; it’s not a sweet little peck, no this is an all-out, no holds bar kiss...Make my toes curl, kinda kiss. Lacing my fingers through his hair, I open my mouth, allowing his tongue to dip in and caress the roof of my mouth. Pulling away, he lets out a low, husky chuckle. “Damn that kiss was so worth goin’ away for three days. What do you say we get outta here?”

  Jumping down, I entwine my fingers with Kayden’s, and make our way over to the dance floor to find Brooklyn. After a few minutes, I finally spot her dancing with a group of girls wearing nothing but bikinis and stilettos. “Brooklyn!” I shout over at her. Finally, after smacking her in the shoulder, I get her attention.

  “Ow! Biotch! What was that for?” Brooklyn asks, standing with her hands on her hips. Her face all flushed from the nonstop dancing. She instantly smiles when she notices Kayden’s with me.


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