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Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella

Page 81

by Jamie, Danielle

  Looking at Kayden, I see he has the biggest smile stretched across his face as he sings along with the lyrics clapping and laughing with all of his buddies.

  As the song progresses, Miranda Lambert, Ryan and Tyler from my favorite country duo Florida Georgia Line and my mother run out onto the dance floor and start dancing alongside us. This is PRICELESS! Brooklyn’s hollering “I’m gonna pee myself!”

  Wanting in on the fun, Kayden and our groomsmen jump in and all start shaking their booties to the music. This was the most kick-ass idea ever! I’m so happy we went through with it.

  “Oh My God! That was so fun!” I say laughing. “I cannot believe we just did that!” Leaning over I cup my stomach to try and ease the cramp from laughing so hard.

  “Y’all pulled it off; I never saw that coming!” Miranda says looking around at all of us.

  I feel Kayden’s arms wrap around me and pull me against his warm body as he presses kisses to my neck. “That was so fuckin’ awesome. I hope someone got that on video!”

  “No doubt we’ll see all of us shakin’ our asses on YouTube by midnight.” Tyler says sarcastically, as he takes a pull from his beer. “I swear this has to be the best wedding dance ever.”

  We spend the next few minutes talking to everyone about how much fun we had these past few days rehearsing our choreography. I told my parents to blame YouTube for corrupting us and making all of us want to do a surprise dance in the middle of our wedding dance. It’s definitely a story we’ll love telling our grandchildren.

  I made sure to give Luke a huge hug to thank him for singing for us. Over the years, he and Kayden have developed an amazing friendship. Luke is always attending any fundraisers Kayden hosts for cancer research because he lost his sister to a brain tumor. It’s the one thing that Kayden, Luke, and Blake all share: they’ve all lost a sibling. Poor Luke has lost two; his brother died in a car accident just like Blake’s brother.

  “Hey, Princess, you got time for a dance with your ol’ man?” My dad asks sneaking up beside me and draping his arm over my shoulder. He is a tad drunk; but when he drinks he gets hilarious. Normally Maverick Livingston hates dancing, but get a few beers in him and my mom can’t drag his ass off of the dance floor.

  Wrapping my arm around his waist I give my father a small smile, “I’d love to dance with you, Daddy.”

  Signaling to the DJ he starts the song I chose for my father daughter dance, I Loved Her First, by Heartland. I can’t help but get teary eyed as I dance with my father. Today feels surreal. Having everyone I care about here to celebrate with us has made it so special. I couldn’t have asked for a more amazing wedding and reception.

  “Let’s eat!” Kayden shouts to everyone as my father and I make our way off the dance floor and back into the party.

  After everyone has their plates made and are seated, Brooklyn stands and taps her fork on her champagne glass. “I’d like to make my matron of honor toast now before I’m too drunk to form a coherent sentence and/or puking my brains out behind the barn. Yea, yea, I’m such a Lady.” She laughs as she scans her eyes over the room.

  Shaking my head I gaze up at my best friend, even when we’re in the middle of a serious moment, she has the magical touch to make it fun and carefree.

  “I got this idea after searching YouTube for ideas to make my speech the most kick ass speech of all time! Sooo, DJ, spin that shit!” Pointing to the DJ she signals to him and Taylor Swifts Romeo and Juliet song starts playing but only the instrumental version.

  Confused, I turn back to her, as does Kayden, who has his arm resting on the back of my chair and leans on the table to see her better.

  She starts swaying to the music and starts singing,

  “It’s been twenty years since I met my best friend Savannah.

  She was a crazy little country girl who moved to Beverly Hills.

  Within no time we were inseparable, whenever one was getting into trouble the other was right by her side, what a crazy beautiful time!

  Oh oh, but soon that changed as we got older, the fun streaking Savannah I knew from our days at UCLA, was settling down her partying ways and entered the working world!

  We both had bad luck in love, and never thought Prince Charming would ever show up. I mean seriously, how many frogs do you have to kiss before you finally find your damn prince!?

  Then one day in L.A., Savannah met Kayden Knox looking all dreamy in his cowboy hat! They found each other once again in Houston and soon very. Very. Soon.

  They fell in love, and one day my phone rang and it was Kayden calling. He said I’m going to ask Savannah to marry me do you think you can help me surprise her?

  I was honored and told him yeah sure! He said do you think she’ll say yes, and I said YES!

  Of course she will say yes! Now here we are at their Country, Fairytale Happily Ever After!”

  We all start clapping and; of course, Brooklyn being the performer she is, bows before raising her glass in the air. “Congratulations Savannah, on finding your Prince Charming in a Stetson!” We all raise our glasses, laughing and drinking to her toast. After that toast, I love my best friend even more, if that’s possible.

  “Oh My! That was awesome, Brooklyn!” I shout jumping to my feet and hugging her; I have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. It was just like Brooklyn: funny, sweet and a grand performance!

  Poor Dixon had to try and out-do her toast, and I don’t think it’s even possible. His toast, like his wife’s, was funny and had us all cracking up as he reminisced about his crazy and embarrassing events in the life of Kayden. This has been the best reception ever and it’s only just begun.


  We’ve eaten way too much food and danced for hours. I lost my boots almost an hour ago, dancing barefoot is so much better! There was a little drama earlier between Ryder and Kylee, but thankfully no one noticed. I hope they work everything out because he really seems to love his new girlfriend Harper. I feel bad for Kylee because I know how much she loves Ryder. Not letting it damper my mood, I let them deal with their own issues and focus on celebrating with our family and friends.

  My favorite moment of the evening was cutting the cupcake with Kayden. We held the knife together and cut our cake along with splitting a strawberry.

  He had a devilish grin on his face so I was worried I was going to get a face full of cake. I quickly set Kayden’s piece into his mouth, but I wasn’t fast enough because he clamped down on my finger, sucking the frosting off of it, instantly causing my entire body to tingle from my head to my toes. I won’t lie, I was a little moist. He bent down and whispered “You have a little frosting on your lips, Darlin’” then cleaned my mouth for me. Good Lord, Have Mercy!

  The entire barn erupted in cheers.

  Next was the bouquet toss, we all cheered when Rebecca caught it and the guys hollered Jax’s name. I have a feeling we’ll soon be attending another wedding. They’re quickly turning into something more than just bed buddies. She’s been coming to Houston a lot lately to see him and vice versa.

  Then the garter removal, I know I am in T R O U B L E…Help me with this man! I blushed ten shades of red when Kayden covered his head with my dress for privacy…such a gentleman; licked my inner thighs in hopes of hooking my garter with his tongue…SUCCESS! Pulled it off with his teeth! I slapped my hands over my face and giggled uncontrollably as he slid the garter down my leg, making moaning sounds only I could hear due to the stripper music playing.

  Standing, Kayden spun the garter around his index finger before snapping it over his shoulder to the group of single men. It landed on Reagan’s head, and I immediately burst out laughing as a look of utter shock and panic consumed his face.

  “I don’t want it! I said I don’t want it!” He kept shouting as all the single men started bee-lining it from the dance floor yelling, “It’s yours Brotha!” Reagan starts stomping it on the ground like it’s a vicious critter. I think he was having a full-on panic attack.

  Kayden r
eally enjoyed busting his balls over it for the next hour. Reagan is such a commitment phobe! I think that’s why he loves his no strings attached relationship with Megan.

  At almost three AM, we are all beyond drunk. Kayden stumbles over to me, pulling me in for a hug and has both of us almost going down.

  “Hey Mrs. Knox, what do you say we get outta here?” Kayden whispers into my neck as he hugs me tightly against him. He smells of his cologne mixed with whiskey.

  Kayden and whiskey makes me frisky.

  Running my fingers through his hair, I can’t help but notice the naughty glimmer in his eyes. “That I am. Plus I’m ready to make love to my husband.” My voice takes on a sultry tone as I say those last words, and I instantly feel Kayden react to them as his cock twitches in his jeans.

  Letting out a small laugh, I take his hand and lead him through the barn to say goodbye to everyone. We have busses to take our guests to Knox Hotel in Houston or hotels here in Sugar Land.

  Today was one of the most memorable days of our lives, but now I’m excited to go away for an entire week, just Kayden and me for our honeymoon. We’ll be working hard on the baby making while we’re away, so fingers crossed we’ll return with a Mediterranean honeymoon baby! Damn, we’re gonna feel bad in the morning.

  Chapter Nineteen

  I am so in love with Italy. I swear if I didn’t have to, I’d never leave. Today’s our third day here and we have four more days of relaxation in paradise. We’re staying at a beach house in Catania, Sicily; overlooking the beach and the Mediterranean Sea. This place is magical, especially at night when the houses along the shore are all lit up; it takes your breath away.

  The house we’re renting for the week is gorgeous and screams Tuscan villa! It has that old world architecture and design. It’s built out of natural stone; the entire entrance to the back deck has large archways leading out to the fabulous pool and a stone deck that overlooks the sea. All openings of each doorway and windows have similar pillars and archways, too. My favorite feature is the roof. It has the signature terracotta orange tiles like our mansion in Sugar Land.

  The first day here we laid low recovering from the wedding, reception and then the jet lag. The next day we did the whole tourist thing exploring Catania. This place is absolutely amazing! I love seeing all the ancient buildings that have been standing for centuries.

  Today the only thing on our agenda is lying by the pool, basking in the warm sun and then a romantic dinner out on the balcony. Kayden is doing all of the cooking, and told me I am not allowed to do anything but relax.

  He knows the stress I’m under and is doing everything he can to help ease my mind. A few days before our wedding, we received a phone call from one of the detectives who helped find Zak when he was on the run in L.A. He said since Zak’s trial date is approaching, he is being extradited to TDC’s Ramsey Unit in Sugar Land; I can’t believe this! Because of the severity of his charges, being considered a flight risk, and his computer-hacking background, he needs to be held at a Maximum Security facility, and Sugar Land is the closest one since his trial will be held at Harris County’s Justice Center. I am the Prosecutor’s number one witness.

  I feel sick just thinking about it. The last thing I want to do is get up there and relive that horrific night. If found guilty; he’ll be going away for a very long time. The State’s charges are kidnapping, assault and attempted murder; listing me, Brooklyn and Jerome as the victims. Brooklyn and Jerome will also be taking the stand during his trial. I just can’t wait for it all to be over with. It’s been nice these last several months not having to think about him or what transpired that horrific evening.

  I hear the French doors leading out to the deck open and I lean up on the lounger to peer over my shoulder. A smile instantly appears on my lips as I watch Kayden make his way over to me. He’s wearing nothing but his swimming trunks, and looking sexier than ever with his well sculptured body sporting a nice sun kissed glow.

  I am in love with the tans we’ve gotten in just the matter of three days here; it truly is paradise. The sun is so warm, and mixes with a sweet, salty breeze that dances over your skin while you lay out here. It is so different compared to the hot-humid air in Texas.

  Kneeling on the lounge between my thighs, Kayden cages me in with his arms on each side of my shoulders. His eyes are hypnotic; I’m completely under his spell.

  Slowly dragging his finger over the swell of my breast that are playing peek-a-boo with my tiny bikini top, he asks, “Wanna take a swim with me before I start dinner?”

  I raise an eyebrow up at him, and nibble on my bottom lip as I rake my eyes over his chiseled tan torso, “Hmmm, I suppose!” I giggle, as I wiggle under his ticklish touch. He knows how ticklish my stomach is and insists on torturing me every chance he gets. I’ve spent all day in nothing but a bikini, leaving my sensitive flesh exposed as his personal play toy.

  Before I even get a chance to get up, Kayden’s scooping me up in his strong arms and sprinting towards the pool.

  “Oh my gosh! Put me down…!” I squeal as Kayden jumps into the pool taking me with him. The cool water is like a shock to my system after sun bathing for over an hour.

  Popping up out of the water, with his arms still wrapped tightly around me, we’re both laughing uncontrollably and kicking our feet to stay afloat. Linking my arms around his neck, I smile up at my crazy husband.

  God, it still feels surreal calling Kayden my husband. I freakin’ love it!

  I didn’t think we’d ever get here, but here we are; married, finally.

  “I love you, you maniac!” I giggle, as I kiss Kayden’s cool lips that are covered in water droplets and sparkling in the evening sun.

  Shaking his head, he sends water droplets flying everywhere. I lean back trying to escape the drops of water landing on my face.

  “Baby, seeing you half naked in this bikini is making me a fuckin’ maniac. It’s taking everything in me to not fuck you right here in the pool.” His voice is rough and laced with sex, causing an instant tingle between my legs.

  I can never hear enough of how badly he wants to be with me. Anytime. Anyplace.

  Swimming backwards with me still dangling from his neck, Kayden makes his way towards the shallow end of the pool.

  As soon as he’s standing in the four-foot deep end, I wrap my legs around his waist, hooking my crossed ankles. I rub myself against his now hardening cock, teasing and relishing in the pleasure it’s giving me.

  “Ya know we’re trying for a mini Knox…”

  He cuts me off, “Or lil’ Savannah. Although, if we get a lil’ Savannah, I know Karma’s going to bite me in the ass.”

  Laughing, “Yes or a mini me…soooo, we can never have too much sex. The more you fuck me senseless, the more chances we have at getting pregnant.”

  Letting out a low, predatory growl Kayden spins me around, pinning me against the side of the pool. His cock is rock solid, ready to bust through the thin fabric of his shorts.

  Biting down on my neck, he slowly swirls his tongue over my skin, sending goose bumps along my neck and arms, causing my nipples to harden.

  I dig my nails into his shoulder, as the anticipation of him inside of me consumes my body. I’m starving for his touch; for every deep, hard, thrust. I hold on with my arms and legs tangled around him. He removes my top and takes each hardened nipple in his mouth; I moan, and he laughs. Effortlessly, he removes my bottoms by untying the strings holding them up, and then went to work sliding his swimming trunks off.

  Thank God our villa is private with a security gate surrounding it, and a security guard protecting it at all times. The last thing we need is to have some paparazzi douchebag snapping naked pictures of us and selling them to the tabloids.

  I lose all train of thought as Kayden’s lips move from my neck, and work a fiery path up to my mouth. I gently suck on his tongue, getting drunk off of his kiss that’s laced with the red wine we’ve been drinking all afternoon. I slide my fingers into this
hair, fisting it as he lifts me up, sliding his hard velvety cock deep inside of me.

  Kayden slaps one hand onto the tile gripping it, using his other hand he squeezes my hip holding me in place, thrusting repeatedly into me.

  “Fuuuck…baby.” He hisses, as the water splashes around us.

  Tipping my head back, I loll in the warm sun beating on my cool skin, mixed with the ecstasy Kayden is basking me in.

  I begin rotating my hips, stimulating my clit on Kayden’s pubic bone as I feel my orgasm building inside of me. I’m so close; I’m desperate for the high inducing pleasure only Kayden can give me.

  Fisting his hair, I pull his mouth back to mine as he rocks his hips forcing me to accept every inch of his enormous cock. “Uhhh…” I scream out in pleasure against his mouth, as my orgasm begins to ripple through my body. Pulling away from my lips, Kayden locks his eyes onto mine. It’s as if we’re staring into each other’s souls as we watch one another unravel into euphoria.

  Breaking our gaze, I admire his glistening pectorals and flutter kisses across them as I whisper I love you against his skin.

  As he laces his fingers into my hair, pressing his lips to the sensitive spot under my ear, he murmurs, “I love you, Mrs. Knox,” instantly sending butterflies fluttering in the pit of my belly.

  I can never hear him call me that enough.


  The sun is slowly setting in the horizon casting a ray of reds, yellows, pinks, and oranges across the water down below; it’s as if I’m witnessing one of God’s masterpieces unfold before me. Taking my iPhone, I snap a picture and send it to Brooklyn.


  How freakin’ gorgeous is this sunset!

  Just as Kayden’s walking out with the bucket of ice and wine, my phone buzzes, alerting me of a new message.


  I swear I am so making Dixon take me to the Mediterranean, it’s so romantic! Lucky bitch…I’m sitting on set getting my hair and make-up done, sooo not as cool as what you’re doing right now!


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