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Bound to You, a Paranormal Romance (Book 3 of the Spellbound Series)

Page 9

by Lola James

  “It’s a very long sad story.” I my exaggerated breath didn’t even begin to explain my anguish. The thought escaped me and I couldn’t think about what happened, let alone rehashing the story for Dawn.

  Dawn raised an eyebrow. “I’ve got time.”

  I released my hand from Hades and carefully walked over to pick up my camera up off the ground.

  “As you know, we came here for a date and for me to talk to him about my choice.” I turned to face my friend. I looked over my shoulder at Hades as he continued to clutch the letter to his chest.

  “He surprised me by bringing me here. I wonder where he ever got the idea?” I narrowed my eyes as Dawn began to squirm.

  “Don’t try and change the subject,” she spewed.

  “I’m not, just saying.” I smiled to relax Dawn. “We were here and Kevin showed up and started with the,” if I can’t have you” speech and then proceeded to attempt to stake me. Ben threw me out of the way, dying instantly. And those are his ashes.” I nodded toward to the pile.

  Dawn grabbed her chest and covered her mouth.

  “And Kevin was a victim of my anger.” I shrugged, not at all concerned about his death, anymore.

  Dawn dropped to her knees scooping the ash into her hands.

  “How convenient, now you just run to his arms Toni?” she accused, glaring at Hades. I rolled my eyes at her assumption.

  “No, the letter told Hades that I chose him; even before I went on this date.” I knelt next to my friend patting her back.

  “But he’s married,” She fumed.

  “No, he’s not. Not anymore.” Hermes piped in.

  Dawn stood up and turned around so quickly it almost made my head spin.


  “He’s free to be with me, for an eternity,” I said easing back to Hades.

  “Seriously, you guys are serious?” She cocked her head to the side. Everyone nodded in agreement and she stood there at a loss for words, which was rare for Dawn.

  “Well, if you are happy, then who am I to complain?” She rushed to us and hugged us both, tightly.

  “Now let’s get this whole scene cleaned up and give Ben a proper burial,” she said, looking at me.

  “And Kevin. He couldn’t help it that the psyco-bitch, Persephone, had him do her bidding.” I glanced over at Kevin’s lifeless body.

  “She did what?” A grimace grew on Dawn’s face.

  “I will tell you that part, later. Let’s just get this together.” I nodded towards the ground.

  A whirlwind came up, sweeping the ash into funnel that looked like a tornado. Dawn formed a silver canister in her hand and directed the ash to pour in. As the last bit fell into the can, she closed e the top on the urn. I was amazed by her.

  “She handed the vessel to me.” Here, you keep this, and I will deal with Kevin.

  Hades took the camera from me as I held the remains of Ben close to my chest.

  “Thank you.” I marveled that she even had Ben’s full name engraved on it. “Please take Kevin to Athens, his family is buried there.” The thought that I had killed Kevin hurt me.

  “I will. I guess you will be in Greece from now on.” Dawn moved closer to where I stood next to Hades.

  I nodded, “Or the underworld.”

  “Hades, I’m still not on board with all this, considering that you were married to the goddess of evil, Persephone. And that bitch attempted to kill Toni, twice. But she picked you for a reason, so you’d better treat her good.” Dawn’s speech was forward, but I knew it came from a good place. I smiled at my friend

  “Don’t worry, daughter of Circe, I will always give my sweet Antonia all the desires of her heart.” Without another word we disappeared into a cloud of smoke.


  We arrived in the circle bedroom and I looked around at its beauty remembering the passion that we had made here. I felt like I hadn’t been there in ages. Everything still looked as glorious as the last time the jewels in the headboard and the painted smiling baby angels playing on the walls. I walked over to a table that housed fresh flowers and placed Ben’s urn there. I pulled the leather diary out of my bag placing it next to the urn. I wouldn’t let Ben’s memory ever die.

  I watch Hades place the yellow-papered letter inside of a leather bound journal of his own.

  My gaze caught his and he held me, touching me, softly, when I came over to him.

  “My darling, are you tired; you’ve had an exhausting day.” Hades rubbed my shoulders. “Let me bathe you.” He offered with an eager smile.

  “Sure.” I looked down at the blue dress that was mostly covered in the gray dust of Ben.

  Hades took me by the hand and led me toward the bathroom. I had never seen this master bathroom. I only ever used the one closer to his office.

  Water instantly turned on and bubbles filled the circular tub that matched the shape of the bed. The lights dimmed and he pulled my hair out of the perfect bun Dawn had created. I stood, wanting to speed up the process, but instead I let him take the lead.

  His soft fingers slid down the length of my body, stopping at my ankle. Seeing him drop down was super sexy. He first took off my shoes, pulling each one off, individually. His fingertips softly tickled up my legs, catching the hem of my dress. He slowly pulled it up and over my head. I knew he was doing this for a purpose and it made me want him so badly. He could have easily snapped his finger and my clothes would have fallen to the floor instantly, but this was for both of our pleasure.

  He threw my dusty dress in the corner while his eyes bore into mine. I felt a tickle in my stomach as he unhooked my bra, tugging it softly until it dropped to the floor. I was almost naked, but for the panties that hugged my hips. I heard the water stop. Hearing was the only sense I could use, since I never took my eyes from his. His fingers looped inside my panties and he began slowly pulling them down, kissing my legs in the process. When he got to my ankles, I carefully stepped out and I felt him lift me in his arms before lowering me into the tub.

  I loved the contrast of hot and cold on my skin.

  I let out an audible moan, closing my eyes and sitting back in the tub. I waited to feel Hades body get in, but it never happened.

  I opened my eyes to find him sitting on the side of the tub.

  “You’re not getting in?” I asked knitting my eyebrows together.

  “No, I am going to bathe you and let you relax.” His words were sincere.

  “But what if I want you to?” I questioned back.

  “Then I might consider it; but for now, let me please you.” He picked up a natural sea sponge, dipping it in the water, and letting the liquid fall on me.

  This was like a dream. The water made my cold body feel warm and I relaxed as Hades took my hand, rubbing the soapy sponge down my arms, then legs, and body. When he stopped, I sunk lower into the tub, covering my head with the water.

  I came back up after a few minutes and when I thought all of the suds had been washed away.

  When I came up, Hades held a towel for me and helped me out of the tub. He wrapped me up in the towel before carrying me over to the bed. He carefully laid me down in the center of the bed. I thought about not having any clothes to put on, but I was sure I wouldn’t need any for a while.

  He stroked my cheek with the back of his finger before kissing my lips that were still wet with bath water. Our lips moved in harmony and Hades raised his hands up to my hair as his fingers tangled in it. With his other hand, he rubbed up my body stopping at my face and cupping my cheek in his palm.

  "Antonia, my Antonia, I love you and always will," He spoke his words hovering over my lips. "I can't contain my excitement; I want to give you my world."

  "You don't have to. I just want you." I held his hand to my cheek.

  "You will be my queen and rule the underworld with me?" I never thought in a thousand years that I would be a queen of anything.

  I pushed up and rolled Hades over onto his back. I grabbed either side of his ro
be, and then pulled the towel from my own body. “I don’t need to be the queen of the underworld; I just need to be the queen of your life.” I dipped down and kissed his waiting lips then moved from his lips to his neck.

  “I chose to spend my life with you.” He tucked a tangled hair behind my ear.

  “You are the ruler of my heart.”

  Love is supposed to feel like this. Anything I felt before was just an imitation. I was in love with a god and I could be his, forever.

  I lay on his chest and took in the moment. We didn’t need sex to have the passion and fire that fueled our love.

  “I wish my father was here so that he could see my happiness,” I said unconsciously.

  “Anything.” I heard the vibration of his voice as I lay on him. A white dress formed on my body as he sat up and lifted me up to sit next to him.

  “Papa.” I leaped to my feet when my father appeared and wrapped my arms around him.

  “My baby.” We embraced each other and he began sobbing. “Have you chosen?” We pulled back and I gazed at him, smiling.

  “Yes, I have waited all of these years to be with Hades. You had a spell put on me to keep me from him, but you ultimately learned that he loved me. Now I just want to live my life with him and have you in it, too.”

  He pulled me back closer to him.

  “Yes, I want that, too.” I felt his tears on my bare shoulder and I knew they were tears of happiness.

  My life felt perfect. I had my father and the man that loved me endlessly. All I needed in this world to be happy.


  I awoke to the sunlight burning into my flesh. I lifted my head to see where I was, but was blinded by the bright light. I used my hand to deflect the sun from my fluttering eyes. I tried pushing myself up on my arms, but my limbs were weak.

  My next logical thought was to yell for help; but the parchedness in my throat burned through my body like a wildfire. I lacked the hydration needed to move or speak. I lay my head back on the ground, squinting at the sun.

  “You have roused you, I see,” a sweet, heavenly voice said from a direction I couldn’t determine.

  I tried to get up from the position my limp body lay in, but my fragile extremities lost the battle of gravity.

  “Who—” I fought to get that word out, but it was barely audible. My throat felt like sandpaper scratching the floor.

  A beautiful face with golden haired appeared over me. At first sight, I thought it was Circe; but after an adjustment of my eyes, I saw that she was more beautiful than the goddess. In fact, more beautiful than any being I had ever seen. Her long, wavy hair flowed down, hardly covering her naked body. She must be an angel and I must be in heaven.

  The sun peeked through the pieces of her hair, shimmering like the facets of a diamond. I was still blinded by the beams, but I knew that she made it a point for me to see her face.

  “You are greatly loved, Benjamin.” She squatted down, close enough for me to feel her warm breath on my face.

  I ran my tongue across my dry chapped lips, hoping it would help me talk. I tried to think of the most concise words to say to get my point across.

  “By whom?” I struggled to get out. Her eyes locked on mine and my brain went to mush. I was under whatever spell she had cooked. Then she touched me. Chills went down every inch of my body and I felt life slowly begin to nourish my body. My legs felt like I could move them and even my arms began to bend.

  She held my face as I stood to my feet and I began taking in my surroundings. Ruins of some sort.

  “By a god or goddess if you are here in my temple.” She released her touch as I stood to my feet.

  I looked down at my hands, not recognizing them as my own and realized my nakedness. My eyes met her eyes, which shone like a rays of sunlight, dazzled in a façade of browns, yellows, and orange. I towered over her petite frame as I regarded her from head to toe. Her hair cascaded over her shoulder like a waterfall, and her pouty lips were just the right amount of kissable.

  My eyes descended at her nakedness and her nipples peeked out from under her hair. I caught myself from looking any further. My mouth turned up in the corners as I tilted my head back up.

  “I am not loved by any of the gods.” My voice sounded off but I blamed my thirst.

  “You would not be here if you were not loved by a god, or goddess, perhaps. Love spared your life from death.” My thoughts went to Dawn; she was the only semi-goddess that would love me enough to save me, even if it was platonic. The only person I knew that loved me that much was Toni and she’s only a vampire; so it couldn’t be her.

  “And if it was a demi-god?” I rebutted.

  “A demi-god wouldn’t have the power to revert a life.” She circled around me slowly. “What type of clothing do mortals wear now days, Benjamin?” She stopped in front of me, waiting for my answer. I was still trying to figure out who had saved me and she was asking about fashion trends. And what’s with the talk of mortals? I have been a vampire for over a century.

  “I don’t know; jeans maybe a t-shirt?” I shrugged, not understanding why she was asking me about mortals’ clothes. I needed to get back to Toni. That was my only concern.

  “Gone are the days of waist coats, top hats, and trousers. Ah, the Victorian era was divine.” She swirled her finger in front of my body as jeans materialized up my leg and a t-shirt formed across my chest.”

  “Thank you for the clothes, but I need to get back to my girlfriend.” I braced my hands gently on her shoulders, so she would focus on my words.

  Her rosy cheeks darkened a shade and a shy smile tickled her lips. She batted her eyelashes before she spoke, “Benjamin you are my mortal possession, now. You will do my bidding, spreading love throughout the world. For you are the mortal issue of Aphrodite.” She touched my chin with only the tip of her fingernail. This woman was delusional to think I was some kind of cupid. And what did she mean issue?

  “But what about Toni—” Her finger shhh’d me, covering my lips.

  “Your past loves are just that, the past. Love, desire, and passion no longer rule your mortal life. I do.” She took my hand and I foolishly followed, as she guided me to sit on a marble bench. “You won’t remember those that you love and you will fade from their memory.” I sat shaking my head, not wanting to believe a word that she said.

  “But what if I say no? I’d rather die,” I said, knowing that I couldn’t live in a world without Toni. I’d be miserable.

  “It doesn’t matter. For you do not have a choice.” Her words stung worse than a bee sting.

  “Trust me, dear Benjamin, you will find a love of your own.”

  What happens when a Southern Belle becomes a witch?

  Find out in Witch Bound, the next book in the Spellbound Series.

  Character Connection

  Toni/Antonia – Vampire and Daughter of Bion

  Dawn – Demi-goddess and daughter of Circe

  Ben/Benjamin – Vampire

  Kevin/Markos – Spellbound mortal

  Bion/Mattathias – Father of Antonia

  Amy – Half-sister of Dawn

  Greek gods of Olympus (council):

  Zeus – god of the sky and ruler of the gods. Brother to Zeus and Poseidon.

  Poseidon – god of the sea, protector of all waters. Brother to Zeus and Poseidon.

  Hades – god of the dead and riches and King of the Underworld. Brother to Zeus and Poseidon.

  Hestia – goddess of the Hearth. Zeus' sister.

  Hera – supreme goddess, goddess of marriage and childbirth. Zeus' wife and sister.

  Aris – god of war. The son of Zeus and Hera.

  Athena – virgin goddess of reason, intelligent activity, arts and literature. Daughter of Zeus.

  Apollo – god of music, playing a golden lyre. Son of Zeus and Leto. Twin sister is Artemis.

  Aphrodite – goddess of love, desire and beauty. Daughter of Zeus and Dione.

  Hermes – messenger of the gods. Son of Mai
a and Zeus.

  Artemis – goddess of chastity, virginity, the hunt, and the moon. Daughter of Zeus and Leto. Twin brother is Apollo.

  Hephaestus – god of fire and the forge. Husband to Aphrodite.

  Other gods mentioned:

  Circe – minor goddess of Magic from the Island of Aeaea.

  Demeter – minor goddess of the Earth, Agriculture, Harvest, and Forests. Mother of Persephone.

  Persephone – minor goddess of spring and Queen of the Underworld. Daughter of Demeter and Zeus. Wife of Hades.

  Eris – goddess of strife and discord.


  Thanks to everyone that continues to help me on this journey, including:

  my friends, family, and fans.

  Thanks to all the people behind the scenes:

  My editors, cover artists, formatters, critique partner, betas, bloggers, book clubbers,

  promoters and my awesome online street team.

  A special thank you and acknowledgment to Amy McCool;

  Thank you for letting write you into my world.

  Cheers to you in this book and many more to come.

  You all hold a special place in my heart!

  Lots of love and tons of Smooches


  About the author

  Lola lives in Southern California with her two beautiful children. In her spare time she reads, travels, and bakes!

  Discover other titles by Lola James:

  Bound to Remember, Spellbound Series Book One

  Unbound, Spellbound Series Book Two

  A Villain’s Fate, Fate Series Short

  Fate’s Design, Fate Series Book One

  Once Upon a Midnight Dreary, Anthology

  If you are interested in learning more about Lola:





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