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Gnomes of Suburbia

Page 20

by Viola Grace

  "Humanity has over developed the planet. Too many cities and not enough green spaces. It stops nature from being able to assert itself."

  "I am going to have a new respect for the forest nearby if this is true."

  "Well, it won't happen for a few hundred years so you have some time.” They were back at Terranor's cottage and the squealing excitement of the small girls flowed from the doorway and right to them.

  Abby was shocked when the little hands reached for her as well, hugging at her legs and trying to get her to dance in a tight circle with them. The hands belonged to Elspeth, the little girl with the ancient eyes. Abby spun with her and eventually a laugh bubbled up. Power trickled from her as the other girls skipped and whirled with her.

  She was so caught up in the dance and not tripping on the girls that she didn't realized they were moving to the center of the village. As they skipped and whirled, Abby caught short glimpses of Harby and the others forming a larger circle around them. There was so much laughter and giggling going on that when Abby's feet stepped on themselves and she went down, she let out a burst of energy that expanded and slammed into the inner side of the dome. “Aw, shit."

  "Aunty Abby, did you do something bad?"

  She was on the ground, covered in garden gnomes and had her hands over her eyes. “I don't know, Elspeth. You tell me."

  "You had to do this so that when the magic fizzles, we can take it with us when we go into the world."

  "Is that what I did?"

  "Well, you weren't supposed to fall down. That was just funny."

  Abby moved her fingers to see earnest blue eyes looking back at her.

  "Really, Abby. This had to happen."

  It all came slamming together. Her getting the book, it stimulating her creative drive. The gnomes having knowledge about using the book. The organization of her neighbourhood and the wise little five year old looking her in the eyes. “You did all this. You brought me here. Why?"

  "To save my mom, my dad and my family. So that you could learn that history is never too far away. But mostly for my mom."

  Abby sighed, absorbing it all. It wasn't too hard, she knew that someone was pulling her strings. “Then I am glad I came, but how do I get back?"

  Elspeth cuddled against her, prompting her to sit up and cuddle back. “The door is still open. You never closed it. Just go back through the woods and you will hit your doorway."

  "Well, aren't you just the most knowledgeable munchkin."

  "I don't quite know what that means, but yes. Yes I am.” A small giggle turned to hoots of laughter.

  Abby tickled her small victim into acting like a little girl again. The other little ladies started to play, too, and Abby carefully pulled herself free of the writhing tickling pile. When the gnomes joined in, she just shook her head. She made her way back to Terranor's cottage and was met with a surprise.

  Anwyn was writing and Seesee was dictating. It took Abby a while to catch on, but it was her story that was being told. She looked over to Terranor, but she was listening to the tale with rapt attention. Heaving a deep sigh, Abby took a seat and let the tale of her last three weeks unfold.

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  Chapter Fifty

  "Seesee, the story is lovely but we have to go home now. The gargoyles are missing their evening appearance on television.” She was trying to make light of the situation, but it fell flat. They needed to go back to their own time.

  "You are right. I had to record this moment in the Eternal Archive though. It was where I first read of you, Abby, and where I knew that I must do whatever it took to be selected for Oak Point."

  "Including...” The assignation with the minotaur went unsaid. “You are a good friend, Seesee, and a better baker. I am glad you came with me to this place."

  "You are?"

  "Your companionship was welcome as was your talent for public speaking. Not to mention the poisoned ivy.” She gave her a bright grin and watched her dusky skin flush bronze again.

  Terra looked between them and then turned to ask Abby an earnest question, “Abby, is it true?"

  "Is what true Terra?"

  "That you came to your power less than one month ago?"

  She looked at her host and thought her answer out carefully. “I came in to my powers late, I am beyond my thirtieth year. The first weeks of my power were wracked with trials and attempts on my life. It was there that I learned the tricks that I have shown you here. The more you use your talents for creation or defence, the stronger they will be."

  "If I had but a third of your power, I would have done away with the magus years ago."

  "And you would have been hunted to death by the council for killing one of their own. Your daughters would never have been and Strykr would either have never met you or died in your defence. Nothing would have brought your family back."

  Those were the words she needed to hear. Terranor broke, sobbing in Abby's arms. Babbling about her family, the power that wouldn't come, the hate that she bore the magus and a thousand other thoughts that had poisoned her for years.

  Elspeth stood in the doorway to the cottage and gave Abby a watery smile over her mother's sobbing shoulder. This was the final reason for the visit. To release her mother from the guilt that had weighed on her.

  Anwyn and Seesee left them alone, conversing in low tones as they moved into the village proper.

  "Terranor. Things in our past make us the beings that we are today. They shape the creatures that we create and that includes your children. Mourn for those lost in bringing you to this point, but go boldly after all that you want in this life from here on in. The past is set, even my coming was arranged, but the future is yours to shape.” Abby recognized the truth of her words as they passed her lips. “I think I am going to have to follow my own advice.” She gave the teary Nexus a kiss on the forehead. “I have to go and see to my own future now."

  "Then thank you for your past.” A small jolt of magic flowed through her as their hands touched. “And blessings for your future."

  The trip back through the open portal was as smooth as the first.

  "Ow, ow, ow, ow. Fucking ow.” The way back through the woods had been hampered slightly by lurking members of the magus’ army. The brownies cleared the way though, jumping from trees and setting the men to clawing themselves free of their armour.

  Abby sent the gargoyles through first, then Seesee and finally her gnomes as she brought up the rear. She had to pull the bubble shut behind them so she had to be the final one to go through. It had caused quite a stir, but eventually she simply launched the gnomes through bodily.

  It was a scowling collection of gnomes that greeted her when she came to. “Sorry, guys. But you can't close the portal without me. And it would have made no sense for me to jump and leave you there."

  They looked at each other for a long moment before Bitsy nodded sharply and jerked his head to the kitchen. They straightened dented hats and strutted into the dining area.

  Abby turned her head on the carpet to see the gargoyles had made it back to the yard and were once again heading for town. “Aw crap. Where did I leave that remote?"

  Seesee was sitting up and rubbing her head, tendrils of her hair rubbing at her temples. “That is not the most comfortable way to travel. I think I will stick to pogo sticking through the woods. It is less jarring."

  "You may have a point there.” Groaning, Abby sat up and rapidly disassembled the transportation device. She took the book and put it in the safest place she knew. The centre of her bed. With Xander out of town, no one would think to look in her bedroom. Upon returning to her living room where Seesee was slumped on the couch, she had to ask, “So do we tell anyone?"

  Seesee's hair shook in the negative. “No. Those who need to know of our journey already know. I have known of it since I was twenty and now I am at peace with how it turned out. I will not mention it again."

  "Fine. We left for a shopping trip to the states. Are you good
with that?"

  "First you might want to look at how long we were gone.” She pointed to the television. The weather channel had the date and time displayed and it was the same day that they had left.

  "Well, hell. Time travel is tricky."

  "What a fabulous understatement.” The grin was infectious and, as the gnomes brought them a light snack, they sat giggling and sniggering at the ridiculousness of the situation.

  Time travel. Holy crap.

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  Chapter Fifty-One

  "Abby, are you home?” Xander's perfunctory knock preceded him by only a second.

  Scrambling, Abby turned off the television and hid the remote between the cushions of the sofa. Watching home movies of her guys was becoming a guilty pleasure now that she knew money was coming to heal their naughtiness. The advance cheque was on its way. She got to her feet and greeted him with a gentle hug. “Hiya, sweetie. How are you feeling? How was transporting Randy for you? How did the council take the briefing?"

  His wrists were still raw where he had fought the handcuffs. They had scabbed over lightly, but were still red and raw. Almost like he was reacting to the metal and not the confinement method.

  "They are satisfied to leave you in my tutelage for the time being. I think they are a little afraid of you if you can believe that. They don't know you like I do, kitten.” He returned her hug softly. “And how are you doing? Any power surges that I should know about? Any reaction to our communications through the mirror?"

  "I am completely recovered. Nothing odd whatsoever.” Well, it wasn't odd. It was normal for Abby. Or at least what passed for normal. She was doomed or blessed to jettison magic when she was horny. She would just have to deal with it.

  He looked into her eyes, his scepticism shining through. “Are you completely sure? There has been nothing unusual happening?"

  "Nope. Everything is completely normal around here.” She carefully did not mention yesterday's episode where she found the white shirt that he had left on his first time over. Just one inhalation and her hormones had shifted into overdrive. She had missed him and wanted him so much in that one moment that the iron of her fireplace dogs had formed curly cue hearts and her teapot had whistled at her. The 1812 overture to be precise.

  She also skipped over meeting the first Nexus and what had to be his ancestor, light deceptions that wouldn't harm anyone.

  The news report she had just been watching had let her know that she had reached out beyond her home. She was just hoping that he didn't know. The smug sureness in his eyes shook her belief that no one had noticed.

  With a practiced gesture, the remote flew from between the cushions to land in his hand. He turned on the television and watched the last bit of the report.

  "So as the video shows, the pink flamingos that recently decorated the yards on Brandon Street have come to life, formed a flock and begun migrating to the south. This reporter has no idea where they are headed, or how they animated themselves, but this is just another example of the local color that has taken over the small town of Sargent. Perhaps the mysterious woman will shed some light on this, if she ever decides to come forward. If you know her, please call..."

  The screen went black.

  "Okay, so I slipped up. I missed you and dug out the shirt that you gave me, well that I had the gnomes take from your house. It smelled like you and, well ... you can figure out the rest.” A blush was rioting across her cheeks.

  "Anything else? Have the gnomes been under control?” He flopped onto the couch and tugged her down onto his lap.

  She repositioned herself carefully, not wanting a repeat of the first time. He had recovered manfully, but best not tempt fate. “Well, they have been as much under my control as they ever were. Mitsy and Harbinger are, uh, hitting it off on a more personal level and I have occasionally managed to get clothing on Skint. But that is more trouble than it is worth and I think he and one of my gargoyles are hitting it off."

  He closed his eyes and leaned his head on the back of the couch. “Gargoyle?"

  "Yeah, my agent asked for a new book so I figured instead of more gnomes, that this one would be about gargoyles. Buffy is my prototype. Angel and Firefly are the secondaries."

  "Do you have a title yet? I mean for your new book?"

  "Of course. I always have a title before I start. I know what to call everything at every stage in the game.” She was trying to be coy, but given his obvious arousal under her thigh, coy was overkill. The direct approach might work. “Well, Xander. Since you are here, you may as well shield me while I produce a little more magic."

  "How are you planning to do that?"

  "Oh, I just figured I would improvise.” Using the back of the couch for leverage, she raised her hips and moved around until she was straddling him. Her body began to tingle the instant that she started to move and his warding snapped into action around them. A giggle broke from her lips. “Nice reflexes."

  "Around you, I need every reflex I have."

  His dark eyes sparkled as he raised his hips into hers. She smiled back and rubbed against him with catlike thoroughness. It was on her third rub that their lips locked. The instant that she touched her lips with his, a burst of power shook his wards. She pulled back and blushed. “Uh, sorry. It's been a while."

  His hands held her hips tight to his. “Don't apologize. It's your nature. And as reflexes go, I am sure that the creatures you have brought to life are appreciative. Where are they by the way?"

  "Out back. I bought them a keg.” Her lips found the pulse point at the base of his throat and she licked it delicately, loving the way he shook under her at the tiny touch.

  Her words obviously took a moment to sink in. “Wait. You bought them a keg? You knew I was coming?"

  She sighed at the double entendre. “These new senses are good for something. I was monitoring the power levels around the Sargent area. I could sense when you came through and headed home."

  "You can track me?"

  "Not exactly. But I know the flavour of your magic."

  He had set her back from him and her mood was rapidly deteriorating. She crossed her arms over her breasts and tried to calm her racing heart.

  "So you can feel the magic of others and even track people with it?"

  "Well, if I know the feel of their power. Like I do yours. Probably. I guess. I don't know.” She carefully climbed off him and crossed the room. Analytical discussion of her newfound talent was not exactly arousing. She was too scared of her power to enjoy talking about it. His footsteps followed her through the house and to the sliding doors overlooking her deck.

  The gnomes were enjoying their tiny kegger.

  Xander's arms came around her. She snuggled back and breathed deeply of the same scent that had reminded her of him days earlier. Her head leaned back against his shoulder and she sighed. This was her world now. Her weird little world. With the gnomes of suburbia and all the creatures that lived on magic. Her magic.

  Music started behind them, the CD player belting out a snazzy tango. His whisper came to her on the wind, “Care to dance?"

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  Author's note

  Gnomes of Suburbia is the first of the Nexus Chronicles. There are currently two more books directly involving Abby planned and a few spinoffs are also in the works.

  Thanks for joining me in Oak Point Way, I hope you had fun and it inspires you to look at the average lawn ornament with a bit of respect, or fear, or amusement.

  And remember, Always remember where your pants are.

  Viola Grace

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  About the Author

  Viola Grace was born in Manitoba, Canada where she still resides today. She really likes it there.

  She has no pets and can barely keep sea monkeys alive for a reasonable amount of time. Her line of day job tends to be analytical which leaves her mind hopping to weave stories. No c
o-worker is safe from her character analysis.

  In keeping with busy hands are happy hands, her hobbies have included cross-stitch, needlepoint, quilting, costuming, cake decorating, baking, cooking, metal work, beading, sculpting, painting, doll making, henna tattoos, chain mail, and a few others that have been forgotten. It is quite often that these hobbies make their way into her tales.

  Viola's fetishes include boots and corsetry, and her greatest weakness is her uncontrollable blush.

  Her writing actively pursues the Happily Ever After that so rarely occurs in nature. It is an admirable thing and something that we should all strive for. To find one that we truly like, as well as love.

  Viola can be reached at this email:

  Viola's website is located at:

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  Visit for information on additional titles by this and other authors.




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