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The Quotable Darwin

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by The Quotable Darwin (epub)

  Hearne, Samuel, 111

  Henry, William, Chemical Catechism, 4

  Henslow, Rev. John Stevens, 9, 22, 24, 229, 268; 24 August 1831 letter to CD, 11; CD’s [5 September 1831] letter to, 12; CD’s [26 October–] 24 November 1832 letter to, 34; CD’s 18 April 1835 letter to, 249; CD’s 6 May 1849 letter to, 227

  Herbert, J. M., CD’s 2 June 1833 letter to, 32

  Herbert, John Rogers (artist), 279

  Hereditary Genius (Galton), 196

  heredity, 63, 108, 137, 138–43, 194

  hermaphrodites, 85, 86, 87, 89, 169

  Herschel, Sir John, 95, 151–52; A Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy, 10

  Hieracium, 120

  Hippocrates, 141

  history, 3

  hive-bees, 190–91, 199–200

  HMS Beagle, xi, xiv, xvi, 11–23, 24, 40, 43, 69, 107, 217, 226, 244

  Hodge, Charles, 164

  Holmgren, Frithiof, CD’s 18 April 1881 letter to, 247–48

  home-sickness, 18, 21

  Hooker, Joseph Dalton, 71, 100; and CD as forestalled, 100–101; and CD on Abutilon darwinii, 169; and CD on Chambers, 91; and CD on cruelty of nature, 70; and CD on death of son, 76; and CD on descent, 68; and CD on Drosera, 168; and CD on end of earth, 252; and CD on experimentation, 235, 236; and CD on hermaphrodites, 85, 86; and CD on Jenkin, 163; and CD on Lamarck, 90; and CD on observation, 85; and CD on orchids, 165, 166–67; and CD on primordial soup, 145–46; and CD on priority, 99; and CD on species, 68–69; and CD on spiritualism, 237–38; and CD on variation, 88; CD’s disagreements with, 96; CD’s friendship with, 269; and CD’s health, 227–28, 229–30; and CD’s hothouse, 168; and CD’s use of creation as term, 145; character of, 268; and German, 292; legacy for, 259; CD’s [11 January 1844] letter to, 90; CD’s 11 January 1844 letter to, 65; CD’s [7 January 1845] letter to, 91; CD’s [16 April 1845] letter to, 165; CD’s 11–12 July 1845 letter to, 68; CD’s 10 September 1845 letter to, 68–69; CD’s [3 September 1846] letter to, 165; CD’s [2 October 1846] letter to, 84–85; CD’s [6 November 1846] letter to, 85; CD’s 10 May 1848 letter to, 85, 86; CD’s 13 June [1850] letter to, 88; CD’s 5 June [1855] letter to, 165; CD’s 13 July [1856] letter to, 70; CD’s 15 January [1858] letter to, 227–28; CD’s [29 June 1858] letter to, 76, 99; CD’s 13 [July 1858] letter to, 100–101; CD’s 23 January [1859] letter to, 101; CD’s 1 September [1859] letter to, 228; CD’s 30 May [1860] letter to, 158–59; CD’s 4 December [1860] letter to, 168; CD’s 15 January [1861] letter to, 269; CD’s 23 [April 1861] letter to, 229; CD’s 19 June [1861] letter to, 165; CD’s 30 January [1862] letter to, 166–67; CD’s 9 February [1862] letter to, 235; CD’s 9 [April 1862] letter to, 229–30; CD’s 24 December [1862] letter to, 233; CD’s 15 February [1863] letter to, 168; CD’s 26 [March 1863] letter to, 236; CD’s [29 March 1863] letter to, 145; CD’s [27 January 1864] letter to, 168; CD’s 26[–27] March [1864] letter to, 230; letter of [11 June 1864] to CD from, 279; CD’s 9 February [1865] letter to, 252; CD’s [29 July 1865] letter to, 270; CD’s 25 December [1868] letter to, 269; CD’s 16 January [1869] letter to, 163; CD’s 1 February [1871] letter to, 145–46; CD’s 23 July [1871] letter to, 169; CD’s 18 January [1874] letter to, 237–38; and Wallace, 102; Wallace’s 6 October 1858 letter to, 101

  Hope, T. C., 4

  Horace, 274

  Horner, Leonard, CD’s 29 August [1844] letter to, 29

  horses, 25

  humble-bees, 110

  Humboldt, Alexander von, 269; letter to CD, 18 September 1839, 279; Personal Narrative, xii, 10

  hunting, 6

  Huxley, Henrietta Anne Heathorn, 202, 228–29

  Huxley, Julian, 302

  Huxley, Thomas Henry, 71, 153, 154, 157; character of, 269–70; on CD, 279; CD’s legacy for, 259; CD’s 26 September [1857] letter to, 71; CD’s 2 June [1859] letter to, 71–72; CD’s 27 November [1859] letter to, 80–81; CD’s 28 December [1859] letter to, 152; CD’s 3 July [1860] letter to, 159, 270; CD’s [5 July 1860] letter to, 158; CD’s 22 November [1860] letter to, 160; CD’s 22 February [1861] letter to, 228–29; CD’s 30 January [1868] letter to, 202; and Darrow, 305; letter to F. Dyster, 9 September 1860, 158; Nature obituary of CD by, 300

  hypothesis, 142, 162, 239, 304–5. See also science

  Ichneumonida, 134

  iguana, land, 48

  iguana, marine, 47

  imagination, 221, 302

  immortality, 221–22

  indigenous peoples, 39–44, 176, 178, 193–94, 233, 255, 258–59; and belief in God, 220; elimination of weak, 210; and Fuegians as savages, 39–40; and gender, 187–88; mental requirements of, 174; and sexual selection, 181; skulls of, 183

  induction, 151, 162

  industrialization, xiii innate qualities, 10

  Innes, J. B., 279–80

  insects, 15, 55, 57, 65, 109, 111, 115, 120, 167, 235, 280

  instincts, 47, 54, 67, 73, 114, 128–29, 132, 148, 181, 191, 198–201, 207, 221, 246, 255

  intellect, 55, 178, 183, 193–97, 211–12, 213–14, 221

  Iquique, Chile, 19

  James, Alice, Diary, 303

  Jameson, Robert, 4–5

  Jenkin, Fleeming, 163

  Jenny (orangutan at London zoo), 56–57

  Jenyns, Leonard, 280

  Journal (C. Darwin), 61, 70, 88

  Journal of Researches (C. Darwin, 1839), xii; Beagle voyage in, 15–18, 19–21; and Galápagos Archipelago, 45–48; geology in, 25–28; and indigenous peoples, 44; and natural history collecting, 33–37; nature in, 249–51; religion in, 218; and slavery, 31; society in, 207–8; and transmutation of species, 54

  Journal of Researches (C. Darwin, 1845), 49

  Kant, Immanuel, 190

  King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, 7–8

  Kingsley, Rev. Charles, 144; A. R. Wallace’s 7 May 1869 letter to, 284–85

  Kirby, William, 37

  Krause, Ernst, Life of Erasmus Darwin, 263–64

  lacrymal glands, 204

  Lake District, UK, 292–93. See also Wordsworth, William

  Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste, 90, 92–93, 95, 154, 161

  Lamb, Charles, 265

  language, 177, 193

  Lavater, Johann Kaspar, 13

  laws. See scientific laws

  Lawson, Mr. (resident on Galapagos), 45

  Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 273

  “A letter, containing remarks,” 1836 (FitzRoy and Darwin), 40, 43–44

  Lettington, Henry (CD’s gardener), 280

  Lewis, John (carpenter in Downe village), 281

  Licinus beetle, 76

  life, origin of, 144–46; as hidden from man, 67; as mystery of mysteries, 49

  The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin (F. Darwin, ed.), 258, 286–87, 288–93, 294–96, 297

  Life of Erasmus Darwin (Krause), 263–64

  Lincoln, Abraham, 303

  Linnaeus, Carl, 238–39

  Linnean Society of London, 99, 100, 102, 103, 229–30, 258, 280, 302

  lion-ant, 37

  Litchfield, Henrietta Emma Darwin (daughter), 78, 227, 281, 287, 293, 305; CD’s [March] 1870 letter to, 243; CD’s [8 February 1870] letter to, 242; CD’s 20 March 1871 letter to, 179–80; CD’s 4 September 1871 letter to, 63; CD’s 4 September [1871] letter to, 78; CD’s 4 January 1875 letter to, 247; Emma Darwin, 61

  Litchfield, Richard, 63

  lizards, 46–47, 48

  Locke, John, 56

  love, 221

  Lubbock, John, 89, 270, 280, 298; CD’s 5 September [1862] letter to, 77, 235

  Lyell, Charles, 53, 70, 96, 100, 256, 264; character of, 270–71; CD’s 30 July 1837 letter to, 53–54; CD’s [14] September [1838] letter to, 54; CD’s [2 September 1849] letter to, 87; CD’s 4 November [1855] letter to, 81; letter to CD of 1–2 May 1856, 71, 80; CD’s 18 [June 1858] letter to, 98; CD’s [25 June 1858] letter to, 98–99; CD’s 20 September [1859] letter to, 72; CD’s [10 December 1859] letter to, 151–52; CD’s 10 April [1860] letter to, 92, 155, 156,
272; CD’s 4 May [1860] letter to, 174, 209; CD’s 17 June [1860] letter to, 124, 134–35; CD’s 3 October [1860] letter to, 120, 124; CD’s 14 November [1860] letter to, 168; CD’s [1 August 1861] letter to, 136; CD’s 12–13 March [1863] letter to, 95; letter to CD of 15 March 1863, 161; letter to CD of 16 January 1865, 285; Principles of Geology, 24, 29; and Wallace, 97, 98, 99, 101, 102

  Lyell, Mary Horner, 81

  Lytton, Edward Bulwer, 84

  Mackintosh, James, 271–72

  Malay archipelago, 102

  Malthus, Thomas Robert, xii, 57, 66, 107, 162; An Essay on the Principle of Population, 58

  mammals, 193

  mandrills, 187. See also ape(s)

  mankind: as ape vs. angel, 161; as architect, 124; arrogance of, 55; baboon as grandfather of, 56; beauty as created for, 128; as created from animals, 55; as descended from apes, 157, 158, 177, 299, 305; as descended from other species, 93; as designer, 133; dignity of, 174; as discoverer, 237; and divine design, 135; and domesticated animals, 83, 122, 125, 138, 186, 211; early progenitors of, 176–77, 193, 206; intellect of (see intellect); mental disposition of, 194–95; as mutable production, 173; and natural selection, 182; nature of, 134, 162; origin of as hidden from, 67; origins of, xi, 115, 124, 131, 173–80, 236; population of, xii, 209–10; power over selection, 111, 122, 125, 138, 149, 186 (see also animals, domesticated); and preservation of weakness, 211; races of, 181–84, 195; reproduction of, 182; society of (see society, human); structure of, 131, 176–77; and struggle for existence, 182, 207–8; and tail, 176

  marriage, 59–64, 191–92, 210, 213, 233

  Marshall, Victor A.E.G., CD’s 7 [September] 1879 letter to, 272

  Martens, Conrad, 33

  Martineau, Harriet, 281

  Marx, Karl, 162, 303

  mastodon, 25

  materialism, 55

  mathematics, 292

  matter, origin of, 145

  Matthews, Patrick, “Naval Timber & Arboriculture,” 92

  McCormick, Robert, 37

  McDermott, Frederick, CD’s 24 November 1880 letter to, 224

  medicine, 5, 210, 226. See also health

  Megatherium, 16

  Mengden, N. A. von, CD’s 8 April 1879 letter to, 223

  Messiah (Handel), 251

  metaphysics, 56, 302

  mice, 110, 134

  migration, of plants and animals, 130–31

  Mill, John Stuart, 162

  Milton, John, 257; Paradise Lost, 34, 254

  Mimosa, 289

  misletoe, 108

  missionaries, 43–44

  Mivart, George St. J., 179

  mocking-birds, 46

  modification, 120, 166; descent with, xiii, 65–72, 92, 129, 131; and domestication, 83; and Galapagos birds, 49; for good of another species, 123; and natural selection, 108; and small vs. large areas, 119; and Spencer, 94. See also variation/variability

  monkeys, 56, 177, 191, 202–3, 258, 272. See also apes

  Montagu, Ashley, 305

  morality, 56, 64, 190–92, 209, 217, 219, 221, 225, 264, 298, 302

  Morning Post, obituary of CD in, 299

  morphology: and adaptation, 56, 67, 108–9, 111, 142; and animals of Galápagos, 48, 49; and ants, 128–29; and design, 135–36; of embryos, 112–13; of man kind, 131, 176–77; modification of, 83, 131, 166; and natural selection, 124, 142; of orchids, 166; and pigeons, 83; of Primula, 169; as similar in different species, 131

  Muller, J.F.T., CD’s [before 10 December 1866] letter to, 267

  Munchausen, Baron, 16

  Murchison, Sir Roderick, 269

  Murray, John (publisher), 81, 176; CD’s 14 June [1859] letter to, 240; CD’s [3 November 1859] letter to, 150

  music, 7–8, 223, 257, 291

  Napoleon III, 209

  nations: competition between, 209; laws, customs and traditions of, 214

  natural history, xvi, 14, 15–16, 23, 33–38, 45

  naturalists, 11, 12, 15–16, 18, 21, 112, 153, 175, 188–89, 236

  natural selection, xi, xiii, 77, 122–26; acceptance of theory of, 96, 175; and adaptive changes of structure, 142; and ants, 129; for benefit of other species, 123; and brain, 174; CD forestalled concerning, 98, 99, 100–101; and CD’s reading of Malthus, xii, 58; deification of, 124; and design, 133, 136; and domesticated animals, 53, 111; and extinction, 130; and hive-bees, 199–200; and human architect analogy, 124; and human intellect, 194; as implying choice, 148–49; and individuals of same species, 138; and instincts, 198, 201; as intelligent power, 125–26; and mankind, 182; and Matthews, 92; and modification, 108; and new and improved forms, 130; of orchids, 166; and preservation of varieties, 148; and primogeniture, 233; and progress, 213–14; Shaw on, 302; and structures, 124; and struggle for existence, 98; and suffering, 220; and survival of fittest, 147–49; and United States, 212; and variation/variability, 120, 122, 125, 133, 149; and Wallace, xii, 98, 99, 100–101, 102, 147–48, 174, 233

  nature, xiii, 115–16, 130, 249–52; adaptation in, 124–25; Conway on, 276; cruel works of, 70; degrees of perfection in, 123; economy of, 56, 70; history of productions of, 114; illimitable schemes & wonders of, 87; personification of, 125, 126; and Sedgwick, 151; selection in, 53; and variation, 120, 122; war in, 57, 66–67; and wedge metaphor, 56, 67, 109. See also design; scenery

  Nature, obituary of CD in, 300

  “Naval Timber & Arboriculture” (Matthews), 92

  negroes, 30–32, 187

  Nevill, Lady Dorothy, 281

  Newman, Henry, 110

  New South Wales, Australia, 36–37, 208

  Newton, Sir Isaac, 134, 299, 302

  New York Times, obituary of CD in, 299

  New Zealand, 21, 123

  North, Marianne, 281–82

  Norton, Charles Eliot, 282

  Notebook B (C. Darwin), 54, 55

  Notebook C (C. Darwin), 55

  Notebook D (C. Darwin), 56, 57–58

  Notebook E (C. Darwin), 181

  Notebook M (C. Darwin), 56, 256

  Notebook N (C. Darwin), 57

  observation, xii, xvi, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 68, 84, 85, 165, 166, 235, 236, 237, 240, 254–55. See also experimentation; science

  Ogle, William: CD’s 6 March [1868] letter to, 141; CD’s 22 February 1882 letter to, 238–39

  On the Origin of Species (1859) (C. Darwin), xvi, 107–16, 287–88; barnacles in, 89; CD’s plans for, xii; difficulties in, 127, 128–32; Galton on, 277–78; human origins in, 173; Huxley on, 300; influence of, 298–99; instincts in, 198–200; natural selection in, 122–23; origin of life in, 144; pigeons in, 82–83; and precursors, 95–96; publication of, xi; responses to, 150–64; species in, 117–20, 121; style of, 240, 241; and theism, 222; tone of, 294; too much attributed to natural selection in, 142; and tree simile, 111–12; variation and heredity in, 138–39; and Wallace, 102

  On the Origin of Species (1861) (C. Darwin), 92–95, 144–45

  On the Origin of Species (1869) (C. Darwin): altered view on selection in, 142

  On the Various Contrivances by which British and Foreign Orchids are Fertilised by Insects (C. Darwin), 124–25, 165–67

  orangutans, 56–57, 204–5. See also apes

  orchids, 165–67. See also adaptation

  organs, 130, 132

  Ornithological Notes (C. Darwin), 48

  Osorno, volcano of, 27

  ostrich, 33–34

  Otaheite. See Tahiti

  Owen, Richard, 26, 155, 157, 272

  Pahia, New Zealand, 21

  Palaeontological Society, 88

  Paley, William, 133; Evidences of Christianity, 8–9; Moral Philosophy, 8–9; Natural Theology, 8–9

  Pampas, 19, 69

  Panageus cruxmajor, 76

  pangenesis, 139, 141, 142, 143, 245

  Paradise Lost (Milton), 34, 254

  Parana River, 25

  Parkes, Samuel, Chemical Catechism, 4

  Parslow, Joseph (CD’s butler), 282–83

  Patagonia, 33

p; Peacock, George, 11

  peacocks, 127, 186

  Personal Narrative (Humboldt), xii, 10

  Peru, 19

  Phaedo (Plato), 56

  philanthropy, 256

  Philosophical Club of the Royal Society of London, 227

  Philosophical Society of Cambridge, 22

  Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 234

  physics, 292

  physiologists, 153

  physiology, 248

  pigeons, 80–83, 140

  pineapples, 20

  planets, 130, 134, 136

  plants, 65, 115, 280; collection of, 165; competition among, 118; and diverse physical conditions, 118; domesticated, 53, 122; genera of, 120; migration of, 130–31; naming of, 165; parasitical, 15; peculiar to Galápagos Archipelago, 165; progenitors of, 144; and struggle for existence, 58; varieties of, 118–19. See also botany; population; species

  Plato, 95; Phaedo, 56

  platypus (Ornithorhyncus paradoxus), 36

  poetry, 257, 302

  politics, 232–33

  pollen, 139, 166, 169

  Polynesia, 207

  poor-laws, 210

  population, size of, xii, 57–58, 66–67, 107, 109, 121, 209–10

  Port Desire, Patagonia, 33

  Portillo pass, 251

  Portugal, 84

  Portuguese, 32

  poverty, 210, 213

  Powell, Baden: CD’s 18 January [1860] letter to, 91–92; “Essays on the spirit of inductive philosophy, unity of worlds, and the philosophy of creation,” 94–95

  A Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy (Herschel), 10

  primogeniture, 212, 233

  primordial form, 144

  primordial soup, 145–46

  Primula, 169

  Principles of Geology (Lyell), 24, 29

  progress, 213–14, 252, 271

  proteins, 145

  Protococcus nivalis (red snow), 35–36

  psychology, 94, 115

  Punch, 161

  Quadrumana, 176

  Quillota, valley of, 26

  rabbits, 143

  races, 181–84, 205–6, 211

  Raverat, Gwen, 296–97

  reading, 254, 257, 289, 291–92

  reason, 200, 221, 240, 254–55

  red clover (Trifolium pratense), 110

  religion, xiii, 61, 154, 217–25, 271, 280, 298, 303. See also God/Creator

  The religious views of Charles Darwin (Aveling), 224–25

  reproduction, 138, 139–40, 141, 182. See also sexual selection


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