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Mated to the Barbarian Heir: A Sci-Fi Alien Action Pregnancy Romance

Page 66

by Abella Ward

  "Just before Ivanna was born, he was killed in a car crash. He was on the highway and the car wrapped around a tree. He bled out. All alone."

  The king wanted to take her into his arms and hold her tightly, but wasn't certain how she would react to that, and so settled for taking her hand in his. "I'm sorry you went through that pain."

  "It's over. Life goes on. Weeping for the past doesn't change it."

  She turned her face away from his, and Gabriel wrapped his arms around her. He wanted to comfort her so badly. Naya stiffened at first, but then she relaxed against his body. He could hear her heart beating, and it sped a little when he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. She moved closer to him, her fingers curling into his shirt.

  Gabriel moaned, breathing in her perfect honeysuckle scent. Being so near her had him hardening, and he wanted to spread her legs and delve into her like he had on the night of the Blood Moon. He would have to be more restrained, since he could too easily hurt her with his increased strength, but he knew that he could be gentle.

  But did she want it?

  His answer came when Naya raised her head, brushing her fingers against his lips. "I know that I am here only to be the mother of your child, but can we also… It's been so long since I slept with a man's arms around me, and it feels so good not to be alone."

  Gabriel moaned, grasping her hand in his. He slipped her fingers into his mouth, sucking on them, nipping at them with his fangs. Her heartbeat increased and the smell of arousal hit him hard–she was so receptive! He'd never had a woman quite like her before.

  But even as he was pulling her onto his lap, his mouth drifting towards her neck, a soft knock on the door interrupted them. Naya sighed in disappointment as she pulled back.

  "I'll be back soon," Gabriel promised, shifting her back onto the couch. He smiled until he turned, then a fierce scowl crossed his face. Whoever had interrupted them had better have a good reason to do so! If not, they'd be in the dungeon for the night.

  Angel stood on the other side of the door. Her expression was grim, and she silently handed him an iPad as he closed the door to Naya's suite.

  "What is this?" Gabriel snarled at her.

  What he liked about Angel was that she never flinched from him. Instead, she rolled her eyes and tapped the iPad's screen, activating the video that had been pulled up there.

  The image was a cartoon man, and the voice that came with it was highly distorted. Unrecognizable if he heard the voice elsewhere, but the words were clear and sharp.

  "It has come to our knowledge that the so-called vampire king has impregnated a human woman. This is an abomination to the purity of the human species and nothing more than this so-called king trying to win favor among human populations. We must remain strong against this threat and end it before it has a chance to be birthed into a monster that will destroy us all."

  Gabriel stopped the video. "Is there more?"

  "Just blathering about how vampires are servants of the devil." Angel's eyes glittered. "They mean to kill your unborn child."

  "I understand that," Gabriel snapped, then drew in a deep breath. "Tell Alberto to double security, and assign a group of vampires specifically for Naya's protection. But I don't want her to know about this."

  "Gabriel, it's her life in danger, too."

  "I know. But if she knows, she'll worry. That's not good for her or the baby. So she doesn't find out, understood?"

  Angel nodded. "I'll make sure that Alberto knows."

  "Good. Now also make sure everybody knows that I am not to be disturbed unless it's an emergency. Understood?"

  Angel's gaze flickered to the door and a slight smirk grew on her lips. "Oh, I understand perfectly."

  Gabriel glared at her. With a grin, she turned on her heel and sauntered off. The king shook his head. This new threat was worrisome, but it wasn't like he hadn't seen such threats before. He'd dealt with them then, and he would deal with this now.

  And in the meantime, Naya was waiting for him.

  Chapter Five: Three Months

  It didn't escape Naya's notice that half a dozen vampires were always around whenever she left her room, but as they never interacted with her unless she made the first move, except to offer her food and water, she quickly got used to their presence. They'd been hanging around for a few weeks, anyway, and when Naya asked Gabriel about it, he had told her they were there to make sure she had everything she needed.

  The sun shone in the sky, and Naya lifted her face to its light as she made her way around the small artificial lake Gabriel had within his castle walls. It was a beautiful day and, as it was one of the few times this month when she hadn’t felt like she was going to throw up at every movement, she had decided to take advantage of the good weather and go for a walk while Angel watched Ivanna. The clear, fresh air bolstered her spirits.

  As she paused on a small dock overlooking the water, a man in a tailored suit caught her eye. He was staring at her and, when she turned towards him, a smile lit his face and he hurried towards her. He moved far quicker than her eyes could follow, and it wasn't until he was standing right in front of her that she recognized him. It was the vampire that had taken her to that isolated room on the night of the party. She shivered.

  "Hello," he said, beaming. "I thought it must be you that the king chose to bear this child. And you're pregnant already. I can hear the heartbeat."

  Naya narrowed her eyes at him.

  The vampire held up his hands at her look. "The king claimed you. I'm not going to try anything. Actually, I was hoping that I would run into you. I'd like to apologize for my actions doing that party. I recognize that I crossed a line, asking you to undress."

  "You didn't ask." She contemplated him for a moment. He hadn't done anything that she didn't agree to first. And his apology did seem to be genuine. "Thank you. But the fault isn't entirely yours. I was uncertain what I should be doing, and let things go farther than I was comfortable with."

  "But I ought to have recognized that. I could scent the fear on you. I'm so sorry."

  Naya didn't want to talk to this vampire anymore, so she strode off the dock. The vampire followed her, keeping several feet between them. Her escort, which usually kept their distance and pretended not to watch her, now had all eyes on the two of them. One was speaking into a cellphone. Naya frowned at them.

  "Are you going to mate the king?"

  "What?" Naya turned to the vampire again to find bright blue eyes burning into hers. She shivered at the hungry look in them.

  "If you're not going to mate him, then after the child is born and he releases his claim on you perhaps you and I can get to know each other better? I'll admit that I want to be a father myself, and I made sure to freeze my sperm during the Blood Moon, so that when I find a willing female she can bear my children."

  Naya was so startled that she laughed. What was it with these vampires? They only wanted supermodels for their parties, but somehow she was still a hot commodity? Was it just because of her blood?

  She shook her head. "I don't think so. Now if you'll excuse me, I should get back inside. Gabriel was going to meet me for lunch."

  He wasn't, but she was certain that her escort was talking to him, and that they would soon see each other regardless. The vampire she was talking with looked disappointed, but bowed to her and bid her a good day before he strode off, whistling.

  Naya headed back to the palace. She considered asking her escort for a cell phone so that she could speak with Gabriel herself, but decided against it. This conversation had brought up some rather unpleasant thoughts that she needed to figure out so she could talk to him about it.

  Gabriel wanted her to bear him a child. The vampire she had just spoken to wanted the same thing.

  Was that all she was to vampires, a blood bank and broodmare? Did Gabriel care about her at all, or were the expensive gifts that he lavished on her–diamonds, cars, a new house, even an advanced copy of the next book in her favorite series which
wasn't due to come out for another three months–designed to keep her contrite, part of the payment that had been promised to her? When he came to bed with her, undressed her, kissed every inch of her body and sent her writhing into throes of pleasure, was that because he cared for her, or because she was a shiny new toy that he would eventually grow bored with and discard?

  Would he treat her the way her father used to treat her mother?

  The thoughts made her shiver and, though she wanted to reject them outright, she forced herself to examine what she did know. Gabriel had laid claim to her like she was his possession. But that claim didn't need to be forever, and many times possessions got put into a closet and forgotten about.

  They had not yet discussed what would happen with the baby after he was born. It was something Naya was afraid to have answered if she was honest with herself. She didn't want to think that she would be sent away and never have a part in her son's life. In Gabriel's life.

  Even though he had claimed her, she had no way of claiming him. What exactly was their relationship? Was he sleeping with other women? Angel? She always wore those tight dresses but somehow magically never had a panty line. Was it because she didn't wear any? With her perky breasts and tight ass, she was the epitome of gorgeous.

  Gabriel met her at the entrance to the palace. His eyes narrowed as he strode towards her.

  "What were you doing with him?"

  Naya blinked, but the unspoken accusation made hot anger fill her belly and she threw her head back and slapped away the hand that reached for her arm. "What are you doing with Angel when I'm not around?"

  Gabriel's eyes widened and his jaw dropped, but Naya wasn't done with him yet.

  "I was talking. But if I decided to do anything else, you'd have to deal with it. Because you don't own me. I agreed to have your baby. I did not agree to be your property. I'm my own person and until I know exactly what we are, I'm going to do whatever and whoever I want. Understood?"

  She glared up at the vampire towering above her. He could crush her with one hand, but he actually looked a little shocked as she put her hands on her hips and waited for a response. He glanced around, and Naya remembered that her escort followed her everywhere. Blood rushed to her cheeks.

  "We should discuss this privately," Gabriel muttered, taking her hand. She let him lead her back to her suite, where Angel was reading.

  The vampire woman looked at their joined hands with a grin and stood as Gabriel approached. "Ivanna is still sleeping, but I can wake her if you two want some time alone."

  "Angel, when was the last time we slept together?"

  Naya's heart plummeted. So it was true. The king was sleeping with the bombshell. She didn't know why she was so disappointed; she knew she had no right to be. They never said they were going to be exclusive.

  "About four months, I think," Angel replied. "Why? I thought that you and Naya were on your way to becoming mates."

  "What?" Naya burst out. She stared between the two vampires. "He has never made any indication that he wants anything from me but a baby!"

  "I have slept beside you in your bed every night. What do you think that means?" Gabriel turned on her. "I laid my claim on you, do you think I take that lightly?"

  "How am I supposed to know what that means? I don't even know if you're going to let me be part of the baby's life after he's born!"

  Angel flapped her hands at them. "Not so loud! You'll wake Ivanna."

  Naya winced and her head swiveled towards her daughter's room, but no sound came from it. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself, and turned back to Gabriel. His dark eyes glittered and his mouth was pressed into a thin line.

  Naya rubbed her eyes. "I truly enjoy what's between us. I haven't said anything because I didn't want to wreck it. But I need to know what we are. Is there an us? Am I anything to you other than a warm body?"

  "Naya…" Gabriel sighed and ran a hand through his dark hair. "I forget sometimes that humans don't know vampires well. I have only slept in your bed since we met. I have only drunk your blood. That might not mean anything to you, but it means a lot to me. And as for after our baby is born, of course I want you to be part of his life. I want you to be my lover, just as you are now."

  His lover. But not his mate? No, of course not. She was human. She would die while he lived on. But a lover was better than nothing, wasn't it? She considered him for a moment, then nodded. "Then I will be your lover."

  A sigh brought the attention of both of them back to Angel. The vampire woman was fairly beaming, her hands pressed over her heart. "So beautiful," she murmured, then sighed again. "I can take Ivanna out if you two want the room."

  Gabriel grinned and nodded. But even as Naya let him lead her into the bedroom and gave herself to him, she couldn't help but realize–he wanted her for his lover. He said nothing about him being her lover.

  Chapter Six: Four Months

  The moment Naya was certain that the fluttering sensation around her navel was the baby kicking, she knew she had to tell Gabriel at once. Her heart soared with happiness. The instant love that filled her when she felt Gabriel's baby kicking was too much to keep to herself.

  After getting Ivanna settled in the kitchens, where she very happily 'helped' the cooks make cookie dough, Naya went straight to Gabriel's private chambers. She had only been there a few times when they wanted to make sure they wouldn't wake Ivanna up with their lovemaking.

  She didn't knock before she entered. And what she found had her heart plummeting. Her lungs locked and her eyes widened. No!

  Angel stood behind Gabriel, her body pressed against his, her arms around his waist. His shirt was unbuttoned.

  "What the hell?" Naya gasped.

  Angel stepped away from the king, tugging her skirt down. Blood rushed to Naya's face and her hands clenched. She could hardly see, she was so angry. How could he? It was just a month ago that he said that he wanted her to be his lover. Did he mean he just wanted her as part of his harem? She knew she should have demanded more of an explanation!

  "Naya," Gabriel said, smiling broadly as though there was nothing wrong with what he had been doing. "I didn't expect you."

  "I can see that! How many other women do you have in here?"

  "It's not what you think—" Angel started.

  Gabriel cut her off. "You think we were having sex?"

  "Getting ready for it!" Naya trembled from head to foot. She ought to have known. Angel quite literally looked like an angel. She was gorgeous. And what was Naya? Short, too round and too human. Gabriel had to hold back so he wouldn’t hurt her, and she couldn't keep up with him. Of course he'd look for completion elsewhere. "So everything you said last month was just to keep me around at night, was it?"

  "Naya—" Angel started again.

  "You're jealous?" Gabriel laughed, his own hands clenching. "You're jealous? You're the one who is always telling me to stop snarling, to let males near you. You're jealous now? Do you have any idea how hard this has been for me? Of course you don't, you're human. What do you know?"


  Naya ignored Angel's gasp. "I know that I'm pregnant with your son and I just caught you here, about to hook up with this... this skank!"

  She knew she was being unfair, knew she needed to stop and listen. And she knew that Angel was no skank, that she was a sweet, kind woman who deserved better. But she was so angry that she didn't care. It hurt too much, knowing that Gabriel didn't feel towards her the same way she felt towards him.

  Knowing that he didn't love her.

  The king's face darkened. "What did you just say?"

  "You heard me!"

  "How dare you?" A deep snarl rose in his chest. "You stand there and judge me? Sex is as vital to vampires as food is to humans, and despite what you think and what your human morals declare, vampires are rarely exclusive, except in mated pairs. So don't you dare stand and judge me when—"

  She didn't stick around to hear any more. Naya spun on her heel and
tore out of the room, slamming the door behind her. Let him do whatever he wanted! She wasn't going to stick around to see it. She wasn't going to keep giving her heart to a vampire. He was right; she didn't know anything about vampires. How could she have expected him to feel anything more than lust towards her? And even the lust–it couldn't be as powerful as what he felt towards other, prettier women.

  Now her heart was breaking. And it was all her fault for letting herself fall in love with him.


  Nobody had argued with her when she had demanded to return to the city, although even now, whenever she looked out the window, she saw a dozen or so vampires hanging around the streets below. She and Ivanna were staying in the penthouse of a hotel, since her new house wasn't ready and her old apartment building was being renovated. Her escort was just outside the door.

  She wouldn't have stayed in this hotel, paid for by Gabriel, but her escort had insisted, and she was too tired to argue with them.

  "I want to go home," Ivanna whined, as Naya sat on the sofa, trying to read her daughter a story.

  "It's being renovated, sweetheart." Naya focused on the book in her hands. It had 'mysteriously' been left outside her door, but she recognized it as one that Angel always read to Naya at night.

  Angel had always been around them. She had acted as though she wanted Gabriel and Naya to get together. So why had she decided to sleep with him? Didn't either of them understand how it would make her feel?

  "If we can't go home, can Angel and Gabriel come here?" Ivanna leaned against Naya's side and looked up at her with big, dark eyes.

  Naya shut the book. Ivanna wasn't referring to their apartment as home. It was the palace. Of course it was. There she was always the center of attention. The vampires were constantly encouraging her to sing and dance for them. No matter what she wanted, she had it in a heartbeat.

  It was best for Ivanna to get her away from there, Naya tried to tell herself. She was getting far too spoiled.


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