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His Captive Pet

Page 4

by Sophia Gray

  When he came in the morning to the hospital, they usually talked for an hour or so about themselves. Vance had decided to tell her a little bit about him every day so she could get to know him better, the real him without a thin veil of lies rooted from her father. Teresa listened to his stories with great interest.

  Then he would leave, either for his new job at a carpenter’s or for the charity, where he still volunteered from time to time – Peter and the others had accepted him back again. At night, before dinner, Vance would come return to the hospital and would tell her everything he had done during the day.

  Teresa liked their new routine: it allowed her to get to know Vance again and gave her enough space to get used to the situation. Vance had not made a single move on her, except for taking her hand in his from time to time, and she appreciated the respect and personal space he was giving her.

  The day she was released from the hospital, Vance was waiting for her at the entrance. They had decided that Anna would take Teresa home, but he wanted to help.

  “Hi,” he said when Teresa walked over to him. “You look lovely.”

  Teresa chuckled. “Yeah, sure. Half-bald and with my arm stuck in plaster,” she joked.

  She really regretted what they had done to her hair, although it was growing back pretty fast and she was not completely bald anymore. Her black hair was the length of Vance’s hair.

  “Short hair suits you. Honestly.”

  His smile warmed her heart, and she smiled back. Anna pulled up to the curb with the car and got out to help Teresa get in.

  “Hello, Vance. What are you doing here?” she asked, less coldly than usual. Vance shifted his weight between his feet and cleared his throat before talking.

  “I wanted to invite Teresa to dinner. It does not have to be today: any day you want, Tess. I’ll go to your place and cook for you and then I will go back home. That is all,” he said, showing the palm of his hands in a gesture of peace.

  Teresa’s heart fluttered in her chest, and although she knew Anna was biting her tongue to refrain from answering, she was pretty excited about it.

  “Sure, that sounds good. Is tomorrow good for you?” Vance grinned, and the butterflies awoke again in her stomach.

  “Tomorrow is perfect,” he replied, helping her into the passenger seat. “I’ll see you then.” He jumped on his motorbike and left.

  Anna and Teresa drove silently to Teresa’s place. Anna helped her settle in, and Teresa sighed when she was finally home. Anna had cleaned up the place during Teresa’s stay in the hospital.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?” Anna asked for the thousandth time.

  Teresa laughed. “I’m okay, Anna. My ribs are pretty much healed, and I can handle a broken arm.” Anna bit her tongue again, and Teresa sighed. “Spit it out, Anna. What is it?”

  Anna let out a deep breath before speaking. “Are you sure it’s a good idea? Having dinner with Vance, I mean,” she said, worried about her.

  “I know what you mean... and I really do. I want to give this marriage a chance. I know you think he does not deserve it,” she said before Anna could interrupt her. “But I have also been a victim of my father’s manipulations, and I have done many things I regret in my past. I was given a second chance, and he should have it too.”

  Anna remained quiet for a bit before giving in.

  “Okay, if you say so... but I’m going to keep an eye on him,” she warned her.

  Teresa laughed out loud. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  Anna smiled and kissed her goodbye, promising her she would come back in the morning to check up on her before work.

  Teresa managed to put on her pajamas by herself and laid down in bed, thinking about Vance. Her mind screamed it was a bad idea to be with him, but her heart was stronger. She still loved him, in spite of everything that had happened, and she wanted to follow her heart’s desires for once.

  Chapter 6


  Vance paced the street in front of Teresa’s apartment with his heart in a fist. He was so nervous he feared he would throw up. He had talked to Teresa on the phone that very morning, and they had agreed to meet at 8:00 pm. It was 7:30 pm and Vance was already there with a bag full of food he was going to cook for Teresa.

  He knew that every time he saw her and every time he talked to her was a chance she was giving him to prove he was truthful, to prove that he really loved her. Tonight would be their first date, and the chances of ruining everything were even greater.

  Vance looked at his phone again, after pacing for a while. 7:42.

  It was just under twenty minutes to the hour, and he was already losing his cool. He decided that he would rather be early than wait around for his anxiety to grow even more. He did not use his key, which still hung from his key ring, and rang the bell of her apartment number. Teresa did not take long to answer to the buzz.


  Vance’s heart skipped a beat when he heard her voice. When would it stop doing that?

  “Hi, it’s Vance,” he answered, a bit shaky.

  “You’re early!” she sounded surprised, but pleased at the same time, and Vance felt a wave of relief rushing through his body. She was not mad at him for being earlier than planned. He knew it was a stupid thing to fear, but he had not been calm in a very long time. “Come in,” Teresa added, and a buzzing sound indicated that the door was open.

  He stepped into the hall and went into the elevator. When it stopped on Teresa’s floor, the door of her apartment was open, and she was on the doorstep, waiting for him with a smile. She looked as beautiful as ever: she wore old jeans and a sleeveless shirt that could fit her plastered arm, and she had combed her hair to hide the small scar in a way that really suited her face. The marks and bruises from the accident were fading, and she looked really lovely.

  “You look beautiful,” Vance told her when he saw her, his breath taken away. Teresa laughed, slightly ashamed, and motioned for him to come inside. Vance obeyed and went to the kitchen to store the food. Teresa walked behind him.

  “You look good, too,” she said.

  “Thanks.” Vance smiled, his face reddening, and started to store the food. He turned around and smiled wider at Teresa. “So, do you want me to start cooking dinner?”

  Teresa was sitting on a chair at the dinner table. “Sure. You know where everything is already, right?” Vance nodded. “Do you want me to help you?”

  “Not at all! Tonight is my treat. I brought some non-alcoholic beers – you know, because of your meds – so I’ll open one for you, and you can just lay back, relax, and watch the expert cook,” he boasted, and Teresa laughed at his cockiness.

  He got two beers out of the fridge and opened them, handing one to Teresa and taking one for himself. He took a big swig, enjoying the carbonated, refreshing taste.

  “Thank you,” Teresa said, then drank from her bottle. “And what are you going to prepare tonight, chef?”

  “My most famous dish: a good, tender beef steak.”

  Teresa laughed so hard she almost spilled her beer.

  “All of that fuss over a steak? Everyone can grill a steak!” she complained, laughing at him again. Vance pretended to be hurt at her teasing.

  “You wound me! Not everyone can cook my beef steak. You’ll see – it’ll be the best damn steak you’ve ever tasted!” he declared, and Teresa laughed yet again. It was like music to his ears listening to Teresa’s carefree laughter.

  Vance started cooking, and they passed the time with silly banter; Teresa making smart remarks and smirking from the table while he chopped onions and minced garlic. By the time he finished, he had prepared two beef steaks with pepper sauce with a side of grilled vegetables that she had to admit looked pretty impressive.

  They sat across from each other at the table, and Vance cut Teresa’s steak for her, aware that she could not do it with just one hand. He looked at her, waiting anxiously for her opinion when she took her first bite.
br />   Teresa’s face was neutral for a moment before breaking out into a smile. “Vance, it really is delicious!” she said, taking another bite eagerly. Vance smiled proudly. “I take my words back: you can definitely cook a great steak.”

  “I told you. I’m a pretty good cook – you still haven’t tried my gnocchi. I make them from scratch, and I have never found someone who did not love them.”

  “I am really looking forward to trying them, then.”

  They spent a lovely evening talking over the beers and steak. He had brought cheesecake for dessert, and they grabbed a slice each, along with a cup of tea, and went into the living room, where they settled on the couch to get more comfortable.

  They talked a lot, opening up to each other. He told her about his new job, which she already knew about, and Teresa told him about her day and the difficulties of being one-handed.

  “I’m thinking,” Vance mused out loud at one point in their conversation, “that I am going to join another motorcycle club here, if that is okay with you?” He looked at her with a look of nervousness. Teresa looked surprised.

  “How come?”

  “I miss riding my bike,” Vance confessed. “And I have heard about this motorcycle club that focuses on charity work for the community, like raising funds for parks and schools around the area.”

  He had, in fact, done a lot of research on it before telling Teresa about it. It was true that he missed his days at the Grim Rebels clubhouse, but he could not go back to a life as a shady henchman. He wanted to do something for the community, and he had really liked the sound of the club when he’d read about it.

  “Well, I think that is a wonderful idea. Maybe when I’m fully recovered, I’ll join you,” she said, shrugging, and Vance was taken aback. Riding side by side with Teresa was more than he could ever hope for!

  “That would be fantastic, Tess.” He took her hand and squeezed it.

  Teresa leaned towards him, and suddenly he was aware of the closeness of their bodies, of the heat she emanated, of her scent. His heart started racing, and his mind became cloudy. He felt a sudden urge to grab her and kiss her but was too afraid to make a move, and he just sat there, breathing hard and looking at her lips.

  When Teresa closed the space between them and kissed him, his mind went completely blank. All he could think, feel, or care about was her soft lips on his. But before he knew it, it had ended.

  “T-that was...” He trailed off, gazing into her eyes.

  She looked down, lashes fluttering. “I know. Slow is good.” She didn’t want to go further, and he had to respect that.

  He squeezed her hand again and enjoyed sitting with her, her head leaning on his shoulder. They talked quietly, enjoying the silence every now and then. Eventually, Teresa’s breathing grew slow and deep, and Vance knew she had fallen asleep. Gently, he maneuvered her body, so she was sitting up, and hooked his arms under her legs and back.

  He slowly picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. After tucking her under the covers, he brushed his lips against her forehead and looked at her for a moment. He wanted very much to lie down next to her, but he knew it would be a bad idea. She wanted to go slow.

  It took all of his willpower to close the door and head home, but he did so with a smile. This was good. This was progress.

  Chapter 7


  After a month at home doing nothing but watching TV, reading, and her daily meeting with Vance, Teresa was sick of her imprisonment. She had taken regular walks around her neighborhood but was advised against excessive exercise. They had already taken the plaster off her arm, but she was still too weak to go to work, and her hand needed rehab, so she had been cooped up at home for the most part.

  She missed working at the charity, and she even missed her job at the bar. So that morning she woke up, got dressed, and walked to the Silver Spoons for Charity. Everyone was there when she arrived, and they gave her the warmest of welcomes.

  Teresa appreciated that none of her colleagues mentioned what had happened at the wedding – she knew Vance had told them the truth, but she did not feel like talking about it. She stayed with them for a while, but when service began, she realized that the best thing she could do was get out of their way and just head back home.

  She was roaming the streets when she met someone she did not expect: David Bailey, a member of the Grim Rebels. All her senses stood on edge, her mind screaming that if he was there, it had to be because of her father. When Bailey walked up to her, she glared at him, ready to defy him.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” she spat at him. She had known Bailey when he was a rookie in the Grim Rebels and had even dated him for a bit, but according to Vance he had done well in life: he was now a lieutenant of the club.

  Bailey laughed at her harsh words, but it was a cold, fake laugh.

  “Well, can’t a man go where he pleases?” he said, trying to sound innocent. Teresa looked at him full of despise.

  “Did my father send you?” she asked, ignoring his question.

  “Your father is not doing much lately. He’s getting old,” he joked. “Relax, I’m here of my own freewill,” he told her. Teresa did not know whether he was lying or not but decided she did not care.

  “Stay away from me and Vance,” she threatened him.

  “Or else?” Bailey was clearly not intimidated.

  “Or else I’ll have to remind you that I’m still my father’s daughter,” she stated. Her eyes glimmered with fire, clearly willing to do anything that was necessary to protect herself and her loved ones. Bailey saw he was stepping on dangerous grounds and backed off.

  “I can’t believe you are still married to that son of a bitch,” he said, spitting on the ground. He did not see what happened next: Teresa’s good fist smashed into his jaw, and he staggered back from the blow.

  “Never talk about Vance that way again, Bailey,” she commanded.

  Bailey looked at her, and for a moment she thought he would hit her back, but wordlessly he turned around and left. Teresa’s heart was racing; it had been a really long time since she had gotten into a fight and her fist was throbbing in pain. She tried to loosen her hand and inspected her knuckles: they would be swollen in the morning, but it had been worth it.

  She would not let anyone hurt Vance.

  And then it hit her: she had already forgotten Vance for everything that had happened. She trusted him, and she knew that his love for her was true. Then what the hell was she doing keeping him away? Seeing him only once a day? She wanted to be with him all the time.

  Teresa’s face broke into a smile, and she took off running, not caring about the doctor’s orders. Vance would be at his job now, so she ran the distance to the carpenter’s workshop and arrived in eight long minutes.

  She stopped at the door, panting, and through the glass windows, she saw him there, tending to a customer. A small bell rang when she opened the door, and Vance looked up, surprised to see her. She waited in silence until the customer left and then walked to the counter.

  “Tess! What are you doing here? Is everything okay?” he asked, sounding worried. For a moment, Teresa stammered and did not know what to say, suddenly embarrassed. She wanted to do it, but she had rushed all the way over there, and she knew her hair was disheveled, and her cheeks were splotchy and red. “Are you okay?” he asked again.

  Teresa nodded and made up her mind: she was going to say it.

  “I... I want you to live with me. I want us to be a married couple again,” she blurted out. Vance’s eyes widened, clearly taken aback.

  “Are... are you sure? Why? What made you change your mind?”

  “Nothing happened,” she said, but then changed her mind. If she wanted Vance to be one hundred percent honest with her, she had to offer the same deal. “Well, something happened. I ran into Bailey.” Vance’s surprise soon changed from concern to anger.

  “Did he do anything to you? What did he want?” he asked, his voice low. Teresa grin
ned and showed him her swollen fist. It was already red and starting to swell.

  “He wishes. He ran into me and my fist,” she explained proudly.


  “He insulted you,” she told him simply. Vance wanted to say something else, but Teresa interrupted. “That is not the point. The point is that I want us to be in a real marriage. I don’t want to wait around anymore. I know I told you to take it slow, but I don’t think we can keep progressing unless we’re doing the real thing. Please, move in with me, will you?” she asked. Teresa looked intently at him, and for a moment feared that Vance would say no. But after a few seconds of silence Vance’s face broke into a big smile that warmed her heart.

  “Of course I will! If that is what you really want.”

  “It’s what I want,” she reassured him, and Vance laughed.

  “Then I’ll start packing as soon as I get home,” he told her and reached out over the counter to plant a kiss on her lips.

  Teresa went home feeling lighter and happier than she had felt in weeks. She got home and spent the rest of the day making room for Vance’s stuff in the closet and around the apartment.

  The move was easy: Vance did not own many things, so he appeared on her doorstep several hours later with two suitcases and a backpack.

  “Is that it?” she asked. Vance closed the door and carried everything into the bedroom.

  “Yes, just my clothes and some books. There are some appliances and furniture, but I can sell those,” he answered.

  Together, they placed everything in the closet and the bookshelves, and an hour later they had finished. Teresa called a restaurant and ordered some sushi, and they crashed on the couch waiting for dinner to come. It was warm and homey, and it felt really nice just being able to cuddle with him on the couch while the TV was on. She was not even paying attention to what was being said on the news: she was too busy looking at Vance. He was dozing off, probably tired from his day at work and moving all his stuff.

  The doorbell rang, waking him up, and Teresa sprang to her feet. “I’ll get it!”


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