The Man with the Poison Gun

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by Serhii Plokhy

  Damon and, 58–60, 65, 100, 105

  funeral of, 75–77, 79–80, 104–105

  KGB against, 102–103, 151

  Khrushchev against, 8, 17, 113–114

  kidnapping of, 37–38

  Kyrychenko and, 116

  Lebed and, 85, 87, 94–95, 149–151

  M16 and, 84–85

  Mak with, 69–70, 95–96, 98, 151

  Matviyeyko and, 28–29, 31–32, 77, 96–99, 150–151

  against Melnyk, 15

  Munich Kripo and, 70–71

  Oberländer and, 102–105, 150, 216

  Bandera, Yaroslava, 79, 235

  representation for, 225–226

  Banderites, 7–9, 151, 246–247, 266–268

  Bang-Jensen, Paul, 290

  Baryshnikov, Vladimir Yakovlevich, 167, 168–169

  Bayerischer Hof Hotel, 92

  Bayerischer Rundfunk (Bavarian Broadcasting), 72

  Benjamin, Hilde, 122

  Beria, Lavrentiy, 34, 114–115

  Berlin, 35–36, 65, 169, 182, 184–185, 188–192

  Cafe Warsaw in, 65

  See also defections; East Berlin; West Berlin

  Berlin Wall, 187–188, 203, 208

  Berlin Watch Committee, 203

  BfV. See Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution

  BKA. See Federal Criminal Police Office

  Blake, George, 36

  Blecha, Kurt, 214

  BND. See West German Federal Intelligence Service

  Böblingerstrasse (Stuttgart), 236


  atomic, 28

  in chocolates, 14

  in graveyard, 59

  in mailboxes, 45–46

  See also nuclear arms

  Bond, James (fictional character), xii, 233, 316–317

  Borshchovychi, 18–20, 22–24, 162–165, 172–173, 314–315

  BOSS. See Bureau of State Security

  Brandt, Willy, 232

  Brezhnev, Leonid, xi, 299, 300–301, 302

  Britain, 31, 301–302

  British military intelligence service. See MI6

  Budeit, Hans Joachim. See Stashinsky, Bogdan

  Bulganin, Nikolai, 114

  Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz. See Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution

  Bundeskriminalamt. See Federal Criminal Police Office

  Bundesnachrichtendienst. See West German Federal Intelligence Service

  Bureau of State Security (BOSS), 304–305

  Busch, Friedrich, 217

  Bysaga, Ivan (Nadiychyn), 41, 247

  Rebet, L., and, 37–38

  Cafe Warsaw (Berlin), 65

  Canada, 89, 157

  Diefenbaker, prime minister of, 221–222

  Ukrainians in, 222

  Canaris, Wilhelm, 158

  captive nations, 221

  Eisenhower on, 222–223

  Castro, Fidel, 187, 202, 320

  CDU. See Christian Democratic Union

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), xii–xiii, 146

  on assassinations, 288–289

  Bandera, S., and, 81, 84–96, 98–99, 148–153

  BND and, 90–91

  code names in, 94–95, 211

  defections and, 174

  double agents and, 101–102

  drones of, 322

  failures of, 205–206, 210–211, 220–221

  Inge and, 174, 179

  Korzhan and, 148–153

  Lebed and, 94

  Matviyeyko and, 98–99

  Charles XII (king), 164

  Checkpoint Charlie, xi, 208

  A Chess Player’s Beginnings (Stefan Popel), 58

  China, Communist, 11

  Christian Democratic Union (CDU), 216

  Church, Frank, 320

  CIC. See Army Counterintelligence Corps, US

  Clay, Lucius, 208–209

  Cold War, xii, 33, 95

  politics of, 281, 299–300

  revival of, 313

  Colonel X. See Geldenhuys, Mike

  colonialism, 221–223

  communism, 258–259, 272–273, 313

  anticommunism, 284–286

  Congress, US

  Bandera, S., and, 87

  defense spending of, 187

  Peace Corps and, 209

  Ukraine nationalism and, 223

  See also Dodd, Thomas J.; Kersten, Charles J.

  Connery, Sean, 233

  Connors, Chuck, 300

  Conrad, Joseph, 318–319

  Cornwell, David. See le Carré, John

  Counter Intelligence Corps, US, 215

  Crime and Punishment (Dostoyevsky), 318

  Critchfield, James H., 91

  Cronin, John, 226

  Crooswijk Cemetery (Rotterdam), 58–59

  Cuba, 320

  Kennedy, J. F., and, 233

  Khrushchev and, 202

  nuclear arms in, 233, 285–286, 289

  Oswald and, 287

  Dachauerstrasse (Munich), 39–40, 48

  Daimon, Aleksei, 201–202, 218. See also Damon, Sergei

  Dallgow, 133–134, 188

  railway station of, 193

  surveillance in, 189, 191–192

  Damon, Sergei Aleksandrovich, 35, 108

  Bandera, S., and, 58–60, 65, 100, 105

  Inge and, 124, 134–135

  poison gun and, 42–44

  on Rebet, L., 247

  See also Daimon, Aleksei

  Das Grüne Blatt, 76

  Davydiak, Mykhailo, 257

  Deutsches Museum (German Museum of Masterpieces of Science and Technology), 1

  Diefenbaker, John, 221–222

  Dimmer, John, 203

  disinformation, 101–103, 117

  displaced persons. See refugees

  Dobriansky, Lev, 223, 227, 285

  Dodd, Thomas J.

  assassinations and, 290–291, 294–295, 301

  Jagusch and, 293

  Kersten and, 227–228, 274, 285–286

  Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 318–319

  double agents, 29, 36, 292

  CIA and, 101–102

  Lippolz as, 214–217

  Mudryk and, 78

  Dovzhenko, Alexander (Oleksandr), 49

  Dr. No (movie), 233

  Dräger, Siegfried. See Stashinsky, Bogdan

  drones, 322

  Drozdov, Viktor, 16

  Dudaev, Dzhokhar, 321

  Dulles, Allen, 81, 221, 227

  Dulles, John Foster, xii, 226–227

  Dzerzhinsky, Felix, 127

  East Berlin

  Karlshorst in, 35, 100–102, 185

  East German Committee for German Unity, 104

  East German Information Agency (Allgemeiner Deutscher Nachrichtendienst), 102–103

  East German Ministry of State Security (Stasi), 216–218, 292

  East Germany

  border closure in, 194–196

  refugees from, 193, 232

  Eastern bloc, 47, 187–188, 218

  Eisenhower, Dwight, 126, 226

  on captive nations, 222–223

  Khrushchev and, 146

  The Enchanted Desna (Dovzhenko), 49

  English Garden, 40, 48

  Erhard, Ludwig, 288

  Erzgiessereistrasse (Munich), 65

  Essen, Germany, 38–39

  Exhibition of the Achievements of the Soviet Economy, 145

  Fabrichnikov, Arkadii Andreevich (Avramenko), 119

  background on, 132

  Inge and, 138–139, 141–143, 145

  Falkensee, 193–194

  Fallada, Hans, 135–136

  famine, 7, 57, 274

  Federal Bureau of Investigation, US (FBI), 287, 299–300

  Federal Court of Justice, West Germany (Bundesgerichtshof), 232–233

  Federal Criminal Police Office, West Germany (Bundeskriminalamt) (BKA), 210–211, 260

  Federal Intelligence Service. See West German Federal Intelligence Service

l Office for the Protection of the Constitution, West Germany (Bundesamt fur Verfassungsschutz) (BfV), 71, 75, 210, 289

  Federal Security Service, Russia (FSB), 322

  Felfe, Heinz, 216–217, 219, 236–237

  Fischer, Erwin, 236–237, 292

  Fischer, Waldemar, 52

  Fleming, Ian, xii, 316–317

  Foreign Representation of the Supreme Ukrainian Liberation Council, 85, 94

  Foreign Units of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, 85, 88, 92

  Franco, Francisco, 78

  Frankfurt, 204–205

  Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 76

  Friedrichstadt-Palast, 120

  FSB. See Federal Security Service

  Fuchs, Adrian, 71, 148, 150, 260

  Banderites and, 151

  interrogations of witnesses and, 209–210

  Gagarin, Yurii, 186

  Gamse, Chaya, 67–68

  Gamse, Melach, 67–68

  Gehlen, Reinhard, 214, 277, 304

  Gehlen Organization, 216–217

  Geldenhuys, Mike (Colonel X), 304–306

  Gerhardt. See Heidemann, Gerd

  German Museum of Masterpieces of Science and Technology (Deutsches Museum), 1

  Gestapo, 8, 22

  Gesundbrunnen, 123, 195

  Gibson, Robert W., 157

  Globke, Hans, 214

  Goebbels, Joseph, 136

  Goleniewski, Michał, 205, 217

  Golgotha Evangelical Church (Berlin), 142

  Golitsyn, Anatolii, 304

  Goncharov, Vadim, 201

  Graver, William, 203

  Great Ukrainian Famine (Holodomor) (1932–1933)

  deaths from, 7, 274

  nationalities after, 57

  Gromyko, Andrei, 102

  Grossmarkthalle, 70, 98

  Grünwald Hotel, 38, 40

  guerrilla warfare, 31, 83, 88, 115, 317

  by Banderites, 7–9

  See also Ukrainian Insurgent Army

  Habsburg Empire, 164

  Hahn, Ludwig, 294

  Halan, Yaroslav

  assassination of, 6, 17, 20, 23–24, 242

  Bandera, S., and, 9–10

  Hauptbahnhof (Munich), 51

  Heidemann, Gerd (Gerhardt), 292–293

  Heigel, Anton, 71

  Herre, Heinz Danko (Herdahl), 89–92

  Herter, Christian A., 102, 147

  Hess, Rudolf, 71, 301

  Heusinger, Bruno, 289–290

  Hiss, Alger, 226–227

  Hitler, Adolf, 8, 73–74, 158, 292

  Hoffmann, Heinz, 195

  Hofgarten, 51, 63

  Holocaust, 88

  Nazi concentration camp survivors from, 8, 22, 67–68, 241, 247

  Nuremberg Trials on, 9–10, 228, 281

  See also Nazism

  Hood, William, 81–82, 86

  on defection, 130, 204

  illegals and, 145–146

  Oswald and, 287

  poison and, 93

  visa for Stepan Bandera and, 87, 89–90

  Höss, Rudolf, 294

  Hotel Leningrad (Moscow), 119

  Hotel Ukraine (Moscow), 56, 119

  Hotel Wiesbaden (Munich), 65

  House Committee on Education and Labor, 226

  House Select Committee to Investigate Communist Aggression, 226, 228

  Huber, Crescenzia, 259

  Hungarian Revolution, 57–58

  Husiak, Daria, 16–17

  I Was Stalin’s Agent (Krivitsky), 290

  illegals, 145–146

  Inge. See Stashinsky, Inge Pohl

  Institute of Forensic Medicine at the Ludwig Maximilian University, 52, 70–73

  International Women’s Day, 141–142

  International Workers’ Day, 146

  Iron Curtain, xii, 35, 132, 172

  Isar River, 1

  Ishchenko, Georgii (Georgii Avksentievich)

  Inge and, 141

  meetings with, 57–58, 60–61, 127

  orders from, 60–62, 253

  Serov and, 57–58

  Stalin and, 57

  Ivanov, Sergei, 312

  Jackson, Robert H., 228

  Jagusch, Heinrich (“Judex”), 238, 258, 252–254, 263–264, 290, 293–294

  Dodd and, 293

  verdict of, 277–278, 280–281, 294

  Jews, 88, 105, 147

  anti-Semitism against, 101, 103–104, 150

  Joschi. See Stashinsky, Bogdan

  “Judex.” See Jagusch, Heinrich

  Kaczor, Bronisław. See Stashinsky, Bogdan

  Kaganovich, Lazar, 7

  Karlshorst (Berlin), 35, 100–101, 102, 185

  See also KGB

  Karlsplatz (Munich), 39, 48, 50–51

  Karlsruhe, Germany, xiii

  Kashuba, Ivan, 77, 79

  Korzhan and, 149–153

  Keating, Kenneth, 285

  Kennan, George, 223

  Kennedy, John F., xii, 208, 223

  Adenauer and, 219–220

  assassination of, 287–289

  Kersten and, 226–227, 284

  Khrushchev and, 187–188, 286–287, 289

  Kennedy, Robert, 227

  Kersten, Charles J., 235

  background of, 226–227

  Dodd and, 227–228, 274, 285–286

  Kennedy, J. F., and, 226–227, 284

  trial and, 227–229, 273–275

  KGB, xi, 115, 133, 313

  against Bandera, S., 102–103, 151

  disinformation from, 101–103, 117

  failures of, 200–202

  in Germany, 101

  headquarters of, 126–127

  Inge with, 122–123, 129–131, 141

  Korotkov and, 100–102

  Matviyeyko and, 96–99

  See also Shelepin, Aleksandr

  Khokhlov, Nikolai, 307, 319

  defection of, 46

  poison for, 109–110, 321

  Khrushchev, Nikita, xi

  assassinations and, 16, 53

  against Bandera, S., 8, 17, 113–114

  Beria and, 34, 114–115

  Cuba and, 202

  Eisenhower and, 146

  Kennedy, J. F., and, 187–188, 286–287, 289

  Kuk and, 115–116

  Nixon and, 140

  Sakharovsky and, 53

  Shelepin and, 116–118, 220

  Stalin and, 7, 10–11

  Sudoplatov and, 17, 34, 114

  in Ukraine, 6–7, 10–11

  Klein, Julius, 295

  Komsomol (Young Communist League), 10, 20–21, 310

  Komsomol’skaia pravda (Truth of the Communist Youth League), 103

  Konovalets, Yevhen

  assassination of, 12–15, 58, 114

  Kordiuk, Bohdan, 235

  Korolev, Sergei, 144

  Korotkov, Aleksandr, 119–120, 168

  assassinations and, 108–110, 130

  as diplomat, 100–101

  KGB and, 100–102

  Shelepin and, 200

  Korzhan, Michael (Mykhailo)

  CIA and, 148–153

  Kovalsky, Mykola, 21

  Kravchenko, Nikolai Nikolaevich, 132–133, 181

  Krawciw, Nicholas, 299–300

  Kreittmayrstrasse (Munich), 60, 62, 66

  Kriminalpolizei. See Munich Kripo

  Krivitsky, Walter, 290

  Krokhin, Aleksei (Aleksei Alekseevich, Ognev), 124–125, 127, 145, 200–201

  background of, 119–120

  Krylov, Aleksandr Antonovich. See Stashinsky, Bogdan

  Krylova, Inga Fedorovna. See Stashinsky, Inge Pohl

  Kuhn, Albin, 265–266, 271, 276, 280

  Kuk, Vasyl (Lemish)

  Khrushchev and, 116

  Matviyeyko and, 28–30, 97

  MGB and, 28–29

  Kupriienko, Ihor, 27–28

  Kuzio, Taras, 311

  Kyrychenko, Oleksii, 116

  Laba, Ivan (Karmeliuk), 22–24, 163, 243–244

sp; Landsberg Prison (West Germany), 292

  Laves, Wolfgang, 71, 73–74, 148

  le Carré, John (David Cornwell), xi, 203–204, 319, 322–323

  Lebed, Mykola

  Bandera, S., and, 85, 87, 94–95, 149–152

  CIA and, 94

  Lebensraum (living space), 8

  Lehmann, Josef. See Stashinsky, Bogdan

  Lehmann, Peter. See Stashinsky, Peter

  Lenkavsky, Stepan, 243, 279–280

  Life magazine, 229

  Lippolz, Stefan, 214–217

  Litvinenko, Aleksandr, 312, 321–322

  Lodge, Henry Cabot, 158–159

  Lopusnik, Bela, 234

  Lozynskyj, Askold, 300

  Lübke, Heinrich, 297

  Ludwig Bridge (Munich), 1–2

  Lukashevych, Ilarii, 20, 23

  Lviv (Lwów, Lvov), 164

  massacres in, 103–105, 147, 150

  Lviv Polytechnical Institute, 21

  “M” (fictional character), 316–317

  M16, 84–85

  Maidan Square (Kyiv), 313

  Mairanovsky, Grigorii, 15–16

  Maisky. See Matviyeyko, Myron

  Mak (Matviyeyko), Eugenia

  Bandera, S., with, 69–70, 95–96, 98, 151

  Malenkov, Georgii, 7

  Maloney, Arthur, 221–222

  The Man with the Golden Gun (Fleming), xii, 316–317

  Mao Zedong, 11

  Marienstrasse (Berlin), 62

  Markov, Georgi, 320

  Martin, Ludwig, 288

  Massmannplatz (Munich), 2

  Matviyeyko, Eugenia. See Mak (Matviyeyko), Eugenia

  Matviyeyko, Myron (Maisky, Moody, Smiley), 27, 85

  airdrop of, 28–30, 96

  Bandera, S., and, 28–29, 31–32, 77, 96–99, 150–151

  CIA and, 98–99

  cooperation of, 30–32

  escape of, 96–97

  KGB and, 96–99

  Korzhan and, 149

  Kuk and, 28–30, 97

  pardon of, 97

  radio game and, 31–32, 96

  Sudoplatov and, 30, 32

  See also Mak (Matviyeyko), Eugenia

  Matysiakevych, Zenon, 21

  Maximilian I (elector), 51

  Melnyk, Andrii, 15, 58

  MGB. See Ministry of State Security

  MI6 (British military intelligence service), 29

  Bandera, S., and, 84–85

  Midthun, Kermit S., 88

  Miehr, Adolf, 235, 243, 259

  testimony of Stashinsky and, 261–262, 271

  Mikhailovna, Elvira, 167

  Ministry of State Security (MGB), 26–32

  Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, 6, 8, 114, 215

  Moody. See Matviyeyko, Myron

  Moore, Roger, 316

  Moscow, 119, 143–144, 156–157, 159–160, 168–170

  Inge in, 138–140, 180

  Stashinsky’s training in, 111–112, 130, 137, 156

  Moscow State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages (institute), 176–177, 183

  Mosler, Hermann, 285

  Motyl, Alexander, 311, 313

  Mudryk, Stepan, 77–79

  Mulka, Robert, 294

  Munich, 38–41, 47–48


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