The Man with the Poison Gun

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by Serhii Plokhy

  refugees in, 82–83

  Munich Kripo (Kriminalpolizei), 91, 99

  Bandera, S., and, 70–71

  Fuchs and, 71, 148, 150–151, 209–210, 260

  press release from, 72–73

  Myskiw, Dmytro, 215–216

  Nachtigall battalion, 103–105, 151

  “Nadiychyn.” See Bysaga, Ivan

  National Alliance of Russian Solidarists, 109

  National Bolshevik Party, 313

  National Captive Nations Committee, 223

  Nazi concentration camp survivors, 67–68

  from Auschwitz, 8, 22, 241, 247

  Nazi military intelligence (Abwehr), 13, 16, 218

  Nazism, 214, 278, 281, 295

  of Auschwitz criminals, 289–290, 294

  of Felfe, 216–217

  of Hitler, 8, 73–74, 158, 292

  Union of Persecutees of the Nazi Regime against, 103–104

  Neues Deutschland, 103

  Neuwirth, Hans, 225, 235, 256, 276

  on Rebet, L., 246–247

  Stashinsky’s testimony and, 261, 266, 268

  New America Foundation, 322

  Ngo Dinh Diem, 307

  Nikitchenko, Vitalii, 218

  Ninovsky, Vasyl, 69–70

  Nixon, Richard, 140, 226–227

  NKVD (VChK, MGB, KGB), 57, 109, 114, 132

  Norden, Albert, 104–105

  North America, 222–223, 227, 299–300

  See also America

  Nosenko, Yurii, 267–268, 298

  Novocherkassk, 157–158

  nuclear arms, 28, 287

  in Cuba, 233, 285–286, 289

  Nuremberg Laws, 214

  Nuremberg Trials, 9–10, 228, 281

  Oberländer, Theodor

  Bandera, S., and, 102–105, 150, 216

  Nachtigall battalion and, 103–105, 150

  Stashinsky’s trial and, 147, 251, 256

  Oberle, Dr., 288

  Office of Strategic Services, 81

  Ognev. See Krokhin, Aleksei

  Okolovich, Georgii, 109

  Oleh. See Stashinsky, Bogdan

  Order of the Red Banner of Valor, 110–111, 113, 127, 176, 183

  Order of the Red Star, 201

  Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), 7–8, 84

  massacres by, 85

  at trial, 252, 279

  See also Bandera, Stepan; Konovalets, Yevhen; Rebet, Lev

  Oswald, Lee Harvey, 287

  Padoch, Jaroslav, 226, 235, 274–275, 279–280

  Panama, 310

  Patrushev, Nikolai, 322

  Peace Corps, US, 209

  Peck, Reginald, 277

  Peter I (tsar), 164

  Petrovsky, Hryhorii, 13

  Philby, Kim, 29–31

  Pius XII (pope), 10

  Pohl, Fritz, 122, 135–136

  Pohl, Fritz, Jr., 143, 191–195, 198

  poison gun

  antidote to, 43–44, 48, 50–51, 63

  Damon and, 42–44

  firing of, 43, 50, 63, 65

  improvement on, 60, 62

  Poland, 34, 82–83

  Politburo (Moscow), 104, 302–303

  See also Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the USSR

  Popel, Stepan. See Bandera, Stepan

  Popov, Petr, 82

  Potsdam Conference, 34

  Powers, Francis Gary, 146

  Pravda, 126

  Predators, 322

  Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, 113, 127

  Progressive Conservatives (Canada), 222

  Prykhodko, Natalia, 309–311

  Putin, Vladimir, 312, 322

  Radio Free Europe, 229

  Radisson Royal Hotel (former Hotel Ukraina, Moscow), 56

  Rauch, Joachim, 225, 262–263

  Rebet, Andrii, 37–38, 49

  at trial, 235, 245–246, 273

  Rebet, Daria, 37–38, 49–50, 52

  at trial, 235, 245–246, 272–273, 276

  Rebet, Lev, 164

  assassination of, 45–51, 85, 246–250

  background of, 247

  Bysaga and, 37–38

  death of, 51–52

  residence of, 39–41

  Rebet, Oksana, 37–38

  Red Army, 8, 26, 91, 114, 132

  Red Square (Moscow), 61, 186


  from East Germany, 193, 232

  in Munich, 82–83

  Reinhardt, Max, 120

  religion, 44, 172, 259, 318

  Golgotha Evangelical Church (Berlin), 142

  Ukrainian (Greek) Catholic Church, 10, 15–16, 39, 76

  See also Jews

  Revenko, Major, 17

  Romania, 228–229

  Romzha, Teodor (bishop), 15–16

  Rudenko, Roman, 96

  Russian Orthodox Church, 10

  Sakharov, Andrei, 302

  Sakharovsky, Aleksandr, 53

  Sannikov, Georgii, 198–200

  Sarkisov, Sergei Bogdanovich, 143, 145, 159–160, 162, 165–166, 178

  Savchenko, Sergei, 16

  Schade, Frau, 174, 179

  Schmidt, Hermann, 71–72

  Schrubbers, Hubert, 289

  Secret Service, US, 299

  Seidel, Helmut, 236, 243, 259

  conclusion of, 275–276

  testimony and, 262

  Semichastny, Vladimir, 20, 182, 303–304

  Senate, US, xii

  hearings in, 285–289

  See also Congress, US

  Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security, US, 285, 291

  Serov, Ivan, 117, 200

  Ishchenko and, 57–58

  Sheen, Fulton J., 226

  Shelepin, Aleksandr, xi, 157, 182, 253

  Stashinsky’s award from, 127, 220

  to Britain, 301–302

  Stashinsky’s defection and, 173–175, 177, 310–311

  and Inge, 128

  Khrushchev and, 116–118, 220

  Korotkov and, 200

  Stasginsky’s meeting with, 127–128

  removal of, 301

  testimony against, 253

  Shorubalka, Ivan, 96

  Shukhevych, Roman, 16–17, 29

  Shukhevych, Yurii, 270

  Shumsky, Oleksandr, 15–16

  Siberia, 9

  Sitnikovsky, Konstantin, 20–24, 239, 242

  Skoropadsky, Danylo, 248–249

  Skoropadsky, Pavlo, 248–249

  Smiley. See Matviyeyko, Myron

  Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 302

  South Africa

  BOSS in, 304–305

  counterinsurgency in, 307–308

  Geldenhuys of, 304–308

  Soviet Army, 28

  Soviet Russia Division, CIA, 94–95

  Soviet secret police. See KGB

  Spann, Wolfgang, 52, 71, 73

  Sputnik, 126, 140, 144

  The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (le Carré), xi, 319, 322–323

  Stakhiv, Volodymyr, 275

  Stakhur, Mykhailo (Stefan), 23–24, 242

  Stalin, Joseph, 8, 33, 57, 117, 202, 290

  assassinations and, 13–16, 114–115

  Dulles, A., and, 81

  Khrushchev and, 7, 10–11

  Petrovsky and, 13

  Sudoplatov and, 12–14, 58

  Stashinsky, Bogdan (Aeskewer 1; Budeit, Hans Joachim; Dräger, Siegfried; Joschi; Kaczor, Bronisław; Krylov, Aleksandr Antonovich; Lehmann, Josef; Oleh). See specific topics

  Stashinsky, Inge Pohl (Inga Fedorovna Krylova), 120–121

  abortion and, 165–166

  CIA and, 174, 179

  Damon and, 124, 134–135

  defection and, 137, 171–175, 177–179, 219, 236–237, 268

  divorce of, 292, 296, 306–307, 310–311

  Fabrichnikov and, 138–139, 141–143, 145

  family of, 122, 135–136, 143, 161, 165–166, 191–196, 198

  with KGB, 122–123, 129–131, 141

sp; pregnancy of, 165–166, 173–175, 177

  Stasi and, 133, 311

  See also Stashinsky, Peter

  Stashinsky, Iryna, 19, 23–24, 163, 314

  photograph of, 172–173

  Stashinsky, Maria, 172–173, 314

  underground and, 19–20, 22, 24

  Stashinsky, Peter, 179–180, 192, 198, 307, 310–311

  death of, 181–184, 189–190

  Stashinsky, Petro, 18–19, 261

  Stasi. See East German Ministry of State Security

  Steele, John L., 229

  Stefan. See Stakhur, Mykhailo

  Steinstücken, 208–209

  Stetsko, Yaroslav, 252, 256, 298–300, 301

  Stevenson, Adlai E., 222–223

  Stranek, Frau, 52

  Strauss, Gerhi, 307

  Strokach, Tymofii, 115

  Sudoplatov, Pavel, 108

  assassinations by, 14–15, 58

  Khrushchev and, 17, 34, 114

  Matviyeyko and, 30, 32

  Stalin and, 12–14, 58

  Sviatogorov, Aleksandr, 199–201

  Svoboda (Freedom), political party, Ukraine, 314

  Tempelhof Airport (Berlin), 36, 47

  Titov, Gherman, 186–187

  Transcarpathia, 37

  Truman, Harry, 226

  Truman Doctrine, 226

  U-2, 146–147

  UCCA. See Ukrainian Congress Committee of America


  famine in, 7

  independence of, 312

  Khrushchev in, 6–7, 10–11

  Ukraine nationalism, 18, 312–313

  freedom fighters, 73–74

  history of, 261–262

  See also Bandera, Stepan; Rebet, Lev

  Ukrainian (Greek) Catholic Church, 10, 15–16, 40, 76

  Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA), 223, 227

  Ukrainian Independentist, 37, 41

  Ukrainian Insurgent Army, 8–10, 22, 270

  MGB as, 26–27

  Shukhevych and, 16–17


  in America, 223, 227, 299–300

  in Canada, 222

  Ulbricht, Walter, 188, 194, 203

  Under Western Eyes (Conrad), 318–319

  Union of Persecutees of the Nazi Regime, 103–104

  United Nations, 126, 222, 285, 290, 300

  “Uphill,” 90

  “Upswing,” 90

  US Army Counterintelligence Corps, (CIC), 83–84

  van den Bergh, Hendrik, 305–306

  van Straaten, Hanlie, 308

  Vanhauer, Inspector, 210–211, 260

  Vatican, 10, 16

  Verhun, Osyp, 218

  Villwok, Grete, 198

  Villwok, Heinz, 196

  Vitoshynsky, Borys, 242, 245

  on Stashinsky’s testimony, 241, 244, 248, 251–252, 260–261

  Volksdeutscher (ethnic German), 52, 121, 215

  von Engelbrechten, Fritz, 246

  von Hase, Karl-Günther, 281

  Voroshilov, Kliment, 113, 127

  Vorster, B. J., 305–306

  Vuchetich, Yevgenii, 126

  Waldfriedhof Cemetery, 75–76, 79–80

  Warren Commission, xii

  Warsaw, 139, 143–144, 169

  Warsaw Pact, 187

  Warsaw Uprising, 294

  Weber, Dr., 215

  West Berlin, 192–198

  evacuation from, 203–204

  West German Federal Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst) (BND), 103, 210, 304

  Bandera, S., and, 90–93, 217–218

  West Germany, xi–xii

  anti-Semitism in, 101

  education in, 33

  sovereignty of, 281–282

  See also Oberländer, Theodor; West Berlin

  Western Ukraine, 8–10

  Winklmann, Magdalena, 67–68, 79

  Wolf, Markus, 200

  Wolff, Karl, 81

  Yandarbiyev, Zelimkhan, 321

  Yanukovych, Viktor, 313

  The Yawning Heights (Zinoviev), 145

  Yezhov, Nikolai, 12

  Young Communist League (Komsomol), 10, 20–21, 310

  Yushchenko, Viktor, 312, 321

  Zander, Friedrich, 144

  Zeppelinstrasse (Munich), 1–2, 62–64, 69

  Zinkewych, Osyp, 300

  Zinoviev, Aleksandr, 145


  Serhii Plokhy is the Mykhailo Hrushevsky Professor of Ukrainian History at Harvard and the director of the university’s Ukrainian Research Institute. The prize-winning author of nine books, including The Last Empire and The Gates of Europe, Plokhy lives in Arlington, Massachusetts.




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