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Broken Lives

Page 1

by Brenda Kennedy

  Broken Lives

  Book Two of the Freedom Trilogy

  By Brenda Kennedy


  Dedicated to

  John and Doris Kennedy


  Copyright 2015 by Brenda Kennedy


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  Chapter One: Beautiful Lies


  I cup her cheek with my hand and caress her cheek with my thumb. “I understand. Don’t be afraid of me. Emma, I love you, I won’t hurt you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  I kiss her soft lips. I back away so she can get into the car.

  We drive the short distance to my house. Emma has never been here. No one but Molly has ever been here. I open her car door for her and she smiles. We walk hand in hand into the dark house. Once we are inside, I turn on a lamp in the family room. “Do you want a drink?”

  “No, thank you.”

  I walk over to her and bend down to kiss her. When she reaches up to wrap her arms around my neck, I lift her off the floor and she squeals. She wraps her legs around me, and I kiss her harder. When she moans into my mouth, I reach my hands around her body and squeeze her butt. My dick turns rock hard when I realize she is wearing a thong. I moan in her mouth and I can feel her smile. With me still holding onto her, she reaches behind her and I hear the zipper of her dress. I pull away from her mouth and kiss her ear, then her neck. The dress falls from her shoulders exposing her red silk and lace bra.

  I raise my head so I can see. “Oh, God, Emma. You are so sexy.” I kiss her again.

  Her breathing picks up and she whispers, “Please, make love to me.”

  I walk down the dark hallway, still holding onto her bare butt. She is kissing me and removing my tie and unbuttoning my shirt. I bump into the door and she laughs. Once inside the bedroom, I bump into the dresser and something falls to the ground.

  “Ouch,” Emma giggles, “and I thought I was out of practice.”

  “Sorry,” I say. “It really does look like I’m out of practice, too.”

  I turn on the lamp and we both startle when a voice says, “Are you going to introduce your little friend to your wife?” I look at the half-naked woman lying across my bed — it’s Molly.


  “Is that anyway to speak to your wife?”

  Emma clears her throat and starts adjusting her dress so she can fasten it. I realize I am still holding onto her bare butt. While carefully removing my hands, I make sure she remains covered before I gently lower her to the ground.

  “Well, is it?” Molly asks, sitting up slightly on the bed. I look over at her and she is wearing a black bra and panties.

  “My wife? Raelynn and I haven’t seen you in almost a year! We are two weeks away from being divorced!”

  “You’re married?” Emma whispers.

  It dawns on me that we have never had this talk. I have never told her the story of Molly and me. I look over at Emma — she is standing still and staring at me. “No, yes, maybe, no.” I crack my knuckles and say, “Only on paper.”

  “In case you’re wondering? That means yes, we are still married, and I have got to say, Alec, I’m a little hurt that you would bring another woman into our bed.”

  “SHUT UP!” I yell at Molly and I can see Emma jump out of the corner of my eye.

  “I… I need to go,” Emma stutters. She begins to walk away from me.

  “Emma, don’t go.” I reach out and grab ahold of her arm.

  “Alec, let her go. We have some lost time to make up for,” Molly says, running her hands through her long dark hair.

  “I said, SHUT UP!”

  I look at Emma and she looks at me and then at her arm. I realize I am still holding onto her. “I’m sorry,” I say, as I release my hold.

  “I need to go,” Emma says as she walks past me and out the bedroom door. I look at Molly before I go after Emma.

  “Emma, please wait.”

  Emma stops only when she reaches the door.

  “Emma, please.”

  She turns to look at me with tears streaming down her face. “Oh, Baby, don’t cry,” I say, walking closer to her.


  I stop in my tracks.

  “Are you married?”


  “Yes or no, Alec. Are you or aren’t you?”

  “Emma, please.”

  “YES OR NO?” She screams the question.

  “Yes, but Emma, please let me explain.”

  “Explain? Let you explain to me that you’re married? I think that is pretty self-explanatory, don’t you? I’m leaving and don’t you dare come after me.”

  “Emma!” I say sternly. “If you think I am going to let you walk out the door and walk home, you have another thing coming. I’ll take you.”

  She turns to look at me with sadness in her eyes. “No. I am not getting into a car with you!”

  “Baby, look. I’m taking you or you are taking my car. It’s your choice, but you are not leaving here walking.”

  “Fine, give me the damn keys.”

  I reach for the keys in the glass bowl on the foyer table. “Here, and this is not what it looks like.”

  “Really? Because it looks like your wife is in your bed waiting for you to join her,” she says as she slams the door shut.


  I walk out the door and I can barely see through the tears. I start up his car and quickly pull out of the driveway. I have no intention of waiting and letting him drive me home. He’s married! How could I not have known that?

  I try to remember past conversations — have I ever asked him if he is married? I remember a conversation I had with Raelynn.

  “Hi, Raelynn. How was your Thanksgiving?”

  “Fine, we put up the Christmas tree at grandpa and grandma’s house.”

  “That sounds like fun.”

  “It was, but mommy wasn’t there this year.”

  “Oh, did she have to work?” I ask.

  “No, I don’t have a mommy anymore.”

  I never actually asked him if he was married; I just assumed he wasn’t.

  I walk into my dark house and go straight into my bedroom. Usually I turn the lights on, but not tonight. The darkness is consuming me. I follow the muted lights burning from the nightlights into my bedroom. I change into Max’s sweats and crawl into bed. His clothing no longer smells of him. They smell musty from being in storage. I don’t care, I feel better just being wrapped in something of his. He is the one man who would never hurt me. I should have known that finding love like that twice in my lifetime was too good to happen. My cell phone chirps to alert me that I have a new message, and then it rings. I reach over and turn it off without looking at the message.

  I cry myself to sleep and I dream of cheaters, liars, and Alec, and then I dream of Max.

  “Em, Emma, wake up.”

  I blink a few times and smile. Max is lying beside me on the bed. He smiles and his clear blue eyes are beautiful. “You’re here?”

  “I am, I have missed you,” he says, leaning over to kiss the tip of my nose. He gently caresses my earlobe like he always does. I love you so much.”

  “I love you and I have missed you.”

  “I know, Em, I want you to know that things aren’t a
lways what they seem.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Sometimes you have to listen with your heart and sometimes you just have to just listen.”

  “Max, I don’t understand.” I lean over and touch Max’s scruffy face.

  “Em, just open your heart and you’ll get the answers you’re looking for. Just remember, no one is perfect.”

  “I love you and you were perfect,” I say, trying to put his sweet face to memory.

  “Em, I was not perfect but I love you, always and forever?” He smiles.

  “Forever and always,” I correct.

  I wake up in an empty bed. No Max, just a memory: a dream. I lie there and think about Max and Alec. Max would never have hurt me — how could I have been such a bad judge of character when it came to Alec? I try to not remember Alec’s wife lying across his bed wearing that sexy black lingerie. I think of Raelynn and her words come back to me: “No, I don’t have a mommy anymore. I don’t have a mommy. I don’t have a mommy.” Her words repeat over and over in my head. Why would she say that? The doorbell chimes and I remember I have Alec’s car. Great, I think to myself.

  I storm straight to the door, grab Alec’s car keys off the table, and throw open the door. “Here’s your damn keys.”

  “Well, and a good morning to you, too, sunshine.”

  “Sorry, Brooke, please come in.”

  Brooke walks in, carrying her empty coffee cup. “Haven’t had your coffee yet either, I see.”

  “No, I was just starting to make a pot.”

  “I thought Mr. Kung Fu spent the night.”

  “If you thought Alec spent the night, why are you over here so early?” I ask, walking to the coffee pot.

  “I wanted to see what all that yumminess looked like without a shirt on,” she laughs. “Wait a minute, wait just one minute,” she says, walking over to me. “What’s going on?”

  I fill the coffee pot up with water and ignore her.

  “Emma, what did he do to you?”


  “Emma, don’t give me that. You’re wearing Max’s clothes and you cursed when you answered the door. Your eyes are swollen and your face is all red and blotchy. Tell me, what did he do to you?”

  I slowly turn around, and my nose is already tingling. “Brooke, he didn’t do anything to me,” I say, walking to sit at the bar to wait for the coffee to get done. “It’s allergies, I was cold, and if I want to say ‘damn’ — I can.”

  “Emma,” she says, walking over to sit with me at the bar. “I am your best friend and I know when something is wrong with you.”

  “Fine, he’s married,” I blurt out, not meaning to.

  “What? What did you say?”

  “Brooke, it’s true. I saw her with my own two eyes,” I say, wiping the tears from my cheeks.

  “Emma, I don’t know what to say.” Brooke looks right at me, as if she is trying to read my thoughts.

  “What can you say? What can anyone say?” I stand and walk to the coffee maker.

  “Emma, something isn’t adding up. Something isn’t right about this.”

  “God, Brooke, she was in his house last night. She was there in the flesh, half-naked, lying across his bed, and he actually admitted to being married.” I pour myself a cup of coffee before turning to fill Brooke’s mug. Once I put the coffee pot back, I return to my seat across from Brooke.

  “Emma, think about this. If he was married, why would he take you to his house? And it must have been getting pretty serious if you went into his bedroom.”

  “I don’t know, maybe he thought she was out of town.” I take a drink of my coffee and ponder her words. It was getting very serious last night.

  “What are you going to do?” she asks, taking a sip of her coffee.

  “What choice do I have? He’s married, and that goes against everything that I believe in.”

  We finish off the pot of coffee and talk about James’ birthday party coming up next week. It’s a welcome distraction, and it’s hard to believe my little boy will be five on March 8th. We name a few places where we can have his party, but I’ll let James decide. I’m certain he’ll pick Chuck E. Cheese. I look at the clock and it’s 8:11 am. I also look out the window, thinking that Alec should be here any minute now to get his car. He also owns a truck, but I mostly see him in his car.

  “I hope he comes while I’m here because I’m going to kill him,” Brooke says, as she walks to the sink to rinse out her coffee mug.

  “Brooke, just kill him after I leave to get James; I don’t want to be a witness.”

  “Ok, whatever you wish. I have to go and get the boys ready.”

  “Going someplace fun?”

  “The grocery store if you call that fun,” she says, walking towards the front door. “Love ya, Boo, and call me if you need me to whip his or her ass for you.”

  “Forever and always, and there will be no ass whipping today.”

  “I’m available tomorrow, too,” she says, closing the door.

  I shower and dress in a hurry. I decide on a simple red and white gingham sundress with a white sweater. I want to be gone before Alec arrives to get his car. I leave his car keys on the small bistro table on the front porch. I debate on leaving a note, but I have nothing to say to him. I love you and miss you and I really wish you weren’t married. Better off to not say anything.

  I drive to Max’s parents’ house to get James. I try to forget about my broken heart, but the vision of the dark-haired beauty is fresh in my mind. Danny and James are outside playing football, and Cheryl is on the front porch, watching. I smile as I see my little boy run across the yard carrying the football. “Touchdown!” Danny yells, giving James a high five.

  I park the car and get out, smiling at my little boy. “Good boy, James. I saw that perfect touchdown you made.”

  “Momma,” he yells, and then he runs over to me.

  I bend down so I can hug him. “I missed you so, so much.”

  “I miss you, most.” He smiles.

  We walk up to the porch where Cheryl is now standing. “How was he?”

  “He was an angel, as always.” Cheryl beams.

  We all walk into the house and I can smell Cheryl’s famous spice cake. “Oh, you’re baking. It smells delicious.” My mouth waters, and I have to swallow.

  “It’s almost done. Another hour or so, it’ll be ready to eat, if you want to stay.”

  “That would be nice, but only if you are sure.”

  “Don’t be silly and we still need to talk about James’ birthday party.”

  “Come on, James. Let’s get washed up,” Danny yells from the hallway restroom.

  “Coming, granddad.” James skips down the hall and his skipping reminds me of Raelynn.

  “How was your date last night, Emma? He sure seems like a nice young man.”

  “Thank you, Cheryl. It was very nice.” Until his wife showed up. I won’t tell her that part. I’m afraid I’ll start crying and won’t stop. “Do you want to help plan James’ birthday party?” I ask, hoping to change the subject.

  “We would love to. Let me get a tablet and a pen.”

  While she is gone, I look for my phone and I realize I left it on the nightstand at home. James runs down the hallway and sits beside me. I ruffle his blond hair. “Are you ready for your birthday party?” I ask.


  “Excuse me?” I ask, looking down at him.

  “Sorry, yes, momma.”

  Cheryl returns from the other room, and says, “I found a pen and a notebook. Come on, Danny. I don’t want you to miss it.”

  We sit around the table and just as I had suspected, James wants his party at Chuck E. Cheese. Danny offers to have the party at their house and even have a bounce house. Danny tells James he can invite all the kids in his class. I am pleasantly surprised that James agrees to have the party at his grandparents’ house, instead of Chuck E. Cheese. He loves the game room and the pizza at Chuck E. Cheese. He must love his
grandparents more.

  “Come on, slugger, let’s go play some baseball while momma and grandma figure out the menu.”

  Once Danny and James are outside, I double check with Cheryl to make sure they really want to open up their beautiful home to a bunch of five-year-olds, and they do. We discuss the menu, drinks, and decorations for the party. This is a welcome distraction from my heartache. After everything is planned, we sit outside on the lanai and have our cake and coffee. James tells me about his slumber party with his granddad and grandma. I smile at his innocent little face. My baby will be five next week. It is hard to believe.

  “What theme do you want for your party this year, James?”

  “Ninjas, please, momma, and I want Briley and Braden and Rae to come.”

  My hearts skips a beat when I hear Raelynn’s name.

  “Is Rae someone he goes to school with?”

  “Raelynn is Alec’s six-year-old daughter.”

  “Oh, we didn’t know he had a daughter. We would love to meet her,” Cheryl says as she takes a drink of her coffee.

  “Grandma, she’s a ninja,” James says, as he scoots further back into his seat.

  “Oh my, a ninja. Now that is something.”

  I explain that she also takes taekwondo. I help with the cleanup, and then James and I head home. First, we stop by the grocery store and get what we need for the week. “What would you like for dinner tonight, James?”

  “Tacos sound good, momma.”

  “Yes, James. I think it sounds like a good choice for dinner.”

  James and I drive home and I am surprised to see Alec’s car still sitting in the driveway.

  “Look, momma, Rae and Alec are here.”

  I look at James, who is pointing to the front porch. I slowly look over to the front porch and Alec is holding a sleeping Rea in his arms. He looks exhausted with dark circles under his eyes. My stomach turns at the thought of him making love to his wife all night.

  I look over at my son and say, “James, when we get in the house, I want you to go straight to your room.”

  “But, momma.”

  “Do you hear me? I need to speak with Alec about some adult stuff.”

  “Yes, momma.”

  I get out of the car and grab as many grocery bags as I can from the trunk of my car and walk slowly to the porch. I look at the ground, although I want to look at Alec. My heart breaks a little just thinking about the talk that is about to transpire.


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