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Dirty Bird (Caged #2)

Page 3

by M Dauphin

  Gesturing to my mouth, I attempt to ask 'what'd you do?' But it's a garbled mess due to my swollen tongue and his eyes narrow before he starts to laugh, only enraging me. But I'm not stupid. I fight against the urge to run at him and attack. When he approaches me, I clench my fists tighter to hide the glass then hold still while he inspects my tongue. When he leans in, I close my eyes and fight the revolt of him sucking my swollen tongue. He pushes me until my back is against the wall and he sucks harder as he begins to rock his hips to rub himself between my thighs. The abrasion from his pants makes me aware I'm sore. And makes me fully aware that in true Jasper form, he did the most vile things to me while I was unconscious.

  My finger that was bit by the spider before I threw it from my face is starting to swell and it's getting harder to hold this piece of glass.

  He's moaning and grunting as he feverishly rubs himself against me and sucks. My curled fingers rest on his back so I can gauge the material of his shirt before I attack. Dropping my forehead to his shoulder as he continues to get off by rocking against me, I close my eyes tight and grip the shards so they can pierce his back. As I open my arms, I think about how stupid this plan is but follow through and jab the glass pieces into his back in between his lats, then pull downward, using all my weight to thrust myself to the floor, ripping slits down his back.

  You've been de-winged, motherfucker.

  As he screams in pain and drops to his knees I make a run for the stairs. My heart is pounding in my throat, and the adrenaline pumping through my body makes me feel like I'm on top of the world. My world suddenly crashes down on itself when he jumps onto my back and takes me to the ground. Gripping the first step, I was so close, but my grasp is cut off. Literally. A blade swipes across my fingers and I shriek in pain, pulling my hand closer to my body, but my focus stays on my fingers laying in front of the steps. I don't know which two, but he's cut off two of my fingers and the searing in my hand is so unbearable I give in to the blackout.

  The whistling bird sound pulls me from sleep and I force open my crusted eyes, reaching for them, but my wrists are tied to my legs by a rope that wraps around my knees holding my legs open because there's another rope tied around my elbows that connects to hooks in the wall. This vulnerable position has me on edge until I look for the whistling noise and see Jasper standing naked a few feet away with his back to me. There are two jagged slits down his back that are now sewn up and look as if I ripped a pair of wings off him. That wasn't my intent, but I knew the gashes I was able to inflict weren't big enough to make him bleed out and kill him, like my tired mind tried to convince me would happen.

  The swelling of my tongue and neck have gone down and makes me realize I was suffocating before, but with so much going on, I hadn't realized my air supply was so minimal, but now I'm grateful for the crisp air that burns my dry throat.

  The sight of Jasper's naked, muscular body, de-winged and stitched up gives me a sensation I haven't felt since Luke. The arousal twisting in my belly makes me start to laugh softly at first, until he turns around and the confusion on his face only makes me laugh harder. Laying my head back, I squeeze my crusted eyes closed and laugh as pain resonates through my body. He's talking to me but I can't hear him over the insanity in my head and I continue to laugh, even when he's over me, slamming into me in one solid move that's hard enough to cause tearing, even though my confused body was preparing for penetration. The pain doesn't stop my laughing and soon with my laughter come tears. Tears of a broken woman piecing herself back together because I refuse to die down here like this.

  I allow my body's betrayal when my thighs start to quake and my belly begins to swirl in the build up of my orgasm and as I shriek out with my pleasure, every part of my body that is wounded screams with me, only bringing my orgasmic high higher. I haven't orgasmed from Jasper in years, and don't want to be now, but I need this.

  Then the unexpected happens, plummeting my bliss within seconds. He kisses me. He doesn't bite like I'm used to. He doesn't suck like he sometimes does. His lips press to my open screaming mouth and his tongue slides in, softly against mine, making my scream choke in my throat from the confusing intrusion.

  I go limp, losing any sensation of my orgasm while he kisses me, moaning through the kiss as he finishes inside me whispering, "I love you, Little Bird," with his grunt of release.

  He doesn't collect himself, he quickly moves across the room, dresses, then leaves me in this suspended position. I'm left speechless and lay lifeless for an hour until the rope cutting into my flesh becomes unbearable. There is no comfortable position, but I can move the ropes just enough that they start to bite into unscathed skin. I lay this way for hours until I hear the door, then go limp, trying to pretend to sleep. The last thing I need is for Jasper to make love to me again. My lip unwillingly curls with disgust, but I turn my head. Minutes later, I'm untied and a warm, wet cloth is wiping between my legs. The gentle touch makes me open my eyes in confusion, thinking no way it's Jasper, but to my disappointment, it is. He's rushed for some reason, but I don't ask questions. I let him clean me, he then feeds me, redresses the gauze around my fingers, then medicates the wounds from the ropes. After dressing me, he looks into my eyes and I hold his gaze. There's something going on inside that demented head and I need to know what it is.

  "Jasper," softly leaves my lips but he pulls away.

  "I'll be back tomorrow to feed you."

  And just like that, he's gone, leaving me in fear for what's going on in his head.


  Jasper comes daily, three times a day. He brings food, transfers it from the plate he brings it on to another that he leaves the evening before. He gently has his way with me, but quickly, then he takes the empty plate and leaves. It's been like this for seven days now. There's no infliction of pain, or vile words spewed from his mouth. He doesn't even talk to me, during or after, and it never lasts more than five minutes, then he leaves me to eat. The first few days, I didn't eat. What's been happening was so unsettling, I was sick to my stomach, but I'm losing strength daily, especially as my body tries to heal. Perhaps this is why he's not abusing me, so my body can recuperate before he obliterates me again. But that look in his eyes hasn't gone away, it's as if a calmness has taken ahold of him. It's as if I took away his ability to fly.

  A small smirk pulls at my lips with that thought… I've conquered Jasper, I just need out of here now, but that doesn't seem hopeful. Every time he leaves, I check the door just in case, but it's locked. There's no more mirrors around, or objects I can attack him with, he doesn't even allow me silverware to eat with. But he's not hurting me anymore, and I think I want that back. He gave me a reason to fight, but now… now it's like he's making me comfortable so I stop fighting.

  Perhaps I haven't conquered him like I thought. Perhaps this is him conquering me.

  I need out of here.

  My dinner is slid onto the plate and I watch as he separates the food that has rolled to touch. He feeds me well and if I don't get my strength back, I'm going to become unmovable.

  I watch as he pauses to check his phone then looks toward the stairs before looking at me.

  "Undress, Little Bird," he calmly tells me.

  Tired of this fucked up game, I don't move but I watch as he quickly removes his pants.

  "Bird," he quietly snaps when he notices me not moving.

  "Make me, Jasper," I challenge and he sighs.

  He fucking sighs! As if he's tired of my games!

  "Bird," he hisses my name and drops to his knees in front of me. "Don't make me hurt you."

  "I want it." The words come from my mouth on their own accord. I didn't want to say that. I didn't want to ever admit to needing this sick game from him.

  "I don't want to hurt you anymore," he tells me as his fingers shove into the back of my hair and he yanks my head back. "I love you," he says before kissing me.

  Every time he kisses me, I don't retaliate, and this time is no exception.<
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  "I want to destroy you slowly," he says quietly but frantically as he tries to adjust the dress and get inside me. "Quietly," he whispers as he nips at my throat and slides inside of me. "Forever," breaths from him. As if he feels some sort of relief from this soft act of what could be considered one-sided love making.

  To be honest, I'm not sure how he's been getting off all week. He takes me every time he brings me a meal and it's been nowhere near what he needs to get off, so I'm not sure how he's been reaching climax, but he does every time.

  He thrusts inside me one final time just as his phone starts to ring. My hand flies out and wraps around the phone, but he's too fast, and grabs my wrist as he grunts from the last of his release and his eyes squeeze closed. The faces he's been making aren't even like his, and I don't know what's happened to the Jasper I once knew.

  He yanks the phone from my hand, then gets to his feet and dresses. I expect him to run off like usual, but he turns around and throws a small box at me.

  "I'll be back in the morning," he says and heads for the stairs.

  Eight o'clock, the same as every day, I can count on it. I huff and rub my face, unable to wrap my head around what this game has turned into. Dropping my hands, my eyes land on the box that's sitting next to me on the floor. My stomach plummets and I spin to my side and onto my knees. In an uncontrollable spasm, I vomit my lunch all over the dinner he had just brought me.

  A pregnancy test. He's trying to impregnate me.


  It's been a month since she's been in the basement. A month of not seeing her. A month of not hearing her voice. The basement is soundproof so any yelling she might be doing, I haven’t heard. I know she's being taken care of. I've made sure of it. Each time she gets meals I watch the clock waiting for Jasper, making sure he doesn't spend too much time with her. I don't hate her, I don't really want her to suffer, but I need her to realize how much power I have over her. The girl is delusional thinking she could overthrow me.


  Today's the day I see my girl and start to mold her into who she needs to be.

  My queen. My other half. I need her in my life, but I can't have her trying to kill me every step of the way.

  I unlock the door and crack it open. Walking into the tiny space between my hallway and basement, I let the door click closed while the darkness envelopes me.

  Three days. She was holed up in this tiny space for three days before she was brought to the basement. I feel like a dick. I don't take prisoners! I left the woman I love in a small, pitch black room for three days and didn't even think about what that'd do to her.

  Well…yes I did.

  I hope it helped break her so I can put her back together how she needs to be.

  "Megs?" I crack open the door to the basement and immediately smell her. "Lunch time, Megan." I set the tray down just outside the door and reach to push the door open farther.

  "Megan?" Opening the door wide, I see her before she hits me, but not much before. "Jesus Christ, Megs!"

  She starts throwing punches, each harder and more precise than the next. One lands right on my lip and I'm on a short fuse, trying not to beat the shit out of her right here.

  "Fucking stop, Megan!" I try to grab onto her arms to slow her attack, but she's stronger than I remember.

  Her next swing is predictable and I'm able to grab her by the wrist and spin her so her back is to me. Wrapping an arm around her waist, I slam her up against the wall, pinning her between me and it.

  "What the fuck, Megan?"

  "Fuck you," growls from throat, spit and all. "Get the fuck off me!" She's trying to thrash out of my grip but I tighten my arms, probably too tight but she's out of control. "Get the fuck off!" she screams and the back of her head meets my nose.

  "Mother fucker," I grunt, falling back a step. She spins and glares at me as I wipe blood from my nose. "What the fuck has gotten into you?"

  She's fucking insane! It's her goddamned fault we're in this situation and she's attacking me?! Taking the two strides it takes to get back to her, my hand goes around her throat and I tighten it around her delicate neck as I start to lift her off the floor.

  "You want to play games, Megs? A month wasn't long enough for you?"

  She's clawing at my arms and I'm sure she's drawing blood but it doesn't phase me. What phases me is the fact that she had the balls to attack me for keeping her fucking fed these last few weeks! I could have left her down here to rot!

  "I can't breathe." She gasps, gripping my wrist with both hands. "Lucas." Her pleading eyes meet mine. "Luke." They're filling with tears and I immediately loosen my grip, but don't let go. "You fucking left me." She gasps in a breath and her eyes close. "You fucking left me to fucking die down here at the hand of Jasper!" Her fingers grab the collar of my shirt and when her eyes open the tears fall down her cheeks, but she looks mean. Like there is a hell she's waiting to release unto me, so I don't remove my hands from her neck. "I will fucking kill you, Lucas Acey," she says with promise. My laughing only pisses her off more and her knee comes up, but she's losing steam and I'm able to block the hit to my balls then tighten my grasp on her neck.

  "You're cute, Megs," I growl. "I'm stronger and smarter than you. The faster you realize this, the easier it's going to be between us." I bring my thumb to wipe one of her fake tears off of her lip and linger a little longer than I should. Her crazy ass will probably bite my finger off if I leave it here too long. "Remember how good we were together? Don't you want that feeling again?" There's no fucking way I'm loosening my grasp on her at the moment, but my free hand is enjoying the feeling of her skin.

  Fuck I forgot how soft she is.

  "You're going to die," she whispers. "I'm going to burn this place to the ground and you're going to wish you never threw me down here. You'll pay for what you did."

  "I don't think there's much you can do being locked down here, Megan." I'm so close to her I can smell that body wash on her. The shit that Jasper brought her. "But now that I've been warned, I'll make sure none of our games involve flames and candle wax."

  The sigh that leaves her lips touches mine and my eyes drop to her mouth.

  Her head drops down and she mumbles, "Let me out, Lucas." Still with her head down, she sniffles before she whispers, "Please."

  I chuckle lightly. "Megan, you know that can't happen." I lift her chin up, her eyes meeting mine and that same fire that's been there this whole time is still there. She's not fooling me again. "Think of it this way." I caress her lips again. "You'll be fed, you'll be clean, and I'll make certain you'll be sexually satisfied every fucking day. It'll be like you're my little sex slave." I grin watching the anger rise to the surface. She's so sexy when she's pissed. "It's a win-win, Megs. Why are you fighting it?"

  She's glaring at me but all I can do is think of how her lips taste. It's been so fucking long. With my hand still tight on her throat, I lean in slightly to kiss her, just to remember her taste. As my bottom lip touches hers, she exhales a shaky breath and her lips part, her tongue juts out and that's the welcome I was hoping for. I press my mouth to hers and she sucks my bottom lip into her mouth letting out a moan that only gets louder as her teeth start to clamp onto my bottom lip until I feel the pop of my flesh as her teeth penetrate. I pull back, ripping my lip from her jaws, and slam her to the wall.

  "Jesus fuck, Megan!" I bellow, blood dripping from my chin. The evil grin she's giving me ignites me and I go after her, but not before she gets a hit straight to the nose again. "Fuck!" Wiping blood off my face I spit red and growl as I stare down at the puddle.

  Just as I look up she jumps on me, catching me off guard, so I fall back. Her tired fists wail on my head before we hit the ground, and she's straddling my throat, still punching at my face. Her weak hits aren't as maiming as they were when all this started. After a weak blow to the temple, I grab her wrists and spin us, slamming her to the ground, and pin her under my body. Her eyes glare into mine as I tighten my hold on
her. She's still fighting in my grasp, but she's so weak it's not taking much to hold her down.

  "Oh, Megs," I chuckle. "What am I going to do with you?" Leaning down, watching the drops of blood fall from my face onto her flesh, I press my lips to hers. Hard.

  I think it stuns her because this time there's no fighting back. Her entire body goes rigid as my lips land on hers. I pull back and keep eye contact as I let a hand snake it's way down her pants. The look on her face is filled with anger, but there's something else there that I've been missing.

  Lust. Need.

  She wants this, or else she'd be fighting back right now as I slip a finger inside her.

  "Shit I missed this," I manage, leaning down, slamming my lips to hers again then moving down to her neck and breasts, tasting her skin as I finger fuck her.

  She's holding back, why I'm not sure, but as her body starts to respond to my fingers and her pussy starts to tighten around me, I hear a moan come out of her that makes me harder than ever before.

  "Goddamn you," she murmurs, eyes fluttering closed, right before her orgasm peaks and she moans, arching up to me.

  I grin and slide my fingers out of her, tasting what I've been missing for the last month. Painfully hard, I make certain she knows just how turned on I am by pressing my length against her as I straddle her. Her eyes won't leave mine, and though the orgasm that just ripped through her hasn't fully subsided yet, her eyes are still full of need.

  "We're good together, Megs," I whisper, brushing the hair from her forehead. "Too damn good." I think I see a glimpse of something on her face that isn't hate filled lust, but it's quickly replaced by a look that tells me she's not ready to be done yet today.

  "Fuck me, Luke," she practically growls, her hands going straight for my pants.

  I don't hesitate in aiding her strip off every layer I stupidly put on this morning. So many fucking layers between us. I rip off her clothes, tearing her underwear in the process but I can't get to her fast enough. We're a tangle of limbs and moans and when I slam into her, I finally feel the release I've been needing.


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