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Dirty Bird (Caged #2)

Page 7

by M Dauphin

  I load the tray and unlock the basement door, leaving it unlocked behind me, just in case Bronson needs me for anything. After opening the door at the bottom of the steps, I walk into a dark room.

  "Megan, I brought you lunch," I announce, praying she doesn't tackle me this time. It'd be a damn shame to waste this salad and I'm fucking starving.

  There's no response so I walk over to the switch on the wall, but there's no light.

  "The fuck, Megan? What the fuck did you do to the lights?" I set the tray on the table and flip the switch a few more time. Nothing. My eyes dart up to the lights and see there's no bulbs. Fucking Great. "Come out, Megs." Ya fucking vampire freak.

  I stand there in the dark, listening to the silence of the room. What the hell is she up to? It's not long before I hear the telltale creak of the upstairs wood door.

  Mother fucker!

  "Megan!" I bellow, storming up the stairs just in time to see her rounding the corner towards the back of the house. "Fuck," I growl, taking off around the other corner to cut her off.

  She's never been given the grand tour of this place, so the fact that she's out doesn't worry me too much. It's not like she'll easily find her way out of here. I'm more worried about the people here that don't know I'm keeping a girl in the basement.

  The minute I round the corner to the hallway, I see her. She's trying to get into any door on this floor that she can, but she's having no luck. I keep this shit fucking locked. Tight.

  "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" The warning in my voice makes her stop and glare up at me.

  With a shriek her fingernails swipe for my face but my only instinct is to cover her shrieking mouth. No way is she going to give herself away to the people in this house. I feel a drip of blood leak down my cheek and growl.

  Fucking bitch wielding those mother fucking weapons on her finger tips. I can't believe I found that sexy once.

  I reach out and take her by her hair and slam her to the ground, her face hitting first before her hands can catch her.

  "We're going back downstairs," I snarl in her ear. "And I swear to fuck, you'll regret it if you make any goddamned noise. I'm not playing any fucking games right now, Megan."

  She grunts underneath me, blood pouring out of her nose.

  "Fuck you," she spits.

  "Oh sweetheart," I chuckle. "You'll learn one of these days." I fight her to stand, every movement is a struggle to get her to play nicely.

  I'm pissed, but not only at her. I shouldn't have ever left that goddamned door unlocked. When we get to the top of the staircase, my hand is on her mouth to muffle any noises and my other hand has hers clasped behind her back, she puts the brakes on and almost sends the both of us down the stairs.

  "Jesus fucking Christ, Megs!" I tighten my grip on her wrists. "Fucking. Move."

  She growls and bites down on my fingers, but starts walking down the stairs reluctantly, probably realizing that if we fall she'll be the one breaking my fall.

  Once we get to the basement, all doors behind us locked, I let go of her and expect to be retaliated against. Instead, I get a weak, bloodied girl that falls to the bed. Her eyes half open, she looks like she's just given up.

  I grin to myself sadly. Looks like I'm finally starting to break her.

  "Come on, let's get you cleaned up."

  I want her to be my queen, not my fucking beating post. I laugh to myself as I run the warm water over the rag in the bathroom. The first time I hurt her I actually spilled my guts I was so upset over it. Now look how far we've come. The blood on her shirt is from my actions, but she fucking deserved it. I've got countless scars from this bitch.

  Things are different now.

  "Here," I reach out, trying to hand her the washcloth but she just stares at it. I guess I’ll do it myself. "Megs, I need to get you clean, ok?"

  She gently nods, hissing when the washcloth wipes over a cut on her eyebrow.

  "Fucking hurts," she mumbles.

  "I'm sorry," I whisper.

  And I guess I am...for everything. I never meant to make her a prisoner in my basement, but she wouldn't fucking listen to me! I never meant for her to be bleeding all over her clothes from something that I did to her, but she mother fucking defied me. Again. I'm not an abuser and I'm a relatively easy going man, at least I thought I fucking was. That is, until Megan waltzed all over my mother fucking heart with fucking metal cleats.

  After I get her washed up she looks a little more like herself again. She watches me carefully when I apply the small butterfly bandage above her eye, and when I bring out the nail trimmers she narrows her eyes at me.

  "What the hell are those for?" She holds her hands against her chest tightly.

  "See this?" I point to my cheek where she scratched me earlier. "I won't have you wielding weapons every time I get close to you. They need to go. You can do it, or I can."

  "I'm not fucking cutting my nails, you sick fuck," she seethes.

  "Okay then." I yank one of her hands toward me and pry open her fist.

  She attempts to fight me on it, but her resistance soon goes weak and she gives up, huffing with annoyance as I trim each nail.

  "Thank you," I say placing the clippers back in my pocket.

  No reason for her to have these down here with her; just another weapon to get in the way.

  "Fuck you," she grumbles and moves to the bed.

  "Here. Eat." I take some salad from the bowl and hand it to her with a fork. "Dressing's on the tray. Take what you wish." I motion to the tray, then walk to the bathroom to wash my face off.

  When I come out, she's devouring her bowl of salad.

  "Hungry?" I chuckle, walking over to her.

  She gives me this glare over her bowl that tells me she's not going to feel like making small talk with me anytime soon. Small talk has never really been a strong suit for her anyway, but I'm going to try my hardest to make her not hate me today. One step at a time, right? When I leave here she'll be putty in my fucking hands.

  "You see Jasper lately?" I ask, taking a bite of salad.

  There's a smile playing on my lips because I know she's not going to answer me, but it's just too fun to play with her. She glares at me and shoves another bite of salad in her mouth, moving her gaze back down to her bowl as she shakes her head no.


  "That's good." I nod and take another bite, watching her shove the rest of the salad from her bowl into her mouth. "Have you been sleeping good down here? I tried to make it as comfortable as you had back at your house."

  The glare I get from her could kill.

  There's only one way to get to her, I guess.

  "I took a nature walk with Bronson and Katy today." Maybe bringing him up will make her talk; he seems to be the only thing she genuinely cares about.

  Her eyes lift from the bowl in her lap with a fury of hell burning behind them.

  There's my girl.

  "You're a happy little family now?" Setting her fork in the bowl she shoves it to the side. "He's my child, Luke! And you're playing fucking house with some whore of a teacher!" She gets to her feet, chest puffing again and I'm waiting for the attack. "I'm going to kill you Lucas Acey, and I’ll dance on your fucking grave. Bronson too. You're not his fucking father! He doesn't need a father! And he won't fucking need you once I get out of here and end you," she snarls, eyes wide with rage.

  I grin at her from my spot, holding in a chuckle.

  "Please, tell me how you really feel about Katy, Megs." I smile, standing and walking over to the lamp, flipping it on. "Bronson just loves her."

  A growl escapes her and before she can lunge at me I reach out and take her shoulders in my hands.

  "I could do without her though." I shrug, grinning. "I have my eyes set on someone a little more...experienced."

  "You're pathetic, Lucas." The rage has simmered but she's exhausted today, and after the good fight she gave upstairs, I'm not surprised. "Don't fuck with that little boy's head."
br />   "I'm not entirely certain what you're getting at, Megs. I took a fucking field trip with my son. Our son. That's all we did today. A field trip. Parents go on field trips with their kids all the fucking time."

  How the hell will going on a field trip mess with the kid’s mind? If anything, she should be happy I want to be involved with him while she gets her fucking head on straight and stops trying to escape! She's more than welcome to be involved once she realizes her fucking place in this house.

  "With the teacher," she mumbles.

  "Yes, with the mother fucking teacher, Megan!" I bellow, thankful this room is sound proof. I found her jealousy cute, and I wanted it, but now that it's here, I'm not enjoying it as much as I thought I would.

  "Are you fucking her, Lucas?" She stares me in the eyes.

  I grin and take a step closer to her, laying my hand on her cheek as I stare into her brown eyes. She studies me, but doesn't make a move to back away.

  "There's only one girl in this entire fucking world I want to be screwing, Megs," I whisper, watching her eyes flash to my lips as I move closer.

  Slowly I press my lips to hers and she immediately melts to my touch. I kiss her, taste her, and let her taste me as I lift her into my arms and move us to the bed. Her eyes, full of lust, watch me as I undress the both of us.

  "Don't ever question my loyalty to you again." I climb over her then lean down and take her taut nipple between my teeth, making her arch her back.

  She whimpers when I slam into her at first, but her body soon adjusts to my size and she's meeting each thrust with her own.

  "Oh god," she pants, eyes closed, her hands tight on my shoulders as I fuck her as slow as I can.

  I need to show her, no matter what, she's fucking mine. This isn't fucking.

  This is claiming.

  "Look at me, Megan." I take her face in my hands and her eyes open to meet mine. "Mine." I whisper, then lay my lips to hers again, devouring her taste as I push into her over and over again, as deeply as I can get.

  I feel her start to tense around me, her orgasm building, and I reach down to rub her clit in small, pressured circles. Her head falls back and she moans, grabbing the sheets of her bed tightly.

  "Cum around me, Megan." I'm trying to hold back my own orgasm as long as I can. "Fucking cum Megs," I growl loudly, slamming into her hard this time.

  "Oh fuck!" She bucks up to me, her eyes flying open and her pussy pulsing around my dick.

  "Fuck yes," I hiss, slamming my release into her. "All fucking mine." I growl.

  Her eyes close and she gives a weak grin when I pull out of her and lay in bed next to her. I like wearing her out this way.

  "I gotta go back upstairs before Katy leaves." I feel her body tense and chuckle when she groans. "Easy there, Killer. Just need to pay her for teaching our son today. I'll see you in a few." I kiss her on the cheek and as I get dressed I watch her pull the covers over her naked body and fall fast asleep.

  I just need her to behave and we can have this whenever we our bedroom. Not in a basement behind locked doors. Slowly I climb the stairs, not taking my eyes off her until I have to. The minute the door locks I sigh. She's not making this easy for me. I don't want to lock her in the basement, but she's forcing my hand. Running out like she did today isn't okay. I can't let her free if I can't trust that she's not going to run.

  The minute I walk into the foyer I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes.

  "I'm heading out for the day. He has homework tonight." Katy is leaning against the door frame, purse in hand and school tote on her shoulder. She's trying her hardest to seduce me, I see it, and though she's nice to look at, she's not what I want.

  "Here, let me get your money."

  She follows me to the office and waits way too close for comfort. I slide the money out of the drawer, making sure she doesn't see the lock code, then spin and am almost touching her she's so close.

  "Thanks," she says breathily.

  My eyes flick to her cleavage and I raise my eyebrow at her. Her smile starts to sweep over her recently lip-gloss coated lips and she cocks her head. She thinks she's so smooth.

  "I'd appreciate it if you wore something a little less revealing around my son tomorrow." I lean in and whisper, "You're here to educate. Not seduce."

  Her eyes go wide and she steps back from me, mouth agape. "I'm not—" she stammers. "I—"

  "Show yourself out, I have shit I need to get done. And apparently homework now, too." I know I'm being an asshole to her, but I don't give a fuck. I'm tired of her flaunting her body around this house. I'm not paying to look at a nice ass, even though she has one. I'm paying her to educate my son. If she can't do that correctly, I will find someone else that can.

  She nods and apologizes, then retreats out of my office as quick as she can. Good fucking riddance.

  Jasper comes into the room as soon as she's gone, his eyes following her down the hallway before he turns to me. "Pink or brown?"

  "Excuse me?"

  "Her nipples." He smiles and walks to the chair across from my desk, then sits down and crosses his ankle over his knee. When I ignore him he asks, "What did we need to discuss?"

  "Megan." I growl the name, slowly sitting in my chair and propping my elbows on the desk. I steeple my fingertips while I glare at him. "She's completely off limits. You know this, right?"

  "You've told me this, yes."

  "You almost fucking killed her, Jasper!" I explode, not meaning to, but the smug look on his face makes me want to punch it clear off his body.

  "She's still alive, is she not?"

  "That's not the point. You cut off her fucking fingers," I hiss, standing and storming around the desk at him. "And now she's being courted for marriage by none other than Ben Vig." I enjoy the way his face falls when the words come from my mouth.


  "Marriage. You know, when two people legally, albeit idiotically, join themselves to one another for the rest of their life, thereby losing all sense of freedom they ever had."

  "I fucking know what marriage is, you asshole. What the fuck do you mean he's courting her for marriage?"

  "Oh," I chuckle. "Seems your girl, back in the day before she became my girl, had a little problem that BK helped her take care of in return for her hand in marriage if his son wasn't married by the time he turned thirty." The words leave a horrible taste in my mouth but I can't let him see how much this phases me.

  "And you're fucking letting it happen!?" He stands, the chair flying back behind him, and he gets in my face.

  Jasper is all talk and no bite when it comes to physical altercations with me. With other people, he will absolutely beat them down if provoked, but not with me.

  He wouldn't touch me.

  Except the time he shot me...

  I stand a bit taller than him, glaring into his eyes as he tries to calm himself. It's actually quite amusing, watching him want to explode but trying to hold it back.

  "Why'd you stay gone for so long this week, Jasper? The job you left to do would have taken one day, two tops. Where were you this whole time?"

  "What I do in my personal time is none of your business," he growls.

  "Oh, but it is. We're in this together. If you're out finding hookers and scoring whatever drugs it is that you think you need at the moment, that comes back to look like shit on this empire."

  "I said it's none of your fucking business."

  "Are you being safe?" I quirk an eyebrow at him and let a small, fake grin slip.

  "Fuck you. Focus, Ace! Why are you not at all pissed about this Vig thing?"

  "Well, being as she's still in this house, I can't be too pissed." I am, but I'm really fucking good at hiding these emotions. It's taken life-long practice to get to where I am, too.

  "What are we going to do?"

  "I told them she's here until she settles a debt she owes you. They seemed to respect that, but Ben's been here almost every fucking day like clockwork to 'check in' on
his bride."

  "Fuck that." He storms across the room for the whiskey. "That's not gonna fucking fly, Ace. She's probably feeding him so much shit! She's going to take down this entire fucking empire!" he bellows, slamming the jar of whiskey down after filling his glass.

  "She's not feeding him anything. The cameras down there are taking it all in. All she's doing is playing the damsel in distress. That's it. She's playing along. Why, I don't know yet. But Vig won't let this go on for long."

  "So what the fuck is next?"

  "Well, we can't get rid of Vig and his men, we need them, and we need to stay on good terms with them. We can prolong this as much as possible, but we're going to need something good."

  "Money." Jasper growls. "We'll say she embezzled millions in the time she's been with me. And she has to pay it back because in this business, you don't steal from our empire and not repay it, right?"

  "Right," I grin, this time genuinely. "She can't be trusted not to run. You can't trust her to let her out of the basement anytime soon. If you can't trust to let her out of the basement, then she can't start working to earn you the money that she stole from you."

  "Exactly. That fucking bitch is gonna rot down there before I let someone else take her." He snickers.

  "That's not your goddamned call, Jasper," I answer definitively. "Don't fucking forget that."

  He downs the whiskey in one gulp, then hisses as he stares into the empty glass.

  "The Vigs will be here in the morning to check in on things. I expect you to feed them exactly what we talked about. Nothing less, nothing more. Got it?"

  "Got it." He stands

  "Good. You can go now." I walk to the door and raise an eyebrow at him as he gives me a sly grin as he walks out of the room.

  "See ya in the morning, Ace." He winks at me and leaves, turning down the hallway that leads to his wing of the mansion.

  Such a twisted web we're building, and I still don't know a way out of it without anymore blood being shed.

  "Shit," I huff and head straight for the whiskey.


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