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Dirty Bird (Caged #2)

Page 12

by M Dauphin

  Leaning my head on his arm I chuckle. "Does he play out here now?"

  "Sometimes. I don't like him to go too far. Maybe when he's older he can start exploring these woods a little more."

  "I'd love to have a day out here in the sun with him," I mumble as I envision him running through this large yard, his giggles floating through the air.

  My compassion and love can be extensive when it comes to Bronson.

  "Maybe one day," he answers, almost in a whisper. He stops and looks up. "I like being this far from the city. The stars shine brighter out here, I swear." He looks down at me and smiles a genuine smile.

  "I haven't seen the stars since I was kid," I mutter, looking past his face and to the sky. "Like really looked to appreciate. Not since I lived at my Gram's and my brothers took me to a pond she had out back from her place." I chuckle as the memory floods back.

  I haven't thought about my youth in so long. It's hard to remember there was a handful of good memories.

  "You never talk about your brothers. What were they like? Where are they now?"

  "I don't know anything about my brothers. I spent a few weeks in my grandmother's house with them, and that was the only time I'd ever seen them. I didn't know I had brothers until we moved in, and when we moved out not long after I forgot I had brothers. They were... great," I mumble and look back to the sky. "I guess. I don't know what happened to them."

  "You didn't forget about them, Megs," he whispers, taking his hand and resting it on my cheek. "They're still in there, but it was probably easier just not having to think about them. What about your parents? I mean, they would know what happened to your brothers. Maybe one day you can find them again..." he trails off and the hopeful look on his face makes me roll my eyes.

  "Similar to you, Lucas Acey, I didn't have a normal life either. My parents are dead," I state firmly with every bit of coldness I feel toward them. "I killed them on my eighteenth birthday, because Jasper asked me to." I glance at him, then start walking again, pissed I opened up. "They did teach me to be the woman I am today though. I guess I could thank them for that. Anyway," I slow my steps as he trails behind me, "my mom didn't care about my brothers. She felt the same for me, but she couldn't find anyone to pawn me off on. The past is the past. Now is what matters."

  Apparently I've said too much because he's walking me back toward the house. When we get inside, my guard is back up. There was something freeing about being outside. I try to drop my hand, but he tightens his grip and looks back at me and smiles, then nods to the steps leading upstairs. "Come on," he whispers, pulling me behind him.

  We walk down a long hallway, one I've never even been in before, and stop at the end in front of French doors with frosted glass. He drops my hand and looks at me with a hesitant smile. Griping the handles, he opens the doors together and steps aside for me to take in the room in front of me.

  It's probably triple the size of my tiny space in the basement, and looks like a woman designed it.

  "This is your room?" I ask spanning my gaze around the mass room before looking at him. "This is where the King sleeps," I mumble and walk farther inside.

  He chuckles from behind me and quietly closes the doors.

  "This is my room..." he trails off, walking closer to me as I take in every ridiculously lavish thing in this room. He leans in, his lips almost touching my neck, and whispers, "It's missing a queen though, Megs."

  God, I'd love to fill that roll in this empire. Only problem is, I'm not looking for a king of his caliber, and he's only looking for a queen tonight for sex.

  Ignoring his words, I spin and face him, wrapping my arms around his neck and go in for the kiss I need. I'm not sure what his thoughts are tonight-if they're to kill me or if he's setting me free-but he won't make a decision until we fuck. I stupidly always want to fuck him, so I may as well fill this sensation and get it out of the way so we can move to the next part.

  There's a mixture of emotions in me while we go back and forth. Fighting for who's in charge as he's deep inside me, trying to claim me, and I'm tight around him, trying to hold him there. In the end, all the feelings let go to the best orgasm he's given me yet, and I didn't expect it, but now I'm exhausted, mentally and physically. As I lay satiated, I glance over at him because I feel him staring at me. He lifts his hand and rests it on my stomach, his fingers starting to move in small circles. His mouth softly kisses over my shoulder and the smile floating on my face can't be helped. I don't want it to end. That feeling of a Queen reigning and a King dominating.

  He starts talking, but I'm drifting into unconsciousness and can't make out his words anymore.

  I wake soon after falling asleep and when I open my eyes there's a dim lamp on. I need the dark to sleep so I slowly move, not to wake Lucas, but as I swing my legs over the side of the bed I see he's sitting in the corner of the room, and I startle with a yelp.

  "Shit." My hand rests over my pounding heart. "You're not sleeping," I mumble and glance around for a clock, seeing it's quarter after four. "What's wrong?" I slowly stand and can't help as my gaze drops to his pants, hoping to see the tented proof of an erection, but I'm disappointed.

  "I haven't slept at all." He crosses the room toward me. "Not one goddamned wink." Stopping in front of me, his eyes lock with mine. "How'd you sleep, Megan?"

  "Well." I glance at the clock again, remembering it reading just after two before I passed out. "It's only been two hours, Luke." I slide my hand to his bare side. "Why haven't you slept?" I can't tell if he's angry or anxious, but he's something and I'm wishing it was hard, so I slide my fingers across the waist of his pants.

  He takes my wrist in his hand, stopping me from going any further and glares at me.

  "I've had something on my mind," he whispers, pulling me to stand in front of him before spinning us and sitting on the bed, patting his lap. I grin, liking where his mind is going. "Well come on," he snaps, pulling me down so I'm laying across his lap on my stomach.

  I hum when his hand stars caressing down my back. We've never played this game, but I'm up for it. The soreness between my thighs isn't stopping me from wanting more, so as his hand slides over my ass and he circle's once I exhale and quiver. His hand leaves my skin briefly, then the sting of his slap makes me burn for him more. I moan, arching up to him, begging for another one. He circles again, this time moving lower down to my thighs. I hear him exhale as his fingers trail down my thighs and I immediately tense up.

  This isn't going where I thought and I quickly stand, slowly backing away, as if keeping it out of his sight will erase what he's already discovered.

  He narrows his eyes at me and clears his throat. "He's a dead man," he states, standing from the bed and storming to the door.

  "Luke!" I follow him and grab his arm before he exists. "What are you doing?" If Jasper were actually a dead man because of this, I'd let him go, but I know he wouldn't actually kill the asshole and that's why I have to lie.

  "The man's obviously been lying to me. He fucking permanently marred your skin with his goddamned name, Megan!" he bellows. "He's not fucking getting away with this!"

  That's when I notice the look in his eyes. I can't tell if he's pissed, or worried? Maybe a little of both? Either way, the bloodshot eyes staring at me aren't the eyes I fell asleep to last night.

  "He didn't," I insist and pull away from him, quickly going back to the bed as my stomach knots in disgust. "I did that." Standing tall, I turn around and face him, looking him in the eyes with a stoic look as I lie to him.

  "You what?" he whispers, his arm falling from the door handle. "You... you fucking did that?" His confused tone and narrowed eyes as he walks towards me does nothing to help my stomach.

  "I love him, Lucas!" I snarl, almost vomiting with my words, but as I see shock hit his face I gain more courage because if I can break him down just a little more, all while keeping my son safe because of Jasper's fucked up game, I will.

  It will get me out of that basement an
d in a position to end this shit.

  "You love him, huh?" His face contorts into a grin, laced with anger and jealousy. He walks closer to me, now just a foot or so away from touching me, and reaches out to grab hold of my left hand. "Really, Megan? You love him? It's not possible to love two men at the same time, Megan," he growls, holding up my ring finger. He grunts, dropping my finger, and walks away. "You fucking love him." He starts pacing the room like a caged animal. "And you fucking love Ben too, huh?! Just throw the goddamned love around why don't ya, Megs!?"

  "Don't be ridiculous, Luke," I snicker. "You sound like a jealous teenager. I have, and always will, love Jasper. Forever. And I've recently fallen in love with Ben. I'm going to marry Ben because being with Jasper is not an option." I'm tense enough to hide the shaking of my hands, but my queasy stomach is churning, almost out of my throat.

  Proclaiming to love Jasper is more nauseating than possibly bearing his child.

  "Don't marry him, Megan," he blurts, stopping the pacing and storming over to me. "Don't fucking do it. You don't have to." He's frantic now, grabbing my hands and squeezing them. "We have something amazing here...right? I mean... I've never had such fucking great sex, and you haven't either, don't lie. I—" He cusses and shakes his head. "I fucking love you, Megs. And I know you want to be a Queen. So why leave such an amazing thing?" His hope filled eyes make me laugh.

  He's losing his goddamned mind.

  "Lucas, we've been down this road before. I know who you are and what you've done. What you'll continue to do. I love Ben. I'm marrying Ben."

  God. The satisfaction I'm getting from his panic has put butterflies in my queasy stomach. The man is delusional if he thinks I'll believe he doesn't have more terror in store for me, and not until I fully break him will I believe his words. He's almost there, but not quite yet, and I will not fall for his deception like he almost made me do when I got into this situation.

  "Do you know how powerful we'd be together, Megs?" He brings my hands to his lips but I yank them away, grinning as his face falls.

  "Not as powerful as I will be when I become Mrs. Benjamin Vig. I'll give you the sex. We do fuck well together, but I fuck well with anyone. Just ask Ben." I walk past him and wince, expecting to feel the repercussions of that comment, but as he remains silent I grab my clothes and begin to dress. "Prove it to me, Lucas." I spin around managing to keep the hope from my tone and face. "Prove to me what we can do together."

  I only need a day out of that fucking basement to end this.

  "Tell me you won't marry him." He storms toward me, grabbing my arms. "Right now. Tell me you're not going to marry him." His eyes are intense and full of emotion.

  I'm so close, and the look on his face tells me he's breaking. This may not crumble him, but it will leave a permanent crack.

  "I'm marrying Ben," I quietly, calmly tell him.

  He takes a deep breath, his hands not letting go of me. With his eyes closed and jaw tight, he attempts to compose himself before losing it. When he opens his eyes, something's switched in the look he's giving me. Without words, he pulls me to the doorway and rushes out of the room, practically dragging me behind him. If I would have agreed, he would have thought he won. He will never win. The day I get him at the end of a barrel is the day he will realize how much he's lost.

  I fumble a few steps but he catches me, digging fingers in harder before I fall, and continues to pull me through the house. Yanking open the door to the basement landing, he halts abruptly and I fall to his feet.

  "Jasper," Lucas blurts, eyes wide staring at the man standing in the basement landing. "What's going on? I thought I told you this area is completely fucking off limits?"

  I'm yanked to my feet and Lucas shoves me behind him before standing tall and glaring at Jasper, who's glaring at me like a starving wolf.

  "Why the fuck is she out of the basement?" he barks and the first thing I notice is what's in his hands, he's trying to hide it.

  I've been given two of these before, so I know the box when I see it.

  "What I do with Megan is none of your business, Jasper. Answer my goddamned question. This area is off limits." Luke's eyes flick to Jasper's hands before he motions to the box. "And what the fuck is that?"

  "You look like shit, Ace. She's draining the life from you." He pulls open the door to the basement steps. "Put the bitch in the fucking hole, lock the door and throw away the key." He tries to walk around us but Lucas shoves him back and snatches the box from his hands.

  "What the fuck is this?" Lucas barks, staring at the package. "A fucking pregnancy test? Jasper have you lost your mother fucking mind?!" There are beads of sweat on Lucas's forehead and he looks crazed.

  Jasper is right, I'm draining the life from him. Just a little bit further. I snatch the box from his hands and stand at Jasper's side.

  "That's for me." I look up at Jasper before looking at Lucas. "I'm fucking Jasper as well."

  "Lying bitch!" Jasper barks. "It's because she fucked Ben, Ace! Fuck this whore!" He shoves me toward the basement steps, but Lucas grabs my wrist to stop me from falling.

  "What the fuck is happening?" Luke eyes keep darting from Jasper to me. "Why the hell am I holding this fucking test?" he barks when neither of us speak up.

  "I'm fucking Jasper and I've yet to have my period." That's a lie, but this will break them both. "He didn't tell you he's been fucking me?" I question with a smirk.

  "I haven't fucking seen her, Ace!" Jasper screams.

  "That's a lie. He helped me with my leg." I look over my shoulder down at the back of my thigh. "And we fucked in my blood." I smirk but the smirk is punched off my face by Jasper's fist and the hit spins me until I fall into the wall.

  I hear a grunt from behind me and turn to see Luke throw one clean punch to Jasper's temple.

  "Get the fuck upstairs!" he bellows, shoving Jasper away from him. "Now, Jasper!" Luke's heavy breathing and clenched fists radiate the anger coming from him. He spins and glares at me. "Downstairs," he blurts, pulling me up.

  I rush down the steps holding my numb face, unsure if my tooth has been knocked loose but my mouth is full of blood. I slam the bathroom door at the same time I hear the basement door slam closed, and as I spit out the mouthful of blood, I listen for the footsteps on the stairs, but there are none.


  It's been two days since I've been fed or seen anyone, and when I hear the footsteps I quickly stand from the bed, preparing for Jasper and having to fight for my life. I'm shocked when it's Ben.

  "Ben," I blurt with relief.

  "My love," he says rushing over to me. His eyes take in the purple bruising on my cheek and his jaw goes tight. "What happened to your face, Megan?" His fingertips graze the bruise and I flinch away from it.

  "You have to get me out of here!" I beg mustering tears, making my desperation a little thick, but I can't stay down here any longer. It's time, and I'm willing to go to any extent to get the fuck out of here.

  "Who did this to you, Megan?" His eyes fill with a genuine worry I'm not used to seeing.

  "Jasper," I whisper and drop the tears managing a whimper, and bury my face in his shoulder.

  Ben lets out a growl and pulls me to him, wrapping his arms around me. "I'm getting you out of here, love. I promise you that. And I promise you he'll never lay his hands on you again."

  I continue the charade of my tears for a few more minutes before pulling away and softly wiping around the bruise on my face. "Ben." I sniffle and look up at him. "When you take me from here..." Looking away, I'm not sure how to approach this. "I want to take my son with us." I look into his face again.

  He furrows his brows and stares at me, slowly cocking his head to the side. "The kid? The one Ace has been seen with?" He's so confused and I hate that Bronson has to get wrapped up in another dangerous family, but there's no way I'm leaving him here with Lucas and Jasper.

  "Bronson." I nod. "That's my son."

  "Your... son?" He backs away f
rom me and lets out a chuckle. "I knew you had a child, but I didn't think in this home. That's your son, but Ace is caring for him?"

  "At the moment." I slowly cross my arms over my chest. "Because I'm prisoner in this basement."

  He glances back at me and narrows his eyes.

  "Who is his father? Does the boy have a father?"

  "All that matters is I'm his mother."

  "Yea," he mumbles. "His mom. I'm also excited to make you a mother to my children, Megan." He smiles and walks towards me.

  "Mother to your children," I repeat, nonchalantly taking a step back.

  Do I actually want to give birth to a child? I didn't even want Bronson but I couldn't ruin his life any more than I had already let happen.

  "Yes," he says pulling me towards him by my hip. "I'm thinking a boy first, then a girl-so the boy can protect his little sister." He smiles and dips his head to press his lips to mine.

  Marriage and children in exchange for my freedom. If it were anyone other than Ben, I would be fighting that.


  Fucking Megan Porter wouldn't know love if it bit her in the mother fucking ass.

  Because it has! I FUCKING HAVE!

  It's been a week since that night. I didn't see her for three days after it. I couldn't take it. Seeing her, picturing his fucking name burned into her goddamned skin. Watching the ring on her finger sparkle, reminding me who she belongs to… and it's not fucking me.

  I know she loves me. She can't love someone like Jasper! Ben, maybe. He's too goody two-shoes for her. Right? But Jasper? Jasper has fucked her up too many times to count. Why the fuck would she love a man like that?

  And why the fuck doesn't she love me?! I'm fucking twenty times better than both those assholes.


  I'm running out of time before Ben storms through my front doors demanding his property, and I'm becoming frantic. I have a few things up my sleeve and all I can do is pray to God she realizes how stupid she's being.


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