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Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

Page 24

by Belvin, Love

  “Taylor & Bacote?”

  “Yes, Rayna. We have to meet with my public relations team to manage the aftermath of yesterday. It’s not something that I can ignore or wait to play out. With my status and Brian Thompson’s legal savvy, I have to position myself offensively perhaps.”

  I couldn’t speak, I was frozen in my seat. What would I say anyway… I don’t want to meet with the woman who is at the root of this problem? That… there’s no possible way she could help map out a solution when she was, in fact, the problem? This couldn’t get any messier. How would I survive this season of Dawn Taylor? I had no clue, but quickly decided to keep moving forward. I wasn’t prepared to lose Azmir. I’d made that decision sometime last night. I would not forfeit whatever it is that we’ve been growing here.

  True to his word, Azmir ushered me to the master bathroom and ran me a glorious bath in the Jacuzzi. He massaged me, limb by limb. He made nice with my body all right, my heart was a different matter. Something that a calming bath couldn’t settle. We talked and slowly readied ourselves with dressing for the meeting. On the drive there, I pondered on so much. I wondered what Azmir was feeling, was Thompson badly hurt from Azmir’s lightning speed jabs, was Dawn having a laugh at my expense, and how badly did she anticipate me screwing this up with Azmir so that she can sink her claws into him.

  When we entered the upscale restaurant, my nerves started fraying immediately. I don’t know why Dawn represented such a threat to me, but she did. And it was clear she had some fixation with Azmir. Azmir gave his name and the hostess, who couldn’t get enough eye-time in with him, directed us to our table right away after informing, “Your party has been waiting on you, Mr. Jacobs. This way,” with a husky tone.

  Ughhhhh! This wasn’t kicking off correctly at all. Azmir took me at the small of my back and I followed the tall brunette back to a secluded area. Right away Dawn and Shayna’s eyes were upon us. Shayna rose with a polite plastered smile, while Dawn remained seated along with her sinister sneer on her lips, but her eyes registered something entirely different. She actually looked shocked.

  Azmir pulled out my chair, inviting me to sit before he greeted Shayna with a brief hug and Dawn with a handshake. Once everyone was seated, I noticed the uneasy expressions from both Dawn and Shayna. I felt out of place. Nervously, I brushed the back of my neck with my hand and glanced over to Azmir for guidance.

  “Well, we didn’t expect you here, Rayna,” Dawn informed very perky in her tone, dripping righteous indignation. “After yesterday I thought you’d be somewhere…recovering from yesterday’s events.”

  Already, her fangs were out, ready to attack. My heartbeat sped up and my body silently trembled. I wasn’t expecting her to come with it so soon. I didn’t want to engage in a war with her at this sensitive time in Azmir’s and my relationship. I tried to quickly center myself and play ball. I couldn’t let her back me into a corner. Not now. Not ever. But I had to move with tact.

  “I have. And now we’re here. What do you have for us in terms of managing the chaos? It is your job, you know.”

  Azmir grabbed my thigh from underneath the table before speaking, “Dawn, Ms. Brimm is here because this situation involves her. If we’re talking strategy, I’m sure it encompasses her. Here’s your opportunity to address her directly, but with diplomacy.”

  “Sure, Mr. Jacobs. This is what we do,” Shayna spoke up, clearly attempting to soften the blow dealt by her partner. “Ms. Brimm, we don’t mean any harm at all. In fact, it’s important that you are here. There should be solidarity between you two. This is what we need to calm this matter.” Again, it was clear to me that there wasn’t a shared agenda between the two regarding Azmir. Her words didn’t do a lot to ease my nerves, but I appreciated the peace in her actions.

  “Okay. First things first, are you two together…or will you remain together after yesterday’s event?” Dawn forged ahead with her Kill Rayna Dead campaign.

  It was the best and the worst question to ask. Azmir and I didn’t have a title, therefore we’ve never been together. All we’ve had was an intimate relationship. This was the only thing that I was sure of.

  What do I say? How do I respond? I was slipping and slipping fast. I didn’t have an answer.

  “Nothing has changed between Rayna and me,” Azmir spoke firm and in all of his CEO mien. It was his trustee strong and deliberate intimating tone that worked each time he executed it. “Rayna and I have spoken extensively over the past eighteen hours and we agree that nothing has changed in terms of our status. What took place yesterday was nothing short of a misunderstanding between Rayna and her overzealous colleague after a few drinks over a late lunch.”

  Dawn’s mouth dropped. Even I was surprised by Azmir’s affirmation. He was unwavering in his summary of the situation. Shayna’s eyes were popped, but glued to the document before her. She slowly raised her pen to record his comments.

  “Wow. That’s rather firm, Azmir,” Dawn mentioned.

  “Oh, my position regarding my personal life is very firm, Ms. Taylor,” Azmir retorted. “And with that being said, I believe the etiquette for the nature of this meeting is that you reference me as Mr. Jacobs and to her as Ms. Brimm. I am paying you, not the reverse. I expect the utmost formalities when dealing with matters of business. Are we clear, Ms. Taylor?”

  The table grew quiet. You could hear a pin drop. Dawn’s crimson lips were parted in shock. As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t gloat in her discomfit. There’s nothing funny about being at the end of Azmir’s anger.

  “Y-yes, Mr. Jacobs. Of course. I apologize for my lapse in professionalism.” Dawn shook her head in an effort to clear her brain. I watched raptly as she took a hard swallow, a fortifying move to regain herself. “Well, now that that’s out of the way, why don’t we discuss strategy. Huhn?” Dawn’s eyes ascended, agenda anew.

  Azmir gave a firm nod before muttering, “We should. It is, by the way, what I pay you for.” The mocking in his tone was gentle, yet couldn’t be ignored.

  “Okay…” Dawn breathed out, obviously taken by his crisp response to her. “…well, we’ve mapped out a plan that will include addressing the inquiry from calls that have been coming in from the magazines and bloggers you have established relationships with. They’ve heard about the incident involving Mr. Thompson and want details. Here’s how we’ll handle them…”

  Dawn continued with strategy and Shayna filled in when it was her turn to speak. Though I listened fixedly, the tension looming over the table was palatable. No one was relaxed, not even Azmir, no matter how collected he appeared. This was going to be a long road ahead. Having to deal with the likes of Dawn Taylor would make the journey that much more arduous.


  It’s a Saturday evening and I’ve just returned from visiting my brother, Kemee, in Jersey. I caught a flight out first thing Friday morning and arrived just hours before his allotted visiting time. I would have returned right after, but Azmir insisted that I stayed overnight to recoup from the long flight. I remember Michelle scolding me about staying a few days and I wouldn’t relent. But now that I’m with Azmir I agonize over being separated from him for even one night.

  The past couple of weeks had been so intense, but slowly I’d adjusted to being back at the marina. In my most candid ruminations, I’d admit that I so enjoy seeing Azmir every night and waking up to him every morning. He’s made my life so adventurous and settled at the same time. I honestly haven’t felt so at home since living with my parents as a child. Azmir’s apartment was far warmer and more welcoming than my own house in Redondo. I cherished that.

  I would never compromise my commitment to my brother, so I complied with Azmir’s wishes and stayed overnight. I also lied and told Azmir that I was going to visit Chyna again. He offered to send Chanell, but I declined, reminding him that I am a very private person and would prefer not giving people privy to my family life. I had to remind him of how difficult it was divulging parts of my life to even him.
He relinquished after I conceded to staying one night.

  I missed him before the plane took off. We usually find ourselves in a passionate lovemaking session prior to either of us traveling, but he’d become so preoccupied with work that I didn’t see him before leaving for the airport.

  Tonight was a big show at Cobalt. It had been talked about on the radio and advertised over the Internet. Even bloggers were posting about the precedence this scale of event would take. It was a very popular R&B artist touring and agreed to make Cobalt a leg in schedule. This particular artist drew other big wig names as well, so it was sure to be a night of celebrities at the club. I heard very little from Azmir since my plane arrived in L.A. I sent a couple of texts, but decided not to call.

  I ran to the high-rise to quickly shower and dress. I swear since being with Azmir I feel like I lead the life of a celebrity. I’m constantly traveling, always having clothing delivered to me or am at a boutique, buying pieces for upcoming events. Shoot, I now even have personal shoppers and makeup artists, vying for signed contracts with me. It can all be overwhelming, but I constantly remind myself that my life is now anew, as it includes the business mogul, A.D. Jacobs.

  I select a Rebecca Taylor cheetah print mesh daisy dress with long sleeves and low neckline. It falls inches above my knees. I paired it with my above-the-knee, black Christian Louboutin boots. I accessorized with oversized gold hoops and flashy bracelets and kept my makeup mild with simple smoky eyes and nude lips. As I gave myself a final look over in the mirror, I felt a singe of excitement travel up my spine as I imagined seeing Azmir. I couldn’t wait to get him home tonight. You would think that after his cannibal antics following the Thompson incident that I wouldn’t think about being with him for weeks to come. And as much as his behavior still haunts me, I have my needs of him.

  I decide not to take the S550 tonight, but instead I grab the keys to his SLS. I swear, this man has more cars than he can drive. I had to admit, every once in a while it was fun playing with Azmir’s toys. When I arrived at the club, as usual, there was a line wrapped around the corner. I head into the private parking lot and show my face to the club’s parking security. He nodded his head in approval and directed me in. I parked next to Azmir’s 750 a felt another chill zing through me. I went in and headed to the hostess to find out where I’d be seated. She had security escort me over to the V.I.P. section where I saw lots of familiar faces, Petey’s being one.

  “Oh, shit! Sup, Rayna!” he greeted, exposing all of his teeth.

  “Hey, Petey! Great seeing you. You’re looking like you’ve slimmed down a bit,” I charmed.

  He gave a goofy laugh that warmed my heart. Though I still held my reservation about his orchestration at Kid’s party with Dawn Taylor, I’d easily learned to love Petey. He was very devoted to Azmir and that went a long way with me. I greeted Kim who has grown on me a lot as well. When I met her I could hardly get her to muster three consecutive words and now she’s my favorite chatter box—second to Chanell, who was there as well, dancing in her seat.

  Then my eyes somehow met those of Dawn Taylor’s. As much as I wanted to question her being here I knew I couldn’t. This was a big night and the first of Bacote & Taylor’s work with Cobalt. Azmir prepared me earlier on in the week, saying Dawn would be around more often than usual as their marketing strategies would be launched over the next few months. I had to decide that if I wanted this thing with Azmir to work I’d have to bear the brunt of her presence and exposure to Azmir. But that decision wasn’t met without apprehension. What helped me arrive at that decision was how he’d never changed his password to his cell phone records, subliminally saying he had nothing to hide. Either way, seeing Dawn did something to me. It was a reminder of who my cleanup lady was. There was always something behind her charming smirk. Just like tonight. She gave a knowing smirk as her way of speaking. I responded with a firm nod.

  Mark and Eric were there with their ladies. I couldn’t keep up with Eric and his wife, NaTasha’s, status. The last time I saw them they could stand no more than three feet within each other. Tonight, NaTasha couldn’t keep her hands off him. And clearly Eric loved it, as he is beaming from ear to ear.

  “As ever, it is a pleasure, Ms. Brimm. You are a joy to look at as much as the sun on a new day,” Eric lightly flirted. I could tell he was taken by me, but he never crossed the line. It was like having a seven year-old have a crush on you. He was harmless in his puppy love.

  “Why, thank you, Mr. Williams. As it is with you and your lovely wife,” I returned.

  “When is that berk of a man going to end his vainglorious ways, make you an honest woman and put your sea of admirers out of their misery?” I suppressed my laughter in order to not make him feel uncomfortable. I so enjoyed Eric’s didactic vernacular.

  “Hmmmmmm…I have no idea. You’re his bestie. Surely you have an idea of where his mind is, more or less his heart,” I returned.

  “Hey, where is he, by the way?” Mark chimed in as he greeted me with a small peck on the cheek.

  “I’m not sure,” I said with narrowed eyebrows. I’d just assumed he was there. He told me he’d be here so I was sure that he had been. “He’s probably up in his office. I just got here. I’ll ask Petey,” I said just before making a beeline for Petey.

  Petey confirmed Azmir was in the building. So, I moseyed my way over to Chanell who was never short of an entertaining story. We chatted for about twenty minutes or so before the emcee began announcing the opening act. Certainly, Azmir should have been down here by now to watch the show. He’d told me how much he was looking forward to tonight.

  I glanced over to Petey, subconsciously wondering where was Azmir, to see that he clearly had the same thoughts because he was looking over to me and motioned he had no idea with his hands. I excused myself from Chanell who was just telling me about her last street fight with a girl over the latest love she had been involved with. Never a dull moment with this chick. Gotta love her.

  I walk towards the entrance of V.I.P. and pass Petey on the way, telling him I was going upstairs to look for Azmir. I walk down onto the main floor where security was waiting, unbeknownst to me, to escort me to wherever I was going. It was weird, but I did get moved through the droves of patrons quicker. I stopped at the elevator and that’s where I parted ways with my armor.

  When I arrived to the third floor, I saw someone manning the receptionist desk. A young, chunky Caucasian woman who sported a jet-black boyish haircut with oversized black, plastic framed glasses and conspicuous lip and nose piercings. I’d seen her around a time or two. Clearly, she knew who I was from the way she respectfully nodded as I passed by her.

  “Is he in here?” I asked, walking towards Azmir’s office.

  “Uhn-huhn,” she eagerly and politely confirmed. Once at the door, I knocked. I didn’t want to just barge in. No matter what Azmir and I had going on, he was a respected businessman first.

  “Yeah!” Azmir barked, sounding annoyed. My eyes bulged and lips pouted rapidly in response to his curtness.

  I slowly opened the door with apprehension. I never attempted to be overly-familiar with him in his places of business. As I walked in, within seconds, I make eye contact with him. He’s sitting behind his desk with his back straightly aligned. Azmir, while as gorgeous and alluring as ever, looks stressed, very rigid. He visibly registers my identity and immediately looks relieved. A strong exhale escapes through his mouth. I guess that means he’s happy to see me. All tension leaves my body. I close the door behind me.

  “Hey…” I say with concern.

  “Hey yourself. I’ve been trying to call you for the past thirty minutes. I was beginning to worry,” he’s partly scolding me. “Come here,” he gestures with his hand and a loose and rapid wave of his arm. He isn’t wearing his typical coochie-creaming smile or panty-snatching smirk. I’m concerned.

  I pull out my phone to check it as I walk over to him. Sure enough, I’ve missed three calls from “A.D.” I hold up my ph
one, showing him. “We’re all downstairs waiting for you. I know you’ve been excited about tonight!” I say with sheer excitement. Even I’ve built up anticipation after experiencing the energy from down there.

  Azmir pulls me into him until I collapse on his lap. He wraps his long and comforting arms around me. In a natural response, I pull my arms around his neck. He buries his face in my neck. His breath against my skin brought those trustee currents through my body. A sensation I try extremely hard to fight off, feeling it being inappropriate. Something is wrong.

  “Heeeeeeeeeey,” I whisper. “What’s wrong?” I pull up with my index finger from his chin so that I can look into his beautiful face. He softly exhales again and I am overtaken with yet another current as his breath hits my face. My eyes close to let it pass. What in the world does this man have on me that causes my body to respond so lasciviously to him? He quickly catches on to my reaction and in response he looks at me with a slight squint in his eyes.

  There’s a knock on the door.

  “Yeah!” Azmir barks again.

  The receptionist girl opens the door and I freeze. Azmir and I are in a somewhat compromising position. I squirm in his lap, prepared to get up. He grips and pins me to his lap, telling me not to move.

  “Yeah, Molly?” Azmir inquires of her presence. I then notice that Molly is a cute, young, butch girl. She wore pinstriped slacks with a chain in the belt loops and white, short sleeve T-shirt. Her classic black and white Converse sneakers were sloppily tied. And her multiple piercings and forceful husky voice sealed the deal.

  “Mr. Jacobs, Ms. Taylor wants a word with you,” Molly muttered, and before Azmir could answer, Dawn swings her head of bouncy curls in the doorway followed by her small frame that was draped in a red fitted, midi length, full sleeved dress, matching her lips. When she notices me and registers my position on his lap, she suspends in motion. Dawn quickly catches herself and retracts her steps outside of the doorframe.


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