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Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

Page 31

by Belvin, Love

  “Rayna!” I hear my name.

  “Goddamit, Rayna. Wake up, baby! Are you having a nightmare?” I open my eyes to see Azmir looking spooked. He and Catina were hovering over me as I tried catching my breath.

  “I’ll get her some ice,” Catina announced before scurrying off.

  “You okay?”

  I scanned around the bright room to recall where I was. Once the environment had settled in, I nodded my head. Catina had returned with a cup of ice, I assumed to help cool my body temperature. I was drenched in sweat. Azmir looked so concerned and worried. I didn’t know what to say, but clearly saw that I had to say something.

  “Must be the altitude,” I managed a chuckle. He exhaled. “Don’t forget this is my first time in this type of aircraft. How much longer do we have anyway?” I asked in diversion.

  “The captain just announced about two hours,” he muttered with his eyes shut and balled up. I couldn’t fight. I had none in me. I needed him to know that, so I leaned into him, forcing his embrace. After no time he pulled his arms around me and sighed, “Ms. Brimm, you’re concerning me,” before kissing me on the top of my head.

  For the remainder of the flight I struggled to keep all thoughts of Harrison at bay. Azmir challenged me to a game of chest. Catina offered us lunch, but my nerves were still settling and didn’t leave room for much of an appetite, so I declined and Azmir followed suit. Instead, we opted for light snacks and cocktails. By the time we landed, I’d felt more relaxed and ironically Azmir appeared the same.

  Once on the ground, the captain announced our arrival in Tahiti. Oh, my!! I gasped and looked over to Azmir who looked as pensive as he always does when trying to surprise me. “Azmir, I’ve never been to a Polynesian Island before! This is a girl’s dream!”

  He gave a nod and mirthless chuckle as he cleared his tray area so that we could disembark the cab. On our way out, the captain and co-captain were awaiting to bid goodbye and thank us for choosing their airline. Azmir is mildly gracious while I was awestruck by the entire experience at that point.

  We arrived to our hotel and in traditional Polynesian fashion, we were escorted to a large, luxurious overwater bungalow. We traveled a ways from the reception area of the resort to a secluded portion of the property where there is lots more privacy than the other bungalows. The water is breathtakingly blue and clear, so transparent that you can see to the floor of the ocean. Our front view is in a private groove so that we see miles of water ahead. It isn’t until you travel to the back of the bungalow that you see other dwellings in the distance. Azmir did ensure privacy. This is really exclusive.

  The bungalow sat two stories high with the bedroom on the top floor. The first floor had a full kitchen, fairly large living area with oversized sofas and a plasma television mounted on the wall. There was a billiard room off to the rear of the house as well as a laundry closet, dining room, office, and powder room. The front of the house opened up to the water and had a walk-out balcony that led to an in-ground pool and inches away from that is an outdoor dining deck that you must walk through about four to six inches of water to get to.

  Azmir also advised me that we’d be surrounded by water. Shoes weren’t very necessary for this trip. In fact, we shouldn’t be needing many clothes either. This was heaven on earth. It was so serene that I took a few seconds to give God thanks for His creation. It was divine…and so was Azmir.

  “Does it meet your satisfaction, Ms. Brimm?” Azmir called out to me as he stood in the main doorway with the property manager. Talk about customer satisfaction. What complaints could I have thus far?

  I nod my head. Azmir turns to him and says, “Jack, you have the lady’s satisfaction and therefore my approval. We’re good.” He politely shook his hand. Jack turned on his heels to leave. Azmir joined me on the outdoor dining deck and stood beside me, admiring the view.

  “Mr. Jacobs, you’re making it very hard for the man that comes after you—you know,” I say, partially serious, considering Harrison’s heeding.

  “Actually, I’m trying to make it clear there won’t be any after me,” Azmir retorts matter-of-factly and without skipping a beat. “Let’s go get cleaned up for lunch.” He turned to make his way back inside and I’m right on his heels.

  Lunch was at a restaurant in the water. We sat with our feet immersed in the gorgeous aquamarine colored water. The air was fresh and the wind gentle. This entire island had ambiance that could not be orchestrated without nature, no matter how exclusive a place it was. This is how the other half lives. I was in awe.

  “How’s the fish?” Azmir asked as I was busy taking in the surroundings.

  “Delightful. How’s your chicken?”

  “Pretty good. The glaze is the kicker.”

  “Have you been here before?”

  Azmir sips his ice tea before answering, “To the islands? Yes. To Tahiti? No.”

  “Oh,” I wondered if he’d wowed another women with this majestic landscaping.

  “Was Tara with you when you visited the other island or other islands?” I ask just before stuffing my mouth with sea bass. I knew I was pushing it.

  Azmir’s eyes shot up to me. He slowly lowered his fork back down to his plate, “I’ve traveled very little with Tara. A bit of Europe and the Caribbean. So, no…no Polynesian Islands.” He looked affronted.

  “I was just curious is all, Mr. Jacobs.” It was my turn to be affronted.

  “It’s not your curiosity that concerns me, it’s your sudden interest in my former relationship.”

  Crap. He’s right. I never pry. I’ve always felt it was useless information…until now. The truth of the matter was I loved this man. I loved him and wanted all of him; his present, future and past. I didn’t care that it wasn’t plausible. I wanted it all. With him. I never wanted anyone more than I wanted him. I couldn’t help but feel a zap of jealousy whenever the idea of another woman presented itself, particularly Tara, who—according to her dad—was in position to spend the rest of her life with Azmir. Suddenly, I had lost my appetite. I motioned for the waiter to order a drink. A real drink.

  “How may I help you, ma’am?” asked the sandy brown haired, tall, and slender waiter. His tan was to die for.

  “I’ll take a rum and coke.”

  I looked over to Azmir who’s eyes were glued to me. I could tell he was surprised by my selection.

  “Make that two, please,” he ordered and the waiter excused himself.

  “So what made you choose this place?” I didn’t skip a beat. I had to know.

  He gave me a deep gaze as he cut into his chicken, clearly annoyed. But I didn’t care. What did I have to lose? Either he was going to be with me for a long while—whatever that is—or I had very little time left before he rejoined sides with his long lost love, Tara. And the clock was ticking. I wanted to savor every moment I had with him from that day forward.

  “Well, I’d learned it was an exotic island years ago. And coincidentally it’s known as the island of love. Plainly put: it’s beautiful…just like you and what you represent to me. I wanted to share in a destination with you, one that is new to the both of us. Luckily, I chose correctly.” He flashed the first smile he had in twenty-four hours before going back to his food.

  “I think it’s more than luck. This is what you call a blessing. To experience all of this glorious seascape…” I muttered as my voice trailed off. I was overwhelmed.

  Our drinks arrive.

  I take a sip and inhale a bank of fresh Pacific air. The cocktail is strong. This must be a man’s drink. Good! I needed to lose my grasp of reality. Heck—for all I knew, this could be the last of former reality.

  Azmir takes a swig of his beverage as well and then goes back to his food. He doesn’t look up very much and it dawns on me that he’s offering less conversation than he typically does. After gulping my drink once more, I confront him.

  “You’re upset with me.”

  He looks up with his long lashes as he chews his food. “Justi
fication doesn’t escape me, do you not agree?”

  I knew automatically that he was referring to my abrupt notification about Akeem. “But I was forthcoming…notwithstanding good timing, but still a noble act in my book,” I argued.

  “Ahhh…timing. Not such a novel concept, I don’t believe. Don’t you think that would be something you told someone—hmmmmmm…once you realized you’ve fallen in love with them?” Azmir hissed, now giving me his full attention.

  “The sarcasm in your tone hasn’t gone unnoticed.” I swallowed another mouth full of my rum and coke.

  “Again, justifiable.”

  “No,” I shook my head as I swallowed my gulp. “No, it isn’t justifiable if you don’t have the decency to reciprocate. Let’s not act as though you’ve been the most forthcoming in this…relationship either—” he interrupted me.

  “Relationship.” Azmir cocked his head to the side as he furrowed his brows with incredulity. “You don’t even know how to term what we have. Newsflash, Ms. Brimm, when two people are living together and fucking monogamously, it’s safe to call it a relationship at the very least,” he spoke swiftly, harshly, calmly and quietly.

  The audacity…!

  “Oh, no! Do you, ‘Mr. Experienced In This Arena,’ realize that you’ve not once told me you loved me or are in love with me? But, yes, you did ask me to move in.” It was now my turn to cock my head. “How could that not confuse me?”

  There was a brief pause as Azmir tended to his plate again.

  “I give you orgasms. Love is far less complicated a task,” he sharply shoots back.

  What did that mean? I wasn’t quite sure of where he was going, but by this time my tipsy state was upon us. It was all or nothing.

  “Really? Well, let’s see the next time I allow you to give me an orgasm. Just like you so eloquently illustrated back in San Diego, it’s not as fun of an experience if it isn’t shared.”

  Azmir dropped his eating utensils and motioned for the waiter. He ordered two more drinks and asked for the check. Within four minutes, we leave the restaurant with fresh drinks in tow.

  We traveled back to our bungalow and as soon as we arrive, Azmir strips down to his trunks. When he pulled his white T-shirt over his head, I caught a glimpse of his chiseled upper torso. The muscular cuts in his back were artwork. Every muscle group was well defined. Azmir’s chest was bare of hair, but his abdomen had the sexiest trail of hair that led to down to his pubic area. His trunks set perfectly on his hips. He was upset with me and here I am, giving into my lecherous thoughts. What’s more odd is that I just told him that I wouldn’t succumb to another orgasm as if I could control my body under his tutelage. He was far more versed with it than I was, even at my age.

  I watched as Azmir jumped into the water from the deck and then decided to go upstairs and put on one of Tanu’s special bathing pieces. I had a sudden urge to seduce Azmir. Now, clearly intoxicated, I felt like I had something to prove, so I choose this particular one piece that has a strap around the neck and the cloth formed like seashells around the breast and a sheath of cloth ran down from the connector of my breasts to my pelvis with brown straps wrapping around my hips, leading into a thong on my backside. It was really something to behold, though I was extremely insecure about this number. It exposed my butt that was marred with stretch-marks, something I’ve had since I could remember. It was the big booty curse as it occurred when my backside expanded as a young girl.

  Tamu shocked me when she said not to be concerned about it. “Azmir Jacobs is a booty man. He doesn’t care what graffiti is painted on it just as long as it is soft and natural. Trust me, Rayna, I’ve known him for a very long time.” Her confidence in Azmir’s tastes challenged mine until she all but told me she was a lesbian. I didn’t know if I should have been relieved or concerned about being indecent in her presence. I decided to leave it alone.

  On my way out, once downstairs, I take notice of the well groomed bar in the corner of the living area. I decided to make us drinks and take them out to the deck.

  When Azmir comes out of the water, I am resting on a float in the pool, laying on my front. He stands over me on a partition, gaping as he sips on the drink I made for him.

  “Enjoying the sun, are we, Ms. Brimm?”

  I push up against my arms and glance up to see him standing there wet and sexy. I think I’d dozed off. I’d overdone it with the alcohol.

  “Come swim with me.”

  “I’m not that great of a swimmer,” I use to blow him off.

  Azmir jumped into the pool after saying, “Let’s see how good you are.”

  He splashes water on me as I scream. When he emerged he grabbed me, snatching me off the float. I yelped in sheer shock. I couldn’t believe he was doing this. Azmir commenced to dipping in and out of the water. All of a sudden he pulls me into him.

  “Show me how you swim.”

  I extend my arms and legs and paddle with my head above the water. My body moves a few yards at a time. “That’s some pretty girl swimming. You have to put your head down and go under.”

  I stop, feigning righteous indignation, “That sounds like something you do.” Okay, now I’m flirting.

  Azmir gave a sexy snort. “Let you tell it, I won’t be allowed any acts to bring you pleasure.”

  I shrug my shoulders and murmur, “That is correct…and serves you right.”

  Azmir halted in movement and in the next beat, took me by the hand, and led me inside the bungalow. In the main doorway, he kissed me so freely and meaningfully. I returned the favor, only mine with fury. I have something to prove. He cannot control my heart and body only to return to his true love. I was in charge of my body from this night on, or so I challenged. He reached behind my neck to release the tie in the string that held the clasp of my bathing suit. Slowly he peeled it off from my breasts down to my feet, taking in every inch of my body. All I could think was, Yeah, this is what you’ll be missing. As he rises, he makes contact with my eyes as if he was communicating something to me without words. Well, I was too. I put out a challenge just a few short hours ago that I had every intention to make good on. His erection was piercing through his shorts.

  “Let’s go upstairs,” he mutters softly and I could tell he was inviting me to lead him, so I went first.

  As soon as I crossed over the threshold of the door, he grabbed me from behind, wrapping his long arms around my belly pressing me against him. He bent down to my neck and started licking down into my shoulder. A groan traveled up from my belly and exited my mouth. His lips were so soft against my skin. His right arm traveled down to my inner thigh slowly and his hand gently rubbed over my sex. My body started to shiver. It had been days since we last made love and for this reason my body was hypersensitive. I couldn’t give him total power. I had to regain control.

  I quickly turned around to face him, bringing his head down to mine before throwing my tongue in his mouth. Azmir always tasted so sweet. He seemed to maintain the perfect amount of saliva in his mouth and never transferred much of it into mine. I enjoyed our oral dances. My hands fell to his waist to undo his swimming trunks and once they were on the floor, his underwear followed. I grabbed his length into my hand, stroking him back and forth. He moaned.

  Yes. I was in control.

  Or so I thought because the next thing I knew, he picked me up off my feet, into a straddling position and carried me over to the sofa chair in the corner of the room. He sat me down close to the edge of the seat and spread my legs eagle style. While squatting on his knees, he observes me while licking his lips as a dog salivates. All the while I can hear the breeze from outside flowing into the open room. The open doors of the veranda bringing the outdoors in, adding to the licentious atmosphere.

  Before I knew it the warmth of Azmir’s mouth was over my most intimate parts. His tongue was strong and flexible as it was in search for my ultimate pleasure. Not long after, I found myself grabbing his head as my panting took over. He felt so good. He slipped two
fingers inside of me and circled them over and over and I was prepared to lose it. Oh, no! I had to stop this. I gripped the handles of the chair and scooted back. When his head came up, I lunged at him, taking him by surprise. My mouth met his as we spread out on the floor. An involuntary moan escaped as I tasted my juices in his mouth. I was so aroused.

  I planted kisses from his mouth down to his neck as my hands searched for his pleasure tool and once I found it, I slowly mounted myself on it. My walls were a bit tense, but in no time they remembered him and made room. Even the working through the tightness was deliciously pleasing. Looking down to Azmir who was biting his bottom lip turned me on even more. He grabbed me by the waist to help fit him in. Then I started to ride him and as I did my insides went wild. I felt him so deep and so did every wall of my canal. My breasts clapped together and against my chest and the reverberation aroused me so much that I found myself moaning out loud. It was almost a cry because I felt that I was losing. I didn’t want to give in, but I was lost in his libidinous orbit.

  “That’s right…come for me,” Azmir grunted, subpoenaing my orgasm. That slapped me back to reality. No way. I jumped up and off him. With pure virile athleticism, he bolted forward and on to his feet, wearing an expression of confusion.

  “Did I do something wrong?” he asked, but not in his usual gentle manner. I shook my head as I panted and my body hummed in excitement.

  “Well, then you mind telling me what was that all about?”

  I paused.

  The pulsating coming from between my legs was so strong—violent even, and it spoke directly to Azmir. There was almost a twitch in his eye that told me he suddenly got it. He knew I was holding back on him. I felt weak in will, but believed I needed to remain true to my cause. I didn’t care how petty it was, it was a matter of principle.

  I squeaked, “You haven’t told me you love me.” I felt reduced as I spoke and could hear my defeated tone.


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