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Seduced By The British Billionaire (Billionaire BWWM BBW Romance Book 1)

Page 3

by Tasha Blue

  “Shut up,” she smacked him, then cringed when it hit home a tad harder than expected.

  “Do you always hit people you just met,” He retaliated, tugging playfully on her hair.

  Ignoring him, she made her way to the kitchen and then screamed in horror. Sasha lay on the floor unmoving. She had left the light on, obviously grabbing a drink of orange juice. The fridge was still jarred open. The cup of juice on the counter remained untouched.

  Rushing to her fallen friend, she scooped up her head and cushioned it in her lap. “Sasha,” she whispered, shaking her gently. “Are you okay?”

  Charles stooped down, checked her pulse, and then felt around her nose. “She’s not breathing.” He announced.

  Tossing his phone at her unexpected hands, she caught it, staring at him confusedly.

  “Call 911 he insisted. I know what to do. Years of being a field medic don’t exactly leave you.” He assured her.

  Debating whether to trust him, she launched herself up, handing over her position. She seemingly had no choice. Her friend’s life was in his hands, and she needed to trust that he could do the impossible. With shaking fingers, she struck the touch screen number buttons, missing the first couple tries. She took a deep breath, exited out, and then redialed them. The dial tone commenced. When they answered, she relayed them the details while the woman on the other end urged her to calm down. When the deed was done, she hung up the phone. Waiting and praying was next on the list.

  Turning around, a tinge of jealousy wickedly flashed through her. There he was in all his grandeur, caressing her head so tenderly. But that wasn’t the thing that caught her attention. It was the fact that his mouth draped so sinfully perfect over hers.

  He went to work at her chest, pumping hard in bursts of three to four, one hand over the other quite professionally. “Come on, come on,” frustration seeped from his words quite audibly.

  She lay hushed and tranquil, as if death were coming more peacefully. One hand lay draped over her stomach protectively. As time came near to a halt, sirens echoed in the distance. It was out of their hands.


  The hours meshed themselves up into an intangible mess. Night swirled together with day until it all seemed the same. These halls were filled with grief, sadness, and one of the world’s greatest evils…hope. It wasn’t hoping itself that committed the awful deed. It was the tease and expectations of better times, only to come crashing down into nothingness.

  At least this is how the two felt in the large waiting room, amidst the coughs and wails of many others. It had been hours into surgery and still no word. Sasha’s family had been contacted but Amber refused to leave the hospital for even an ounce of sleep until they arrived.

  “Let’s go,” Charles insisted, standing up and dragging her to her feet with little effort. “You haven’t eaten all night and you’re exhausted. Her parents will be here soon. Let’s get you home.” His commanding air wouldn’t take no for an answer.

  “I can’t,” she refused, sitting back down. “I live too far away. What if something happens?”

  He bit his lip. “Fine, get up,” again he hauled her off the seat. “I don’t live too far from here. We’ll go to my place. I have a guest bedroom that you can rest in.”

  A redhead stepped in front of them, waiting for their argument to subside. She had adorable pixie features and bright green eyes. Her voice came in squeaky tones. “I’m here, if anyone cares to know.”

  Both turned their heads to see the newcomer. Amber was the first to react, a hint of joy flooding through her. “Melanie!” She almost screamed, jumping on her friend. “You came!” She beamed, tears of happiness collecting in her tired eyes.

  “Duh,” her friend remarked, pushing off the heavy weight dangling around her neck. “I came as soon as I heard, but the airport was a zoo and getting a flight out here at this time took a few strings.”

  Amber felt as if a huge load were taken off her back; everything was going to be okay now, she could feel it. The three girls would be together once more. Somehow things would workout. They had to.

  Her big green eyes fell on Charles. Raising her brows she exclaimed, “You didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend. And a good looking one at that,” she remarked attentively, winking at Amber.

  “Well he’s not really my…”

  Charles cut her off. “I’m Charles,” He extended her hand out to a hyper Melanie.

  “I’m Melanie, which you probably already heard. Nice to meet you,” She grinned.

  Melanie was always like this. She was the bubbly one of the group. All three of the girls went back to high school, their friendships bonding so strongly that even after graduation, they still kept in close contact. This was a rare occurrence indeed.

  Almost instantaneously her face grew somber. “How’s Sasha. Did she come out of surgery yet? Last you sent me she was still under.” Her concern showed plainly.

  “Not yet,” Amber answered gravely. “I don’t know how long even afterwards it will be before she comes to and whether we’d be given visitation rights.”

  Charles piped up. “Melanie, tell your friend to let me take her home so she can rest. Its early hours of the morning and she refuses to rest.”

  Melanie looked from Charles to Amber, then back to Charles. She winked at him, that oh-so-Melanie wink which meant she understood. “Love,” she said, cooing at Amber. “I got this. I will keep you updated. You do look tired.” Her eyes scanned Amber’s haggard appearance. “Let your man take you home. When she comes to, I’ll call you.”

  Before Amber could protest, Charles exclaimed enthusiastically. “Thank you so much for the help.” He smiled. Giving Amber a second to contemplate things, he proceeded in scooping her up in his solid arms and carried her towards the exit door.

  “Put me down,” she protested, looking back helplessly at Melanie who merely waved goodbye.

  When they reached his car, he swung the door open with his foot, and placed her gently in the seat. “Buckle up.” He muttered.

  She did as she was told, happy to be away from the hospital’s depressed atmosphere but, at the same time, feeling guilty for everything.

  “She’s fine.” He insisted, as he got in on the driver’s side. “I paid the hospital bill in full and requested the best surgeon available. I promise things will look up.” He placed a hand reassuringly on her leg.

  As he started the car, he stopped short, and then removed the keys from the ignition. He didn’t bother to look at her. “I don’t know you.” He voiced softly. “But these feelings deep inside, I just can’t ignore.” His hand drifted to drag dramatically down his face, as if he were trying to wipe away the stress eating away at him. “God, how should I say this,” He begged to the air. Then he turned to her, ripped the seat belt away, and then leaned towards her.

  His large body hovered over her, massive shoulders engulfing her presence. He stared into her wild hazy eyes, then down to her luscious enticing mouth. She stared back, unsure how to react to his sudden change of behavior. Her body pulled at her until the fire of his closeness felt like the depths of hell. She shivered inside as he reached to cup her face gently. Was he going to kiss her? She wished he would. It was torture enough having him so close to her.

  “Just kiss me,” she begged. She couldn’t hold it any longer. She wanted to feel his warmth on her.

  It was as if she had opened the gates of heaven and released an angel. He had merely wanted permission. That was all. His lips drifted softly to hers, brushing. His hands were warm against her cheeks as he pulled her closer to him. Kissing him back, she dared to touch his chest. He stiffened upon her subtle touch, letting her fingers trace the seams of his grey polo. As their kiss gained a new height, he reached up to grab her long thick locks of hair, the hunger in his ravished body showing plainly. He grabbed onto it, pulling just before the point of pain. She moaned in response to his eagerness. His scent wrapped her until she couldn’t stand it anymore.

f crazed with desire, she found the base of his shirt. He grunted upon the surprise venture. Her hand was right at the start of his pants where he felt as if he were to burst. She could feel his restrain and the shake of his body beneath her touch. All she had to do was trail downwards a couple inches to find what she was looking for. But would he let her? His hand suddenly grabbed hers, holding it softly before guiding it home. Her fingers brushed down his pants until she felt his hardness press against her. It sent a trickle of delight through her stomach as he broke the barrier, giving her permission to explore the depths of his fervor. Eagerly she broke away from his strong grasp and followed the length of his manhood.

  His breath came in shallow bouts, pacing his to match hers. His face scrunched slightly from her touch as a low rumble emanated from his throat. The blood rushed through her body as she opened her mouth to his. She wanted to taste him. Eagerly he followed her bidding, dipping his tongue into the soft sweet caverns. Ripples of ecstasy took hold of her as his tongue found its mark. Her touch became harder and more frenzied while their lips collided in almost a beautiful messy dance. His body became rigid. Her free hand trailed the muscle of his arms, so beautifully and perfectly built. His masculinity was flawless, and the length of his sex was surprising. She had never touched a white male before, but there was nothing lacking in this man.

  His mouth drifted away from hers, slipping down the side of her face. He found the soft of her neck and began to nip softly until she purred, spurring him onward. Excitement ripped through her. Dear God, she had never felt such blissful rapture, his moist tongue tasting down her neck until her shirt stopped him.

  Looking up with misty hazed eyes, he spoke roughly, “Let’s not do this here,” it pained him to say, but the expression on his face suggested he had other plans in mind.

  She sat up straight as he backed away from her, kissing her lips before inhaling deeply. “We can go to my place.” He suggested. “It’s closer.”

  Amber nodded, too high on the rush of hormones to care about anything at the moment. Her head was in a daze. Condensation clung to the windows until the defrost setting kicked in. And as he turned the car on and drove off, she wondered what other wicked little tastes were in store for her.


  Slowly stirring her drink, Amber lifted the enticing margarita to her lips. The rim of her glass was lined with salt, which positively delighted her. Charles stood at the mini bar in his penthouse shaking up another drink for himself. The place was massive, or at least way larger than she was used to. Picture frames clung to the wall containing extravagant paintings of all styles. He liked to call them his gallery, because he spent thousands on them. They were exquisite and beautiful. She almost drowned in their depths as she sipped the fruity beverage he had so kindly prepared for her.

  She had accepted the fact a bit ago that tonight, there would be no sleep. It was late, but that wasn’t the problem. She trusted Sasha in Melanie’s care, so that wasn’t the issue either. After the whole hype of her friend had died down and the walls of the hospital had disappeared for good, she could relax. But Charles would get in the way of everything tonight. He stood tall and proud, having changed into a more comfortable pair of black shorts and T-shirt with his shirtsleeves draping quite nicely over his bulging biceps. Even his pectoral muscles showed themselves dominantly through the fitting material.

  Flipping the remote that sat upon the kitchen counter-top, he flashed it towards the fireplace. Immediately it lit, enveloping the room in the warm light. Music started to play in the background until the whole atmosphere of the place had changed. There was a small coffee table, two leather couches, and a mantle above the fireplace. On one side of the room, large maroon curtains covered the length of tall windows, which faced a beautiful lake. The bedroom branched right off of the living room, while the kitchen faced the open area. It was lavishly furnished from the marble counter-tops to the magnificent plush carpet in the bedroom. The floor plan itself was simple, which seemed to reflect Charles standards, straightforward but luxuriant.

  “Do you mind,” He gestured to the music playing.

  “Course not,” she smiled. Her mind was loosening even further, making the unbearable urge to rip his clothes off even harder to contain. What was it about him that urged her in so strong a direction?

  Earlier, he had to talk her in a comforting manner. On the drive here he conveyed to her how important it was that she quit fretting over her friend and take care of herself as well. Amber just had a way of feeling guilty over things she couldn’t control. After all, Sasha was her best friend, and she felt somewhat responsible for what was going on with her.

  “Some things can’t be helped,” he had explained to her. “She has family, and will be alright if you aren’t brooding over her twenty-four, seven. Relax, things will be alright. She is being well taken care of. I made sure of it.” The glint in his eye proved his point. He had paid for her security in full whether she had approved or not. A man with money wouldn’t take no for answer.

  Now, he poured out his drink into a tiny glass over rocks, took one look at it and gulped it down. Making a face, he turned to her and walked towards her with long strides. “We can chat later.” He decided out loud, and then scooped her up from off the couch. To her dismay she dropped the margarita on the floor. The glass went everywhere, but he didn’t seem to care. It was in the heat of the moment. She stared at him apologetically, stretching her neck to see the damage she had done to his plush carpet.

  “Don’t worry about it,” he murmured, kissing her neck as he hurried towards the room. He kicked the door open, and then leaned against it to make sure it was shut. “God, I had planned this out differently, but I can’t stand it anymore.” He placed her softly on the bed, tossing off his shirt like a rag.

  He stood there in all of his magnificence, letting her feast her beautiful large brown eyes on his rippling body. Purposefully, he didn’t move for a few seconds as she drank it in. His rock hard abs egotistically displayed, curving down to the sexy V line disappearing within the folds of his pants. She shuddered. Could he be any more alluring in such marvelous splendor? To his surprise, she rose to her knees, ripping off her own blouse with one solid movement. She liked to match her underwear. Her bra was magenta with a pretty white bow in-between her breasts. They were a decent size C cup, matching the rest of her curvy body. But instead of kissing his succulent mouth, she kissed his broad chest, playfully biting him with every whimpering moan of surprise. Descending in increments of a few inches, she licked his smooth skin. He tasted so good. His hands drifted to her hair, curling his fingers in it as the anticipation between the two heightened. Sticking her tongue in his navel, she twirled it softly. Her hands trailed around his pants to find his hard ass, clutching at the pockets tightly. She pressed him against her, his body growing hot and his pulse becoming audible as it quickened pace.

  She wanted to hear him moan, but not just soft sighs of pleasure, she wanted to hear him groan until the pleasure turned into a deep torturous pain. And when that happened, hell would break loose, releasing the demon within. Fingers fumbling for the button in the front of his pants, she whipped down his zipper. Her hands slipped underneath his underwear and shoved everything else down. Quickly obliging to her greedy demands, he stepped out of them and leaned his knees against the bed. She settled eyes on his raging hardness, daring to touch his erection ever so softly. Goodness, he was so sexy.

  He winced from her smooth deliberate stroke as the length of him throbbed. There he stood, bare and powerless in her hands. Diligently she groped him fully, pleasure possessing his face as he grunted. His body oozed those spicy male pheromones, hypnotically drugging her as she breathed in the air. His breathing pattern was shifting, forming shallow gasps while her fingers trailed up and down his petal soft skin. But when she lowered her head, brushing her lips onto his sweet spot, his knees almost collapsed. The tease blew his mind into a greedy haze of wantonness.

  Slowly her tongue foun
d its mark, rubbing until he was putty in her hands. “God,” he cried, thrills flashing inside her from his response. He tilted his head back, a sign of complete submission. With each stroke his moans became more audible until his fingers returned to her hair. She liked the taste of him, the feel of his firmness in her mouth as she teased him to the point of desperation.

  “Amber,” He muttered through gritted teeth, pushing her head away from him. He laid eyes on her dark face, beautiful and sensual. Her eyes were big and filled with determination. They mirrored his lustful aspirations.

  Before he let her reply, the raw male within him came roaring to the surface. He crashed his mouth into hers, throwing them both back far upon the bed. With one hand he pinned her wrists above her head, and with the other he freely groped her breasts. First over the bra, he touched the bronze skin that was left exposed, sinking his tongue deep into her open mouth. In unison they breathed, the fever taking hold so deep there would be no return. She gasped when his fingers found the edge of her bra, prying it up to stroke her hardened dark nipples. Twinging sensations wracked her body as she cried out softly, his kiss cutting off the sounds she emitted.


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