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Urban Mythic: Thirteen Novels of Adventure and Romance, featuring Norse and Greek Gods, Demons and Djinn, Angels, Fairies, Vampires, and Werewolves in the Modern World

Page 203

by C. Gockel

  At home, there was no particular taboo against killing young, or killing a parent who was in the process of forming an unborn child. This was definitely a terrible crime to angels, though. Did he know she was pregnant? Did he care? Genocide was one thing, but killing a baby, even an unborn one? How could he have done such a thing, violated the precious code the angels live by and get away with it? We get cut down for far less by them.

  Wyatt and Candy appeared to be giving the room a moment of silence, so I went across the hall to the master bedroom. The queen–sized bed had the comforter turned down, and one side slightly rumpled, with the sheets aside. Someone had gone to bed briefly, and then gotten up. I was guessing the female.

  “Does it look like she hurried out here?” I asked Candy as she and Wyatt came into the room. “Do you think she heard something going on in the basement and ran to check?”

  Candy went over to the bed and looked at it carefully. She pointed to the bedside table where a set of reading glasses and a thick pregnancy guide lay.

  “It doesn’t look like she raced out of here in any hurry,” she said. “Everything looks carefully placed. Glasses on top of the book. Book marked at a spot and placed evenly on the table. If she hurried, I’d expect to see the sheets pulled from the bed a bit and dangling on the edge, and the book tossed aside.”

  I thought about this as we went downstairs. Had her husband been quietly dead before she went down? Had she surprised the killer and he had no choice but to kill her too? Or had the killer waited for both of them to be together before he made his move?

  I expected downstairs to be a bloodbath and I wasn’t disappointed. The room itself is what you would expect to see. Couch. Two comfy chairs. Coffee table. TV. There was also a small desk with a laptop on it.

  The guy was sprawled on the floor by the laptop. He looked like a human. A human with his head twisted backward and his torso sliced open from sternum to pelvis. The guy didn’t have a shirt on, and his sweatpants were sliced at the drawstring waist where the cut extended. The blood appeared to be localized in a pool around him. Not sprayed all over the walls or on the ceiling. I walked carefully around to look at his face. His head was turned at an abnormal degree, the neck clearly broken. Blood had seeped out his nose and mouth. His expression looked placid. He had a pale set of angel wings on his temple, like a birthmark.

  “Looks to me like he may have been killed before he was even aware there was someone in the room,” I told Candy, wanting her opinion on the matter.

  She nodded. “If an angel showed up unannounced in his house, he’d have been partially transformed. It would have been an immediate, instinctual thing. He was clearly dead before he had time to realize the angel was here.”

  “Maybe he thought it was a friendly visit? If an angel knocked on your door, would you invite him in and serve him tea?” I asked Candy. “Would you automatically think you were in danger? Especially if you hadn’t done anything wrong?”

  Candy shook her head. “If he’d knocked on the front door, the kitchen and dining area would show signs of late hospitality. He would have put a shirt on out of respect. And she wouldn’t look like that.” Candy pointed to the figure crumpled against the front wall of the room.

  Wow, I thought walking over to the female. This had been a struggle. There was blood sprayed in arcs all around her and over the sofa. A huge smear of blood started high up on the wall, almost at the ceiling, and dragged down to the floor. I couldn’t see much of her without touching her, but the heap of pajama clad flesh was torn and burned all over. Claws curled from massive hands, inexplicably at the end of delicate wrists. I saw a pretty white gold chain bracelet with an initialed heart charm and a tiny baby shoe attached.

  I turned to Candy. “If it’s okay, I need to move the bodies and better examine them.”

  She nodded, looking at the female werewolf with glassy eyes. Her lips twitched even as she clamped her teeth into them to hold them still. I looked at her and did the math. She looked to be mid fifties. She’d clearly had at least one child, probably more from what I saw of her body the other day. Her kids would be the age of this young couple. Maybe she was expecting a grandchild. I don’t know why her distress bothered me, but it did.

  Wanting to give Candy a moment to pull herself together, I asked her to go upstairs and get me a towel. I would probably need one anyway to wipe the blood off myself. She headed up, passing Wyatt on the way as he came down.

  “Wow,” he said surveying the scene. My thoughts exactly. “I haven’t had a chance to look at the computer upstairs, yet. I thought I’d come down here first,” he told me.

  I nodded over at the laptop. “There’s one down here, too. I’m thinking the guy was on it when he was killed.”

  He looked at the body blocking access to the small desk. “As soon as you clear that aside, I’ll take a look at the laptop.”

  Okay, game time. I removed my clothes, but unlike Candy, just flung them over a chair in a relatively clean corner. Candy came down with a towel and skidded to a halt at the bottom of the stairs.

  “Why are you naked?”

  “I only have the one set of clothes and I don’t want to be walking around in blood–soaked clothes all day.” Or get it all over my Corvette’s seats. “What did you think?”

  Candy had the grace to look embarrassed. “Sorry,” she muttered.

  I thought I’d start with the guy first. I went over to him and removed his sweatpants and boxers. His genitals were intact. The cut ended a good three inches above the pelvic bone. It didn’t look like it was done for torture or need to access the organs, which were all there. Why had the angel slit him down the middle like this? The neck breaking action had clearly happened first, and had caused the werewolf’s death. Maybe there had been an interruption before the angel could do what he intended with the organs?

  I ran my fingers through the body and sent out feathers of energy to explore. There was no energy in it beyond the normal energy that all matter carried. I could feel the DNA signature of the werewolf with its odd mutation. All the other kills had been altered and turned basically human. Why had this one been left werewolf? The angel must have been interrupted before he could finish.

  I couldn’t feel anything of the angel until I ran my fingers along the burnt edges of the skin. There. There was an energy signature with a faint personal energy note. This hadn’t been a weapon, or claws or teeth. The cut had been made by a burning energy, but it wasn’t just used to cut the flesh, it was used to explore the victim. Once something is dead, we usually don’t mess much with it, so this finding was perplexing. Why would the angel want to explore the werewolf after his life essence left? Why didn’t he just do the DNA conversion and hit the road? Was this part of the process he needed to do for the DNA conversion?

  I gripped the victim’s head on either side, sending feathers into the brain. No one was home, but the brain was intact and free of any angelic energy signature. The angel hadn’t been looking for memories. I searched through the circuitry of the connectors in the brain, checking to see if I could access any remnant of the guy’s last thoughts. I’m not very good with brains, so I wasn’t sure I could gain anything by this or not. I could only find a relaxed sense of comfort. Well, at least he’d died in peace.

  Reaching up a finger, I grazed the wing marks on his temple and the energy signature poured into me. Gotcha. This was strong. Very strong. I’d recognize him. I’d have a good chance of sensing him if he was anywhere in a mile or two radius from me and used his energy. Adrenaline flooded me. Fuck, I loved a good hunt. This was the best feeling ever. Better than sex even.

  I rolled the body over, away from the desk so Wyatt could reach the laptop. There was nothing at all on his backside. And I checked it very thoroughly just to annoy Candy.

  “It was an angel, not an alien,” she told me. “I don’t think anal probes were involved.”

  “Best to check,” I told her cheerfully, my mind furiously working the angel’s energ
y signature and locking it in to my memory.

  “I’m done,” I told Wyatt as I moved to the female, carefully wiping my hands on the towel Candy gave me. Wyatt leaned over the blood soaked carpet, and carefully picked up the laptop, stretching the cord to a clean spot.

  I looked at the female and wondered where to begin. I lay her face down first. Peeling off her shirt, I noticed her backside was surprisingly clean of cuts and burns. She didn’t run, didn’t turn her back on him, I thought with admiration. There was a significant hole in the back of her head though, with a great volume of blood streaked down her hair and soaking her shirt back.

  I stuck my finger in the hole and realized that it was about the size of my index figure in diameter and jagged as if something had been shoved in and dragged upward and out. I looked up the wall, up the blood smear to the round splat near the ceiling. Too high. Grabbing the chair from the desk, I dragged it over and stretched as far as I could. There was a huge nail protruding from the wall. A hefty ten penny nail, which must have originally held some type of heavy artwork. It must have been in the wall pretty tight as it hadn’t been removed, and had been painted over. Now it was red with blood. Okay, he was strong enough to pick her up and pitch her high up against the wall where she smacked her skull on the nail and slide down in a trail of blood.

  Hopping off the chair, I rolled her over to see the front. Now, this was where the action was. Her hands were massive claws, and her snout extended slightly to accommodate strong pointed teeth the size of my thumbs. Her lips curled up in a snarl and her eyes, even in death, were fierce. She had a burn–edged slice across her right cheek and nose. Her neck and legs were covered in the same burned slices. The huge bulge of her belly was untouched. Interesting. It was as if the angel didn’t want to target the area where the baby was. I examined the wounds. They were not terribly deep, but one on her leg had severed her femoral artery. Game over, girlfriend.

  Looking at the blood on her claws, I ran my finger over them. I’d never had an angel genetic signature before, since normally I’d be dead if I ever got that close to one. I was kind of surprised to get one from the claws. I’d expected that they’d fought from a distance and she’d not been able to actually cut him. I caught my breath as I processed the unusually long DNA chain. It was the same as the one I carried. Outside of markers for personal characteristics, we had the same DNA. I’d expected them to be vaguely similar. Our races had formed about the same time, and we had some overlap in skills and abilities, but I hadn’t expected this nearly carbon copy. How ironic, given our past. I looked up at Candy. Wyatt was furiously typing away on the laptop in a corner of the room.

  “I’m thinking the angel came in and surprised the male while his back was turned breaking his neck. I’m conjecturing, but I think he placed the angel mark on the male’s forehead, then proceeded to slice the cut in his abdomen with his energy. I’m assuming it’s part of that genetic modification he is doing. He didn’t get that far before he was surprised by the female. The victims don’t have the genetic alteration, so the angel left in a hurry before he could complete the job.”

  Candy nodded and I turned to face the pregnant body on the floor.

  “She interrupted the angel, who shot her at a distance, taking some care not to cut her where the baby was.” I waved at the splatter of blood on the walls and couch. “Those cuts were rather superficial. I think he probably didn’t know how to subdue her and get away without causing her and the baby’s death. She approached him and actually got her claws on him. He was injured, but I don’t know how badly, and he’s probably healed himself by now. When she clawed him, he sliced her legs, then grabbed her and threw her against the wall. “

  I walked over and pointed my finger at the line of blood soaked carpet. “He hit her femoral artery, and she bled profusely. It flew across the room as he threw her against the wall.” I pointed to the wall, near the ceiling. “She impacted with her head against a large nail, up there, and slid down the wall. But, it was the cut to her leg that killed her. She couldn’t lose much blood with a fetus, and she’d lost too much by the time she hit the wall.”

  Candy nodded. “That’s what the werewolves who were here earlier thought, too.”

  “I don’t think he intended to kill her,” I said. “I think he meant to kill the male, and head out without her knowing. Not that that makes him a saint,” I added hastily. “He’s killed other women by your records, just not any children or pregnant women, which follows their code somewhat. I don’t know what peace of mind it will give you, but I honestly don’t think he meant to kill either her or her baby.”

  Candy looked thoughtful. “Is there anything else here we need to see? Do you have enough to maybe track and find Althean?”

  “I’ve got his energy signature, so I think I’m done here,” I said slowly, looking at the wing marks on the female’s temple.

  As an afterthought I ran my finger over them. It would be the same as on the guy since I already had the angel’s energy signature. Shocked at what I felt, I jumped about a foot across the room and toppled over on my ass with enough speed to make Candy and Wyatt jump, too.

  “There was a second angel,” I said in amazement.

  Candy stared at me while Wyatt looked off in the distance toward the bookcase with a slight frown on his face.

  “The energy signature on this wing mark is completely different from the one on the guy. Two angels were here,” I insisted.

  “Is the blood from the first angel or the second?” Candy said, her brows knitted in concentration. “Could one angel have killed the guy, left, then another came here, did the weird abdomen cut, then was surprised and killed the female?”

  “I don’t know,” I replied slowly. “I have the DNA signature off the blood on the claws of the female, but that’s different from energy signatures. I can’t tell whether the blood DNA belongs to the first or second angel.” I was so frustrated. I thought I had it all, and here was that big old monkey wrench.

  “Let’s just watch the video,” Wyatt said from over by the bookshelves. He was holding a small round device. “It’s a security camera. I have these at my house. This one is active right now and feeding to the computer up in the office.”


  Chapter 11

  Up the stairs we went, with Candy carrying my clothing and trying several times to encourage me to put them back on. Just to irritate her, I ignored her motions and continued to walk around buck naked.

  Wyatt quickly overcame the passwords on the upstairs computer and we watched six grainy black and white boxes of video displaying boring images of people walking about, eating, watching TV. The majority of the recording time was just empty blank rooms. Wyatt sectioned out and expanded the downstairs camera, but the resolution was horrible blown up. He reduced it to a more clear size and zipped through the time code stamp on the lower corner of the image. At nine in the evening, the female werewolf clicked off the TV, kissed the male who was on the laptop and said some indecipherable words to him before heading up the stairs.

  “The audio on these cameras is horrible, so I don’t think we’re going to know what they are saying,” Wyatt said.

  Wyatt fast forwarded slowly until a few minutes after ten, when the male werewolf looked like he was ready to get up. He stood and stretched a bit, then sat down to do a few more things on the laptop.

  “Based on the laptop record, he was just doing some random surfing. News site, clicked on a few links, nothing noteworthy,” Wyatt pointed out.

  Hmm, no illicit porn surfing, snuff videos, or werewolf revolutionary front chat rooms. I didn’t see where this guy could possibly have violated the admittedly strict existence contract. He was squeaky clean, from what I could tell.

  A dark shape appeared quickly in the room. “Whoa,” Wyatt said, freezing the screen and backing it up a frame at a time.

  At ten twelve PM, a dark shape showed at the edge of the stairs, quickly, and silently, approached the werewolf from the re
ar, and snapped his neck with a smooth, clean motion. He had to have been amazingly strong to have done that, even with the element of surprise on his side. The werewolf fell back and sideways out of the chair as his body attempted to follow the movement of his head. We couldn’t see the angel’s face clearly from the poor quality of the picture and the angle of the camera, but it didn’t matter to me. I had his energy signature; I didn’t need to know what he looked like.

  The angel paused, kneeling for some time beside the werewolf before bending down and placing his hand on the temple. A blur appeared around his hand and he withdrew it to stare at the body again.

  “What is taking the stupid shit so long?” I muttered. “Does he want to get caught or something? I would have been halfway to Baltimore by now.”

  Finally, he reached down with a finger and a blaze of light traced the cut in the body’s midsection. A scream bellowed out of the computer and we all jumped with hearts racing. The whole death had been silent, and I, for one, had forgotten that there was a soundtrack, no matter how shitty. The female werewolf stood at the bottom of the stairs.

  Wyatt was forced to move frame by frame at this point to keep everything from being a blur of speed in real time. Crap, these people were fast, fast. The female had screamed, and simultaneously her claws and snout shot out as the angel whirled around, energy flaring. He lashed at her with energy bursts and moved to the side as if trying to push her away from the stairs. She held her location blocking the stairs, but advanced toward him and managed to rake him twice. Once across the face with her right, and a downward strike from his right shoulder with her left.

  It was remarkable she’d been able to advance at all with the energy bursts he was tossing around. Reeling from the claw marks, the angel brought energy in a steady stream, a blade shape up from his left, slicing the deep fatal cut into her right thigh. Dissolving the blade, he grabbed the front of her shirt and flung her up against the wall as he dashed from the room and up the stairs. The rest of the video showed her frame by frame sliding down the wall to rest in a crumpled heap of spreading blood. Wyatt paused the video.


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