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Miami Bodyguard

Page 3

by Jennifer Ann

  It’s bad enough Charlie and Evelyn have been treating me like I’m made of glass. They’ve waited on me hand and foot since I came home from the hospital, hardly giving me a minute alone. I’m thrilled they’re leaving tomorrow so my life can resume with some kind of normalcy.

  When the producer confirms that I won’t be needed for another hour at the earliest, I tighten the sash on my robe and head down the hallway for craft services. I didn’t have a chance to grab something earlier, and my stomach’s unsettled after the last benzo.

  I laugh to myself, remembering when the doctor in the ER asked about my prescription, and warned me on the dangers of abusing benzos. It’s nothing I hadn’t heard before, and I promised him that I’d stick to the recommended dosage. He didn’t need to know I’ve moved on to Theo’s supply.

  I’m picking at what’s left of the fruit arrangement when I hear my name called. My sister and her husband appear from around the corner with a giant man trailing behind. I assume it’s their bodyguard until Charlie moves out of the way and Asher’s dark eyes come into view.

  The plate clutched in my hands almost goes crashing to the floor. With the sight of my twin brothers’ old friend, my heart races so quickly that I half expect it to burst from my chest.

  Am I seeing things?

  “One of the writers told us you’d be back here,” Evelyn tells me, stepping in for a hug. “Hope it’s okay we stopped by. I thought maybe I could get that tour you promised before we leave in the morning.”

  I squeeze her back, swallowing down a chunk of pineapple in the process. I’m surprised when I don’t choke. “Yeah sure. I mean…of course!”

  Once I release her, my eyes are drawn like magnets to where Asher stands, hands shoved in the pockets of his cargo shorts, heated gaze drinking me in as if seeing me for the first time. With the slow, sexy smile spreading across his face, I’m guessing he likes what he sees. And I do too.

  God, he’s sexier and more muscular than I remembered. Chest hard beneath a Highly Suspect t-shirt, arms a canvas of bulging masculinity and colorful tattoos, thick lips showing off pearly-white teeth. His skin glows with a tan that’s not as dark as most Floridians, but enough to make me wonder if he’s spent a considerable amount of time on one of the lakes back home. Could he have changed that much since we last saw each other, or do I just appreciate him more after spending all this time with someone who’s totally into himself?

  Heat spreads through my cheeks. The night of James and Sharlo’s wedding, when we both stayed over at my sister Sofia’s place, I walked in on Asher face down in bed, stark naked. He has the kind of perfectly sculpted ass that would have men’s underwear companies tripping over themselves for a chance to represent their brand.

  If my brother-in-law hadn’t interrupted our late night conversation, I may have taken Asher up on his suggestion to have a quick fling. We didn’t have a whole lot of time alone that night, but I remember him being fiercely protective, and igniting intense bolts of pleasure just from being in his presence.

  “Ash,” I half-whisper as butterflies take flight in my stomach. Holding an arm over my waist, I throw him a bright smile. “What the heck are you doing here?”

  His lips quirk with a deeper smile that has my toes curling. “Wanted to see for myself what the hype was all about.” Chuckling in his deep, rolling voice, he closes the distance between us, wrapping me in his warm arms and delicious scent. “Good to see you, Ang. It’s been way too damn long.”

  The sincerity behind his words brings tears to my eyes. Inside the warmth of his solid embrace, I’m surprised that I don’t melt to the floor.

  Everything about this moment, being around loved ones, reminds me of how blessed I was growing up. I was surrounded by friends and family who actually gave a shit about me as a person, and weren’t merely interested what I could do to boost their career. They’re the type that would do anything for each other. I used to think “Minnesota nice” was a disease. Now I have a deep appreciation for that way of life.

  I rapidly blink the moisture back into my eyes before he draws away.

  “How long are you staying in Miami?” I ask, my fingers lingering on his thick bicep like they have a mind of their own. I’m so drawn to him that I couldn’t step away if I tried. “I have to work tomorrow, but I’d have time to show you around on Saturday.”

  “Aaaaactually,” Evelyn drawls out, “we hired him as your bodyguard.”

  “You what?” I shuffle away from Asher, eyes darting between Charlie and my sister. A sudden need to bolt seizes my legs. How could they betray me like this? “I can’t believe you guys! You asked him to babysit me without even bothering to ask how I felt about it?”

  Asher grumbles something under his breath while shooting a stern stare Evelyn’s way like he agrees with my objection. So why would he agree to this fucked-up idea?

  “I’m sorry, but you agreed you should have a bodyguard.” Evelyn throws her hands up at her sides. “Would you rather we hire some random guy you know nothing about? We asked Ash to come down here because we knew you’d feel safe with him around.”

  I stop to take a deep breath, knowing I can’t argue with her logic. For a stuttering heartbeat, I’m even thrilled with the thought of Asher sticking around. I wouldn’t have to worry about anyone messing with me, or showing up uninvited at my apartment.

  It’s just the idea of hiring a bodyguard now seems like a setup—like Charlie and Evelyn were merely looking for a way to make certain I don’t do anything stupid. Next thing you know they’re going to find an excuse to send me to rehab for something that was prescribed to me.

  “If this has something to do with what happened the other night—”

  Charlie cuts me off with, “You mean the part where a fan groped you and you were violated by a security guard, or the part where you came home to find someone in your apartment? You were in the room when your agent said this was only the beginning, right? Whacked-out fans who are ready to do whatever it takes to get a piece of you will become a constant in your daily routine. And I swear they’re getting a little crazier all the time. Your sister was purposely tripped once while she was pregnant with Mia. That woman was lucky Dante held me back before security had a chance to kick her out. This isn’t something you wanna take lightly.”

  Although my stomach surges with the story of Evelyn I hadn’t heard before, now’s not the time to show any weakness. He thinks he can bully me into this with his horror stories, he’s wrong. I throw my hands on my hips, glaring him down. “If it’s such a big deal, why aren’t you running around with a bodyguard?”

  “Dante’s with either me or Ev ninety percent of the time,” he snaps back. “He’s outside as we speak, making sure no one got wind that we’re here. Wherever there’s a crowd, there’s bound to be chaos. If your sister and I go somewhere they’re not expecting me to be, or we’re back in Brooklyn, I can fend for myself.”

  “Why do you think Charlie’s wearing a hoodie and I’m in a baseball hat when it’s a thousand degrees out?” Evelyn tugs on the brim of her black Nike cap where her designer shades rest. “It makes my head disgustingly hot, and it’s not at all my style.”

  “This shit’s new to you,” Charlie continues with the kind of low growling noise I’ve noticed him making whenever Evelyn’s being stubborn. “I’ve been doing this for years, and I can physically take on any prick who gets out of hand. I don’t have to worry about someone bigger throwing me over their shoulder and locking me in the trunk of their car.”

  “Wanna bet?” Asher prods with a chuckle.

  I’d laugh along with him if I weren’t so irritated by Charlie and Evelyn’s insistence. Who exactly does my baby sister think she is? I appreciate that she’s had more experience with overzealous fans, but my success isn’t anything near the level of Charlie’s at this point. This is different.

  “I don’t. Need. A babysitter,” I insist, throwing a glare my stubborn brother-in-law’s way. “I’m with Theo ninety percent of t
he time. Problem solved.”

  I swear I hear a noise of irritation coming from Asher, but when I look his way, he’s feigning indifference. Mentioning Theo was supposed to be a dig toward Charlie. In reality, it makes me physically ill to imagine Asher tagging along when I’m with Theo.

  Having Asher around could ruin everything, mostly because I find him so damn attractive, and I already know he’s not as shallow as my costar. He’d be an unwanted temptation. I’m only with Theo because my agent claims that our “relationship” helped to generate interest among new fans, knowing we’re involved off-screen. How would they react if I moved on with someone else? It’s not uncommon for fandoms to turn on their favorite celebrities because of something that makes them unhappy.

  They were ready to crucify Charlie just a few days before he asked my sister to marry him, based on a rumor that he was cheating on her. The whole thing started because he was seen having dinner with his new publicist, who just happens to be a hot blonde.

  “I’m supposed to feel better because of Theo?” Charlie holds my glare, rubbing at the back of his neck. “Are we talking about the same jackass who wasn’t man enough to stand up for you at the premiere?” He shakes his head slowly. “This isn’t up for discussion, Ang. You need a bodyguard, and you won’t find anyone better than Asher.”

  “That’s funny, because who I choose to hire isn’t up for you to decide,” I retort, digging my fingernails into the palms of my hands.

  My brother-in-law doesn’t budge from his firm stance. “He’d be one of my employees. I could use the extra tax write-off.”

  Stubborn SOB. He’s clearly not going to cave.

  Too bad for him, neither am I.

  Letting out a heavy sigh, I shift my gaze over to my little sister. I’m still grateful they came for the premiere, but I don’t need them micromanaging my life. “Sorry, Ev, but that tour will have to wait for another time. I should get back on set in case they’re ready for me earlier than expected.”

  Asher takes a step closer, cautiously licking his lips as his eyes search mine. “Can I have a minute alone with you before you go? You might think these two tricked you into the idea, but I want you to hear my take on it before I head back home.”

  I meet his dark green eyes, shining bright with hope, and drop a blunt sigh. Not sure how I could stay mad at someone who makes my stomach flutter the way he does. Besides, my sister and Charlie dragged him all the way down here, and now all he’ll get is a little sweat and sand. I can’t help feeling a little sorry for the guy.

  “Fine,” I decide, crossing my arms. “We can talk in my dressing room.”

  Evelyn bounces on her feet, not even attempting to contain her excitement. “We’ll wait here!”

  “Come on,” I grumble, tugging on the sleeve of Asher’s t-shirt. Charlie’s not as obvious about it, but I can tell by the smirk he’s fighting to hide that he’s pleased, and already thinks he won.

  I lead Asher down the hallway, all too aware of the constant thrill from his body being in close proximity to mine. It’s a valid reminder why I can’t let this happen. He’s an added complication that I can’t afford.

  “What, no star?” Asher asks as I’m nudging the door open.

  I glance at the piece of paper with my name scribbled in pen that’s barely sticking to the door anymore, and shrug. “It’s a reminder I’m expendable in this business.”

  “That’s a load of shit,” he mutters to himself as we step inside.

  Until we’re alone in the stark room behind a closed door, I hadn’t stopped to think how bringing him back here could lead to temptation. He takes up so much of the room that it seems half its usual size. My body wants to gravitate toward him like he’s the sun, and I’m the earth. Even when I move over to the couch, there’s not enough space between us.

  “Are you happy?” he blurts before my rear has connected with the cushion.

  I press my lips together, lifting my chin to meet his curious stare. “I thought we came in here to discuss your side of the why-you’d-make-a-good-bodyguard argument.”

  “We did.” He stands with his arms crossed over his chest, looking as intimidating as hell. He’d definitely be cut out for the job if I weren’t so set against getting involved with him on any level. “And I want to know if you’re happy. Last time I saw you in Brooklyn, you weren’t doing so well. I get the feeling that hasn’t changed.”

  My cheeks warm when recalling neither of us had much on for clothing that night. Still, I frown back at him. “What does it matter?”

  “It matters to me.” With his brows lowered, he takes the cushion beside me. “I’ve watched quietly from the sidelines for a long time now, and I’m not exactly sure I like what I’m seeing. When Charlie and your sister offered me this opportunity, I had the same reaction as you. I was annoyed they were suggesting that you needed someone to watch over you. You’re obviously doing just fine, or you wouldn’t have made it this far. But you’re down here on your own, and your family’s too busy to help you navigate through all the bullshit. I could be your connection to home—your compass.”

  A giggle bursts from my lips. “My ‘compass’? That’s cheesy, even for you.”

  “You get what I mean.” The corners of his mouth twitch with a sexy-as-hell smile. “If you let me do this job, it wouldn’t be about keeping you out of trouble, or whatever the hell they may be thinking. It’d simply be about ensuring your safety and having someone nearby who has your back.”

  Okay, so I do get what he means, and it actually makes sense. It would be nice to have someone with a moral head on their shoulders to run ideas past, and guide me along. Everyone else involved in my career is only interested in what will generate the most amount of income.

  Leaning back, I try my best to ignore the overwhelming pangs of desire rising to the surface, blurring the lines between what I want and what my foolish body thinks it wants. “The only way I would even consider this idea is if you can promise you won’t tell Charlie about every little thing that goes on in my life. If he’s only doing this so they can keep dibs on me, you may as well go home.”

  “I already told you that’s not what this is about. But if he’s my employer, I won’t lie to him.”

  “What if I hired you instead?”

  “I don’t know if that would satisfy Charlie. He’s insistent on running the show.” Rubbing a hand over his stubbled jaw, he grunts. “Is there something going on that you don’t want your family knowing about?”

  “Of course not,” I answer too quickly. “I just hate the fact that they want to spy on me. It’s a major invasion of my privacy when I’ve been on my own for the past ten years.”

  “What if you had a final say in whatever information I pass along to him?”

  “That could work…maybe. But I think we should do a test run before you make a decision. For your sake. You might not like living in Miami. You might hate following me around.”

  “There’s no need for a test run,” he tells me with a tilt of his chin. “Charlie’s flying me back home to get my house and things in order, then I’ll be back.” He makes himself comfortable on the couch with a hand crooked behind his head, and flashes a million-dollar-grin. “You and I both know I was meant for this job.”

  My stomach dips with his confidence.

  He’s right, and that’s what scares me. Having him here feels right in so many ways. I’m just not sure there’s room for him in my chaotic life.



  Planning the move to Miami—for however long it may end up being—isn’t so bad once I cash in on Charlie’s promise to send me home for a week. Seems fucking pathetic that after twenty-six years of living, the only things that really matter fit into a larger suitcase. Never put much thought into it until seeing my worldly possessions all packed up. The majority of the clothes I own are no match for the Florida humidity, and something tells me I’d stick out like a sore thumb with the booze t-shirts given to me by the bar’s distributo
rs, so everything I can use fits in a small duffel bag. Guess I’ll be hitting the mall with my first paycheck.

  My parents moved to the north side of Minneapolis after I graduated, and junked most of the stuff from my childhood. I didn’t keep much other than wrestling and football trophies. I was raised by decent, loving parents. There were a few years in my teens when I was a bit of a fucker and got into trouble for drinking, smoking, starting fights, etc. After spending my junior year in a military school down in Texas, I managed to straighten the hell up. Not my proudest days, but it was an integral part of who I’d later become, and how I finally learned respect.

  A week ends up being the perfect amount of time to quit my job, square my house away and pack the shit I’ll need, arrange for an old buddy who sells used cars to take my truck for a decent price, convince Hunter to make sure my pipes don’t bust once it starts to freeze, and meet the guys for a going-away party the night before I fly back.

  Roadrunners is quiet, only a handful of regulars I know better than my own family sitting with us at the bar. While there’s no question I won’t miss busting my ass, I’ll miss the patrons. And as much as I missed sparring with James after he moved to New York, it was nice to have his twin and cousin around. Never a dull moment when Hunter and Levi are in the room.

  Hunter sets his empty beer bottle down, motioning to Sadie for another round. Then he turns to me, a big ol’ smart-assed smirk spreading across his face. “Can’t say I’m surprised you agreed to this. I’m just sorry you’re not taking me with you.”

  “Thanks for ratting me out to your little sister, fucker.” I jab him in the shoulder and we both laugh. “But I think it’ll be good for Angie to have someone from home on her side. Seems like she’s in over her head with this fame bullshit.”

  “Did you meet that douche she’s dating?”

  “No, and I can’t say I’m looking forward to it after seeing his bare ass on tv.”


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