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Cyberella: Preyfinders Universe

Page 6

by Cari Silverwood

  His chin had blond stubble, and he was watching her ever so closely.

  “Oh. Sorry.” She went to snatch away her hand but he caught it.

  “No.” Then he swiveled his chair about until he faced her. “Come here.” He towed her closer until she stood between his parted thighs. She didn’t have the fight in her to resist. “You give me those looks every day. You say things. And never act on them.”

  Ella tried to swallow but her throat had seized up. “I don’t.”

  He placed his other hand on her neck and traced small circles over her throat with his thumb, mesmerizing her. “Liar.”

  She couldn’t blink.

  She was such a coward, but he was an alien lord cross warrior from some ancient tribe. Until recently he’d probably kept women on a chain at his breakfast table. Her face heated at that unwelcome image, her nipples peaked also, then between her legs warmed.

  Seemed like something about that idea turned her on.

  While she was thinking about the why, he let go of her hand and found her plait, gripping it and her neck so as to slowly pull her lower. A smile grew in his eyes when he saw she wasn’t resisting. She should have. This is a little presumptuous, was her last thought before his lips met hers.

  “Better,” he murmured then he kissed her softly a few times. She could feel him winding her plait around his hand. “I knew there was a good reason for you to wear your hair like this. Stay there.” He kissed her harder, surrounding her lips with his, taking what he wanted in such a male way and so arrogantly, that she found herself panting already, and shuddering.

  That tug on her hair while his hand was at her throat...thoughts vaporized in the heat of swelling passion.

  “You like that?”

  “Mmm.” She wanted to be closer, skin to skin, and slid her hands down his arms.

  “Good. I like doing it to you. Sit.” He rearranged them so she sat on his legs with hers to either side. It was comfortable, and terribly vulnerable, with her thighs wide open. His rigid cock brushed against her clit through their clothes, whenever she leaned in, or rubbed herself against him. Her moaning grew louder when he bit her neck and opened her shirt, button by button. His hand sneaked inside, into her crop top, then he paused, with finger and thumb holding her nipple. His kissing stopped too.

  Eyes closed, she breathed awhile, knowing how harsh the noises were that she made, and how wet she was. She whispered, “Don’t stop.”

  “No? Do you want me to fuck you? Is that the right Earth word, Ella?”

  Of all the words to learn. Her eyelids fluttered open and she could’ve sworn she felt some part of her be absorbed by his gaze. There was a force there, in him, that drew her so hard.

  “Yes. Please. strings attached. I don’t want you to think this is forever.” She frowned, wanting him dreadfully, but knowing she must be clear. She didn’t know what rules he abided by.

  “We will see. One time only, first?”

  Phew. “Yes.”

  Then he bit the side of her neck, here, there, then at the top of the muscle, below her ear. “Put your hands on me. Open my pants. Take out my cock.”

  Oh my. She shut her eyes. Though she was eager, this would be the first alien man she’d ever done this with. She eventually looked down at him, at the bulge in his pants, and she put both her hands on him, and slowly she undid the fastening. The fastener was something like Velcro, but smooth on skin. His cock was clearly ready to perform, standing up proud and stiff when she freed it.

  She gulped, a little awestruck, a little nervous. The head seemed bigger than on the cock of a man from Earth, but otherwise it was similar.

  “Approve?” he asked, taking her hands and wrapping them around him. His cock pulsed against her palms and grew even larger, or so it seemed.

  “Yes,” she said quietly.

  “Stand up.” With his hands under the cheeks of her ass, he encouraged her and helped her up.

  When she kissed him, using one hand to angle his cock toward her, while she began to lower herself, he stopped her, tightening his hands under her ass.

  “Not yet.”

  Her whine of frustration made him chuckle.

  “Shhh. I want to make sure you’re ready.”

  He stroked his fingers along the crotch of her underwear. Her practical black panties were all she’d been able to find in her messed-up bunkroom storage, but she guessed his fingers didn’t care because they were wandering in good places, tucking aside the sodden cloth, fondling her.

  Embarrassing, how wet she was for him, this very first time. Why, she had no clue. In the past, men had taken ages of foreplay to get her this worked up.

  She squeezed shut her eyes for his thumb was dipping delicately into her, and it was good, so good.

  Her head had gone back and she gave a strangled whimper.

  “I’m guessing,” he said, as he slid that thumb into her, deeper, along with a finger knuckle that pushed her lips apart, stretching her and circling...bumping into her hole, until both thumb and finger were penetrating her.

  “Ohmigod.” She bounced a little, up, down, wanting something even bigger, preferably his cock. “You? Please?”

  “Soon. If you’re like our females...this?” He popped out his thumb and applied it to her clit, working at her in soft circles, just as he leaned forward and sucked on her nipple.

  “Fff...” She clutched his shoulder and the base of his cock, striving to insert that prize but he laughed again and kept toying with her, fucking her pussy with two fingers, making circles around her clit with that thumb, that awesome thumb.

  “No, wait. I want...” She had this need to get him inside her, not just fingers. Him. His cock. But he refused to play that game and she shuddered, unable to stop a climax building and building, then thundering in. Her last cry cut short as she collapsed blindly onto him, her tongue tasting him where her lips met his skin.

  His hands caught her, keeping her ass up in the air, and she could feel her moisture on her thighs.

  “Oh. Oh. That was...” The words had gone. She hugged him, almost oblivious while she recovered.

  “Now,” he whispered, “You can have me.” He drew her forward and made her sit.

  The head of his cock was bigger. The damn thing, as it touched her entrance and pushed in, seemed to be carving a new hole all by itself. It sent shivers of new ecstasy spearing through her and she groaned, feeling pleasure reawakening. Irrevocable, unrelenting, and captive pleasure. The way he held her, she couldn’t leave, or extract him from inside her.

  Her thighs quivered as he forced her lower, slowly, inch by inch taking her.

  Damn. Tunnel drilling machines had nothing on his cock.

  “Stop. Wait.” She dug fingers into his biceps and he began to make her go up and down, each small thrust, taking a little more, conquering more, fucking her more.

  When he was all the way in and she was sitting on his legs, she had to stop with her head tucked under.

  “Hurts?” he whispered, turning to kiss her neck.

  “Is good.” She shuddered, clenching in on his cock the small amount her walls could go. The stretch was the utmost. “Hurts and then doesn’t. Much. Fuck.” She squirmed on him. “Good, most of all.”

  “Now I know you can take me...” He stood, still inside her, then he pulled out and let her stand also.

  “Maybe we should go back to the bunk?” She wrapped her arms around his neck. Common sense had returned. Could she catch diseases? Babies? “Do we need condoms or whatever you use?”

  “No. And no. Only the bondmated can get pregnant.”

  His cock looked as rigid as any cock could be and even twitched as she looked at it.

  “I can’t get pregnant?” she said absentmindedly, thinking she might need a crowbar to get that back inside her.

  “No, you can’t. Find a bunk? No. Here.”

  When she pouted, he turned her and had her lean over the conso
le, with her breasts squashing to the panel. He dragged down her panties and, to her surprise, kneeled and used them to tie one of her ankles to a leg of the console.

  “What?” She stared down. No one had ever done this. “You’re not planning anything weird?”

  “No. I just sometimes...” He bit her ass. “Like to tie up my females.”

  The pain had made her squeak but with both of his hands wrapped about her thigh, she’d had to stay there. She clutched either side of the console, thinking, feeling. That had been surprisingly hot. The hurt seemed to head straight for her pussy. She leaned over some more, eyelids half-lowered.

  Her right ankle was soon fastened to the second console leg, a good few feet apart from her left, perhaps tied with his pants. She was trapped and her pussy exposed to his study, thoroughly exposed.

  She liked this, she decided. As his cock touched her pussy, she felt her entrance tighten.

  “That’s it. Be mine. Be still for me, Ella, while I fuck you.” Then he slid all the way in, steadily, like the pillar of a building being driven into the ground, slamming her open.

  “Fuck,” she gasped.

  When he ground himself in even farther, if that was possible, she moaned long and low, unsure if she was drooling on the electronics but not caring.

  He fucked her hard and relentlessly, shoving her clit into the plas-g console so it rubbed up and down with his movements, driving pleasure into her, making her grunt and utter the most indescribably primitive sounds – ones she would never own up to, even if tortured.

  Being held open made her feel owned. In this moment, this now, that was good in some strangely awesome, overwhelming way.

  When he came, she shuddered and fell into another orgasm. Her back arched, her legs tensed, straining against the ties, her toes curled at the floor.

  Cleaning up the floor and her clothes was messy. She couldn’t wear her thoroughly soaked and stretched panties, but since she could cuddle on the chair with him afterward, she didn’t care at all. There was no one to see or know how dirty they’d been in this room of high-tech equipment. No one to know if she walked around minus panties. If all sex with alien men was this good, she was signing up for more. On his lap, with his arms wrapped around her was the best snuggling ever.

  After a while he kissed the top of her head. “We should talk soon. I need to find out why someone wants to buy you. It’s dangerous to ignore.”

  He needed? The way he’d phrased that was odd. She thought about it. “I don’t know, really. Maybe he, if it is a he, is just collecting Earth women. My name wasn’t mentioned?”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t seen the request. Why did the captain hurt you? It seems the opposite of sensible, if he was selling you.”

  She let out a sigh then nibbled her lip. Thinking back to that was painful, but she had to face this. “I angered him. And he said they only wanted my mind intact.”

  “How did you anger him?”

  “I kicked him and nearly broke his leg.”

  Silence. Had she said too much? A normal woman could probably not do that.

  But he only squeezed her and murmured, “A dangerous move, but I understand your need. Kicking enemies when you can is very tempting.”

  She huffed a laugh. The man was being silly. He seemed to have said that to reassure her, even though she’d been stupid to kick that horrible man. She snuggled in some more, breathing slower, her eyes closing. “Thank you.”

  “Another time, we will talk more on this.”

  She nodded though unsure if she would.

  Was someone waiting to pounce on her?

  Whoever this mystery buyer was, now that he’d failed, twice, she might be forgotten.

  Or maybe Torgeir was right? He was being nice to her, but she didn’t like how nosy he was getting. This was her life. Relying on him would put her under an obligation to pay him back somehow. She already owed him. Debts with unknown prices scared her.

  Chapter 9

  One day to landfall and Ella was avoiding him. Ever since they’d had sex she’d been more distant, as if trying to stall any relationship. It would’ve worked if he hadn’t felt so connected to her. If he wasn’t sure she was about to fall into a heap of trouble if left alone on Riptide.

  And if he didn’t see her step out of the shower naked, water dribbling down her, over all those curves, wetting her breasts and making them seem plump and edible as fruit.

  His color was coming out on her. She was bondmating. He stopped, frozen in place.

  Did she know?

  “Hey! Privacy! Shoo.” She grabbed a blue towel from the wall rack and wrapped it about her.

  “Your door was open.” He struggled to keep his emotions in check and let stillness settle over his face.

  “Oh. Yeah. The things on this ship that need repairing...”

  “Yes.” For once he was glad the Finatar was rundown.

  What he’d seen meant this was at a whole other level. Her nipples and even the hint of labia he’d glimpsed were rosier in color than before. Not just any shade. She had the early signs. Any male would recognize his own color.

  But would she understand? And why was she resisting the pull that must be there? It was like someone was hauling him to her with hooks in his flesh.

  She clutched the towel more. “Why are you still here and staring?”

  “Don’t you feel it? The attraction?”

  Ella blushed. “What?” She stared at the floor, frowning before looking up. “Being attracted to the opposite sex is natural but we agreed, no strings attached. I need to be my own person. I need to be me, and I’m already getting a vibe that says you’re not keen on that. Torgeir, please go.”

  Her ridiculous argument tipped him past sensibleness.

  “You’re showing signs of bondmating with me. I didn’t think it was possible with an offplanet female, but it’s happening.” She stared blankly so he explained. “Your sexual characteristics are becoming my color – a special shade of red.”

  “Uhhh. What?”

  “Your nipples and labia, even your lips, are redder than before.”

  She didn’t even look, just hugged the towel to her. “Fuck off. Okay. Go away. I knew sex with you was a mistake. Besides, red? You’re not red. Anywhere.”

  He pulled up his shirt and showed her the markings on his chest.

  “Oh. So? A red tattoo or whatever doesn’t mean anything to me.”

  He wanted to haul her off by her hair and do bad things to her ass. She was his and didn’t get that? Earth women were infuriating. If they had sex again she would see. The change would progress.

  He stepped closer, grabbed the towel and ripped it loose, then tossed it aside. “Here.” He took hold of her breast. To not take hold of the rest of her was agonizing.

  “Let go!” She put her hands on his wrist and tried to tug free.


  “What? So? It’s the heat from the shower. Nothing.”

  He ground his teeth. “You’re mine.”

  “Fuck. No. You’re no better than the captain or that buyer. When we land, I’m going my way, and you’re going the hell elsewhere.”

  He had no choice. “No. You’re legally and indisputably my slave.”

  “I am not. Prove it in court. This isn’t Sicar.”

  “Court? Easily. I inserted my code into you.”

  “You did what?”

  He released her breast but dragged her closer by her hair, gathering it tightly to her nape as he spoke, so she had to look up at him. Her pert nipples touched his shirt and wet him.

  “It’s an unbreakable encryption stamped on your every cell and every part of your body. Only I, the owner, can ever remove it. You run from me and I will have you brought back to me in chains.”

  She growled, literally growled at him. It was ridiculous, this little female growling at him and showing her teeth. He held back a smile.

  “Mister Torgeir, y
ou do that and I will hate you forever. What you’ve done already is unforgiveable. I swear...the things I would do to you. Remove this code!”

  That gave him pause. Made him think. She wasn’t the same as most women. If he did this, maybe she would hate him forever, in spite of the bondmating? That would be tragic.

  He thought fast while he held her inches from him. The way she panted through those red lips would drive him crazy, if he stayed this near her for much longer. He let her go and took a step back.

  “I give you a choice. It’s true I swore off slavery.” He shut his eyes, for a second, and put his hands to his scalp, anchoring them in his hair and thinking some more.

  “What choice?”

  The pout she wore was offset by the wildness in her eyes. Such a feral creature. He would get this to work, but perhaps he needed patience.

  “I free you, if you agree to grant me, three times in the next six months, a week of your complete presence, your complete obedience. You will be mine on those days. You will not try to leave Riptide until that time is up.”

  “Six months?” She blinked, clearly thinking this through. The way she stared at his feet said it wasn’t easy for her. “If I’m free otherwise and not a slave. I’ll agree to this. No sex.”

  What a stipulation. His mouth tweaked as he considered it. This could still be very interesting. He would make sure of that. “Very well.”

  She smiled. “Fine. I don’t care if you make me scrub floors for a week.” Her eyes narrowed. “Wait. This is like granting you three wishes.”

  The translator gave a green light to that word.

  “You can call them that. Three wishes.”

  “I’m no fairytale genie. But okay. I still agree.”

  She folded her arms, making her breasts lift up. A distracting and naked girl, presenting her breasts to him. He made himself look at her face and to his surprise saw amusement at his reaction. She teased him? Wait until he had her for a week.

  “Now, remove your code.”


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