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Caught by Love: A Lesbian Romance

Page 16

by Jade Winters

  Skye appeared on the set before Alisa, which Hannah thought was strange. They were normally glued together. When Alisa took her place near Skye in the living room for the next scene to be shot, the friction between them was obvious. Their body language was tense as if they’d been arguing. She walked over to Alisa who took the case without looking her in the eye. She then turned to Skye.

  “Okay, Skye we need lots of energy in this scene. You think you’ve finally won her over when you read the inscription. As far as you are concerned she really does love you.”

  Skye refused to meet her eyes.

  Hannah wrinkled her forehead. “Is everything okay, Skye?”

  “Just dandy. Why wouldn’t it be?” she snapped, twisting a lock of her hair.

  Alisa’s face tightened. “Cut it out, Skye,” she said firmly.

  “I don’t need to be told how to do my job, thanks,” she said challenging both Hannah and Alisa.

  “No one is trying to tell you anything,” Hannah said diplomatically.

  Skye cleared her throat. “Good! I’ve read the script. Give me some credit, I know what I’m doing.”

  Thinking it better to not antagonise her Hannah said, “Okay then, if you’re ready, take your places, please.”

  Apparently Skye wasn’t as good an actress as she thought. As the scene progressed, instead of being loving and ecstatic, she had come across as sullen and angry. All of the footage she had from the morning shoot was useless. She wouldn’t be able to use any of it. Seeing no chance of progress, Hannah called an early lunch with the hope that the women could patch up their differences.


  Leah wasn’t that stupid that she didn’t realise when she was being side-lined. She watched Hannah as she interacted with crew members, her confidence sky high. She no longer confided in her about any seeds of doubt that she had and was treating her more and more like an employee. She no longer invited her over for dinner or drinks nor did she call her to talk over the day’s events. She was now standing firmly on her own two feet and Leah did not like that one little bit. Hannah still needed her, she just needed to be reminded of how much.

  She saw Skye leave the set and followed her outside. She waited until all the other smokers who stood with her dispersed and she was alone. Skye lit another cigarette as Leah joined her and stood to her side. Skye held out a cigarette pack offering her one of the contents.

  “I don’t smoke,” Leah said with the shake of her head before saying, “You’re aware that Alisa’s playing you right?”

  Skye glanced around to look at her and spoke to her in a tone of irritation. “What are you talking about?”

  “Alisa—you know she’s got the hots for Hannah.”

  Skye grimaced, then drew deep on her cigarette, blowing it out in a plume of smoke. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Leah let out a laugh and moved to stand in front of her. “Come on, Skye, you’d have to be blind not to see what’s going on. Who do you think Alisa’s thinking about when you’re acting out those lovey dovey scenes? It sure ain’t you.”

  “What’s it to you, anyway?” Skye asked, looking her up and down suspiciously.

  Leah shrugged. “Nothing, I just don’t like seeing people get hurt.”

  Skye dropped her cigarette butt on the floor and squashed it with a twist of her foot. “No one’s hurting me.”

  “It sure don’t look that way from where I’m standing.”

  Skye looked defiantly into Leah’s eyes and thrust her chest out. “I can have anyone I want.”

  Leah looked down at the ground briefly. “I’m sure you can—except Alisa, her heart’s already taken by the looks of it. They’re both just taking you for a fool.” She met her eyes with feigned pity.

  Skye bit the inside of her lip and said with uncertainty, “I thought you were Hannah’s friend?”

  Leah smirked. “I am.”

  “So why are you back stabbing her?”

  Leah cocked her head to the side. “I’m not, I’m just looking out for you.”


  Leah rocked back and forth on the heels of her feet. “Because I like you.”

  Skye held her hands up in front of her. “Sorry, lady, you’re not my type.”

  Leah let out a deep sigh and quipped sharply, “I don’t mean like in that way, Skye. Believe it or not someone can like you without wanting to jump into bed with you.”

  Skye looked at her as though she had spoken in a foreign language.

  “If I were you, I’d show them that you deserve to be treated with respect.”

  Skye brought her fingers to her mouth and began biting on her nails. “Yeah and how would you do that?”

  Leah’s tone was more friendly now. “Simple. . . .” she said as she moved closer to her and whispered her plan into her ear.


  Crew members stood around waiting restlessly for Hannah to make a decision. Hannah looked at Alisa, who looked back at her, her face devoid of any expression. She caught sight of Leah coming towards her and turned to look expectantly at her.

  Leah shook her head. “Sorry, she’s nowhere to be seen. I’ve looked everywhere for her.”

  “Shit, this is all I bloody well need. We’re two hours behind schedule already. If Larry hears about this he isn’t going to be happy.” Hannah stood up and walked over to Alisa.

  “I know it’s none of my business but did you have an argument with Skye?”

  “Let’s just say we had a few words,” Alisa answered.

  “I hope it was nothing to do with me.”


  “Okay, I need to figure out why Skye’s gone missing. How bad was this argument?”

  “It wasn’t exactly an argument it was more like a misunderstanding.”

  “Did she say she was leaving?”

  “No, I gave her more credit than behaving like a child.”

  Hannah sighed.

  Alisa reached for her hand, the sudden contact causing Hannah’s stomach to constrict. “Don’t worry. I’ll call Bobby, he’ll find her.”

  “Thank you, Alisa.”

  Hannah went in search of Meredith, who was still frantically looking for Skye, she found her in the kitchen. “Meredith, can you try and get in touch with Elizabeth, I know she isn’t due in until tomorrow but if she could come in now I can start shooting her scenes with Alisa rather than waste the whole day.”

  “Consider it done.”

  Five minutes later, Meredith was back with a smile on her face. “Elizabeth is jumping in a cab right this second.”

  “Thank God for that. I will strangle Skye for pulling a stunt like this.”

  Thankfully, she could shoot around her but for how long? She just hoped Larry didn’t get wind of the situation. The last thing she needed was to look like she didn’t have control of the cast.

  Hannah felt panic rise. What if Skye didn’t return? She had shot too much film to just replace her. As well as this, she would fall behind in their budget. As if sensing her panic, Alisa appeared placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

  “Don’t worry, Hannah, I promise she’ll be back on set tomorrow even if I have to go and drag her here myself.”

  She looked at her gratefully as Alisa’s phone began to ring. She held up a finger to Hannah before walking away to find a quiet spot to answer it.

  Leah brought Hannah a cup of black coffee. “It’s not surprising Skye’s done this. I told you the day she arrived late at the audition she was unprofessional.”

  Hannah rubbed her forehead. “I know you did, maybe I should have been paying more attention to what you were saying.”

  “We live and learn, Hannah, I just hope Larry’s not been informed.”

  Panicked she said, “There’s no need for him to know anything yet.”

  Leah smiled. “Let’s just hope she shows up tomorrow.”

  Hannah’s head felt as if little bubbles were bursting inside it. “Yes, let’s hope.”

; A few minutes later Alisa rejoined her. Ignoring Leah, she coaxed Hannah a few feet away and spoke quietly. “Skye’s okay, she’s at home. Bobby has had a word, she’ll be back on set in the morning—he’s put her in her place and warned her of the consequences if she does something like this again.”

  “Thank you, Alisa.”

  “I told you Hannah, I’m always here for you.” Alisa nudged her shoulder playfully.

  “I know you are.” Hannah’s shoulders relaxed. Things were going to be alright after all.


  Leah stood just out of hearing range, straining to listen in on their conversation. Though she couldn’t hear what they were saying, their body language spoke volumes. Their relationship had obviously moved on because she couldn’t sense the tension that had been there before. Something must have happened between them in the Cotswolds, she thought, angry that she had missed going because her mother had staged another fake illness. She was helpless as she felt Hannah slipping away from her. There was nothing left that she could do.

  She had pinned her hopes on Skye’s absence throwing production into chaos but she’d been more of a wimp then she’d imagined. Leah had planned on calling Larry tomorrow and letting him know what was going on but there was no point now that Skye had lost her nerve and backed down. She was pathetic and she, like most pathetic people, got what they deserved in the end.

  Watching as Hannah went back to work, Leah decided she was going to have to go in for the kill. It would have to be later on in the week when she had time to pop around and see Maggie. She could hardly contain herself at the thought of finally getting the chance to give Hannah her just desserts.

  Chapter 32

  Skye motioned Alisa into the hallway. No sooner had her foot stepped over the threshold Alisa caught her arm and turned her around. She looked like a frightened child as Alisa focused on her. “Are you angry at me?”

  “No, not angry. Disappointed,” Alisa said softly. How could she be angry with her? She half blamed herself for the situation anyway. Maybe she had led her on unintentionally but now she just wanted to make sure everything remained calm and peaceful on set so Hannah could get through shooting without breaking. “We need to talk.”

  Skye swallowed hard. “Okay.”

  Alisa followed her into her living room, glancing around, glad to see there were no alcohol bottles present only a tray of tea on the coffee table.

  As if sensing her thoughts, Skye waved her arm around the room. “No, I’m not drinking if that’s what you’re thinking,” she said stiffly.

  “All I’m thinking is why you’d pull a stunt like you did today?” Alisa waited for her answer with a questioning gaze. She knew that she walked out because she was angry at her but that had nothing to do with anybody else.

  Skye put her hand to her mouth, nipping at her nails. “I’m sorry. It just got all too much for me.”

  “That’s a dangerous attitude to have in this business, Skye. Do it once too often and you’re not going to last very long.” She couldn’t count the amount of actors she had seen come and go in the business. They started off thinking they had everyone over a barrel—thinking they were a special talent. Once they got black balled, they soon found out anyone was replaceable and that included her as well. That’s why she had a constant stream of work. She played the game and she played it well. She never let personal problems affect her work.

  Skye pouted. “I said I was sorry.”

  Alisa spoke calmly. There was no point getting irate with her. She seemed genuinely remorseful. “I’m not the one you need to apologise to. You let down the whole crew today. Filming came to a standstill.”

  Skye looked at her sadly.

  “You’re lucky the producer never found out about it. He would have come down on Hannah’s head like a ton of bricks.”

  Skye’s expression clouded in anger. “That’s all you care about isn’t it—Hannah. You don’t care how I feel?”

  “That’s not true, Skye. I told you from the beginning—”

  “I remember your words exactly. You said ‘I don’t fish in the work pond’, so what is Hannah if she isn’t a work fish?” She spat the words out contemptuously.

  Alisa felt her anger rise in response. “Nothing is going on between Hannah and I.”

  “That’s not because you don’t want it too, though.”

  “Look,” Alisa said, sitting down and feeling deflated as she pushed her hair back away from her face. She’d had enough of all the secrecy and it was only fair she laid her cards out on the table. “I’m not going to lie to you. Yes, I do have feelings for Hannah but it’s complicated we go back a long way.”

  Skye sat down as well, her anger abated and she let out a sigh. “Does she know how you feel?”

  Alisa hesitated before she spoke. “Not the extent of it no. I don’t want her to either.”

  “Why not?”

  She ran her hands through her hair. “Like I said, it’s complicated.”

  “Sorry to be the one to tell you but your secret isn’t as safe as you think it is.”

  Alisa turned to her abruptly. “What do you mean?”

  Skye bit her lip. “Leah knows.”

  Alisa frowned in confusion. “Leah? Has she been talking to you?”

  Skye nodded.

  “What did she say?”

  Skye looked at her in silence for a few seconds seemingly weighing the question. “That you both had the hots for each other.”

  “She said that?”


  “Anything else?”

  Skye lowered her eyes like a child about to share something she wasn’t meant to.

  “What else, Skye?” Alisa demanded, getting more than annoyed by Leah’s apparent interference once again. When would that woman ever stop?

  “That I could punish you by leaving the set.”

  Alisa looked stunned. She never thought she’d stoop to such a low level to actually mess with a shoot that would have more of an impact on Hannah than it would on her. Why was she still trying to punish her? Or was her target someone else? Had she now turned against Hannah in some twisted turn of faith? “That bitch, she’s still up to no good.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “That she’s got form for shit stirring and telling lies.”

  “Are you going to tell Hannah?”

  “No, she won’t believe it.”

  “She will if I back you up.”

  “She’ll just think I put you up to it. The only way that she’s going to believe it, is if she hears it from Leah herself. And I can’t see that happening any time soon.”

  “Do you know what my dad used to always say?”


  “Give someone enough rope and they’ll eventually hang themselves.”

  “Are you coming back to work tomorrow?”

  Skye nodded her head.

  “Just say you felt ill, don’t mention anything about Leah.”

  “Why, what are you going to do?”

  For the first time Alisa’s face held a genuine smile. “Take your dad’s advice.”

  Chapter 33

  Hannah breathed a sigh of relief as she saw Skye walk thought the door and make a beeline straight towards her. Dressed in skin tight leggings and high boots, several male workers stopped what they were doing as their eyes followed her. Hannah suppressed a smile. She really did have sex appeal.

  Skye reached Hannah in a flurry. “Hannah, I’m really sorry I disappeared yesterday. It was very unprofessional of me and it won’t happen again.”

  Hannah drew a deep breath in through her nose and discreetly released it. “I’m just glad you’re okay. I was worried about you. Anything could have happened to you.”

  “I know, it was thoughtless of me. I hope I didn’t inconvenience you too much.”

  Hannah glanced over at the set where the crew were nosily setting up the cameras and lighting for the days shoot. “It turned out okay we just changed the shooting schedu
le around by a day, no harm done. Why did you leave?”

  “I was just feeling overwhelmed with things.”

  “And everything’s fine now?”

  Skye nodded.

  Hannah had to admit she definitely looked happier. Whatever Alisa had said to her had obviously worked.

  “You know you can talk to me if you’re having any problems.”

  “Thanks, but everything’s cool now.”

  “Glad to see you back,” Alisa said, smiling at Skye as she joined them.

  “Gosh, it was only a few hours, I don’t know what you guys would do if I was gone for a week,” Skye said good-naturedly.

  Catching sight of Leah, Hannah called her over. “Leah, when you see Meredith can you tell her Skye is back so we’ll be spending the morning going over yesterday’s shoots. Elizabeth doesn’t have to come in until this afternoon.”

  “Of course I will.” With a deadpan look on her face, she turned to Skye. “I’m glad to see you’re feeling better, Skye.”

  When Hannah was out of ear shot talking to the cameraman, Skye grabbed Alisa’s arm. “Did you just see the way Leah acted? I’m not kidding, she really scares me. She’s not the full shilling.”

  “Don’t you think I know that?”

  “What are we going to do about her? Do you think she’s dangerous?”

  “Only to herself, don’t worry, she wouldn’t hurt you.”

  “I hope not.”

  Re-shooting the scenes were a breeze with Alisa and Skye really pulling off some of the most emotional parts of the script. Hannah felt sad in the knowledge that shooting would be coming to an end soon and she’d be heading to the editing suite for the duration of her time. But on a positive note, at least that meant she could finally figure out her future with Alisa and what new direction her life would be heading in.


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