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Caught by Love: A Lesbian Romance

Page 18

by Jade Winters

  She heard the door open and was surprised to see Clive entering and closing the door gently behind him. He walked over to her, keeping his eyes rooted to the floor.

  He spoke quietly. “I’ve been waiting all evening to get a quiet moment with you.”

  The hairs on the back of her neck stood up.

  He stopped in front of her, towering over her, making her feel tiny. “I hope you don’t think I’m being too forward,” he said, running his hand through his hair. “I’m sorry, but I don’t know how to put it. Okay I’ll just say it,” he said, letting out a long deep breath. “Hannah, I want to . . . ask for your mother’s hand in marriage. I love her more than anything, but before I ask her, I need to know that you’re okay with it. I know how much you mean to her.”

  Hannah reached up and touched his shoulder. “I can think of nothing more lovely, if I’m honest.”

  They both jumped as the door flew open and Maggie stood in the doorway, looking at them both accusingly. “I wouldn’t bother, Clive, she isn’t into men, at least that’s what I thought.”

  Hannah looked aghast. “Mother, this is not what it looks like.”

  “Isn’t it?”

  “No, it isn’t.” Hannah was horrified that her mother could even entertain the thought of her having any kind of encounter with her boyfriend. Then a thought struck her as she remembered the honesty in Alisa’s eyes when she had told her that the situation was not as she had been told. Had she thrown away her friendship all based on a misunderstanding?

  “You’re both looking cosy standing there together. Why’d you close the door?”

  “Because I wanted to ask Hannah’s permission,” Clive said, turning round, walking towards her.

  Maggie looked confused as she looked from one face to the other.

  He bent down on one knee, withdrawing a small velvet box. “Maggie, will you be my wife?”

  Hannah nearly burst out crying watching the romantic scene unfold in front of her. It made her yearn for love again. The first person that came to her mind now was Alisa not Naomi. The significance of this shocked her. Alisa was all she could think about as she left her mother and Clive to themselves and went to her room.

  Finding her phone she quickly dialled her number.

  “Alisa, are you still up for that drink? I can be there in half hour. Okay, see you then.” With a smile spreading across her face, Hannah grabbed her car keys. She didn’t want to waste another minute.

  Chapter 37

  “I’m glad you changed your mind,” Alisa said, leading her down the stairs into the houseboat’s reception room. The humid air blew gently through a half opened window. At least a hundred tea candles were lit throughout the room giving the place a warm golden glow throughout. Soft music played low in the background. The atmosphere was sensual and Hannah felt herself caught up in it. It was like the background scene from a romance movie only this time instead of directing it, she was acting in it. “It looks amazing, Alisa,” she said waving her arm around the room.

  Alisa looked stunningly attractive against the back drop. Each time she saw her, the pull towards her got stronger.

  Barefooted, skin tight jeans and a black tank top which moulded tightly against her body outlining her womanly attributes, Alisa caused Hannah to swallow hard.


  Alcohol was the last thing on her mind tonight. “Wine, please.”

  Alisa handed her the glass, the tips of their fingers grazing sending a shockwave throughout her body.

  “So, how did the evening go with your mum then?” Alisa asked, flopping down onto the sofa.

  “Very well, actually,” Hannah said grinning. “He proposed to her.”

  “Ahh, that’s why you’re looking so happy!”

  “No, I’m happy because I’m here with you,” she said in a husky voice, seemingly lost in Alisa’s flame-lit eyes.

  “I’m happy, too.” Alisa reached out to brush her cheek with the back of her hand. Hannah took hold of it and moved it to her mouth, resting her lips on her fingers. She could detect the faint smell of soap.


  “Shhh.” Hannah placed her finger against Alisa’s lips. “Don’t say anything, otherwise I’ll lose my nerve.” Her desire overrode everything else at that moment. Passion rose through her body like a burning fire, the plumes of smoke clouding any thoughts in her brain. Leaning towards her, she gazed into Alisa’s eyes and felt the hysteria of delight as she saw the passion reflected in them. She parted her lips and slowly bent her head inwards, yielding to the sweetness of Alisa’s mouth. Her dormant sexuality now fully awakened as Alisa’s arms slipped around her, bringing her closer. A shimmer of desire rippled through her as she felt the warmth from Alisa’s body through the thin layers of their clothes. Her hands trailed over her shoulders then down through her shirt to her breast, cupping it and gently teasing her nipple between her thumb and finger.

  Hannah let out a small groan as she felt a growing ache between her legs and guided Alisa’s hand to relieve her. She was already moist when Alisa’s fingers pressed into her, probing deeper with every thrust. She withered in pleasure as Alisa used the tip of her finger to tease her swollen clitoris. She melted against Alisa, their bodies moulding as one as their frantic hands tore at their clothes—the only barrier that stood between them. Hannah gasped and writhed beneath her as Alisa eased her naked body over her, her hands beginning a lust arousing exploration of her body.

  Alisa possessed Hannah’s body as if she owned the manual for it and took the time to arouse every inch of her of skin with her tongue, exciting her until her trembling limbs drowned in a flood of liberation. For a long moment, Hannah felt as if she was floating as she lay motionless savouring the feeling of satisfaction, her breathing beginning to settle on a more even beat.

  Alisa slid up beside her, turning her face towards her. “Are you okay?”

  “Never better,” Hannah replied closing her eyes, enjoying the closeness of the moment as she stroked the hollow of Alisa’s back.

  “Are you tired?”

  Hannah opened her eyes and smiled seductively then reached over to kiss her, the meeting of their tongues arousing her all over again. She pressed her body against hers and within seconds she was showing Alisa how wide awake she was. Hannah rolled her on to her back and moved slowly down her body with the soft gentle caress of her lips, making love to her with a hungry intensity she had never even known she’d possessed.


  Hannah woke up alone in bed. For a second she thought she had imagined the night of passion but looking at the disarrayed sheets she knew it had been a reality. As feelings of guilt attempted to worm their way into her mind she stopped them in their tracks. She knew it wasn’t going to be easy but she had to press forward and part of that moving on meant having sex again. Hadn’t Dr Cross been drumming it into her head for the past few months that she deserved to be happy. That it didn’t mean she would forget about Naomi. She would never do that and she knew Alisa wouldn’t either but she was going to grab happiness wherever she could find it. She looked around the room but there was no sign of Alisa. She smiled to herself as she heard the sound of the shower being turned on. Slipping out of bed, she walked naked to the bathroom and stood by the door for a moment, watching Alisa through the rippled glass. Opening the shower door, she stepped in.

  “Is there enough room for two?”

  “Most definitely,” Alisa said as she turned her around and pressed her up against the wall—their naked bodies pushing against each other as if for the first time.

  Their lips met and locked in a kiss. As the warm water cascaded over their bodies, Alisa poured the shower gel onto her hands and gently began rubbing the foamy soap first around Hannah’s neck, then her chest. Hannah inhaled deeply as she felt Alisa’s soft and delicate fingers pass over her breasts taking their time to caress and tease. She closed her eyes as she felt the tip of Alisa’s tongue dance lightly over her nipple—expertly circling one and
then moving onto the other. Her body shivered, despite the temperature of the water as Alisa’s tongue trailed down past her stomach and stopped when she let out a small groan.

  Hannah breathed heavily as she felt the warmth of Alisa’s tongue penetrate her being. The touch was electric, causing her such an excess of excitement that she actually swooned with the most delicious sensation she had ever experienced in her life. She placed both of her hands at the back of Alisa’s head pressing her face against her until her body twitched and convulsed with pleasure.

  Alisa rose from the floor and embraced her, her soft lips kissing her long and deep. For a few moments they held each other, mutually breathless and satisfied.

  “I didn’t know a shower could be so . . . dirty,” Hannah said smiling as she switched off the tap and led Alisa back to the bedroom.

  Their bodies still wet from the shower, she lowered Alisa onto the bed and straddled her.

  “I think we’re going to get pneumonia,” Alisa said, shivering beneath her.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll soon warm you up.”

  “I had no idea you were such a sex fiend, Hannah.”

  “There’s lots you don’t know about me.”

  “Oh, really?” Alisa said playfully. “Tell me more.”

  Before she could respond, her phone began to ring. She fell to Alisa’s side and let out a long groan.

  Alisa turned to her, running a finger down her stomach, causing it to constrict under her touch. “You know she’s not going to stop calling until you answer.”

  Hannah’s eyes followed Alisa’s finger. “I know, I feel like a child. I’m a grown woman and I’ve got my mother checking up on me because I spent the night out.”

  She stopped what she was doing and looked at her. “Are you going to tell her where you are?”

  “It’s none of her business what I do with my life.”

  “Are you only saying that because you don’t want to tell her about me?”


  “So what happens now? Do we just carry on as if nothing’s happened?”

  “Is that what you want?”

  Hannah looked at her with dreamy eyes. “No, I want you,” she said as she leant over and kissed her lips. “Every part of you.”

  “Good, because the feeling’s mutual,” Alisa replied, returning the kiss. “Do you think this feels strange?”

  “What, us two ending up in bed together?” Hannah answered, as Alisa nibbled at her ear.

  “Well, I think it feels wonderful. Do you?”

  Hannah looked thoughtfully at her. She had been so lost in their lovemaking that she had only thought of Naomi briefly. Alisa took her to places she didn’t know existed, she barely had time to think of anything. “I thought it would be hard to be with someone else, I’m just glad it was you.”

  Alisa pulled her into an embrace, pressing against her while she traced the outline of her neck with her tongue. “I’m flattered.”

  Hannah leaned back slightly. “Are you being sarcastic?”

  Alisa pulled her close again as she reached down to caress her between her thighs. “No, I’m trying to turn you on.”

  “You only have to look at me, to do that.”

  “Oh, so shall I stop doing this then?” Alisa asked, attempting to remove her hand.

  Hannah laughed. “Er, no, you need to put it right back,” Hannah said, pushing her hand back to its original position. A gentle moan escaped her lips as Alisa’s hot tongue sought hers, caressing the inner sanctuary of her mouth, their arms tightening around each other as their bodies moved together in an interlocking rhythm until the moment of ecstasy exploded within them.

  Their hunger finally satisfied, Hannah snuggled in Alisa’s arms. “So are you going to tell Skye about us?”

  Alisa kissed the top of her head. “No, why would I?”

  “I don’t want to be your dirty little secret, Alisa.”

  “You’ve totally lost me.”

  “Come on, everyone thinks you two have a thing going on.”

  “They do, huh,” Alisa said, sitting up letting the sheet slip off her to reveal her nakedness.

  Hannah’s eyes drank in the sensuality of her body. “Are you saying it isn’t true, then?”

  She stood up and opened the door to her ensuite bathroom, disappearing inside. Stepping back into the bedroom wearing a night gown she said, “Hannah, I don’t know what you take me for, but I’m not in the habit of fucking anything with a pair of tits.”

  Hannah looked up at her with reproachful eyes. “I’m sorry, I just thought. . .”

  “No, Hannah you didn’t, that’s the problem. I told you before that nothing was going on and if I was involved with Skye, why would I sleep with you? You seem to think I have the morals of an alley cat.”

  Hannah’s sorrow felt like a painful knot inside. Everything had been perfect since last night. But distrust had raised its ugly head again. “Come on, Alisa you know I don’t think that.”

  “Do I? You seem to take everyone’s word over mine.”

  They were interrupted by the sound of the phone ringing.

  Alisa let out a frustrated sigh. “Will you please talk to her before she sends the police out looking for you!” Alisa took the phone from Hannah’s jacket and handed it to her.

  Hannah flopped back against the pillows, her eyes trained on Alisa. “Yes, I’m still alive. I spent the night with Alisa. Yes, you heard me right, Alisa.” She looked up at her and saw Alisa smile, the tension leaving her face. “What’s so urgent, Mum? Leah? I didn’t know she was coming around today.” She rolled her eyes as she looked at Alisa.

  Suddenly Hannah jerked up alert, the hand that was holding the phone shaking uncontrollably. “She found what! I’ll be right back.” She felt as though someone had punched her in the stomach. She leapt out of bed her face pale as she frantically rushed around gathering her clothes together.

  “Hannah, what’s the matter?” Alisa asked catching her arm. “Can you stop for a minute and tell me what’s happened.”

  There was a strained look on her face as tears glistened in the corner of her eyes. “It seems I’ve been taken for a fucking fool.”

  “What did your mother say?”

  “Leah found a jewellery box hidden down the side of Naomi’s chair in the office.”


  She glanced sharply at her. “So the piece of jewellery had a very nice inscription written on it.”

  “Hannah, please get to the point.”

  “Does the term you complete me ring any bells?”

  Alisa’s face paled as the realisation dawned on her.

  Hannah pulled on her jeans in a flurry and put her shirt on without her bra. “You know what this means, don’t you.”

  Alisa looked grief stricken “Yes, Hannah.”

  “My whole relationship was built on a fucking lie,” she cried, as she threw herself down on the bed, burying her face in the covers. Her body racked with sobs from the unfairness of it all. “Why am I such an idiot?”

  Alisa went to her, lying beside her as she smoothed back Hannah’s hair away from her face. “Come on, you’re not an idiot, Hannah. It might not even mean what you think,” she said empathically.

  Hannah pushed Alisa’s hand aside and jerked up into a sitting position. “Oh no, that’s some kind of fucking coincidence my girlfriend just so happens to write a screenplay and one of the most significant parts of it ends up in my house?”

  Alisa stood and went to her dresser and began to take her clothes out. “Do you want me to come with you?”

  Using the sleeve of her arm, Hannah wiped away her tears before slipping her feet into her sandals and walking to the door with her shoulders hunched over. “No, I can deal with this. I’ll call you later.”

  Before Alisa could reach her, Hannah fled through the door.

  “I’m here if you need me,” Alisa called out after her.

  Chapter 38

  Arriving home, Hannah followed the sound of
chatter into the kitchen where she found her mother sitting with Leah, the jewellery box on the table in front of them. She noted her mother had already started drinking by her flushed cheeks in spite of saying she would drink only on special occasions. This, however, was proving to be a dire situation, so all was forgiven.

  “I can’t believe you stayed at that woman’s house.”

  “Not now, Mum,” Hannah said, in a warning tone, which Maggie must have understood because she let the issue drop straight away.

  “I dropped the back of my earring down the chair. It was while I was digging around the sides I found it,” Leah explained. “I’m really sorry, Hannah, this must be really dreadful for you.”

  She gulped as hot tears rolled down her face.

  “You never know she could have bought it for you, darling,” Maggie said lightly.

  “Mum, this bracelet was not for me.”

  “Don’t be silly, Hannah, if not for you, then who?”

  “That’s the sixty million dollar question, isn’t it?”

  Maggie shook her head. “I think Naomi would have done something more original than have an affair.”

  “She did, Mum and she wrote a screenplay about it, which I just so happen to be directing.”

  “Are you saying—?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.”

  Leah looked up at her. “Do you have any idea who it is?”

  “Not unless Naomi has left some other little clues for me to find.”

  “Are you going to carry on with the film?”

  Hannah nodded. What choice did she have? She couldn’t throw the whole of the production costs down the drain just because she had been cheated on. The word felt alien to her. She walked to the table looking at the box as if it was from another planet. She reached down, picked it up and opened it. It was exactly as was described in the script. White gold with diamonds. She felt her heart would explode as she flicked it over. You complete me.


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