Morally Blasphemous: A Dark Mafia Romance (Morally Questionable Book 2)

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Morally Blasphemous: A Dark Mafia Romance (Morally Questionable Book 2) Page 14

by Veronica Lancet

  "You don't have to worry about any of that anymore, Claudia. You're safe here. Your mother is safe here." I try my best to placate her.

  "But... she's not very happy." She finally says. Is this why she came here?

  "What do you mean?"

  "You don't like her, do you? That's why you avoid her."

  "Did she say that? That I don't like her?" I frown. I didn't realize my actions would be construed like that.

  "Not exactly... but she thinks she's imposing on you."

  "That's not the case, Claudia. I assure you. I like your mother very much, and just like I told you, I'm not avoiding her, I'm busy with work."

  "You like her?" Her eyes widen, and a smile stretches across her face. Shit! Did I fall into a trap?

  "Erm... Of course I like her." What else can I tell a ten-year-old?

  "Yes, I knew it! Mamma likes you too, you know. I think she was sad because she thought you didn't like her." She jumps from her seat. "I have to tell her."

  "Wa..." Wait. I'm a second too late, as she's already ran out.


  This is exactly what I needed. I shake my head ruefully at the thought.

  I do like her, and that is the issue. And I like her too much to get close to her. Our arrangement needs to stay as it is. With me as far away from her as possible.

  Seeing the direction my thoughts are taking, I distract myself by going over the documents again. The shipment that had been stopped had cost us over two million in lost merchandise. Since the attack, I've postponed other deliveries to figure out an alternative route. It's even worse because we still don't know for sure if the Irish were behind the attack, or other organizations. The more I look at the figures, the more frustrated I become. I pull out my phone and dial Vlad, hoping he has some additional information regarding the attack.

  It rings twice before I hear him.

  "I see that wedded bliss is not all they say, is it?" He asks ironically, and I have the urge to roll my eyes.

  "Have you heard anything about the attack?"

  "No. I must give it to them, whoever they are. They've erased their traces. From the outside, it looks like an Irish attack..."


  "But it doesn't fit. Quinn's been sighted all over New York since then. You'd think after a declaration of war he'd be more careful about where he shows his face."

  "I think you forget the guy is a machine. Maybe he's just overconfident?"

  "No." Vlad pauses. "He grew up in this lifestyle. He knows exactly what it entails. He knows, especially when to retreat."

  "So what are you saying?" I ask, curious to see what Vlad's getting at.

  "I have two working hypothesis. Either his father is working by himself, seeing how he's been in hiding since the attack on Agosti, or..."

  "Or it's a setup." I say.

  "Yes. To make us turn our focus on the Irish. Honestly, at this point we can't discount any option."

  "But who would benefit from this? I mean, sure, many would stand to win from an all-out war."

  "If Jimenez were alive, I'd say it's his M.O. But now... I need more information for this. I'm trying to get a hold of Quinn, with no bloodshed that is. I'll let you know what that yields."

  I'm about to reply when the door of the study bursts open, a panicked Catalina barging in.

  "What..." I start, lowering the phone.

  "It's Sisi. Something happened at the convent." Her words are too hurried, so I put my hand up to stop her.

  "Slow down, Catalina. What happened?"

  "A murder." She says, her eyes wide with horror. "Someone killed a nun in the chapel..." She shakes her head as if to dispel the mental image.

  "Ok, so a nun was murdered. What does that have to do with us?"

  "Sisi said..." She trails off, her lips quivering, "She had a C carved on her forehead..."

  "When?" I try to compose myself. So many questions are running through my mind. Why? Who would do this? Is Assisi ok?

  "They just discovered her." Catalina says, and I stand up abruptly.

  "You heard that?" I bring the phone back to my ear, and Vlad chuckles.

  "One too many murders in such a holy place, wouldn't you say?"

  "I don't have time for this, Vlad." I say and I'm about to hang up, but he replies.

  "I'll meet you there." The line goes dead. Typical Vlad.

  "Don't worry. I'm going there right now." I turn my attention back to Catalina and try to assure her.

  "I'm coming too." She looks me straight in the eyes, daring me to refuse her.


  "I'm coming!" She says once again, this time with more conviction. "Sisi is my friend. And if someone got hurt because of me..." She trails off and I can see the anguish on her face.

  I sigh and reluctantly nod.

  "But," I continue, needing to put some boundaries in place, "you don't leave my side at any moment. Are we clear?"

  "Yes, yes! Thank you!" She nods fervently and I motion her to follow me to the car.

  I DRIVE AS FAST AS I can, and we reach Sacre Coeur in record time. Catalina's been quiet the entire ride, her face strained with worry. My thoughts go to Assisi, and to the fact that she'd been at the scene. After what happened with Father Guerra, I'd talked to Mother Superior about hiring some protection for Assisi within the convent, but I'd been immediately rebuffed. I'd even suggested hiring a female bodyguard, since men were not allowed inside, but Mother Superior had been rather adamant that they allowed no strangers to reside at Sacre Coeur.

  It's only been a few days since, and already something else happened. Vlad had been right, in his own messed up way. It's highly suspicious that two incidents would happen at a convent, and so close together. Something's not right.

  I park the car, and both Catalina and I exit, heading towards the entrance of the convent. Just before we are about to go through security, I see Vlad.

  "Marcello," He inclines his head at me before switching his focus to Catalina. She looks at him curiously, and I reluctantly make the introductions.

  "Catalina, this is Vlad." He takes her hand, shaking it.

  "I've heard many things about you," Vlad says smoothly, and I have to control myself. Just the sight of his hand on top of hers is enough to make my vision turn red.

  "Let's go inside." I quickly add, and Vlad raises an eyebrow at me. I ignore him, knowing he is baiting me on purpose.

  The security is tighter than last time, but we get through it quickly. There are nuns running all around the place in what I can only describe as mass hysteria.

  "Let me call Sisi," Catalina takes her phone and dials my sister.

  "I didn't know she had a phone." I frown.

  "I left her my phone." She replies, before saying, "Sisi, we are here... The graph? We'll be right there." She turns to us and both Vlad and me nod.

  "Lina?" My sister runs towards us when she spots Catalina. She flies straight into her arms and hugs her tightly. "Oh, Lina! I missed you!"

  "Sisi, are you ok?" Catalina strokes her head affectionately. I didn't realize their bond ran that deep.

  Assisi nods, and then looks at us, frowning.

  "Marcello? And..." She narrows her eyes at Vlad, but he seems unconcerned by it.

  "Vlad." He immediately introduces himself, an affable smile on his face. He's using his charmer's voice on her. Vlad always does this to make himself appear as harmless as possible. Few people can see him for what he really is — a predator.

  He holds out his hand for her.

  Assisi spares him just one glance, ignoring his raised hand. "Right, so," She says, turning again to Catalina.

  I sneak a glance at Vlad and while his facade is firmly in place, there's no doubt that the snub hurt his ego. I almost want to chuckle at that, all the while hi-fiving my sister — if only I could.

  "Tell us what happened." I tell her, and she gives me a sad smile.

  "I don't know all the details either, but I was close to the chapel when one nu
n started screaming. I went inside and... You should see it for yourself if Mother Superior will allow it. It's just..." She shakes her head.

  "She'll allow it." Vlad interjects, and we all head towards the chapel.

  There is a crowd outside, and some elderly nuns are trying to keep the others in order. Mother Superior is also outside, looking contrite as she's talking with a priest. Vlad immediately goes to her, and they exchange a few words. Whatever he is saying to her, she doesn't seem pleased. He returns to our side and tells us we can proceed inside.

  "You two should stay here." I address Catalina and Assisi, but both immediately shake their heads.

  "No" They say in unison.

  I sigh.

  "I don't think it's something you should see." I add.

  "I already saw it." Assisi retorts.

  "And if it concerns me... I need to see it!" Catalina says firmly, raising her head to look at me defiantly.

  I turn to Vlad, but he's shrugging.

  "Fine..." I relent once again. Surely it can't be that bad, seeing that Assisi is alright.

  We head inside, and Catalina immediately links her hand with Assisi. I'm almost tempted to tell them to wait outside, there's a steely determination on Catalina's features that makes me proud of her. She's delicate, yet she's so strong.

  I shake myself from my musings and focus on the task at hand.

  Inside, I take a few steps but abruptly stop.

  The chapel is designed in a gothic architectural style, and the altar has an imposing sculpture in relief that is ceiling high. It depicts the scene of Jesus's crucifixion as its central piece. The high vault allows for almost life-sized figurines. All around Jesus are his mourners, both earthlings and celestial beings. Or at least, that's what I'm assuming the altar would look like on any other day. The entire wall is painted with blood, some areas smeared with child-like handprints.

  The body of the nun had been placed in the middle, on top of Jesus's form. The killer had spread her arms out to mimic the position of the crucifixion, while her legs had been secured together with rope. She's still dressed in her habit, but the cloth had been ripped in the middle, effectively baring her to the entire world. The white of her coif has splatters of blood all over.

  There is a big C on her forehead, carved seemingly with a nail. Maybe even one of the nails that is now holding her secure to the wall. Her mouth is half-open, her tongue cut. I can't see well from this distance, but I'm suddenly curious to see if she has any teeth left.

  I step closer.

  The nun's entire torso had been cut open; her organs taken out. Instead, they were laid on the alter table as offerings. The heart was placed on a silver plate. To the right, a medium-sized cross had the intestines wrapped around its indentations like a serpent. The lungs were next, all cut in small pieces next to a chalice full of red liquid — blood. I have to wonder if this is supposed to emulate the Eucharist.

  I hear a gasp behind me. Catalina brings up her hand to her mouth as she looks in disbelief at the scene in front of her.

  "Who would do this...?" She whispers.

  Assisi is studying the nun's form, her gaze intent on the hollow in her chest cavity.

  Vlad is a few steps behind us, keeping a moderate distance. I can see he's trying very hard to avoid staring at the blood.

  Why did he even come?

  "This looks eerily similar to what happened to Father Guerra." Assisi comments, pointing at the body. "His insides had also been tampered with. Well, not in this manner, but quite similar."

  "But who would do that? We still don't know who dug up Father Guerra and put him in the graph..." Catalina shakes her head. "And why?" She steps closer. "Why the C?" Catalina is focusing on the nun's face when Assisi narrows her eyes.

  "Wait..." She goes towards the altar and stops right in front of the body.

  "Assisi, what are you doing?" I ask.

  "I think I saw something glint in there..." She frowns and looks closer, almost sticking her head inside the nun's stomach.

  "Assisi," I repeat, and I hear someone groan.


  Assisi lifts her hand and puts it inside the body, scrunching up her nose as if she's looking for something.

  "For God's sake, Sisi!" Catalina's eyes widen. "What are you doing?" She makes to go closer to my sister, but I put a hand up to stop her.


  "Damnation!" She says, her hand resurfacing, her fist full of something.

  She moves around until she's standing over the altar table. She unclenches her fist and a bunch of bloody teeth fall out onto the tablecloth.

  "What...?" I look at the teeth with horror in my eyes, and then there's the C. I pivot towards Vlad, and I can tell he's thinking the same thing.

  He brings out a handkerchief and dabs it around his forehead before coming forward.

  "Now, this is an interesting turn of events. Wouldn't you say so, Marcello?" He stoops a little to look at the teeth before averting his face in disgust.

  Assisi rolls her eyes at that, and she goes back to the body.

  "There's something else. I couldn't grasp it before." She inserts her hand again and rummages through the contents of the nun's stomach.

  It's funny how Vlad's looking at her in half-awe, half-distaste.

  "Here!" Assisi exclaims, and she withdraws a crumpled piece of material.

  She puts it on the table, and we all gather around to analyze it.

  "It's vellum... mayhap human vellum." Vlad comments, taking a knife and tossing it around to get a better look. There is some sort of writing on it, and Vlad reluctantly uses his handkerchief to wipe the blood off it.

  "Paying for the sins of others" I read out loud, and Catalina gasps.

  "It's because of me, isn't it? Whoever is doing this, it's because of what I did..." A tear makes its way down her cheek, and I wish I could just lift my hand and wipe it.

  "Catalina," I say, trying to figure out how to tell her it might not be her they're after, but me.

  "Whose skin is this?" Assisi asks as she gets a closer look. "Is it hers?" She points to the nun.

  "Probably not," I say and grimace at my own words. It's simply how this person works.

  She frowns.

  "How are you so sure?"

  "Because whoever did this," I start and take a deep breath, turning to look at Catalina, "is not targeting you."

  "What do you mean?" She asks, her voice a mere whisper.

  "This," Vlad brandishes his knife towards the nun's face and the C marring her features "is the mark of a serial killer. The C by itself could have pointed out to you," he turns to Catalina, "but the teeth confirm it's a serial killer we've been looking for."

  "What...?" Assisi asks, tilting her head, as if in disbelief.

  "Let me get this," she starts, and I'm once again amazed by her composure throughout all of this, "you are saying that the person who killed our Sister is a serial killer? Then what about Father Guerra? I don't believe it's a coincidence these things happened almost within a week of each other." Her hand goes to massage her forehead, smearing some blood from her hands on her skin.

  Vlad's eyes are glued to Assisi's face, specifically to the tiny trail of blood on her forehead. He looks like he's in a trance as he moves, and in two steps he's in front of Assisi.

  "Vlad!" I bark out, knowing this isn't good. Is he going to lose control? Is he going to hurt her?

  Vlad doesn't reply. He is fixated on the red spots on Assisi's face.

  "Don't move!" I mouth to Assisi, worried that any sudden movement might make Vlad snap. The last time I'd seen him in one of his episodes... it hadn't been pretty.

  Her eyes widen in surprise, but she gives a slow nod.

  Vlad's eyes are blank at he tilts his head to study my sister's face.

  "Vlad!" I call out again, hoping to wake him from whatever trance he's in.

  His arm moves up and I'm already in motion, ready to pull him off Assisi.

  To my surprise, his
hand goes to her forehead, almost tenderly, and he swipes some blood with his fingers. He stares at it for a second before bringing it to his lips. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, enjoying the taste of the blood.

  "What...?" Assisi looks stunned as she frowns at Vlad.

  "Assisi, come here, but slowly. He might be dangerous."

  She looks unconvinced, but does as asked, moving herself out of Vlad's grasp. He's still locked away somewhere, his face blank.

  "What's wrong with him?" Assisi asks when she reaches my side.

  "He's not... normal" I say because that's the only thing that can accurately describe this situation.

  "Not... normal?" Assisi repeats, continuing to study Vlad's rigid form.

  "Stay here, both of you." I slowly make my way in front of Vlad and snap my fingers in front of him.

  "Vlad! Snap out of it!"

  He raises his eyes to regard me, narrowing his eyes at me. He twirls his finger in the air, little specks of blood still on its surface.

  "More..." He whispers, and I let out a groan. He won't snap out of it, will he?

  Knowing what might happen if he lets himself go, I prepare myself to act. I need to knock him out before he becomes too dangerous. Keeping my eyes on his face, I fold the sleeve on my right hand, already dreading the idea of skin contact.

  "Marcello, what are you...?" Assisi takes a step forward and I turn sharply to stop her. Catalina's hand also shoots out to deter Assisi, but she brushes it off.


  "Assisi, stay back!" I yell, and I am momentarily distracted by Assisi's movements. In a split of a second, Vlad leaves my side.


  His hand is around Assisi's throat, pushing her body into the wall and lifting her off the ground.

  "Sisi!" Catalina whimpers, and I'm suddenly afraid.

  "Lina, stay back," I tell her, putting myself in front of her.

  "But..." She starts.

  "No sudden movements. We need to snap him out of it!" I tell her.

  "Assisi, are you ok?" I ask her, and I notice that she doesn't seem afraid.

  "I'm ok... he's not hurting me." She replies, and I have to frown. He has her up in the air by the throat and he's not hurting her?

  "Vlad, I need you to focus, ok? You're hurting my sister right now." I enunciate each word, hoping to break through the haze clouding his mind. He tilts his head to the side, almost as if he hears me.


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