Morally Blasphemous: A Dark Mafia Romance (Morally Questionable Book 2)

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Morally Blasphemous: A Dark Mafia Romance (Morally Questionable Book 2) Page 15

by Veronica Lancet

  "Yes, that's my sister you're holding." I drawl. In the past, it had been imperative to speak to him in the simplest terms. I don't know exactly what happens to him when he loses his mind like this, but it's like he regresses close to a non-verbal state.

  He pauses for a second.

  "Sister?" A guttural sound escapes his lips.

  That's it! He's close.

  "Yes, she is my sister. And you are hurting her right now."

  He moves his head again to the side, his eyes focusing on Assisi.

  "Sister?" He says again on a breathy note. "Sister..."

  He lowers Assisi to the ground, and both Catalina and I sigh in relief.

  He removes his hand from her throat, and I'm about to go get her out of his proximity. But suddenly, Vlad collapses to his knees, his hands going around Assisi's middle.

  He's... hugging her?

  "Sister," He repeats, almost in awe.

  Assisi looks at me questioningly, and I can only shake my head, signaling her to stay put.

  Vlad's arms tighten around her, and he keeps repeating the same thing.

  "Sister," the word sounds more urgent each time.

  Assisi's hand goes down slowly, and she pats his back comfortingly.

  Vlad's breathing quickens, and he releases some sounds low in his throat.

  "It's ok. You're safe here," Assisi coos, and her words have an immediate effect on him, as he closes his eyes.

  "I think he's sleeping." Assisi says after a while, slowly disentangling herself from his grasp. Vlad collapses onto the floor, out cold.

  "What was that?" Assisi asks, but I just shake my head.

  How can I explain Vlad without making the currently disemboweled nun seem like child's play?

  I'm just relieved things didn't get out of control. I've witnessed Vlad in the throes of his rage before, and all of those episodes had ended with at least a couple of corpses. Whatever clicked in his brain when I'd mentioned that Assisi was my sister must have stopped him from going all berserker on us.

  "He..." I try to come up with a plausible explanation, "has some trauma. This must have triggered him." I mean, it's technically true.

  Both Assisi and Catalina nod, and I change the subject. Because them finding out more about Vlad would mean finding out more about me...

  "Before we leave, I want to ask you something." I tell my sister.


  "Do you really want to take your vows? If you feel in any way that this life isn't for you, you can tell me. I'm worried about your safety here, and Mother Superior won't let me hire a guard for you."

  Assisi's lip trembles for a second, and she lifts her eyes to look at me in wonder.

  "You... you're saying..." She stammers. "You're saying I can leave the convent? But where would I go... I...."

  "You can come live with us." Catalina interjects, coming towards Assisi. "We'd love to have you, isn't that so, Marcello?"

  I nod.

  "It's your home too. And you'd be safer there."

  "I..." she shakes her head. "Yes, yes, please," her voice is thick with emotion, and she throws herself into Catalina's arms.

  "Thank you! I... you do not understand what that means to me." She repeats and I'm suddenly stunned by her reaction.

  "Did you not like it here?" I ask, almost hesitantly.

  "It's not that," she starts, but the slow shake of her head belies her words. "I don't think I'm fit to be a nun."

  "I think this is the best option. I've always known Sisi wasn't meant for this life." Catalina turns to me, an approving smile playing on her lips.

  All this time... it really seems that nothing I do is ever right.

  A loud groan resounds in the chapel.

  Vlad slowly draws himself to his feet, his eyes unfocused.

  "Damn," he curses. He looks as if he's just waking up after a hangover. "What happened?"

  "I think you've had your fill of blood for today," I add drily, knowing he will get my meaning.

  His features are taut, and he gives me a brisk nod.

  "Sorry about that," The transformation is immediate. One moment his jaw is tense, the next a beaming smile appears on his face.

  "I'm glad you're fine." Catalina says, while Assisi snorts.

  "So what did I miss?" Vlad has the gall to ask, coming around to examine the teeth.

  "Are you sure you want to do that, again?" I raise an eyebrow, but he ignores me.

  "We need to find out why Chimera is targeting a convent. Maybe it's..." He turns and looks at Assisi and Catalina, squinting his eyes.

  "We'll talk about that later." I tell him tensely. The last thing we need is for them to think a serial killer is after them.

  "Did... did you just say Chimera?" Catalina pales, her voice a mere whisper.

  "Indeed." Vlad replies and folds his arms across his chest, observing.

  Catalina sways on her feet, and Assisi takes her hand, stabilizing her.

  "Why?" My sister asks her.

  "Nothing..." Catalina shakes her head, but I'm still skeptical. Is it possible she knows about Chimera? But that would be impossible, unless...

  "Can we go back?" Catalina doesn't look too well, so I immediately agree.

  "What about me?" Sisi asks, as we exit the chapel.

  "You're coming with us too."

  "But Mother Superior..."

  "I'll settle everything with Mother Superior. Go with Catalina to the car and I'll meet you there."

  She doesn't look too convinced, but she nods.

  "Your sister was right. It's too much of a coincidence that Chimera would show up here." Vlad mentions after they walk away.

  "Whoever it is, it's getting too close. And I don't like it."

  "Between the Guerras, Chimera, and your own family, I'd say you have your hands full." He chuckles.

  "You forgot the Irish." I add drily.

  "Right... we'll see about that."

  Chapter Fourteen

  I SHIFT RESTLESSLY IN my bed. I've been trying to sleep for a few hours now, but my mind keeps on replaying today's events. Who would have thought that after all this time I would hear that name again...? I shake my head, trying to dispel those thoughts. I can't let it get to me, not again. Not after all the effort it's taken me to get over the past. Still, I can't help but wonder why now... Why did he show up again? Sisi was it right in that it can't be a coincidence that these events happened so close together.

  The only good thing coming out of this is the fact that Sisi can live with us now. I've always known that she didn't want that life. But she simply didn't have a choice. I'm so happy for her. After I'd left Sacre Coeur, we'd kept in touch, and I could feel her sadness in thinking she'd be stuck there alone. But now she has her family. Venezia had surprised me with her behavior, not only towards Sisi but also me. She'd been overjoyed to have her sister home, and they'd hit it off immediately. Maybe the talk we'd had the other day had an effect on her.

  Finally realizing that sleep is not forthcoming, I decide to go to the kitchen and make myself a tea. One glance at the clock and I see that it's past four A.M. I purse my lips, frustrated once again that I've not been able to get any sleep. Maybe a hot cup of tea will help me.

  I leave my room and try to be as quiet as possible when I make my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. The house is so quiet, it's almost eerie. I rummage through the cupboards until I find some tea and I put a kettle on.

  Waiting, I tap my foot and look around. The kitchen is modern and seeing all the appliances makes me think of baking duty. Maybe we could do that again and include Venezia too. I smile. That sure sounds good. It would be like a bonding exercise.

  A clicking sound signals that the water is done, so I pour it in a cup. I'm about to take it with me back to my room when I hear an odd noise.

  I frown.

  It sounds like someone screaming in pain.

  Leaving the cup behind, I go towards the direction of the noise. The closer I get, however, the more
I realize that I'm heading towards Marcello's room. I take a few more steps and I stop. I hold my breath, trying to focus on the noise.

  Maybe I misheard?

  But then I hear it again, this time more intense. It's such an anguished sound, like someone being tortured.

  I hover outside Marcello's door, hesitating. I don't know if I should... I don't think he'd like me invading his privacy. My fists clench the more I hear the pained cries, my decision made. I'll just check up on him. If he's fine, I'll apologize and leave. Yes, that sounds like a good plan.

  My fingers touch the doorknob, and taking a deep breath, I push the door open. The room is small. At least compared to the other rooms I've seen so far. It's also barren except for a table in the far corner of the room. My attention, however, is rooted on Marcello.

  He's having a nightmare.

  He's thrashing in his bed, the sheets all tangled around his limbs. He's drenched in sweat, as he's trying to fight off whatever is bothering him. More cries escape his lips as he clutches at the blanket, pulling it down his chest.

  He's... naked.

  I avert my eyes, heat travelling up my cheeks. I shouldn't be seeing this. I feel ashamed for intruding, so I take a step back, prepared to leave.

  "No," a pained moan startles me. "Please no," I turn and Marcello is in a fetal position. My heart breaks for him, seeing him so vulnerable.

  What could he be dreaming about?

  The more I listen, the more I convince myself that I can't just leave him like this. He's suffering...

  I enter the room, closing the door behind me. Still keeping my distance, as I remember his problem with touch, I settle on the edge of the bed.

  "Marcello," I call his name, hoping to wake him up. "Marcello, wake up!"

  He twitches a little, but I don't think he heard me.

  "Marcello?" I increase the volume of my voice, trying to reach him.

  He's trembling, still whispering, "No," on a pleading note. He looks so pitiful; I feel a twinge in my chest.

  "Marcello, please wake up!" I try a gentler approach, hoping to scare the monsters away with kindness. "It's just a dream, please wake up!"

  I wait a few seconds before calling out to him again.

  "Marcello," I start, but I'm startled when I see his eyes wide open, staring at me. "Marcello? You're awake. Thank God!" I sigh in relief, and move to stand up.

  So sudden I barely have time to react, his hand shoots out, grabbing my arm.

  "Marcello,?" I ask hesitantly, looking at his skin touching mine. I lift my head to look at him, but he's still staring at me, almost in confusion.

  "I'm sorry to barge in, but you were having a nightmare, and you were screaming and... I couldn't leave you like that. I'm really sorry." I quickly say, hoping he won't misunderstand my presence here.

  He tilts his head and narrows his eyes. His hold on my arm tightens.

  He's... scary.

  "Marcello, can you please let me go? You're scaring me." I whisper, my hand trying to pry his fingers off my arm.

  He doesn't budge. Instead, he pulls on my arm and I fall onto the bed, almost on him.

  "M... Marcello?" I croak, a shiver running down my back. Why is he doing this? Is he trying to punish me for coming into his room?

  I look into his eyes, and they're blank. He's gazing back at me, but I don't think he's seeing me.

  What if... What if he's still not awake?

  "Marcello," I say tentatively, moving my hand up his arm, testing his reaction to my touch. He spares it a glance, but seems unbothered.

  I mold my hand to his jaw, feeling his skin for the first time.

  "Marcello, wake up." I tell him tenderly, my fingers moving up and down his cheek in a soft caress. He jerks at the touch, but doesn't pull away. His brows crease and he regards me questioningly, as if the gesture is completely unfamiliar to him.

  "Marcello, could you release my arm?" I ask him nicely, and he furrows his brows again, pulling me closer.

  My face is inches away from his, and I instinctively hold my breath. His eyes bore into me with an intensity I hadn't seen from him before.

  I drop my hand to his shoulder, and give him a gentle shove, but his hold on me only tightens. Whereas a moment ago I was worried about him, now I can't help but feel scared, my body reacting to the proximity. A slight tremble envelops my limbs.

  "Marcello, please let me go!" I tell him more firmly.

  "Shh," he finally speaks, placing his finger on my lips to shush me. I gasp from shock. What...?

  His eyes are on my lips, and he traces them with his fingertips.

  "M..." I start again, but this time I'm shut up by a different pressure on my lips.

  My eyes widen in surprise as I feel his lips on my own. They're... soft. The sensation is entirely overwhelming, and I almost melt into it. But I can't... It wouldn't be right. I push a little at his shoulders and open my mouth to tell him to stop. His lips open up over my own, and I feel his tongue probing inside.

  Is this... I frown a little. Just out of curiosity, I touch my tongue to his, and a shiver runs down my back.


  My hands that were pushing him off before are now clutching at his shoulders, seeking a closer contact. I shouldn't allow this. I shouldn't like this so much. His arm curls around my waist and he brings me on top of him, molding my body to his. His fingers dig into my flesh as he deepens the kiss. I can't even think, and I hold on to him as if my life depended on it. His teeth nibble at my bottom lip and I release a moan.


  Marcello's hands moves lower, until he's touching my bottom through my nightgown. He fits his palms to my cheeks and brings me closer into contact with his pelvis.

  I gasp.

  His mouth is once more on mine, devouring me. I lose myself into the kiss, and I shift a little until I come into contact with something hard. My eyes suddenly open, fear gnawing at my insides.

  No... Not that!

  With a strength I didn't know I possessed, I push him away and lift myself up. Flushed and breathing hard, I sit at the edge of the bed and try to compose myself.

  "I'm sorry... I..." I shake my head, still trying to calm down. "I didn't mean to... It just reminded me of something and..." I attempt to explain my circumstances, but the words just won't come out.

  I clench my fists in frustration.

  "I..." I start again, turning to look back at Marcello.

  He's... sleeping? His soft, regular breaths confirm that he is in fact sleeping. I almost laugh at the irony of the situation. Here I was trying to bare my soul to him and he's sleeping. I shake my head and reluctantly leave the room.

  Back in my bed, I can't help but replay the events in my head. The sensations had been so foreign, yet so... satisfying. I can't even explain it. It had been something I'd never felt before. Until that moment that is... Maybe if we take it slower, I won't have such a visceral reaction next time. A smile plays at my lips, and I'm filled with giddiness. So this is how it feels to be kissed... I giggle at that thought.

  It certainly hadn't disappointed. Maybe there is hope for us yet.

  With that thought, I fall asleep.

  "DEFINITELY TAKE THAT one. It looks great on you!" I tell Sisi as she's looking in wonder at herself dressed in something other than a habit. The dress she's wearing is a deep blue gown that reaches her ankles. One might say it's a little old-fashioned, but we'd looked at more modern clothes and Sisi had said she didn't feel ready for those yet.

  I guess we have that in common since I find myself entirely too uncomfortable in anything a little more revealing.

  "I should get it in a few other colors as well, I think. This is the best one I've tried so far."

  "I agree, Aunt Sisi," Claudia replies, in between munching on her chocolate bar and staring at her new ring. She'd picked it up at a stall on the street, but she'd been obsessed with it ever since. And then there was chocolate, which has been Claudia's greatest pleasure since we've left Sacre Coeur. I
t had taken her only a taste, and she'd declared herself thoroughly enamored of it.

  We head to the check-out and pay for everything, a few bodyguards waiting for us outside.

  "We need to get a few other things," I add, and we head to another store. Marcello had given us carte blanche with our spending. We've shopped for clothes and other necessities, but since both of them will start their schooling soon, they will need computers. After we get phones and laptops for everyone, we are ready to go home. The girls keep chatting away, while I'm getting increasingly nervous. I hadn't seen Marcello in the morning, so we had not had the chance to talk about what happened last night.

  I've been doing my best to keep my mind preoccupied with this shopping trip, but I've been slightly on edge the entire time. What if he regrets what happened? I don't even want to imagine how that conversation would go.

  Once back home, the girls are giddy about their new purchases and they gather to play on the computers. Venezia seems reluctant to join them at first, and I think she feels like an outsider, considering that Claudia and Sisi grew up together.

  I try to gently encourage her to go have fun too, and she gives me a hesitant smile.

  "I don't know..." She shrugs, but the longing in her eyes as she watches Sisi and Claudia is clear.

  "Go ahead. You're family too," I urge her, and she eventually gives in.

  With one last look, I turn to go to my room, but Amelia intercepts me on the way.

  "Signora Catalina, Signor Marcello wants to see you in his study." I stop and hold my breath.

  "Did he say why?" I ask, worried about the answer.

  "No, he did not."

  "I'll go. Thank you, Amelia."

  It's best to get this out of the way now. I'll be the one creating all types of scenarios in my head if this confrontation is postponed any longer.

  I close my eyes for a second and straighten my back. I can do this.

  With false confidence, I go to his study.

  Marcello is sitting behind his desk, a pair of reading glasses on his face. He's immersed in a document and he seems startled to hear the door open.


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