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Morally Blasphemous: A Dark Mafia Romance (Morally Questionable Book 2)

Page 18

by Veronica Lancet

  Chapter Sixteen

  "I DIDN'T REALIZE HOW long this would take." Claudia pouts at me as I focus on pinning her dress properly.

  "It takes time to make a dress from scratch." I turn her slightly to adjust the hem of the skirt.

  "What do you think?" She steps in front of the mirror; a pleased smile appears on her face.

  "I love it!" She exclaims, twirling around.

  "See, it was worth all that time."

  "Given that's the only time you can spare me..." She trails off suggestively, her lips twitching.

  "Hey, that's not fair. You have your lessons during the day." I remind her. After the disaster with Sarah, we'd gone back to searching for a teacher and had eventually found the perfect person. Mrs. Evans is an elderly woman with over thirty years of teaching experience. She's been in charge of the girls for a few weeks now, and we haven't had a complaint. Even Venezia likes her.

  "And you have Marcello." She retorts in a childish voice, but I can tell she's joking. I never thought she'd get jealous of me spending time with him. Although, to be perfectly honest, we have been spending a lot of time together.

  We've been taking it one day at a time, getting to know each other better and exploring his newly found tolerance of touch. Sometimes I catch an expression of wonder on his face, as if he can't quite believe that he's touching someone. The more time we spend together, however, the more I fall for him. It's inevitable, especially since I've gotten a few glimpses into his soul. He always wears a mask because he's afraid of getting hurt. It makes him seem aloof and stern to outsiders. But I've also gotten to know his tender side.

  A smile spreads over my face as I think about our newly developed routine. Since Marcello is always working from his study, I'd asked him if it was ok for me to keep him company and read a book while he's taking care of his business. He'd been more than open to the idea, and for a few weeks now we convene almost daily in the study. It's a companionable silence, although sometimes I catch him staring at me.

  "You have no idea how hard it is to focus with you here." He would groan.

  "I can leave if I'm distracting you." I'd offered, not wanting to ruin his workflow.

  "Don't even think about it. I enjoy having you here." He'd replied, going back to his work.

  There are days when he's away. I know it's mob business, so whenever he is out I can't help but worry. This life is too dangerous.

  For all the time we spend together, though, we haven't gone further than kissing. Although he inflames my body every time he kisses me, he always pulls back when things are getting too heated. I'd like nothing more than to go further. I know I'm ready for it. I've even been reading some books on the subject on the internet. But I don't know if Marcello is ready for more...

  It's funny how I'd never thought I'd be able to feel the things normal women do; was afraid to even try. But when I'm with him, I forget about everything. That night years ago is all but a foggy memory, and I think I can finally let it go.

  I have a beautiful daughter, and now I have an amazing husband.

  Maybe it was all worth it.

  "Mamma!" Claudia raises an eyebrow, and I realize I was lost in my reverie. "See, that's exactly what I mean." She smirks at me, and I pinch her playfully.

  "Don't tease me, young lady!"

  "Fine, I won't. But know I'm onto you." She points two fingers at her eyes and then towards me.

  I shake my head at her, and we continue to work on her dress.

  Later in the afternoon, Marcello knocks on my door. He places a huge box in my arms and tells me to get ready because he's taking me to dinner. Too flabbergasted to respond, I just nod.

  I put the box on the bed and lift the top. Inside is a gorgeous off-white dress and a pair of sandals. I'm immediately touched by his gesture, and I take off my clothes, ready to try it on.

  Marcello must have noticed that I prefer to wear mid-calf dresses, because he's chosen the perfect length. The shoes also fit. I'm entirely too amazed by this, and can't help but wonder how he could have known. Maybe Amelia looked through my things and told him?

  I shake my head, a smile playing at my lips.

  He wants to take me out. I'm almost too giddy at the thought.

  I try my best to look put-together, not wanting to embarrass him. I look into the makeup bag I'd gotten the last time at the mall, and I apply some foundation to cover my freckles and a little mascara to lengthen my lashes.

  Satisfied with the result, I head downstairs. Marcello is waiting for me by the stairs, already dressed in a suit – not that he's ever wearing anything else.

  "Lina... you look amazing." He takes my hand, tugging me closer. I blush at his compliment.

  "Thank you. You too." I add gingerly. He looks a little closer at me and frowns.

  "What did you do to your face?" My hands fly to my face.

  "What do you mean? I only put on some foundation and some mascara." I add, confused.

  "Your freckles are gone." He studies me for a second. "I don't like it."

  He takes my hand and leads me to the kitchen. Taking a wet napkin, he dabs the foundation off my face.

  "There, now that's better." He hums in approval. I'm a little embarrassed, so I lower my gaze.

  "Hey, you're beautiful no matter what. But I love your freckles, and I love looking at them." He tips my chin to look him in the eyes.

  I give him a timid smile. I'd just wanted to look perfect for him. He notes the change in my moon, and he brings his fingers up to slowly caress my face. His lips curl at the corners and he quickly drops a kiss on my nose.

  "You're perfect." He whispers. "Now let's go before we're late for our reservations."

  The restaurant Marcello booked for us is a stunning Italian place with an outside garden.

  "You mentioned that your favorite food growing up was arancini. This place is famous for their Sicilian food."

  "You remembered that?" I'm shocked at his thoughtfulness. But then again, Marcello has this special ability to surprise me every single time. "This is amazing. Thank you." I tell him sincerely.

  We are shown to our seats in the heart of the garden. After we peruse the menus, we settle on a full course meal, with appetizers, soup and a main dish.

  "I love this." I say as I gaze around me. The garden is housed in between two buildings, but there's an in-built ceiling full of roses.

  "I'm sorry I haven't been around as much, but things have been hectic." He apologizes.

  "You have enough on your plate right now." I know he's been having issues with some businesses, even if I don't know any of the particularities.

  "There's been some rogue groups that have been targeting our merchandise, and we aren't any closer to catching them." He sighs and brings his hand to massage between his eyes.

  "That's why you agreed to marry me, wasn't it? For my brother's help?" I feel compelled to ask this, mostly because I'd been wondering for a long time.

  Marcello grimaces, but nods. "That, and that I needed to bring something to the table to make the famiglia trust me as capo."

  "I see."

  "The last few months have been nothing but trouble. There are a lot of new players in the city, and we still don't know who we are dealing with exactly."

  The appetizers arrive and we both dig in.

  "Is it ok if you talk to me about..." I look around before whispering. "that?" I'd seen enough in my family to know that men didn't talk business with their wives.

  "Why not?" He leans in. "You're my wife." He gives me a smile and I feel my stomach contracting. Butterflies... I'm having butterflies in my stomach. Lord! Now I understand the idiom.

  "Men in the famiglia aren't usually as... accommodating." I add.

  "There are a lot of things me and the famiglia don't agree on, and it's high time some of them changed."

  "What do you mean?"

  Marcello sighs. "I never wanted to become capo. I wanted out... as far away from the famiglia as possible. But now that I am
here I have a responsibility, so I might as well make the best out of it. I've been trying to change a few things in how we run our businesses, but some things are so entrenched in people's mentalities..." He shakes his head.

  "How do you plan on doing that?"

  "By setting an example." He gives me half a smile. "That's why my wife should be privy to what's happening around us."

  "That's... I don't know what to say." I'm surprised by his statement. Growing up, I'd been told countless times that I was an accessory, and that my value depended on the man I attached myself to. When I got pregnant with Claudia, I lost all my value for the famiglia. I was suddenly persona non grata.

  "I don't want my sisters, or our children to conform to this anachronistic type of thinking. I don't care how much of a tradition it is for a woman to be nothing else but a stay-at-home mother. They should be their own person." He adds, and I can feel a little moisture forming in my eyes. I quickly blink it away.

  "You have no idea how much that means to me. I was never seen as a person, rather as an opportunity for my family. I witnessed my sisters being sold into marriage like cattle, and then I had to wait around until it was my turn." My lip curls in distaste. "When I got pregnant..." I feel a knot forming in my throat as I recall how I'd been treated by my family. "If it weren't for Enzo back then, I would have been homeless. My father said I'd brought shame to the family and that...." I take a deep breath. "that I was not his daughter anymore. My mother didn't dare intervene."

  A whimper escapes my lips and Marcello takes my hand, squeezing it in comfort.

  "You can do whatever you want, you know that, right? Maybe not right now because it's so dangerous, but once that's over..."

  I give a nervous laugh.

  "I don't even think I'd know what to do." I muse. The thing with freedom is that it's great... until you get it. So many times I dreamed about what I would do if I were free. So many plans, and so many scenarios, and here I am. Free, but still trapped. Trapped in my head and in the endless possibilities. What if I make the wrong choice?

  See... freedom is a dangerous thing.

  "You'll find out." He says with a confidence I lack.

  "You mentioned children," I change the subject, a little uncomfortable being put under the microscope like that, "would you like children?"

  "Would you?" He fires back.

  "Yes," I say and look anywhere but at him. Having children with Marcello... I think I'd like that. Very much so, in fact. I blush at the thought.

  "Then I would too."

  The server comes to clean the table and then he brings the soups.

  "Have you heard anything about Father Guerra?"

  Marcello shakes his head.

  "It's odd, but so far they haven't reached out. Considering the letter they sent to Enzo, I find it a little unsettling."

  "You think they're biding their time with something?" I'm a little afraid at the prospect. Not as much for myself, but for Claudia. I don't want her to become a target just to get back at me.

  "Yes. And I don't like it."

  I turn my attention to the soup. I take a spoonful, and I almost choke on a foreign object. Marcello rushes to my side, worried, and I immediately spit it out.

  "Ugh," I heave, feeling a scratch down my throat.

  "What..." Marcello looks at my hand where the object is and I curse.

  It's a ring. Claudia's ring.

  "No..." I frown, shocked at what I'm seeing. How could it be here?

  I turn my attention back to the soup and move my spoon around. Marcello grabs my hand, pulling it back.

  "Lina..." He shakes his head, his attention on the bowl of soup. That's when I notice it. The tip is just above the liquid, but there's no mistaking about it. It's a finger... a human finger.

  With a cry, I jump back, falling down. No... this can't be...

  "Claudia..." I whisper, a hysterical cry escaping my lips. "That's Claudia's ring... no..."

  People are already gathering around us, whispering. Tears running down my cheeks, I grab onto Marcello.

  "Call home. I need to speak with Claudia..." I'm yelling, all my common sense out the window. I need to make sure Claudia's fine.

  It can't be...

  The more I think about it, the more hysterical I get, despair taking over.

  "Yes, your mother wants to talk to you." I vaguely hear Marcello say into his phone before passing it to me.

  "Claudia?" I rasp out.

  "Mamma? What's wrong?" She asks.

  "Are you hurt anywhere? Are you ok?" My words are hurried, but I just need to know she's fine.

  "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" I release a breath.

  "Good... good. Where is your ring?"

  "Ring? I don't know... I must have forgotten it somewhere. But how did you know?" Her answer helps me calm down a little, so I just assure her that everything is fine and that I will see her at home.

  I hang up and look to see Marcello's grim expression.

  He gathers me into his arms, and I let myself go.

  "I've got you," He whispers in my hair, his arms tightening around me. He swoops me up and carries me out of the restaurant, leaving everyone behind staring at us.

  AFTER I MAKE SURE CLAUDIA is fine, Marcello takes me to his room and leaves me there.

  He's been interviewing the staff for a couple hours now, because someone must have been in the house to take the ring. But more than that... they must have known where we were going. That someone knows our movements and has personal access to us makes me sick to my stomach.

  "Lina," Marcello opens the door and comes towards me. "I have people looking into the restaurant right now. We'll get whoever did this, I promise you."

  "It's all my fault...." I shake my head. "If I hadn't killed Father Guerra... They are probably trying to get even, and now they are threatening my daughter." A sob catches in my throat at the thought. "It's all my fault."

  "Don't say that, sweetheart," he kisses my forehead, "you did the right thing. You were so brave, Lina."

  I succumb to the comfort of his embrace.

  "When will this end?" I whisper.

  "I'll keep you and Claudia safe. I promise you. As long as I'm alive, I won't let anyone hurt you."

  "Thank you. Thank you." I keep murmuring.

  I cry myself to sleep, with Marcello holding me so close I almost believe that nothing can harm me.

  I wake up a while later, and look around me, feeling disoriented. I take a couple of seconds to remember everything that happened and the fact that I'm in Marcello's room. He's not anywhere in sight, though.

  I frown.

  Getting out of bed, I go to look for him in his study.

  "I gave her to you to protect her, and this happens?" My brother's voice booms from inside the study.

  "I'm on it." Marcello replies, his voice clipped.

  "Sure looks like it." Enzo replies sarcastically.

  "Might want to check the basement." Marcello retorts. What does he mean by that?

  "It's a declaration of war if I've ever seen one. And now they want us to go to their fucking banquet and pretend nothing happened?" Enzo curses, and my hand freezes on the doorknob.

  "Which is why I'm not even considering bringing Catalina there."

  I open the door.


  If it's anything concerning me, then I should know it.

  "Lina..." My brother groans, and Marcello purses his lips.

  "What banquet?" I ask.

  "You shouldn't have heard that."

  "Didn't you say you'd discuss things with me?" I turn towards Marcello. "I have a right to know."

  "Lina, it's not that simple." He replies, but I'm not having it.

  "What banquet, Enzo?"

  "The Guerras are having a banquet for the five families. The core leadership is expected to attend from each famiglia." He brings his glass to his lips and empties it.

  "Why? Why now?"

  "Keep your enemies close." Enzo goes
to the liquor cabinet and fills his glass again. "It's a matter of perspective, really. They want a show of force, but they also want to gauge the competition. Both our families," he inclines his head towards Marcello, "have experienced a rather abrupt change in leadership. Marchesi is basically dumpster diving for power and DeVille..." he pauses, "they are as they've always been. Closed off."

  "What happens if we don't go?" I ask, afraid I already know the answer.

  "A personal affront." Marcello shrugs at the same time that Enzo says "War"

  "Ok, so we need to go."

  "No, we don't."

  "But that's the thing, isn't it? They expect us not to go. And that's one more reason for them to formally go against us."

  Enzo smirks and tips his glass in my direction.

  "And that's why you're my favorite sister."

  "If we go," Marcello starts, "and that is a big if, we won't know what to expect. We're on their territory."

  "I want to go." I say, suddenly determined. "I can't let them bully me anymore. Tell me, how long do you think until these little games turn serious and they end up really targeting me, or even worse, Claudia? If we don't go, it's just like telling them they've succeeded with their threats."

  "We still don't know if the Guerras were involved with the restaurant." Marcello notes.

  "You might not know, but I do. I can feel it. And it's only going to get worse."

  They are both silent for a moment before Enzo remarks.

  "I'll be there."

  I look at Marcello, and he doesn't seem at all pleased by the turn of events. He reluctantly agrees.

  After Enzo leaves, I ask Marcello why he's so willing to risk a large-scale conflict just to spare me some discomfort. His answer, though, floors me.

  "I never want to see you hurt again, Lina. And I know these people... They will hit below the belt."

  "I can take it."

  "I'm not sure I can..."

  Chapter Seventeen

  "LINA, HAS ASSISI SEEMED a little strange to you as of late?" I button up my shirt while she's going through a file detailing all the people who will be present at the Guerra Banquet.


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