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Morally Blasphemous: A Dark Mafia Romance (Morally Questionable Book 2)

Page 32

by Veronica Lancet

  "Since she's the only adult in that house." He fires back, and I hold back a retort.

  "Well, as you see, I'm doing fine."

  "There's another reason I stepped inside this..." His mouth curls up in disgust. "dump." He motions to the church. I raise an eyebrow at him, but he continues. "Hastings's been working on our copycat's case. He's been going over every single crime scene again."

  "And?" Seeing how thorough this Chimera has been so far, I doubt Adrian found anything.

  "He found something." Vlad says and I whip my head around to look at him.


  "A partial fingerprint. It's not much but..."

  "How partial are we talking about?"

  "We might get a match if we have something to compare it to. Which is why I'm here. I need you to make a list of everyone you suspect."

  "What if it's intentional? Throw us off?" It's not that I don't trust Adrian's work, since I've worked for years with the man and I know how thorough he is. But this copycat killer... everything is intentional.

  "Might be." Vlad shrugs. "Still worth a look."

  "There aren't that many people that could have done that. I would say there's a few in the famiglia who would be capable of doing it. But motive? That's what throws me off." I sigh. It's not as if I hadn't wrecked my brains thinking who could have been, my uncle and his cronies being at the top of the list. But why?

  "What have you heard from Enzo's side?" I ask after a pause. Enzo still hadn't realized his office had been bugged, and that Vlad is privy to all the confidential information coming out of there. I still don't know why he did that, but now I'm grateful for it.

  "Enzo antagonized you further. She thinks you were behind everything so you could comfort her afterwards. On the bright side, the young one's missing you."

  "Claudia?" Her name comes out as a whisper. I don't even deserve to utter her name.

  "She's quite taken with you, isn't she?" He remarks, almost ironically.

  I've conditioned myself to not think about her. How could I when I've failed both her and her mother?

  When Catalina had confirmed her age, I felt like I'd been struck by lightning. That incident had resulted in a life—a lovely little girl that looked exactly like Lina but had my personality. While getting to know her, I'd noticed her logical mind and the way she approached problems, not unlike me. For the first time, the evidence of what I'd done was staring me in the face. And for the first time, I didn't find it in myself to regret it, because that meant regretting the beautiful girl I'd come to love so much. That makes me even more of a hypocrite, doesn't it?

  "She'll hate me too." I add quietly, knowing I can never claim her as my daughter.

  "Maybe. Maybe not." Vlad stands up, straightening his suit. As he pulls on his sleeves, I catch a glimpse of his tattoos. I've always wondered why his entire body is covered in ink.

  "You've never told me what those mean." I point at the designs, trying to change the subject. It's already too painful as it is.

  "And I won't." He smirks at me. "Wouldn't want the mystery to go away." He shrugs and turns to leave.

  I stay a while longer, lost in prayers. By the time I get home, it's already dark outside.

  Amelia is the first to greet me.

  "Signor Lastra, someone is here for you." She motions to the drawing room and I gave her a small nod. I don't even get to step foot inside the drawing room that Enzo comes blazing at me and punches me straight in the face.

  "What..." I momentarily lose my balance. But it's enough for him to pin me to the floor and continue pummeling away.

  "Where the fuck is she, Lastra? Where did you hide her?" He keeps yelling, and I still.

  What is he talking about?

  My hand shoots out and I stop his incoming fist. I push back and using my entire strength, I shove him off me.

  "What are you talking about?" I ask, spitting blood. He'd done some damage alright.

  "Catalina. Don't pretend you don't know what I'm saying. Where did you hide her? I know she must be here somewhere." He then yells. "Lina? Where are you? I'm here to take you home!"

  "Catalina isn't here. Obviously." I add drily, going to the table and taking a napkin. I dab at my mouth, noting he split my lip. I move my mandible a little, pleased the teeth don't feel loose.

  "Where is she?" He turns towards me, his face full of worry.

  "You should know, since she went to your home."

  "She's not there. Claudia is still at home, but there's no sign of Lina."

  I'm suddenly alert. Catalina would never leave Claudia alone.

  "What are you talking about? Where could she be?" My pulse starts racing.

  "Don't you dare act innocent, Lastra? You're the only one who could have taken it, you sick bastard. Didn't you do enough already? Didn't you hurt her enough? Just let her go."

  "Look, Enzo." I put my hand up. "Catalina is not here. I swear. But if she's missing..."

  "You actually want me to believe that? When you were so obsessed with her, you fucking raped her and then married her with no remorse? What kind of sick fuck does that?" He spits out, and I take it. Because he's not wrong.

  "What is he talking about?" Assisi decides to grace us with her presence at that precise moment.

  "Oh, Assisi. Did you know that your brother here is Claudia's father? Not only did he rape and torture Lina, but he left her to face the consequences by herself."

  Sisi's face falls, and she looks at me in horror.

  "Is that true?" Her voice is almost a whisper. I turn my head, shame filling me.

  "Lord! It is true." She exclaims, her hand going to her mouth.

  "And now Lina's missing. And your brother should know exactly where she is." Enzo adds smugly.

  "I don't. I swear I have no idea where she is." I pause, immediately realizing that if she's not with Enzo...

  "No..." I whisper. "No, it can't be..."

  "What?" Enzo asks abrasively.

  "Chimera." The words are out of my mouth.

  But if she's missing... Lord, please let nothing happen to her.

  "You mean you?" Enzo laughs derisively.

  Then I remember what Vlad said, that they think I was behind everything.

  "No, damn it. Not me. Look, I don't profess to be innocent. I know what I did to Lina, and it's not something I'll ever forgive myself. But this Chimera isn't me. Someone's been impersonating Chimera to torment me."

  "Convenient, isn't it?" He snorts.

  "I swear I had nothing to do with it. I love Lina too. I wouldn't be able to hurt her."

  "Right, you already did."

  "Damn it! Listen, Enzo, if Lina is missing then we need to focus on that."

  "Lina can't be here." Assisi finally intervenes, giving me a look that conveys just how disappointed she's in me. "I've been watching Marcello closely for the past week. He had an incident." She pauses. "He's under supervision so he won't take his life."

  Enzo's eyes widen, and he turns to me, opening his mouth to say something. But he doesn't.

  "You're sure it isn't him?" He eventually asks Assisi.

  "Positive." She takes a deep breath. "We need to find her, Enzo." Her tone has a slight desperation to it, and then she looks at me. "Marcello. Please."

  "I'll give you my word, Agosti. I'll find her. Even if it's the last thing I do." I say solemnly.

  "You'd better. Because if anything happens to Lina..." He shakes his head. "I'll kill you."

  "And I'll let you." Because how could I live with myself thinking I'd failed her again?

  I'VE BEEN PACING MY study for the last hour like a madman. After Enzo had left, I'd submitted a comprehensive list of people for Adrian to test. It's still going to take time... Time we may not have, damn it. The fingerprint technician has to go through each print and manually match it to the one on record.

  Fucking hell!

  I don't even want to consider that something might have happened to Lina. According to Enzo, the entire video feed at
his home had been off when Lina had gone missing. I'd suggested an inside job, because really, who else would have had access to his house? But Enzo had refused to believe someone from his circle would have sold his sister out.

  I feel close to a mental break-down. Who could have done this?

  "Signor," Amelia knocks on my door and comes inside.

  "Someone left this for you." I nod absentmindedly and prompt her to leave the package on the desk.

  After she's gone, I'm still lost in thought, my mind playing tricks on me and showing me all possible scenarios, all of them ending with Lina dead.


  I need to focus. I can't allow myself to go down the rabbit hole.

  Dear God, why? Why her?

  My prayers are ineffective, not that they've ever been.

  I shake my head and turn my attention to the package. I grab it, noting it's very light. Curious, I take a knife and cut through the cardboard. Inside, there's only a letter and a piece of material. I frown.

  I carefully open the envelope to find a picture and a small note. I turn the picture around and I gasp.


  Her back is bare, her scars on view. The gown she'd been wearing is pooling at her waist. The same gown I'm now holding in my hand. My fingers clench around the material, despair threatening to overwhelm me.

  With clumsy movements, I pry the note open.


  I close my eyes briefly, grief threatening to spill over.

  What have I done? What have I brought upon her?

  I scrunch the piece of paper in my hand, flinging it at the wall.

  "Wait for me, Lina." I whisper, even though there's no genuine conviction behind my words.

  Pocketing the photo, I head directly to my room, to my inner sanctuary. I lock the door behind me and I kneel in front of the altar. I turn my eyes towards the centerpiece, the statue of Mary, and I supplicate her.

  "Please, I'm begging you. Let her be alright. I'll do anything. I'll stay away from her for the rest of my days. Just let her be alright." I keep on repeating the same prayer, hoping someone will hear me.

  Lina, my beautiful Lina... a most innocent soul.

  It's all my fault.

  I'm almost tempted to grab the handle of the whip, craving the medicinal bite of pain. But as I'm battling those thoughts, my phone beeps. It's Adrian.


  "We have a match. You did great by ranking them."

  "Who is it?" I rasp out.

  "Your first choice..."

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  "YOUR FIRST CHOICE..." Adrian pauses, and the anticipation is killing me. "Nicolo."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Positive. The technician identified a small scar on his thumb that is also present on the partial print."

  "Fuck!" I mutter, rage building inside of me. "Thank you. I'll deal with it."

  "Tell me if you need anything."

  After I hang up, I take a moment to calm myself. It won't work to anyone's advantage if I dive into this with my mind clouded. Nicolo's played me enough as it is.

  But why?

  I still can't imagine why he'd go to such lengths to get to me. Does he want my position? It seems a little extreme to do this for years just to become capo. Something doesn't add up.

  Time is of essence now. I can't dwell on the reasons when Lina is in danger. I fumble with my phone and call Francesco, instructing him to assemble all the high-ranking members of the famiglia. He soon confirms they will be here within the hour.

  There's around ten of them that hold significant positions. More than half are Nicolo's men, so they should have some type of information.

  After gathering some tools from the basement, I ask Amelia to lead the guests in the drawing room when they arrive.

  Wait for me, Lina! I'll find you!

  I arm myself with a couple guns and knives, knowing that none of the men will have weapons as it is disrespectful to enter armed in the Capo's home. When Amelia lets me know that they are here, I steel myself. I need to make this quick.

  Entering the drawing room, the men are deep in conversation. When they see me, they stop and greet me. I keep a nondescript expression, and I turn to lock the door.

  "You're probably wondering about the urgency of my message." I explain, taking a seat on the couch. "My dear uncle, Nicolo has gone rogue. I want any information you may have on him. Now."

  They start clamoring, some expressing disbelief, some professing his innocence. I focus on the latter.

  "Mateo, you are a close friend of my uncle's. Why don't you start?" I tils my head to the side, a bored expression on my face.

  "I know nothing, capo. I'm not his keeper." He shrugs his shoulders, and I raise an eyebrow at him.

  "Then how is it you've been following him everywhere?" I counter.

  "That's not true. I don't know who told you that, but I've done nothing wrong." He immediately deflects, and I shake my head slowly.

  "Who said anything about accusing you, Mateo?" I stand up and walk towards him. His head is bent low as he sees me advance. He's trying to seem meek, but I see the slight pull of his mouth, the way his body itches for a challenge.

  One slim blade in hand, I tug it under his chin, lifting his head to look in his eyes.

  "Mateo, Mateo... What should I do with you?" I ask hypothetically, wanting to gauge his reaction.

  He laughs nervously. "You can't do anything."

  I push the sharp edge of the blade just under his Adam's apple, and I watch as he gulps anxiously.

  "So you have nothing to say? I'm giving you one chance." I say, my eyes on Mateo.

  "No." He replies, raising his gaze to meet mine, trying to show a strength that's lacking. I can see the fear in his body slightly shying away from me, the barely there tremor of his lips, and the tiny trickle of sweat on his brow. He's scared.

  "Ok. Good." I nod, taking a step back as if moving to another target. Just as he breathes out a sigh of relief, I move. So fast he barely has time to react, I open his mouth and grab his tongue. One slice and the muscle falls down, blood pouring down his face. "Since you have nothing to say, then you shouldn't say anything."

  His hands cup his mouth, trying to stop the blood.

  "Let's try again. Do you know where my uncle is?" The room atmosphere changes immediately, and a few men remove guns from the inside of their coats, all aiming at me.

  "So that's how it's going to be." I muse, taking a step back and raising my hands up, feigning surrender. At the same time, I click on the remote control I'd been holding.

  The large TV in the room springs to life, the screen split into tiny windows, all showing men holding families hostage.

  "One click, and they're all dead." I shake my hand, showing them what I mean.

  While I'd known some would respect the rules and come unarmed, I couldn't take any chances. Especially with Nicolo's people.

  "I require just one thing from you. Nicolo's location. As long as you tell me that, truthfully that is, your families will escape unscathed."

  This is more potent than any type of torture, and they promptly put down their weapons.

  One man steps forward, his knees giving out.

  "He's at the cemetery. Please don't harm my wife."

  "What cemetery?"

  "The Lastra crypt. Please." He puts his hands together in a prayer, and I just nod.

  "See, not that hard."

  Just then, my phone rings. Nicolo's number is displayed on the screen.

  "Hello, nephew. I see you've found my little secret."

  "Nicolo." I reply tensely.

  "A little too late, wouldn't you say? When you surround yourself with hyenas, don't be too surprised when you're betrayed." He laughs.

  "What do you mean? How is Catalina?"

  "Wouldn't you want to know?" he chuckles. "Take care boy, sometimes the very hand that feeds you can turn against you." He says cryptically, changing the words of the orig
inal saying.

  He hangs up.

  Damn it!

  Still no word on Lina.

  I drop my phone to the ground, and grabbing both my guns, I aim. First the ones with weapons, and then one by one the others. As I lower my weapons, everyone is laying on the floor.


  With one click of the button, I ensure that their families meet the same fate.

  I unlock the door to find Amelia in the hallway. Her eyes widen when she sees me, and she stumbles on her words.

  "I... I heard the gunshots and..."

  Interesting. Usually people run away from gunshots, not towards them. But then I replay Nicolo's words in my head. The hand that feeds you.

  "Of course." I smile at her. "Can you come help me?"

  She nods, following me back into the drawing room. She comes face to face with the dead bodies, but I can see she's trying very hard to control herself.

  "Tell me, Amelia, why is it that you left my father's employ?"

  She lowers her head, her almost silver hair falling over her forehead.

  "He forced himself on me, sir." She confesses, and for a moment I feel a twinge of guilt. Yet another victim of my father's. But then I think about Lina.

  "And where did you go after that?" She suddenly looks at me in panic.

  "Amelia, Amelia. You know, you were my favorite growing up. You were always the kinder one to me. But now?" I make a tsk sound with my tongue, and she pales. "Why did you do it? Why Nicolo?" I ask, half-bluffing.

  "I..." She stammers, and I can see the guilt on her face.

  "Why, Amelia, why?"

  "I love him." She bursts out, more emotion coming out of her than I've ever seen before.

  "You love him." I repeat, tilting my head and studying her.

  "I was pregnant and alone and he helped me. He was so kind, so thoughtful. Even when I miscarried he was there for me, supporting me. He even confronted your father on my behalf. And you know what Giovanni did? He laughed." She curls up her lip in disgust. "He laughed for raping me and ruining my life!" Her eyes are tearing up and she lifts a hand to catch the tears. "Nicolo was so good to me... so good."

  "So good that you basically served my wife on a platter to him. You were the one planting those messages, weren't you?"


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