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The King's Mate [Paranormal Protection Unit 6] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 9

by Honor James

  “This is nice, isn’t it?” Chrissy asked with a smile and sighed. She was absolutely surrounded by pure love from the animals and from her man. “I’m happy, Tryggr. I didn’t know if I could be happy being just a ‘housewife,’ so to speak, but I am. So very much so.”

  “You are not ‘just’ anything, babe,” he murmured with a smile. Lifting his head, he looked at her. “You are amazing and so much more,” Tryg said honestly. “You are a blessing and pure pleasure in my life. Without you I’d be a wreck, I’m very sure.” He winked at her.

  Chrissy winked and said, “You bet you would. Because you wouldn’t have me, and that would just be a darn tootin’ cryin’ shame, darling mine. You and I both know that we came into each other’s lives at the exact time we needed each other.”

  “Damn straight, my love. I very definitely needed you and, if I recall right, you needed me, too.” He grinned. “Course, at that point, you’d likely have taken anyone, but I’m still going to believe it was all me.”

  “Yeah, when freakin’ vampire breath wanted to take me.” She shivered and looked to him. “How are we on that front by the way? Have your guys gotten any closer to figuring out who wanted me and why?”

  “Unfortunately not yet,” he told her quietly. “But Quincy is working on everything he can, and with the bits of new info we have coming in, we are getting closer.” He hoped. “For now we’re being extra cautious, and everyone is running on alert. It’s not a full alert, but sort of a prep for alert, if you know what I mean.”

  She nodded. “Kind of like battening down for a storm and knowing that it’s coming, so basically being fully aware. I understand that,” she assured him. “I really do. Well, we will ensure that our home is prepared as well. I don’t have any idea how we would fight something like that, but I don’t want to be here alone if he comes here to attack, not without some sort of defense. Any ideas?”

  “It’s already taken care of,” he told her honestly. “Quincy has warded the house to ensure nothing but what I invite in can come, or yourself of course. It’s built into the line of the fence and covers the house entirely in a bubble that extends underground as well. That way no one can come up from under us either.”

  “I could kiss that odd man,” Chrissy said, “but I think that his very possessive wife would have my head if I did so.” She added with a grin, “So tell him thank you very much.” She knew she was teasing about both Maya and kissing Quincy, especially since it seemed the only one she wanted to kiss was Tryggr.

  “You put your lips on anyone else and I’ll have to bloody them severely, even Q,” he warned her with honesty in his voice. Cupping her face, he kissed her gently. “I love you, but no kissing anyone but me.”

  “That is something that I can totally live with, Tryg. I happen to really, really love kissing you, darling. Kissing you is my happiness and joy in life. It makes me insanely happy to kiss you.” Winking, she added, “In fact I really think you should kiss me again.”

  “Already?” he groaned out shaking his head. “Damn, woman, you’re just so demanding,” he teased. Tipping her chin up a little more, he kissed her deeply, sliding his tongue over hers slowly as he tasted her and enjoyed how into the kiss she threw herself.

  Reaching up, Chrissy cupped his cheek. She pulled back then and licked her lips. “Mercy,” she whispered and dropped her hand back to the puppy to continue to stroke his fur.

  Growling softly in pure pleasure, he sat back and stole the kitten off her shoulder. Lying back on the grass, he set the kitten on his chest and purred softly to encourage the little fur ball to settle in for a nap. Tucking his hands under his head, Tryg closed his eyes. “Just wait until I get you naked later, darling mine,” he warned softly.

  “I very, very much look forward to it,” Chrissy said with a chuckle and rocked the puppy as she did so. “I also look forward to you doing that with our babies, letting them sleep on your chest while you purr. I look forward to that time, my darling man. Look forward to being able to watch you with our little ones, shifted or not shifted.”

  Smiling slightly at her words, he chuckled quietly. “The time will come, sweetheart. Not today or tomorrow, but one day in our future we will have a little one of our own for you to tend to.” Hopefully they would be more like his sister Bethany than himself. He’d been a little terror when he’d been a kid. His mother had often teased he’d given her many a gray hair. Sighing softly, Tryg pushed away the memory of his mother, because to remember her gorgeous curly blonde hair and smile was to then remember the last time he’d seen her face after the events in their home.

  Turning, Chrissy looked at him and sighed. “I’m sorry there is so much pain in your past, honey. Your parents will live on through you and your sister, but you need to accept that. Love the memory of them, and instead of being sad, try to find a reason to smile because they were in your life. I can’t even begin to imagine how hard it is to put that last sight of them from your mind, but you should try, honey.”

  Reaching out, he slid his hand over her thigh and squeezed slightly. “I do try, but every now and again it all rushes back.” Sighing, he opened his eyes to look at her. “There are some things that if I remember them it’s like I’m sucked back to that time. Everything narrows, focusing right on their door and the moment I pushed through to see them. Bethany is lucky. She never saw them like that.” His sister had her own nightmares to live through. But seeing their parents torn apart, lifeless on their bed was thankfully not one of them.

  “I know, honey, and for that I’m so very sorry. It’s good that your sister never saw them like that. It’s not an image that any would want to carry around, and that is something that I understand. I hate that you have to carry it around with you, my love.”

  “Better me than her,” Tryggr said honestly. Looking up at her, he smiled. “I want to go and see her next month. It’s my semi-annual visit with her. Do you want to come along and meet her, too?” he asked her softly. He wanted them to meet. He needed Chrissy and Bethany to get along for his life to be complete and in balance.

  “I would love to come along. I would like to get to know your sister, honey. I love you. I love all that you are and all that you do, honey, and I want to very much be a part of your life. If you will let me, I would like to come along with you.” She didn’t know if it was something that was just for him or not.

  “Of course I’ll let you come along, darling. I did ask you, remember?” He smiled. Lifting the kitten from his chest, Tryg sat up and leaned in to kiss her cheek. “I love you, darling mine, and I want you to meet the other woman in my life.” He chuckled softly. “She is likely to grill you to the nth degree since she’s damned suspicious, but she will adore you.”

  “I certainly hope so,” Chrissy said with a grin. “I happen to love you so. I look forward to being able to meet her as well. I don’t mind the grilling. I really and truly don’t. In fact, I look forward to it. I look forward to being able to get to know about you from her as well. I want to know all about you, and who better than your sister to get the deets from?”

  “She may be a little biased there,” he said with a wince. “I was a rotten kid. She was the little angel. I used to pull pranks on her. Nothing too serious or anything, but I was a brat and I knew it.” He’d grown up eventually, but for a time there, he’d been rotten, rotten, and even more rotten.

  “Honey, you and I both know that kids will do that to each other. It happens between siblings, especially when the brother is the elder sibling. Sorry, babe, but that’s just is the way that it is. I’m sure that it will be the same when and if we have kids.” She hoped they did. She wanted a little boy that looked just like his daddy.

  “I want a little girl that’s just like her mother.” He grinned at her. “One that I can spoil rotten and get in shit for doing so. A little girl that, one day, will bring home her first boyfriend, who I will terrify and make piss his pants in fear.”

  That had Chrissy grinning. “I want that as well,
darling. I want a little boy first though,” she added happily. “I think that we should have a son first so that he can be in school with our daughter and ensure that she’s not in with the bad crowds there and stays very far away from the ‘bad boys’ of the campus.” Which would likely be his friends, Chrissy thought with a grin.

  “Oh Gods,” Tryg groaned, “I’m going to be gray by the end of us having just two children, aren’t I?” he asked. He already knew that if his kids were anything like him, he’d be gray before they were even out of diapers.

  She smiled happily at him and winked. “I happen to really, really love that idea. You won’t be gray, darling, but I have a feeling that you and I will certainly have our fair share of trouble from time to time, darling. We will figure it all out though, I promise. Together you and I will make sure that we are always a team when it comes to our babies.”

  “Promises, promises.” He grinned at her. “All right, I’m dying of thirst, and I think you’ve put the pup into a pleasure-induced coma, so let’s go inside and grab a drink and something to eat.” He didn’t need to state the constantly obvious. He burned calories at a hugely idiotic rate and pretty much had to eat every four hours to keep up with his body’s very rude demands.

  “All right, let’s get the kids put down on their beds and you and I will get ourselves something to eat, and then, my love, you and I are going to rock each other’s world.” Or so she hoped. She didn’t want the animals to be there to watch. She was weird like that.

  “Oh we are, are we?” He grinned, getting to his feet. Lifting up the kitten as he got to his feet, he held out a hand to her and tugged her up. “Come on, sugar.” He smiled. “I’m feeling starved for many things, food only at the top of the list for the moment.”

  “Food first and then yummy-licious sex later. For now you and I are so going to make us some nice lovely food. Something filling but not so heavy that I will want a nap afterward.” She did tend to want naps, often.

  “I do tend to wear you out, darling.” He smiled at her gently. “Not that I mind. I do love how soft and warm you get when you’re all worn out. But yes, sustenance for my Queen is needed ahead of time.” He chuckled softly.

  She laughed and shook her head. “I love you, baby,” she told him with a smile. “I love everything that there is about you, but please stop calling me Queen, honey. It scares me to death to think that I’m now a Queen.”

  “There’s not much to it, darling. It’s living, loving, and occasionally dealing with others. Just because you have a title doesn’t change who you are. Yes, others will see you differently, act differently around you, but that’s on them, not you, darling,” he pointed out, opening the door for her.

  “Exactly. I couldn’t agree more.” Chrissy winked at him then and touched her fingers to his cheek. “I love you so very much, Tryggr. No matter what, I’m always your Queen. Don’t care about being everyone else’s, but I’m totally yours.”

  “That you are, my love.” He smiled down at her. Leaning in, he kissed her slowly, kicking the door shut at their backs. “Gods, I love you, Chrissy,” he whispered against her mouth. “I think we need to alter plans slightly. Kids to bed, and then I ravish you before we eat.”

  “No, no, darling mine,” she said with a laugh. “Honey, I happen to need food as well. Then again…” She all but purred for him. “I could really and truly use having you inside of me, you know.” She purred. Literally she purred.

  “We could always combine our needs,” he pointed out, heading up the stairs with her to the room where the pup and kitten were housed each night. Originally it had been a small guest room, but it worked well for their items and needs. Setting the kitten down with one more scratch to his little chin, Tryg took the puppy from her and gave his ears a scratch, too.

  “Really now? And how could we combine them? The last time you ate off of me we didn’t do as much eating as we did making love, and that was a serious mess. Remember the carpet cleaner?” she teased happily.

  “Well worth every single dime,” he said, checking the food dishes automatically before he turned the lights off and tugged her out the door. “But we’ll keep our play to the kitchen tonight, finger foods and both of us naked. I figure you can sit on my lap, with my cock buried deep inside, and I’ll feed you as you give us both pleasure, nice and slow.”

  “Oh that sounds so nice.” She felt her pussy creaming already at the thought of him doing this with her. “I have to say that you have the best ideas in the world, Tryggr. I happen to love the ideas that you come up with, a great deal. In fact, I would wager to guess that you are stunningly brilliant.”

  “I thought so.” He grinned. “And, for safety’s sake, we will use one of the leather armchairs so that we don’t fall off one of the stools.” It would be less painful if one of them took a tumble. It was a wider seat, and with the leather, easier to clean of anything that got spilled. Only downside, since he’d be on the bottom, his ass would likely become suctioned onto the leather, and she’d have to peel him off with a spatula.

  “I think that sounds good. However, I think we should probably take one of the large blankets you have and cover it so that you don’t stick.” She winked at him when she said it. “And the blanket can just be tossed into the washer, all the better for us, right?”

  “Oh now who is the brilliant one?” He grinned at her, hugging her tight. Scooping her up, he carried her down the stairs and put her on her feet in the kitchen. “I’ll grab a towel if you want to pull out things we can do up as finger food. We’ll prep up a plate and then get situated.” Smacking her bottom lightly, Tryg went to the laundry room to find a blanket or sheet.

  “Sounds good to me.” She began to pull food out of the fridge, putting together sandwiches and cutting them into fourths and then cutting them again. Smiling and humming along, she moved across the kitchen from the counter to the fridge over and again.

  “Fruit, too,” he advised as he grabbed an armchair and took it into the kitchen. Laying the sheet over the chair, Tryg went back and commandeered a side table, setting the lamp on the floor. Carrying it into the kitchen, he set it next to the chair. “We should also have some water, too, but in a bottle in case we go crazy.” He didn’t want to have to dodge broken glass.

  “Right, water bottles are good.” Grabbing an orange, she peeled it and sectioned it off before taking some grapes off of the stems. “All right. I think I have everything.”

  “We’re all set with the chair, too,” he told her, moving to her side to help clean the mess up. Well, the first mess anyway. There would likely be a whole other one soon enough. Wiping the counters down, Tryg grabbed an extra dishcloth and wet it. They’d likely need that, too, especially with the oranges. They tended to get very into their food.

  “Then I think that we are ready.” Chrissy winked at him and looked at the chair. “Is it bad that we want to play while we eat? Are we really that bad?” She was worried that they were too into each other, if such a thing was even possible. She didn’t want to run him away with her nearly constant need of him.

  “We could never be too into one another, darling,” he assured her. Resting his hands on her waist, Tryg drew her back against him. “Having a little fun while we find pleasure is not a bad thing. Spicing up our life in little ways that we both enjoy is not a bad thing. The only time something is bad is when we are not both comfortable with it. If that’s the case, we need to speak up and choose something else that we are comfortable with, babe.”

  “I happen to really and truly love being able to show you just how much I love you at any given time. As long as you say that it’s not a bad thing then I agree with you and I fully believe in you, sweetheart. I love being able to have fun with you, darling mine.”

  “Then do not worry about it, love.” He smiled, pressing a kiss to her neck and nuzzling her soft skin. “You should instead worry about what you can do something about. Like getting naked,” he told her with a squeeze. “Get naked, and let’s get
eating our meal,” Tryg advised, letting her go. Scooping up the platter, he set it on the side table and began to strip as well.

  Chrissy grinned at him and began to slowly pull her clothes off. When he reached for her, she stepped just out of his reach and shook her head. “Nope, slow strip today,” she teased. “I think you need to finish chucking your clothes though so that I can watch you touching yourself while I get naked, darling mine.”

  Growling at her, he got rid of the last couple of items and moved to sit in the chair. Stretching out, he gripped his cock and slowly stroked his hard flesh. “Naked,” he demanded on a low snarl. The Cat wanted her naked, too, man and animal in full agreement. They needed their mate and they needed her now.

  She grinned at him and winked. Moving slowly, she peeled out of her bra then and tossed it at him. Turning her back to him, she looked over her shoulder at him and began to peel her panties down her body, bending and giving him a full view of her puffy pussy lips that were leaking in need.

  “So wet,” he purred out, squeezing his cock to keep from coming just from the sight. “Stay like that and touch yourself,” he demanded, his eyes glued to her pink and wet pussy. Licking his lips, he growled when she shifted but calmed when she appeared to only be adjusting her stance.

  Reaching between her legs, she ran her fingers over her pussy and moaned. From anus to clit she let her fingers roam her gaze on him as she did so. Tracing her fingers around her clit, she said, “Stroke yourself, too.” She moaned.

  Tryg hadn’t known he’d stopped, but he understood it. He’d been captivated by what she’d been doing. Licking his lips, he stroked in time to her movements, his eyes glued to her naughty little fingers and their quest over her soft and wet folds.


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