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The King's Mate [Paranormal Protection Unit 6] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 15

by Honor James

  She couldn’t help but laugh and shook her head. “You can bite me anytime that you want, darling, but not right now.” Wrapping both legs around him, she pulled him deeper, harder. “For now, Tryggr, you need to fuck me.”

  “I love the way your mind works, darling. Always so in tune with my own.” He grinned at her and thrust hard, pushing her into the mattress. “But after I fuck you I plan on nibbling on that amazing ass of yours for a time.”

  There were no words from her. There were sounds of pleasure, sounds of need. Growling, she scraped her nails down his back, determined to hold him closer, needing him closer and tighter. “Harder.” It was a demand.

  Gripping the blankets by her head, he kissed her as he dug his knees into the bed and thrust into her, harder and faster. “More,” he demanded of her, knowing she’d know what he meant, what he needed. He loved her when she went a little wild, marking him up as only hers. The marks faded in time, but while they rested on his flesh, he enjoyed every single ache and twinge, knowing he’d loved her the best he possibly could.

  She did just that. Chrissy felt the blood from his back as she dug her nails into him, scoring him as hers and only hers. “Now.” It was a growled demand for him to come. She was ready to scream and needed just that last small push to take her over the edge.

  Driving into her deep, he sank his teeth into her shoulder and held her as he spilled his seed. Growling deeply in his throat, he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her in closer to him, keeping her tight to his body. The Jaguar was obviously very much in charge.

  Chrissy shuddered. Her pleasure rolled through her over and over again. Tears leaked from her eyes, but not because she was sad, but more because she was so very happy. In his mind she whispered, Amazing, Tryggr. No wonder we are pregnant. Happiness filled her words. Because we seem to fuck like bunnies all the time. And she wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Growling, he released her shoulder and kissed her hard. Of course we do. You are much too sexy to resist, and I’m a weak-willed man. Grinning, he nipped her lip lightly before sucking on it to soothe the ache he’d caused on her lip.

  That had her snickering. “Do you think that the guards heard us and are now trying to do anything except listen in?” Chrissy was sure that they had heard her last scream, had thought she heard a snicker and then a discreet cough.

  “Are you kidding?” he asked, rolling his eyes. “I’m pretty sure the neighbors heard us, and they’re over a mile away.” He chuckled. Resting his elbows next to her head, he looked down into her eyes. “I think we may have given you some fabric burns on your backside darling.”

  “Meh, it just means that you will have to take extra care when you wash me, darling.” Chrissy gave a small shrug. “And I wasn’t the only one yelling. I’m positive that I heard a very, very loud growl from the Jaguar that’s inside of you, darling.”

  “I’m sure you are mistaken,” he teased with a grin. “After all, who the hell could hear anything over all that yelling and screaming you were doing?” Laughing at her look that was partially embarrassed and partially proud, Tryg kissed her. “I didn’t hurt you did I?” he asked softly, seriously.

  “Do I look or even feel hurt?” she teased. Pulling him closer again, Chrissy just sighed happily and grinned. “Besides, I’m happy. I’m very well loved. And I’m going to be someone’s mommy in about nine or so months. Give or take.”

  “Give or take,” he agreed with a smile and kissed her softly. “In either case we should likely get up and dressed before one of the guards comes in here looking for us,” he murmured. “I’d hate to have to kill them if they got a good look at your gorgeous naked body.”

  “They know better than to come in here without you calling out to them first.” She grinned and rubbed her cheek to his shoulder. “Especially since last time. I swear I don’t think that I’ve ever seen Joey jump as high as that poor Cat jumped when he accidently walked around to the pool when we were in it.”

  “He jumped a lot higher when I had him on the mats on base,” Tryg growled out softly. He’d been pissed with the guard. The only thing that had saved his mangy hide was the fact he’d apologized profusely and complimented Chrissy even more so.

  “At least he was doing his job, honey. You do know that, right? He was adamant at protecting us, so you have to keep that in mind, sweetheart.” Chrissy knew that the poor guy had redoubled his efforts in keeping them safe.

  “He is mildly amusing when he tries so hard,” he murmured with a smirk. “I may eventually tell him that he’s forgiven, but not yet. He’s still amusing enough that I don’t want to ruin it. Plus he is bowing and scraping to my mate just enough to impress me.”

  That had her laughing even harder. “Gods, honey, you better not tell him that. He might be upset with me,” she teased. She knew that Joey would never be upset with her, but she didn’t want to hurt the young Jaguar’s feelings. “How about you just tell him that he’s forgiven, love?” Snuggling in closer to him in their bed, she sighed happily. “All I care about is that we are together. Nothing else matters.”

  “Maybe,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to her neck. Rolling over, he stretched out for a moment and then relaxed with his hands under his head. “I’ll think about it. Depends how he impresses me in the next little while.”

  Chrissy nuzzled against him and sighed happily. “I love you, honey. Doesn’t matter what else happens. All that matters is that we are together, love. We will now and forever be one. But those boys are all our family and you need to understand that, love.”

  “They are something,” he agreed with a roll of his eyes. He wasn’t completely sure just what they were, but he did like them. He even respected them, but on occasion he really wanted to kill them, so maybe they were family. Dysfunctional for sure.

  Chrissy saw the moment when he agreed with what she said. She winked at him and giggled. “And now you understand it. They are truly family, my darling. You know that as well as I know it. We are now, and always, family.”

  “We’re all going to need therapy if this is the family we have, babe,” he said honestly, rolling to his side to pull her in close. Leaning in, he rubbed his nose to hers. “Serious for a moment here, Chrissy,” Tryg murmured. “Are you sure you’re okay with me retaking the Throne? It’s going to mean a lot of changes in our lives. On top of that we’re having a baby.” He just worried it would be all too much too fast too soon.

  “Yes, honey, I’m fine with it. It will mean extra protection for our child as well, so that makes me even more okay with it. As long as we will be able to protect our child, I’m more than perfectly fine with it. Plus”—she cupped his cheeks in her hands—“it is your destiny, my love. It is just as it should be, honey. It’s time that you put to right what your uncle has made wrong.”

  “Yeah,” he murmured, closing his eyes and leaned into her touch. Sighing, he stroked his fingers up and down her spine lightly. “I’m just worried how everyone is going to take it. I’ve basically ignored the Throne since my parents’ death.” Yes, he had been healing and grieving for a long time and then caring for Bethany and ensuring she was safe and had a home of her own. But he could have stepped up then. He hadn’t.

  “Just make sure that they know you are only going to help them. Ensure they know that your one and only desire is to help them,” she whispered softly. “You are their King, honey. Put on your Crown and make damn sure that they all know that messing with you would be a damn bad thing.”

  “I don’t think there’s an actual Crown, babe.” He smiled, looking to her again. “At least not one that I’ve seen in however many centuries it’s been.” Like he didn’t know exactly. He did, to the second, but he didn’t ever think about it. It still hurt too much.

  “Well, I guess we’ll find out, won’t we? When you go before the Council to challenge your Uncle to get your Throne back, love.” She wouldn’t be there because she wasn’t a part of the Council, but she would always be in his heart.

; “Oh you are so coming with me,” he told her with a grin. “No way am I going there alone, dammit.” Tryggr chuckled softly at her. “Besides, it’s our first visit, and you are my Queen, so they need to know you and recognize the fact that I’m not letting you out of my life. That and the fact you’re important and I plan on discussing all this Council crap with you, too.”

  “Oh crap.” She hadn’t thought of that. “Well then.” What did one wear to a showdown to take your bond-mate’s Crown back from an uncle that wanted power? “Heavens, I think I need to go shopping then, honey.”

  Chuckling, he shook his head. “If you want to, my love, you can definitely do that. I won’t argue.” Not with a nervous mate. “Do you want a credit card for that shopping trip?” he asked her curiously.

  “Nope, I won’t need one.” When he shot her a weird look, she smiled. “I won’t need one ‘cause I will have you. I’m going to make you go shopping with me, darlin’,” Chrissy told him in no uncertain terms.

  “What?” he squawked as he stared at her and shook his head. “No, no, no,” he protested but knew from the look he got he’d be going with her. “Son of a bitch,” Tryg grumbled under his breath and sighed.

  Chrissy leaned in close to him and whispered, “Besides, we both know that you would pace the floors waiting on me to come home, darling.” She knew her Jaguar and knew that he would pace until she was there with him once more. “Besides, I hate shopping, too, so it will be really fast and simple, love.”

  “It better be,” he muttered, making a face. “I hate shopping. Too many people, all those smells, so loud, it’s pure agony.” Growling, he kissed her. “You are so fucking lucky I love you more than anything else in my life, otherwise I’d stick your ass on a bus with a credit card and tell you good luck.”

  She snorted and shook her head. “Yeah right, we both know that you would never, ever do that one.” He would never put her on a bus to anywhere. “But we will hurry, honey, so let’s make sure that we have a plan, shall we?”

  “What’s this ‘we’ stuff, darling? You had better have a plan. I’m just there to ensure you get from point A to B with no stops at C, D, or E along the way. We get in, get what you need, and get the hell out of Dodge,” he told her honestly.

  “Can your wallet handle some of the high-end shops then, love? If so, then it will be best to go there, because there will be far fewer people there.” She knew that his wallet could handle it, thankfully. “So we will hit the one high-end store and that should be good, darling.”

  “I don’t think the wallet will even notice you on one little shopping trip, darling,” he said, shaking his head. “Two maybe, but not one,” he teased her and relaxed some. “I can handle high end. They tend to like my credit cards and will pretty much do anything you want them to for a chance to swipe one.”

  “Then that is where we will go. I think that there is one in town. It should have everything that I need in there, honey.” She didn’t need a great deal, but she really did need a few things. “All right, come on, let’s go shopping, and then we will also eat out while we are in town as well, okay?”

  “Now?” he asked with a groan. “Not even giving me a chance to get used to the idea,” he muttered, rolling from the bed. Padding to the closet, he pulled out jeans and a tee and dragged them on. “You do have to get dressed, too, lady, so move it.”

  “I love watching you dress, and no, I’m not giving you a chance to get used to the idea.” She knew him. If she gave him any kind of a chance, he would balk and put it off. Grabbing her clothes, she pulled on jeans and then her bra and T-shirt. “Okay, I’m ready.” She just had to step into her shoes and she would be good.

  Finding his wallet, Tryg checked to ensure he had a card in there before slipping it into his pocket. “Let’s go before I need a drink or ten,” he muttered. He really didn’t like this plan, other than the fact he’d get to watch her try clothes on. That was always fun. Just sucked they were doing it in public where he couldn’t tease her out of them for a good loving.

  “Says who? Add a huge tip and you never know what we can do in the changing rooms,” she teased. “In fact I really believe that you truly should call ahead and see about getting the place to ourselves, with the sales staff of course, so that you can show me just how much you love what I’m putting on.”

  Lifting a brow, he pressed a hand to his chest. “Are you suggesting I misuse my credit limit for the pleasure of your naked body?” he asked in faked shock. “That is just devious and low and bloody brilliant,” he said, digging out his phone. “Where are we going anyway?” he asked as they headed down the stairs for the front door.

  “I think that it’s called Roses Ravenwood or something like that.” She couldn’t recall the name of it actually. “If you call information I’m sure that you will be able to get it from whoever might be working 411.”

  “True enough,” he said with a smile to her, stopping to shove his feet into his boots and grabbing a jacket. Dialing the phone, he stuck it to his ear as he checked for his keys and then waved her to the door as he got ahold of someone to ask for the number.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Looking to Talon and Quincy, Tryggr shifted slightly. They were waiting for who knows what and he was getting seriously bored. Rubbing his thumb over Chrissy’s knuckles, he rolled his eyes when she looked his way. He didn’t do bored well. He got twitchy when he had to wait, and then he got seriously restless. He could manage a bit of it for a time, especially if there was a mission he was on, but when they were just standing around doing diddly shit, well, he got really, really restless.

  “It’s more than diddly shit, Tryggr.” The heavenly voice spoke from the shadows before the Goddess appeared before him. Tilting her head to the side, she looked him over and tapped a finger to her lips. “Are you certain that this is what you want to do, Tryggr? Are you certain you aren’t only doing this because your bond-mate is going to have a child, your son?”

  “Now you’re going to question me, too?” he asked on a sigh. “And I figured you had all the answers to all the questions in the universe, Goddess. Besides, I was sure you liked to play in our brains,” he said softly with a half smile.

  “Nope, free will will always override any plans that I might have put into motion. All that I did, Tryggr, was place Chrissy into your path and tie your souls as one. Either of you could have refused the bond just as you can refuse the Throne if that is your wish. I simply ask you, Tryggr, do you take the Throne of your own will, of your own desires, and not out of a sense of obligation to your son?” It was important that he accepted it, because as she had said, it was all about free will, and if he truly didn’t want it the Throne would not accept him.

  “I’ve thought long and hard about it, Goddess, and, while I still have some reservations, I freely take the opportunity to sit the Throne as is my birthright and the will of my parents. I know I balked before, but it’s the right thing for everyone involved, mostly those of the Jaguar,” he said quietly.

  Gaia smiled and nodded. “That’s all I needed to know, Tryggr,” she admitted and moved to the side. “Open the Vortex. The words are there in your mind. They are different from your father’s, but they are yours. Trust what’s in your heart.”

  “Right, I forgot this part,” he muttered and pulled his bond-mate closer to him. Brushing a kiss to her lips, he smiled. “I, Tryggr Jackson, rightful King of the Jaguars, summon the wind to guide and carry myself and my bond-mate to the Council Chambers so, once more, justice and peace can be brought to us all.”

  Gaia smiled and nodded, fading into the ether so that she could await them inside the Chambers, and nodded to Talon once before she was gone.

  Chrissy looked up at Tryggr. Her nerves were hitting an all-time high and she felt as if she was about to puke. A-freaking-gain. “I will try not to puke on your shoes,” was all she could promise as she looked at the larger-than-life swirling Vortex before them.

  “Not sure if I can say the same to you,
love,” he muttered. Taking her hand, he guided her into the Vortex and out they came into a very large, very white space. Blinking at the guards, he headed for the doorway that the guards opened up for him.

  Chrissy’s stomach felt like it was turning inside out. She paused before the door and was shaking, literally. “Not feeling so hot.” When one of the holy hell huge men passed her a bucket lined with a plastic liner, she heaved and puked her guts out. Yep, pregnancy so didn’t like her right then.

  “It’s the Vortex, mistress,” one of the guards said. “It tends to throw human physiology into a tailspin rather quickly and easily. I have water for you to rinse with and drink whenever you are ready. We also have a powder room where you may freshen up before you enter the Chambers if that is your wish.”

  “Thank you,” Chrissy murmured. “And a powder room would be lovely please.” She looked to Tryggr and smiled. “Are you all right, Tryg?” When he reached out for her, she easily and readily went into his arms, her head on his chest and simply holding him tightly for as long as he needed.

  Hugging her gently, he nodded. “I’m good,” he said quietly. Looking to the guard, he nodded his head in thanks. “Could you show us where that powder room is?” he asked the man. When the guard stepped back and turned, Tryg tucked his mate close and led her along after him.

  “If we do this again, remind me that having food beforehand is seriously stupid.” Her pizza had been amazing when they ate it, but really not so damn much when it came up. Seeing the bathroom, she grinned. It was pink. She never in the world would have guessed that they would have a pink bathroom. “Thank you,” she told the guard and entered, leaving Tryggr out of doors as she did so.

  Seeing Talon and the others arrive, he sighed and leaned back against the wall. Looking to the guard, he tipped his head. “So this happens often?” he asked curiously.


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