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Cassie the Concert Fairy

Page 2

by Daisy Meadows

  Kirsty had a microphone in her hand and was disguised as a Goblin TV reporter. Rachel was carrying a goblin-size camera on her right shoulder. Each of them was wearing a hat with GOBLIN TV on it.

  “You look terrible!” said Rachel with a squawking goblin laugh.

  “You, too!” Kirsty chuckled.

  Cassie tucked herself under Kirsty’s hat, and then the girls walked around to the front of the trailer and knocked on the door. It was opened by one of Jack Frost’s backup dancers.

  “What do you want?” he snapped at them.

  “Hi, we’re here from Goblin TV,” said Rachel. “We want an exclusive interview with Jack Frost. It will be aired on every single goblin channel, and everyone will know about the famous Jax Tempo!”

  The goblin’s mouth fell open, and there was a sudden excited chatter from the goblins inside the trailer.

  “Let them in — right now!” roared Jack Frost’s voice.

  The goblin at the door stepped aside, and Kirsty and Rachel walked into the trailer. It was dark inside, and it smelled of bad breath and old socks. When their eyes adjusted to the light, the girls saw Jack Frost lying back on a fancy blue chair. The goblins were standing around him and popping grapes into his mouth.

  “Camera rolling,” said Rachel, zooming in on Jack Frost’s face.

  “So what’s it like living the life of a famous superstar?” asked Kirsty, sticking her microphone under Jack Frost’s nose.

  “Fantastic — the silly humans adore me!” said Jack Frost with a sneer. “I’ve got what it takes to make it all the way to the top, and no one’s going to stop me!”

  “And could you explain for the viewers how you cleverly stole the magic clefs from the Superstar Fairies?” asked Kirsty.

  “It was a work of genius!” Jack Frost boasted. “I snuck into their dressing room while the fairies were trying on their silly outfits. Ha, ha!”

  Rachel and Kirsty could only manage weak giggles at this.

  “Um, could I get a close-up of the magic clef you’re wearing, for the viewers?” asked Rachel, hoping that he would take the necklace off for her.

  “No problem,” said Jack Frost.

  He held out the clef on its chain, without taking it off. Rachel glanced at Kirsty as she filmed the clef. What were they going to do now?

  “So, Jack, what would you say to your critics?” asked Kirsty, thinking fast.

  “Critics?” he snarled, sitting up very straight. “What critics?”

  The goblins backed away and huddled in a corner of the trailer.

  “Well, some goblins are saying that you’re only a superstar because of the magic clef,” Kirsty explained, shrugging her shoulders. “They say that without it you’d be a horrible singer.”

  The goblins in the corner gave scared gasps, and Kirsty held her breath. It was very dangerous to make Jack Frost angry.

  “That’s not true!” he bellowed, pulling the necklace off and scowling at Kirsty. “I don’t need magic to be amazing — I have the Frost Factor, and I’m going to prove it!”

  “What do you mean?” Rachel asked.

  “Hold this,” said Jack Frost, thrusting the necklace into Kirsty’s hand. “I’ll sing my song without the magic clef, and you’ll see that I don’t need those pesky fairies to be a star!”

  He jumped up and started to sing:

  “I’m no fool

  It’s the number one rule,

  I’m supercool!”

  Rachel clapped her hands over her ears. His rapping sounded like nails being dragged down a chalkboard. Kirsty saw Jack Frost’s eyes widen — he knew how bad he sounded.

  “Now, Cassie!” she cried.

  Cassie fluttered out from under Rachel’s hat and put her hands on the magic clef. As soon as she touched it, it shrank to fairy-size. Jack Frost stopped rapping and gave a howl of rage.

  “What are you doing?” he yelled. “Traitors! Since when have goblins helped fairies? Are you crazy? I’ll turn you into toadstools for this!”

  “They’re not goblins,” said Cassie, glaring at him. “They’re two very brave human beings!”

  With a wave of her wand, Rachel’s and Kirsty’s goblin disguises melted away. Jack Frost jumped up and stormed around the trailer.

  “You interfering humans!” he screeched. “You nosy little fairy! I never wanted to perform in your concert finale, anyway. I’ll have my revenge on you all for this!”

  “It’s your own fault,” said Rachel. “You stole the Superstar Fairies’ clefs, and that was wrong.”

  “You can’t tell me what to do!” Jack Frost shouted. “I’ve had enough of the Rainspell Island Music Festival. We’re going back to the Ice Castle — right now! Goblins, you’re coming with me!”

  Jack Frost stood in the center of the trailer and snapped his fingers, expecting the goblins to scurry to his side. But none of them moved.

  “Now!” he bellowed. “We don’t need awful music festivals and silly pop songs.”

  “But I’ve been having fun,” whined one of the goblins. “I don’t want to leave!”

  “I like it here,” complained another goblin. “Why do we have to go?”

  “WHAT?” hollered Jack Frost. “I’ll make you sorry for disobeying me! I’ll make you wish you’d never heard of pop music!”

  “Let’s get out of here!” said Cassie to the girls, fluttering toward the door.

  While Jack Frost was shouting, Kirsty, Rachel, and Cassie slipped away. They could still hear his yells when they reached the main concert stage.

  “We have to tell The Angels that they’ve lost their star performer,” said Rachel. “Jax Tempo has disappeared — hopefully forever! I feel sorry for The Angels, though. They’ve been working so hard to make this concert a success.”

  “I have an idea about that,” said Kirsty with a grin.

  Melody and The Angels were on the stage, managing the workers who were testing the sound system.

  “Hi, girls!” said Serena, smiling at them.

  “Hi, Serena,” said Kirsty. “We’ve got good news and bad news. . . .”

  At first, Melody and The Angels were worried when they heard that Jax Tempo had gone home. But when Kirsty explained her idea, their faces brightened.

  “I thought of it when I saw all the superstars having a picnic together,” she said. “How about putting all the acts onstage together?”

  “That could work!” said Melody.

  “I think it’s a great idea,” said Emilia. “There’s been nothing like that at the festival before — it’ll be amazing!”

  “I’d better start organizing it then,” said Melody with a smile. “Thanks, Kirsty!”

  The girls went back to Cassie, who was waiting for them in the empty stands. Her eyes were sparkling with excitement.

  “Girls, you’ve done so much to help me and the other Superstar Fairies,” she said. “Now that I have my magic clef back, the Fairyland Music Festival can go ahead. Would you like to come as our guests of honor?”

  “Yes, please!” said Rachel and Kirsty.

  They both loved going to Fairyland, and it was even more exciting now that all seven clefs were safe. They knew that time would stand still in the human world while they were visiting the fairies, so no one would miss them while they were away.

  Cassie waved her wand, and a glittering bubble surrounded the girls. It lifted them into the air, gently spinning. Then it popped in a puff of fairy dust, and Rachel and Kirsty found themselves in the royal box at the Fairyland Music Festival!

  “Welcome, Rachel!” said a musical voice beside the girls. “Welcome, Kirsty!”

  The girls turned and saw that they were sitting next to Queen Titania and King Oberon.

  “Once again, you have proved yourselves loyal friends of Fairyland,” said King Oberon. “This is going to be a wonderful festival, thanks to you.”

  “It’s starting!” said the queen.

  The stage looked magnificent, with lights of every color and garlands of fl
owers looped around the equipment. The stands were filled with excited fairies, whose gauzy wings glimmered in the sunlight. Spotlights swept across the crowd, and cheers rose up as a very stylish-looking fairy appeared on the stage.

  “It’s Destiny the Rock Star Fairy!” said Rachel.

  “Welcome to the Fairyland Music Festival!” Destiny announced. “It’s great to see you all here — especially our guests of honor, Rachel and Kirsty. Without them, there wouldn’t even be a festival!”

  The crowd cheered again, and Rachel and Kirsty smiled and waved. They could see lots of their fairy friends watching from the stands.

  “So,” Destiny went on, “without any further ado, put your hands together for . . . the Music Fairies!”

  It was a wonderful concert. The Music Fairies and the Dance Fairies all performed, along with many other unforgettable acts. Kirsty and Rachel clapped until their hands were sore!

  Halfway through the concert, Rachel nudged Kirsty.

  “Look over there,” she said with a surprised smile.

  At the back of the audience, they could see Jack Frost and his goblins. They were still wearing their festival outfits. Jack Frost was scowling and his arms were folded across his chest, but one of his big feet was tapping in time to the music.

  The concert was a huge success. Best of all was the grand finale, when all the Superstar Fairies performed together with Destiny.

  The show ended with fireworks exploding from the front of the stage, and then the Superstar Fairies fluttered up to the royal box and hovered in front of the girls.

  “Thank you both so much,” said Cassie. “We couldn’t have done any of this without you.”

  “It was our pleasure!” said Rachel.

  They hugged each of the Superstar Fairies, and then Queen Titania stood up to speak.

  “It has been wonderful to have you here as our guests,” she said. “But now it is time to send you back to Rainspell Island. You have another festival finale to enjoy.”

  She waved her wand, and the stands and fairies around them seemed to melt away. Rachel and Kirsty were caught up in a golden whirlpool. When it finally disappeared, they were back on Rainspell Island.

  That evening at the final concert of the Rainspell Island Music Festival, Rachel and Kirsty were standing in the front row with Rachel’s parents, cheering and dancing along to the music. The stage was full of famous superstars for the last performance of the concert.

  “Rachel! Kirsty!” called Melody, dashing toward them from the side of the stage. “How would you like to go up onstage with all of the stars for the finale?”

  The girls nodded eagerly, and a few seconds later they were standing in a line between Dakota May and Jacob Bright. Everyone had their arms around one another’s shoulders. The atmosphere was electric! The moon shone down on them as they sang a final song.

  “It’s like magic!

  Let’s work together to get the job done.

  It’s like magic!

  If we help one another,

  we’ll have lots of fun.”

  As the last notes of the song rang out and the audience burst into deafening applause, Rachel looked across the sea of faces. She saw her parents beaming with pride in the front row, and waved to them.

  As the applause died away, The Angels stepped forward.

  “We would like to offer a very special thank-you to two important people,” said Lexy.

  “Just a few hours ago, it was looking as if this final concert would have to be canceled,” Emilia added.

  “But thanks to Rachel and Kirsty, this finale has been the best I’ve ever seen!” finished Serena. “Take a bow, Rachel Walker and Kirsty Tate!”

  Feeling shy but very proud, the girls stepped forward and bowed to the audience. The superstars gathered around them and burst into a final encore, and Rachel and Kirsty exchanged happy smiles as the audience cheered.

  “A fairy festival and a concert all in one night,” said Kirsty, squeezing her best friend’s hand. “Isn’t this amazing?!”

  “We are so lucky,” Rachel agreed. “Oh, Kirsty, I don’t think summer vacations get any better than this!”

  Kirsty and Rachel helped find all of the magic music clefs for the Superstar Fairies.

  Now they need to help the Fashion Fairies! Read on for a special sneak peek of


  the Beauty Fairy!

  “This is amazing, Rachel!” Kirsty exclaimed. Her eyes wide, she stared up at the enormous glittering steel and glass building in front of them. Across the entrance was TIPPINGTON FOUNTAINS SHOPPING CENTER in blue lights.

  “Yes, isn’t it?” Rachel agreed. “I’m so glad you’re staying with me for the break so you’re here for the grand opening, Kirsty.”

  “Me, too,” Kirsty said eagerly. “And I’m really looking forward to seeing Jessica Jarvis!” The famous supermodel Jessica Jarvis was the special guest at the new shopping mall’s opening ceremony. A crowd of people had already gathered, waiting for the ceremony to begin.

  “I think we’re just in time for the parade,” Mrs. Walker said, locking her car. “Come along, girls.”

  Rachel, Kirsty, and Mrs. Walker hurried to join the crowd. Moments later, the first float appeared around the side of the building.

  “Every shop in the mall has its own float, Kirsty,” Rachel explained. “Look, the first one is Tippington Toys.”

  The float rumbled slowly toward them. A huge inflatable teddy bear sat on the back of the truck. Also on the float were girls dressed as rag dolls with ruffled dresses and pigtails made of yellow yarn, as well as a boy wearing a red soldier uniform. They waved to the crowd as they passed by.

  “The next one is The Book Nook,” Kirsty said, reading the painted banner draped across the float.

  The Book Nook float carried people dressed as characters from storybooks. The girls saw Snow White, Cinderella, and Pinocchio. The Sweet Scoop Ice-Cream Parlor float came next, with its giant foam ice-cream cones and ice pops.

  “That ice cream looks yummy!” Kirsty laughed.

  Rachel sniffed the air. “I can smell something yummy, too,” she said. . . .

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  e-ISBN 978-0-545-52061-4

  Copyright © 2012 by Rainbow Magic Limited.

  Previously published as Pop Star Fairies #7: Cassie the Concert Fairy by Orchard U.K. in 2012.

  All rights reserved. Published by Scholastic Inc., 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012, by arrangement with Rainbow Magic Limited.

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  First Scholastic printing, March 2013




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