Sassy Ever After: In My Mate's Sight (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Sassy Ever After: In My Mate's Sight (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 4

by Cassidy K. O'Connor

  Chapter Nine

  “I can’t believe you agreed to this, I would never be someone’s pet.” Brogan was trying desperately to hold in his laughter but it was a struggle he really didn’t care if he won. “Are the rumors true, is she your mate?” Caeden could hear the slightest hint of envy in his voice.

  When Caeden first moved to the area, Brogan was one of the shifters who tested him then quickly accepted him. He was grateful, too, otherwise every day at work would have been a nightmare. With Brogan being a senior officer, Caeden would have been forced to endure any crap he was dished.

  “I never expected to meet her so soon, I have to believe there is a higher power controlling our lives, otherwise what are the odds we would meet when we live across the country?”

  “I have to agree with you. I think I’ve found my mate and he wasn’t even on this plane of existence, and now he’s trapped in hell. So yeah, I would say fate or something is helping us out,” Brogan grumbled as he stared out the window of his squad car as they drove to Koira’s.

  A full minute passed before Brogan realized Caeden hadn’t responded. He turned and found his passenger staring at him like he had two heads. “Forget I said anything, it’s my problem.”

  “I’m sorry, you just took me by surprise. I thought maybe you were kidding but I can tell you aren’t. When did you meet him?” Caeden was surprised that Brogan’s mate was a man; in the few weeks he had been here, he’d only seen him with women.

  “A couple of months ago we had a rash of bodies showing up in the woods on pack land. Cadence, the priestess who lives outside of town, brought him in to help with the case. I barely had time to meet him before he was taken.”

  Caeden felt terrible he hadn’t noticed the stress lines around his friend’s eyes. How had he not known about this? He knew about witches and shifters but didn’t know there was a heaven and hell or anything related to that. He didn’t know how to process this new information. “And when you say he’s trapped in hell?”

  “I can’t tell you more than that. I’m working with Cadence to get him back, but I don’t know what that means yet.” Brogan pulled into a parking spot outside Koira’s building and put the car in park as he released a tired sigh.

  “I can honestly say I have no idea what you have been going through or what you are going to endure in the future, but know I am here to help if you need me.” Caeden squeezed Brogan’s shoulder before stripping his clothes and shifting to his animal.

  Laughter rang out from the seat beside him, “I’m sorry, man, it is just so hard to think of you as a fierce shifter when you are so damn cute.” Brogan scratched him between his ears, Caeden growled to let him know he didn’t appreciate his humor. “Okay, Thumper, let’s go check out your mate.”

  Chapter Ten

  Brogan knocked loudly on Koira’s door and waited patiently with Thumper shifting from standing to sitting repeatedly. It was obvious he was antsy to see his mate. “Calm down, pup, if you start humping her leg she might make me take you back.”

  As they heard clicks of locks being turned, Brogan leaned down and strapped something around Caeden’s neck. “I almost forgot, I bought you a gift.”

  The door swung open, Koira’s smile was electric. “Caeden, you’re back?”

  “I’m sorry, ma’am, I’m Deputy Brogan Taggert. I was asked to bring Thumper over.”

  “Oh, Deputy Taggert, please come in. It’s so strange, I have a great sense of smell and I swore Caeden was back.” Brogan glanced down to Caeden and shrugged in surprise. “I’ve been so anxious to meet him, thank you for loaning him to me when Caeden and my aunt can’t be around. Maybe I should sit on the couch and you can introduce me.”

  Koira waited till she heard her guests walk past before locking the door. Brogan sat in the recliner with Thumper at his side intently watching Koira walk in and sit.

  She held her hand out and waited. Caeden knew what to do, he walked over and nudged her hand with his snout. Her giggle of laughter warmed his heart, her hand rubbed his head then slowly moved down his back to his tail. “He’s so soft, what does he look like?”

  Caeden leaned against her legs with a smile on his face while he enjoyed her strokes. “Thumper’s a good dog, albeit a bit past his prime. He’s a chocolate lab with brown eyes. He’s a pretty affectionate guy, but I warn you he does have some bad gas once in a while. When he does that you just let him out on the patio, he’ll do his business and scratch when he’s ready to come back in.” The blissfully happy dog whose head had tilted back to give Koira easier access to scratch his chest suddenly flipped his head forward and narrowed his eyes at Brogan.

  “Milk or Dark?”

  “Um, excuse me?” Brogan had no idea what she was talking about.

  “It would seem the men in this town have trouble with details. I was asking what shade of chocolate he was.”

  “I guess I would say he’s dark, almost burnt chocolate.” Brogan winked at Caeden.

  “I can feel something on his collar, what is it?”

  “Oh, you would love it, the collar is black and in pink rhinestones it says ‘Mama’s Boy’ with little hearts on each side of the name. See, we weren’t really sure he was going to pass training, he was really attached to the woman he was fostered with. I admit there were times I seriously thought he wasn’t going to be able to leave her.”

  Koira leaned close to Thumper’s face and scratched under his chin, “I think you sound wonderful, you are such a good dog.” Thumper looked over at Brogan with a superior look on his face. He was glad Koira wasn’t listening to the drivel Brogan was spewing.

  “Well, it does appear he is in good hands. I’ll let your aunt know everything is well here.”

  “Thank you, I will follow you so I can lock up.” Brogan walked down the hall and silently placed a bag on top of a tall cabinet Koira would never be able to reach. Caeden yipped at him to let him know he saw. They had agreed earlier he would leave a change of clothes and his cell phone on silent in case Caeden needed it.

  Eager to have her all to himself, Caeden pushed against Brogan’s legs rushing him out of the apartment.

  “Have fun you two, and Thumper, be on your best behavior, I don’t want any bad reports when I come back to get you later.”

  “I think we’re going to get along splendidly, have a good day.” Koira smiled and chuckled when Thumper leaned against her leg and rubbed his head on her hand. “I think I know what you want, come on.”

  She locked the door and went back to the couch. “Okay, big guy, get on up here and let me give you a good rub down.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Caeden had no idea he was going to have such a great time, Koira was so open and relaxed with his animal. She had let him lay across her lap, he rolled over at one point and she gave him a great belly scratch, which he would deny if anyone asked about it. He enjoyed the taste of her as he licked her neck and face repeatedly.

  She had turned on music and sang for him, he laid at her feet as she crocheted and watched her intently when she grabbed a book and read it in braille. He had never seen it done before and was fascinated. He honestly couldn’t remember the last time he felt so comfortable and relaxed.

  He came to full alert when a knock sounded at her door. He ran for it and sniffed intently at the doorjamb.

  “Koira dear, it’s me.”

  “Coming, Aunty.” Koira nudged Caeden out of the way, “It’s okay, boy, she’s a friendly.”

  Constance was home from work already, could the afternoon really have gone that fast?

  “Hello, my dear, Caeden said you had a nice morning with him. How’s it going with Thumper?” Constance nodded toward Caeden as she brought the grocery bags she had into the kitchen.

  “Today has been amazing, I know someone died in order for me to be here but I am so happy it happened. I am having the best time and everyone is so nice. We may need to convince Mama to move here so I can stay.”

  Caeden watched as Constance wiped a tea
r from her cheek, “I would love that, let’s see how it goes and maybe we can talk to your mom together.”

  Caeden hadn’t known Constance well before this but he could tell she was lonely and could use family with her, not to mention it would make his life easier if she stayed.

  “How about we get dinner started and you can tell me what you did today. Will you make the salad while I fry the chicken?” Constance handed one of the bags to Koira.

  Caeden watched as she pulled out a head of lettuce, cucumbers, and a tomato. When she pulled a knife out of the drawer, he couldn’t hold back the whine that slipped out.

  “It’s okay, boy, I know what I’m doing.” Koira smiled toward him then turned back to her task.

  “She’ll be fine, Thumper, she’s got this.” Constance winked at him and turned back to the stove.

  He wanted to relax but he couldn’t do it, he was scared with every slice she made. He was exhausted by the time she set the knife down and took the salad to the table. He didn’t know if he could take that much stress on a daily basis.

  As they sat down to eat, Constance silently laid a plate on the ground in front of him. A large part of him wanted to be mortified at the idea of eating like a dog but it only took one look at Koira to remember why he was doing it. Plus, he was starving and thankful Constance was thinking about him.

  “Do you think Sheriff Graelin would mind if Thumper stayed here overnight? They don’t need him in the evenings, do they?” Koira bit her lip as she looked towards her aunt.

  “Well, um…” She looked down at Caeden who nodded his head at her. “I’m sure it will be fine, I’ll call after dinner and let them know.”

  “Let me give him some bacon then we can take him for a walk? I’m sure he has to do his business but he hasn’t scratched at the door all day.”

  The idea of any more food was slightly nauseating to Caeden, he had eaten every bite of the mound he was given. A small burp escaped him.

  “Oh my, was that him?” Koira laughed as she looked toward the noise.

  “I admit, I’ve been sneaking him pieces of chicken. He may be too full for a treat right now. I’m sure he’d love some before bed, though.” She looked over at him pointedly, “I’m so glad we made the bed for him in the living room, he’ll be so comfortable out there.”

  He understood immediately what she was getting at, apparently she didn’t trust him sleeping with her niece even in animal form. Hopefully no one had told her yet that they were mates. He assumed she would have nixed the sleepover idea if she did know.

  “Should we clean up and go for that walk now?” Koira set her silverware on her plate and carried it to the sink.

  “Thumper would probably appreciate it.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “Did you bring a leash with you? I don’t think Deputy Taggert left one.” Koira grabbed her coat off the hook by the door and waited expectantly.

  “Thumper doesn’t need one, he will be fine walking beside us.” Constance held the door open and watched as Koira stepped outside with her cane.

  Caeden ran up and stood close to her leg so he could help steer her if needed. Anxiously he kept looking back and forth between the two women. “I think Thumper wants me to hold your hand. It’s okay, I’m right next to her and you are, too.” Constance patted his head and moved to the other side of Koira as they turned onto the sidewalk.

  “He’s so smart, it’s like he understands us.”

  “Of course, he understands, you don’t think we just let any dog work for the sheriff’s department, do you?”

  “Point taken.” Koira tapped her cane as she walked, a look of satisfaction crossed her face as she reached out and noted she had reached the market as expected. “Is there a park we can take Thumper to?”

  “Let’s turn this way, I think there is one a couple of streets over.” Cadence gently tugged Koira’s arm to turn her toward the intersection. Caeden stood against her leg watching the street closely, he knew he had to stop treating her like a child but everything she did scared him.

  “You know, a lot of towns have crosswalks that speak out loud. They tell you when to cross and count so you know how much time you have. If I’m going to move here, it would be great if you got them. Do you think we could talk to someone about them?”

  “That sounds like a very smart idea, I’m sure between Barbara, the sheriff and myself, we can get in touch with the right people.” The crosswalk light changed and they stepped off the curb together. “Don’t get me wrong, I would be thrilled to have you move here but it seems like a sudden decision. Does this have anything to do with a certain young deputy?”

  Caeden glanced up at Koira’s face and enjoyed the huge smile she couldn’t contain. “Auntie, he is so amazing, and he kissed me.”

  Constance pulled to a stop in the middle of the street and glanced around Koira to look at Caeden. “Excuse me, he did what?”

  A tiny whine from the dog let her know he knew he was in trouble.

  “I’ve never felt anything like it, when he’s not with me I feel like I need him to breathe. I’m always in darkness but when he’s around, I feel like I’m bathed in light. I don’t understand any of it but I don’t care to either. I have always lived life cautiously and I don’t want to anymore. Why should I waste time thinking about what it all means?” A horn sounded behind them, Koira started walking again, “If this last month has taught me anything it’s that we don’t know what will happen tomorrow and we need to live for today.”

  Constance glared down at Caeden then sighed, “I don’t know him well but he seems like a good boy.” They stepped up on the curb, “Hang on, sweetie, Thumper is limping a little, I want to check his paw real quick.”

  Caeden took a small step back as she leaned close to his head, “Is she saying what I think she is saying? Is she your mate?” Constance had lived in this town for forty years, she was very familiar with shifters and how unpredictable the mating process could be.

  Caeden nodded his head then tried to give her the cutest puppy dog look.

  “Don’t try that crap on me, I guess I should be grateful you didn’t act like Deader did when he met Skarlet. The sheriff had me ready assault papers after the way he pounced on her in the elevator when they first met.”

  Caeden made a chortling sound, as close to a dog laughing as it could be.

  “Is he okay? Do we need to go home?” Koira chewed her bottom lip nervously.

  Constance stood back up, “Everything is fine, false alarm. Let’s keep going.”

  “Lead the way to the park. I’m sure he’s going to start walking cross-legged soon, poor thing must have to go.”

  After a short walk, Koira could hear kids playing.

  “There’s an open bench over here, why don’t we sit and let Thumper roam a bit.”

  As soon as the ladies were comfortable, Caeden took off towards the restrooms. There was no way he was going to pee in a bush near a playground, he was a man first. Besides, it’s a shifter town, few people would think twice about a dog going in and out of a bathroom if they caught him.

  After a quick look around, he ducked into the restroom and ran to the stall. He shifted quickly and felt blissful relief from holding it in for hours. If he couldn’t get over his lack of desire for peeing in bushes, he’d better hide some clothes by her patio for when she let him out.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “I had so much fun tonight, thank you for being such a good protector.” Koira laughed as Thumper laid across her lap and rolled to expose his belly, “I think I’ve already spoiled you and it’s only been one day.”

  With a loud yawn, Koira stretched and rubbed her eyes. “How about we get some sleep, I am pooped.”

  Caeden jumped from the couch, anxiously looking between the bed on the floor in the living room and her bedroom door, trying to decide what to do. Ever the gentleman, he dropped his head and went to lie down on the dog bed. Why did he have to be so gallant?

  With a heavy sigh, he laid
his head on his paws and watched his love walk toward her room. As she reached the entrance, she stopped and swung around toward the living room, “Where’d you go? Come on, boy.” Her kissy sounds were too much, he jumped up and followed her inside. She patted the bed, “You can sleep up here, I won’t tell anyone.”

  Caeden didn’t have to be told twice. He jumped on the bed and nudged her arm.

  “I’ll join you in a minute, I need to get ready for bed.”

  He watched anxiously as she walked to the hamper next to the dresser. His mouth went dry as she pulled her shirt off. He laid his paw over his eyes, determined to be respectful.

  As soon as he heard the faucet turn on, he opened his eyes, thinking he was safe. What a happy mistake that turned out to be. His mate was standing in all her naked glory at the bathroom sink brushing her teeth. Her blonde hair trailed down her back, his eyes followed the golden tresses down to her firm, rounded ass. He heard the whimper come out of him at the same time she did.

  “What’s a matter, boy?” She waited a minute and when Caeden didn’t make another sound, she turned back to the sink. He worked to control the urge to pant as she turned and faced him head on. Sweet baby Jesus, she was perfection, her rounded breasts were full and looked like more than a handful, which was just the way he liked it. He loved curves on a woman and she was rounded in all the right places.

  She grabbed a nightgown and walked toward the bed. Nerves filled him as he watched her lay the garment on the side table and start climbing in the bed. She expected him to sleep with her completely exposed to him?

  “Come on, Thumper, come up here.” She patted the bed next to her, he wasn’t sure he had the strength to do this. Hesitantly he crawled up and laid down. She grabbed a device off the table and after a minute, he heard a woman’s voice; he could tell she was listening to an audio book.


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