A Soulmark Series

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A Soulmark Series Page 14

by Rebecca Main

  “I’ll speak with her. Don’t worry about a thing.”


  “I can’t afford any of this,” I tell Irina petulantly, shifting my weight from foot to foot as I endure her scrutiny. She holds the lilac-colored dress up to me.

  “Yes, you’ve said so,” she murmurs, eyes squinting as she pulls the dress back and holds a lovely emerald dress up to me instead, “several times in fact.”

  I’m not quite sure how I end up shopping with the youngest Adolphus. She showed up on our front doorstep with a large bouquet of flowers from her mother and managed to garner an invitation from Aunt Lydia inside. She promptly informed me that we were set to have a girls’ day. Too baffled to object, I let myself be herded from the house and to a slew of stores. Our objective, she explains to me, is to find a sophisticated cocktail dress with just the right amount of cleavage to ensure lingering gazes and no wandering hands.

  “Try on the green. The lilac doesn’t suit you. And stop stalling on the red dress. Embrace it.” She waves me back into the dressing room, resuming her seat on the plush, embroidered chair situated in the private room. We are in Belle Creations. A high-end boutique that Irina enjoys because of the accommodating staff and selection.

  I love the dress with its rich color, much like its gemstone counterpart. It’s a fit and flare style, billowing out pleasantly just an inch or so above the knee and hugging my top tightly. A V cuts down both front and back, displaying ample side boob. Something I’m sure Irina will give high marks.

  “Come on then. We don’t have all day. If you can’t find something here, then we’ll have to move onto the next,” Irina calls from her throne. I depart the fitting room with an exaggerated sigh, my response garnering an eye roll from the raven-haired beauty. “Well, that one certainly has potential,” she drawls, a calculating gleam in her eye. “With the right accessories… yes, that one is excellent. Now try on the red.” She snaps her fingers. A woman in black quickly appears to refill her glass of Prosecco.

  “Why do I need a dress exactly?” I call from the dressing room, slipping out of the silky material. “I have plenty at home.”

  “Because you’ll need a very nice dress to impress the Wselfwulfs. They think themselves very highbrow.”

  I still at her words and give a sharp inhalation. The Wselfwulfs, the rival wolf pack of the Adolphus pack, why on earth would I need to impress them?

  “Breathe, Zoelle,” Irina commands softly, her voice barely carrying to my ears, “you’ll be safe with our family by your side.” I take in another shuttering breath, unnerved by my own reaction and Irina’s perception.

  “I’m fine.” Liar.

  She snorts. It reverberates through her glass. “I can hear you, you know? Enhanced hearing is one of our abilities.”

  “Right,” I mutter, pulling on the maroon bodycon dress. Her cerulean eyes zero in on me as I exit my sanctuary.

  “They’re having a dinner party in two weeks to celebrate the coming of age of one of their boys,” she tells me coolly, her finger spinning idly in a circle. I obey her silent command, going on tiptoe to as I spin in place. The dress has cutout sides and an off-the-shoulder top. Though the material is thicker than the green, I somehow feel barer in it. “Our family has grown in the past few years.” She captures my eyes meaningfully as I turn back to face her. “And we find ourselves at a tipping point—we are on the cusp of overwhelming the Wselfwulf family with our numbers. Many families are expecting, and more are join our ranks every day. I do not believe the Wselfwulf family ever imagined that within a decade we would have found ourselves to be in such good fortune. They could never fathom the idea that our modern ways might appeal to other members of the pack. And yet, here we are.”

  “What do you mean ‘modern ways’? What was the Wselfwulf pack like?”

  “It was a tightly run patriarchal hierarchy within the Wselfwulf pack. Roles were very gender specific. Women stayed indoors and tended the children. Men did all the work and made all the money. Men held all the power. A woman could never be her own. She was either her father’s, brother’s, or husband’s. Of course, there were also the routine punishments to keep everyone in order and the practice of our traditions in place. No matter how barbaric they might seem.” She sips daintily from her glass. “I like the emerald better.”

  I nod, minding the frown I wear at the pieces of information she lets slip. “Xander said he was negotiating some sort of deal with them.” Irina casts her gaze toward the storefront and puts on a charming smile. A moment later an attendant enters.

  “Can I get you, ladies, anything else? A drink for the Miss perhaps, or another dress?”

  “We’re fine for the moment, thank you.” The attendant leaves as swiftly as she enters. “There was a deal in works,” she finally says, eyes narrowing just barely, “I’m surprised he told you that.”

  I blush. “He only mentioned something about having a deal of some kind, and then, not,” I say lamely.

  “Why don’t you change back into your clothes,” she suggests, continuing to speak as I follow her command. “Aleksandr was trying to hash out an arrangement. He was planning to marry the daughter of Rollins who, I might add, is a vile creature. The Wselfwulf’s, for all their sweet words and promises to leave us alone, have failed on several attempts to do so. Xander thought it best to bind our families once more, in hopes of lessening the attacks on our land or stopping them altogether. But in the past year, we’ve had such an influx of pack—family,” she corrects, “and several new… markings occur that we can now defend ourselves without such an arrangement in place.”

  “Well, that’s good. Isn’t it?” As I exit, she hands me my glass of Prosecco. I drink it gratefully.

  “Yes, it is,” she murmurs, eyeing me closely. “Zoe, I do not think you realize the profound effect you have had on our family. Or on our pack. The mere fact that you have been sealed has sparked a newfound resilience among us and a peace of mind to our family. Most soulmarks are never found let alone an alpha soulmark. I don’t believe Xander has the faintest clue how to proceed or act. For that, I must apologize on his behalf. He’s behaved atrociously. Though he has been more bite than bark lately, I assure you he’s usually only bark. Not to worry though, I’ve severely reprimanded him for the way he has been treating you. It would seem that in being an alpha, the soulmark affects him more. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive his abysmal manners.”

  “I understand,” I murmur around the edge of my glass. “It’s been pretty confusing. The soulmark seems to have a mind of its own. While my head and heart are telling me to do one thing, the soulmark is screaming at me to do another.”

  “I knew you would be the reasonable one out of the relationship.” Irina smiles so brightly it startles me, her laughter, a graceful chime, following soon after. “You must tell me something,” she asks, suddenly serious. She takes a step forward, tightening the space between us. “You say the soulmark is telling you to do something entirely different from your head… and your heart. Is it truly at odds with the latter? Are you quite indifferent toward my brother? You have absolutely no feelings for him, other than hatred?”

  My heart stutters as her question finds its target. I gulp, feeling feverish. “Not entirely, I suppose.” I finally manage to say knowing that to lie is pointless. She levels me with another potent smile, triumphant and knowing.

  “I, for one am ecstatic that one of my brothers has finally found his match. You have no idea how difficult it’s been for me growing up without a sister. Now I’ll finally have someone to take my side. I swear, even though they’ve reformed our customs and laws, they refuse to release their overbearing brother act.”

  She finishes her drink, slipping into the dressing room I occupied and grabbing the green dress with its hefty price tag. “That’s just what older siblings do,” I respond smoothly, tenderly reminiscing about how Clara once treated me, and I her.

  “I suppose, but now I must ask a favor of you.” I
nod my head reluctantly. “I think this dinner party is a ruse. The Wselfwulf’s have invited my family along with several other higher-ranking wolves to attend the event, leaving the act of patrolling our borders to some of our lower ranking members. It would be an insult not to go, but I cannot with good conscious leave our pack behind without more senior members of our pack to aid in our defense.”

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “Just… talk with Xander. Make him see that I’m not being sensational. The Wselfwulf’s do not like us, Zoe. They hate that we left and that we are no longer under their thumb. And they delight in our suffering.” She squeezes her eyes tightly shut as if the memory her words bring on is too much to bear. “There are too many families expecting and too many pups not to be cautious. Will you talk to him?”

  I avoid her gaze, feeling a building anxiety wrestle in my stomach. See Xander? I hate the thought of what might happen if we were to meet, but I can’t ignore Irina’s plea. “I’ll see if he wants to grab a coffee tomorrow. When is the dinner party?”

  “Two weeks from this coming Thursday,” she squeals excitedly, hands clapping together briefly before smothering me in a hug. “Oh, you’re wonderful. I just knew I could count on you. Come on, let’s buy this”—she wiggles the green dress enticingly in the air—“and then go grab a glass of wine at Armond’s Lounge.”

  “Irina, I really, really can’t afford to be spending my money on that when I don’t even have a job.”

  “Not to worry. We’ll not be paying for it.” She fishes out a black card from her purse. “Xander, on the other hand, will be. And if you need a job, darling, you only need say the word. Plenty of families in the pack own local businesses here. I’m sure an opening could be created somewhere.” And with that, she saunters off toward the checkout desk, leaving me both bemused and astounded.


  Toes freshly painted I stretch out on my bed, contemplating my day with Irina. I’m not pleased with myself for agreeing to get coffee with Xander, but I doubt I’ll be able to get out of it now. A sigh falls from my lips at the thought.

  Bzzz bzzzt; bzzz bzzzt; bzzz bzzzt; bzzz bzzzt.

  A snag my phone from my pocket, eyeing the unknown number with a frown before answering.



  “Yes? Who is this?”

  “Katerina.” My eyes widen in response. “I found your phone number on Xander’s phone, and wanted to see how your time with Irina was today? She had nothing but nice things to say, but my daughter has an uncanny way of bending the truth to paint a lovely picture.”

  A chuckle escapes me at the whimsical yet irritated note to Katerina’s voice. “It went well. Better than I expected.” I scoot my body into a sitting position on my bed, resting more fully against the mountain of pillows behind me.

  “I’m happy to hear that,” she says. “She also mentioned you would be seeing Xander tomorrow for coffee?”

  I chew at my bottom lip, gently cursing Irina for sharing the news. “Yes.”

  Katerina acknowledges my hesitant answer by softening her voice and slowing the cadence of her words. “I know the situation you find yourself in with my son is not entirely desirable to you, and I understand. It is not every day a lycan and witch find themselves brought together by fate, but I’m so happy you’ll allow my son this second chance. You need not worry about any untoward behavior from him, as I’ve spoken with him.”

  I don’t fight the grin that steals across my lips. I imagine Xander being dressed down by his mother, his shoulder slumped and arms crossed. His lips folded in a full pout as Katerina lectures him about how to treat a woman.

  “I hope things go more smoothly this time around. I’d love to see you back at the manor.” Her voice still holds a current of hope to it that makes it hard to swallow for one painful second.

  “Maybe I can send you a text message after our coffee tomorrow?” I offer before I can stop myself. What am I doing?


  I rub my face quickly with the palm of my hand, stifling a groan as I sink further into the pillows. Oh hell…

  “Yeah,” I continue with forced nonchalance. “Why not? Besides, I think Xander has the same tendency to bend the truth as his sister.”

  Katerina’s laugh fills the phone line and eases the flash of regret I feel at my suggestion. “They do,” she agrees pleasantly. “Well then, I’ll await your text anxiously. Perhaps, if it’s not too inconvenient, we could chat like this more often?”

  I let a beat of silence pass before answering. “Sure.” Why not? Maybe I could even wrangle Katerina to my side.

  “Excellent! I’ll leave you to your night then. Goodnight, Zoelle.”

  “Goodnight, Katerina.”


  There are rocks in my stomach the size of my fist as I approach Luna Café for my coffee with Xander. He is already there, his shaggy hair styled back while his eyes scan the steady stream of pedestrians with disinterest. Though to any passerby he may look the picture of relaxed, his nervousness beats alongside mine through the soulmark. When his eyes spot me I give a small smile. He stands as I approach, pulling out my chair and waiting for me to sit before he does as well.

  “Can I get you anything?”

  I lick my lips, eyes skimming the small menu in front of me. “A vanilla latte would be great.”

  Xander nods, his body thrumming with unsettled energy as he flags down a waitress and repeats my order. “Thank you for seeing me today.” My shoulders rise and fall quickly.

  “I’m here on Irina’s behalf,” I confess.

  Xander nods, lips pursing. “Still, I’d like to apologize for my behavior. All of my behavior, from the very start. I’ve been one-minded and acting without consideration to your feelings. If you’d allow it, I’d very much like to try being friends again. Properly this time.”

  He leans his body toward mine, keeping his body language open and vulnerable with his head slightly bowed and forearms resting on the arms of his chair. The seconds pass by like minutes as I contemplate my answer, finding myself somewhat mesmerized by his ivy green eyes.

  “Properly?” He gives a sharp nod, and I watch as he holds himself impossibly still while waiting for my response. “All right,” I acquiesce. Xander’s taut frame relaxes with a deep exhale, and he sends me a wide smile. I find my body mirroring his reaction, sinking back into my seat with ease just as my latte is set in front of me.

  He remains on his best behavior as I attempt to explain and validate his sister’s concerns. Xander nods along accordingly at all the right parts his foot and fingers tapping out a disjointed yet excited rhythm all the while. A hint of smile tugs at Xander’s mouth through much of our conversation, and I’m loath to admit I find myself doing the same. For though we take opposing sides in our conversation, there is subtle pleasure thrumming through our bond.

  “We’ll see,” he says finally, his eyes alight with satisfaction. Then he launches into question after question about my job hunt, and how I spent my time away from him.

  He pays such close attention to my words and slight movements I can’t help the blush that remains on my cheeks for most of our conversation.

  “Have you been to the public Zoo near Helena?” he asks out of the blue. My coffee mug halts halfway to my lips. My head shakes from side to side carefully. “Would you like to go tomorrow? Atticus, my beta, has business there.”

  “He has business… at the zoo?”

  Xander’s eyes crinkle around the edges with the force of his smile. “Yes,” he says, “he’s a prominent donor. There’s a new exhibit, and he wants to see himself how it turned out.”

  “I should really be job hunting.”


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