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Evex_Warriors Of Ition

Page 4

by Maia Starr

  “I’m going to cum. I’m going to cum,” I said.

  “Yes, cum for me. Cum all over my big cock,” he said.

  “Yes…yes...” I whispered. Then I exploded into orgasm and released. My body curled up toward him feeling the intensity. Then I laid down under him. Evex slowed his movements as he groaned on top of me. His scent was overwhelmingly delicious as he moved. I felt like I was in a fog of ecstasy. The tremors moved through my body setting off tiny little bombs of pleasure.

  Evex started to move faster. “My turn, human,” he said. His cock slid in and then out again with my new wetness gliding the way. I moaned as I was so sensitive. But he moved faster. His skin smacked against mine with the almost violent movement. I wondered how he had the strength to go so fast. No human man could ever achieve this speed.

  Evex moved like this for a few minutes, then slowed down, then moved fast again. It was a complete fog for me. I didn’t know which way was up. I was spinning. I was lost in the clouds. Then I felt him tense up on top of me.

  He let out a fierce growl that sounded animalistic. I felt his warm liquid shoot through me. It filled me. He groaned and grunted as he whispered. “Fuck that feels good. Oh, Imuna… fuck, Imuna…” over and over. He was in a breathless fit of desire. I was there too. I was exhausted as I lay under him. Then he lowered his body onto mine and stayed there, leaving his warm cock inside of me. I closed my eyes, enjoying the feel of a male on top of me. I must have enjoyed it so much that I dozed off into a slumber of contentment.

  When I woke up, my bed was empty. I reached out searching for my husband at first; then I remembered what I had done. I snapped up into sitting position.

  “Oh my God! I can't believe it. You are so stupid, Imuna!” I said to myself. I quickly stood up and pulled the bed sheet around me. I walked out into the sitting room expecting Evex to be there. He was not. He was nowhere to be found. I sat down on the bench and began to cry. How could I have let that happen? My husband had only been gone a couple of months, and I was already betraying his memory. What was worse was that I had enjoyed it. I enjoyed being with the alien; it was unlike any experience that I had ever had. And for some reason it made me feel less guilty, like I could only cheat on the memory of my husband if it was with another human man and because Evex was an alien, it didn't count. That was my ridiculous logic. I felt ashamed. But the shame was pushed aside by images of Evex naked and on top of me. It gave me flashes of desire every time I close my eyes and thought about him.

  “No. No. You have to stop, Imuna; you have to stop thinking about him.”

  But I knew in my heart that it was too late. I was hooked. Being with an Ition was like being on drugs. The only way that I would become sober was if I could convince him to take me back to Earth and to never see me again. But how? How could I do that?

  Chapter Five

  Evex Ein

  The human female Imuna was unlike any sexual experience I had had so far. This was different, and I didn't know why. Everything seemed to be the same; everything went where it needed to go. But it was the way she looked at me with those green eyes. It was something inside of her, the struggle within her. She was fighting her desire. She was sad and vulnerable and then lustful. I didn't know what she would do next.

  I left her before she woke. I wasn't the sexual partner that would sleep next to the female after sex. That was not something that I did unless I fell asleep by mistake. Sex to me was a necessary exercise, just like bathing. It wasn't meant to be a bonding exercise between humans and Itions. It was only a release. So once I attained that release and the hunt was over, she fell asleep, and I left her. I went back to my quarters. I slept in my own bed.

  The following morning I had my morning meal in my headquarters. I saw to my duties as the leader of the clan Alva. I went about my routine. Nothing was different. The mothership was stationed between Earth and Jupiter. This was where we made entrance to our trade route, and the weapons we had stationed near the Earth moon covered that entire path. We needed those weapons; it was mostly to deter anyone from attacking our merchant ships and cargo. They didn't need to fire, but just knowing that they were there stopped any pirates from trying to overcome our ships. This was what the Earth Council wanted us to get rid of, but it was non-negotiable.

  “Leader Ein, the human female has requested an audience with you,” Lieutenant Draxel reported to me on the flight deck.

  “Thank you, Lieutenant Draxel.”

  I did not know what the human could possibly want, but I didn't have time to deal with it at the moment. In truth, I did get excited about seeing her, but even more excited that she was requesting to see me. Maybe going around with me the night before had turned her into the wanton human female that I desired.

  Two hours later, I was finally able to make my way to her living quarters. I walked in to find her fully dressed: a disappointment. She was sitting on a bench in the sitting area with a cup in her hand. She turned to me and shot fire at me with those green eyes. I could already tell she was ready for battle. It was a disappointment considering I thought we were going to go another round. She put the cup down and stood up.

  “You requested to see me?”

  “Yes, I have many questions,” she said.

  “When do you not? You always have questions, even when I don't answer the first question, Imuna,” I said standing in front of her. She did not move an inch the closer I came. She stiffened.

  “When can I expect to be returned to Earth? I deserve to know,” she said in a tone that sounded like a demand.

  “What makes you think I was going to return you at all?”

  Her eyes grew wide. “I demand that you take me home. I want to go home. I don't want to stay up here in space! I can't live on this ship. I can't be locked in this apartment just to be your sex slave whenever you want to visit,” she said.

  “Why would I take you home? If I returned you to Earth, you would kill yourself.”

  She looked at me with shock, tilting her head back to look up at me. She began to tremble.

  “I will not. You caught me in a moment of weakness. But that moment has passed. You don't know anything about me! I was on that terrace ready to jump in order to get rid of the pain of heartache. I am in love. That is not something I can expect a ruthless alien like you ever to understand! My husband was taken from me. He was on a mission, and his ship exploded on re-entry into Earth. I am in mourning. I grieve him deeply. That is why I was up there. I was thinking of him. Life without him didn't seem worth living. But as I said, it was a moment that passed. I want to go home. I don't expect you to know the grief that I know because you have never been in love with anyone but yourself!” she shouted.

  My eyes filled with anger. Her words hit me hard, like I had been shot with a blaster gun. She knew much about me without knowing me for very long. It was true; I had never known love, but love was for fools and the weak. I was neither. But I did not like hearing it from her. She made it sound like it was something to pity about me. No one pitied me.

  She began to cry a solemn cry; she made no noise, but tears fell down her cheeks. I realize that if I kept her on board this ship, this is what I would be dealing with. She did not know that her husband's death was not an accident. She did not know that I was the cause of his death. She knew nothing. But seeing her cry over her husband every day would remind me that I was the source of her pain, of her weakness. I didn't want to deal with that on a daily basis even if bedding her was an incredible experience.

  “You want to return to Earth? Then that is what you shall have, human! But I doubt that after a few days alone on Earth you won't be back on that terrace ready to jump. You are weak. You're vulnerable. At least here you would experience a life different than what you have known, a life that brings you great pain. I want to hear nothing more of it,” I shouted. I walked away from her toward the door.

  “What does that mean? Are you taking me back? When will I go? Answer me, Evex!”

  I t
urned to her, boiling with rage, more because I was going to give up this human female and I wasn't ready for it. But I took out that rage on her. “Do not call me by my first name, human. You will address me as Leader Ein!” I growled the words to her. She stepped back, scared. Good; let her be scared of me.

  I walked out of her living quarters closing the door behind me. I stomped on to the control room to find Lieutenant Draxel.

  “Lieutenant Draxel! A word in private!”

  He nodded and followed me out into the hallway where I let him into a room. It was a small room with solid walls, meant for private conversations. He closed the door behind him as he entered.

  “You will keep this between us. You will take the human female on a small shielded transport. You will take her back to her home; you will tell no one. This is to be done in secret. You are not to be seen not by anyone here, or on Earth. Use the invisible shields. Make the arrangements and then let me know when you have a window for departure. I want it done within the next few hours. As soon as possible do you understand?”

  “I do, Leader Ein. In secret.”

  “Exactly. Now go and make the arrangements and keep me posted.”

  “Yes, Leader Ein,” he saluted me and left the room. I stayed in the room. I closed the door. Now with the sound shields in place, there was only one thing I could do: I let out a long and loud scream of anger. What was this human doing to me?

  Chapter Six

  Imuna Parker

  Out of nowhere, the one called Lieutenant Draxel came into the living quarters that I had made my home for almost three days now on the mothership. He didn't say anything except, follow me. I was surprised. I didn't know what was happening. I followed him out of the room and down the familiar hallway. But then we took a turn down a smaller hallway, one that I did not see on my way in. Then before I knew it, we were walking toward a small transport, almost like the one I came in, only smaller.

  “What is happening?”

  “I am to take you home. To Earth,” he said as he opened the door to the transport. I looked at him with wide eyes. I looked around. I did not see Evex. I was expecting him to be there, was he not even going to say goodbye? Was this a trick?

  “Really? Just like that? I am able to go back to Earth?”

  “It is my orders to take you back to your home on Earth, from where you were taken. That is all I know. I mean to follow my orders quickly and efficiently. Now get in, or I will have to pick you up and drop you in,” he said.

  I took one last look around. Was Evex watching me from somewhere? I couldn't see him anywhere. I climbed into the transport, not wanting to miss this chance to return home. But a part of me eight to say words to him. I didn't know why, but I felt the need to tell him goodbye. Perhaps even give him a goodbye kiss, something to remember. But he was nowhere to be found. I grew angry as I realized I was being thrown away like trash. I strapped myself into the seat and waited. Lieutenant Draxel went through the series of launching the ship and then we were out in space. After an hour, and realizing we were headed back in the direction of Earth, I curled up in my seat and fell asleep.

  Almost ten hours later, I was being quietly dropped off in the middle of the night on my terrace. I couldn't believe this was really happening.

  “Tell Leader Ein that I said thank you,” I said to Lieutenant Draxel as I climbed out of the flying vehicle that we had taken from a landing port and flew to my building. He nodded in acknowledgment but said nothing else. As soon as I was on my feet and steady, he flew away. I watched him fly into the night. Had all of that really happened? I walked into my penthouse apartment, the sliding glass was still open, from when I had stepped out onto the terrace that fateful day.

  I closed it behind me and locked it. I turned on all the lights and looked around. It was home. But it didn't feel like home anymore. For some reason, it felt foreign after having a grand adventure in space and not having my husband living there any longer. I went to my bathroom and took a long hot bath. I needed to relax and pretend that none of this had ever happened. I definitely had a new lease on life, and I had to thank Evex for that.

  The next day was Tuesday; I had spent a long weekend away from my work at The Intergalactic Bank. Which meant I missed Monday without calling in because I wasn't even on the planet, but they didn't know that. As soon as I walked in, I felt my co-workers looking at me. I felt like they could all see it. I felt like they could see that I had slept with an alien, a forbidden Ition. I looked down at the ground not wanting to make eye contact.

  “Imuna? Mr. Gregory would like to see you.”

  “Thank you; I will be right in,” I told Mr. Gregory's assistant. I straightened up and went to his office one floor above the floor that my office was on. Mr. Gregory was my boss.

  “You wanted to see me?”

  “Yes, Imuna, please sit down. Can I get you anything? Some water or hot tea?” he said looking at me with pity. I had seen this look before, right after my husband died. I knew what was coming.

  “No, I am fine. Thank you”

  “I was told that you did not make it into work yesterday. Nor did you call in?” he said.

  “Yes, I apologize. I could not sleep all weekend, and my doctor gave me something to sleep, and I slept right on through the day. I woke up late in the evening, too late to call. But I am here now,” I said.

  “I know that you are still in mourning. You have extreme grief. Are you sure that you should be back at work already? Maybe you should take more time off?” He crossed his arms in front of his chest and leaned on the desk.

  “No. I'm fine. Every day is a little easier. I will get there, I am sure. Work is good for me. My work has not suffered, if you have not noticed, other than the unexplained absence yesterday,” I said.

  “That is true. Your work is remarkable. Almost perfect. I just wanted to make sure that you knew the option was there,” he said.

  “Thank you again. I do appreciate it. But I am ready and available for work here at the bank. I do not want to lose this job; it is very important to me.”

  “I understand. Then please return to your work and let us know if you do need time off at any time; we just need to know ahead of time,” he said.

  “Yes, I understand.”

  He put out his hand for me to shake it. I shook his hand and then let myself out of his office. I walked downstairs and kept my head in my work the rest of the day.

  This was how I spent the next two weeks. Keeping my head down, doing my work to perfection, and lying in bed alone at night with thoughts that went from my husband to Evex, and back again. I could not get the strong and attractive alien out of my mind no matter how much I wanted to.

  I think it was the way we left things unsaid. There was no closure. He wasn't even the one that took me back to Earth, nor did he say goodbye.

  But it really did get a little easier every day. More and more the grief was starting to become easier to cope with and being in mourning wasn't as hard as it was in the beginning. I knew that I had Evex to thank for that, but I didn't want to admit that to myself. I didn't want to admit that having sex with someone else had given me the release that I needed. It felt wrong, and yet it was so right.

  On a Saturday night, I decided to treat myself to something I had not done in a long time. I was going to have some alone time with actual enjoyment. I was ordering in, I had a list of movies to watch, and I was going to take a nice relaxing bath. I ordered Chinese food and laid it out on the living room rug to eat picnic style while I watched a comedy. It was the first time I had laughed and enjoyed myself since Sion had left. I had been keeping myself busy with work, coming home eating a quick meal and going to bed just to rise early again the next day and do the same thing over and over again. But it being the weekend, I decided that I needed to break out of my routine. It wasn't exactly wild girls’ night out, but I wasn't ready for that yet. I was taking baby steps to come back into the woman that I was.

  After eating way too many egg r
olls and servings of orange chicken, I filled the tub for a nice warm bath after watching a movie that made me laugh to tears. I lit some candles in the bathroom and then took off my clothes to sink into the water. I laid down in the tub, allowing my muscles to relax. I grabbed a sponge and began to wash my body slowly. It was then that I noticed something strange about my belly. It looked darker; maybe it was just the candlelight. But then it wasn't changing as I moved out of the shadow. I stood up from the tub and wrapped a towel around me. I carefully went to the light switch and turned it on. I stood in front of the mirror and looked down at my belly. I gasped. It was a light blue color, barely a tint to it. I could see how it escaped my attention before when changing clothes, but now that I was really looking at it, it was obvious.

  I ran to my living room and called a close friend, Gina. I had not spoken to her regularly in the last few months, since Sion's death. But I needed her. She was a doctor, and she could help me figure out what the hell was wrong with me. Could this be food poisoning?


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