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Evex_Warriors Of Ition

Page 7

by Maia Starr

  She looked up at me, her green eyes searching mine. I could tell that her eyes were beginning to water again. What could I do? She always seemed sad and vulnerable. What Now?

  “Does that make you sad? Me telling you the truth? What can I do to make you happy? What is it? Why do you cry now? I only want to touch you,” I asked.

  She cried. “I can't tell you, Evex. I just can't. Please go,” her lips trembled.

  I needed to kiss her. I had to. I pulled her into my arms and pressed my lips against hers. She went limp in my arms, giving in to the kiss. My hands moved up and down her back, holding her up to me. She moaned as I kissed her. I pulled her white silk nightgown up with my hands pulling it further and further along her thighs. I kissed her deeply, her mouth opened letting my tongue in. I moved the silk up over her hips and belly until I was pulling it over her head. She moaned in ecstasy. I couldn't wait to put my cock inside of her. I leaned down to scoop her up into my arms. Then I stopped.

  “What the hell?” I said as I looked at her body.

  She gasped and put her hands over her belly: her blue belly. I looked at her, searching her face.

  “Why didn't you tell me, Imuna? You are pregnant? That is why your belly is blue. This only happens when you are pregnant with an Ition’s child. It is my child! You weren't going to tell me?”

  “I am sorry. Please don't take it from me. It is mine. Please just go,” she trembled as she grabbed her slip off the floor and put it on.

  “Go? You want me to go and just leave you here with my child? I can't do that. Do you know what they will do to that child on this planet? Do you know what they will do to you? No. I can't do that.”

  “That is not your choice! This is my body, and this is my child. You cannot tell me what to do.”

  “And what are you going to do? You plan to just give birth to this child in secret and lock it in this apartment forever? No, no child of mine will be treated badly.” I was angry, but we also had to move. Now that I saw that she was carrying my child, everything changed. It wasn't just lust and desire driving me; it was life. The life of my child. I moved into her closet and grabbed a large bag. I set it on the bed and begin to put her clothes in it. I tossed a warm sweater and pants to her with a heavy coat.

  “Put that on. We are leaving in two minutes,” I said.

  She quietly put it on. Even though she was protesting, she knew that I was right. An alien hybrid child could not be raised on this planet. It was impossible.

  Chapter Ten

  Imuna Parker

  I was giving into my desire, again. I felt so much lust for Evex. It made all logic go out the window. As soon as he started kissing me, my guard dropped. I was in the moment. I was savoring every moment of his kiss and feeling his strong large hands on me. I dropped my guard that I almost forgot that I was carrying his child. It wasn't until I was standing in front of him naked and he was looking at me in shock that I remembered. He was looking at my belly, which had grown into a darker blue color over the last few days. It was something that I was learning about being pregnant with an Ition’s child. The further the development was, the bluer my skin turned. I had come to terms with being pregnant with an alien child, but I had not come to terms with the fact that the father would be standing in front of me demanding answers.

  Now, he was packing clothes for me. There was no denying that I did want to go with him, but I didn't know what waited for me on that mothership with him. How would he treat me? Would he take this child from me after it was born? Only to pretend that he wasn't while I was carrying the child? I had so many questions, and I wasn't ready to give in just yet. I put on the clothes that he handed me: a large warm sweater and loose black trousers. I put on the clothes, thick socks, and my boots. I put on my coat. Then I looked at him as he zipped up my bag.

  “I am not sure that I should be doing this. I can't trust you. I don't even know you,” I said to him.

  “That does not matter. The only thing that matters is that you carry my child. You cannot do this on your own, especially not on this planet. Now I will have no more argument; we need to go.”

  Just then there was a buzzing sound. It was my communication line.

  “What is that? Is someone at the door?” he asked.

  “No, it is a call on my communication line. I will just ignore it. I don't know who would be calling this late anyway.”

  Then it stopped ringing and the record machine picked it up.

  “Imuna, it's Gina.”

  My heart dropped as soon as I heard her voice. She had been avoiding me, and this could not be good.

  “I am so sorry. I couldn't keep your secret any longer. I just thought that I should let you know. I wish you the best of luck,” she said and then hung up.

  I looked at Evex with wide eyes. I began to panic.

  “What does that mean?” he said walking over to me with my bag in his hands.

  “Shit! She knows that I am pregnant with an Ition’s baby. She must have told the authorities.”

  “We have to get out of here now!” he said as he handed me the bag and then scooped me up into his arms. he carried me out onto the terrace. There was a flying car hovering at the end of the terrace. Just then, a buzzing sound went off.

  “That is my front door. Someone's at the front door. It has to be the authorities,” I said in a panic.

  Evex set me down on my feet, and I climbed into the car. He climbed in after me. Just as he closed the door, I could hear my door being broken down inside the apartment. The vehicle steered away from the building. He flew fast and recklessly.

  “We have to get out of here as soon as possible. Before they identify that you are with me. They will shoot down my ship, or chase us,” he said.

  “Seriously!” I said in a panic.

  “Lieutenant Draxel, ready to ship for takeoff right now. We are being hunted. I will be there in forty-five seconds. I want to launch as soon as I am on the ship.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Two minutes later we were boarding the transport ship that I was already familiar with. I quickly climbed aboard while Evex moved behind me carrying my bag. I couldn't believe this was happening. It was such a rash decision, and I wasn't one to make rash decisions like that. But what could I do? My life on Earth was over. Gina saw to that. If I stayed, I would be put in prison. I had to go.

  The ship launched straight into the atmosphere. I closed my eyes, truly understanding what was happening. As soon as we got into the darkness of space, I looked at Earth. My home planet: I would never see it again.

  Suddenly Evex stood in front of me. His eyes were alive with anger, and he ran his hand through his blue-black hair that hung over the side of his face.

  “What does that human female know? Your friend that called you. What did you tell her? Why did you tell her?”

  “I didn't tell her on purpose, you jerk. I didn't know what was wrong with me. My belly had turned blue, and I thought I was sick. She is a medical doctor and a friend, so I called her to my home to take a look at me. But she is familiar with the symptoms that a human female has when becoming pregnant with an Ition’s baby. She knew instantly, and she was the one to tell me that I was pregnant. It is not as if I betrayed the secret on purpose.”

  “And what else did you tell her? You told her about me?”

  “No. I did not. There wasn't time. As soon as she knew, she ran out of my home. She was terrified to be involved. The less information that she knows, the better for her; she knew that and so did I. She does not know about you.”

  “Good. Then whatever she told the authorities, she did not mention me.”

  “Yes, you are clear. It is only I that will never be able to return to Earth, my home. So you can rest easy about yourself,” I shot anger at him as I sat there. He was such a jerk to only be thinking about himself at this moment. I was the one being taken from home, and I would never see it again, yet he was more concerned with the Earth Council coming after him for impregnating a hum
an. It was all that he was thinking about. How could I let this alien be the father of my child? He was still ruthless, and he only softened when he was filled with lust. What had I gotten myself into?

  “Slow down. We can't make our path to the mothership look any different than what our usual speed is. We cannot look suspicious to the humans,” he turned to tell his pilot. It made me angry or that we were in the middle of talking and he turned away from me and went about the business of getting us away from Earth. I was shown to a room, a small one. I wasn't even shown to his room. I was in the small holding room that I had been in before. Fine, I was glad for it. I didn't want to be near him. At this moment, I hated him. Once again, he had taken me from Earth, but the first time was without my permission, and this second time was because I had no other choice. Even if I ran off to live in the country and some isolated place, I would still be having an Ition child, and I wouldn't be able to hide that for long.

  Hours later, Evex walked into the room.

  “We are on the mothership? We are docking?” I asked not knowing how much time had passed because I had drifted off for a nap.

  “No, we are still hours away.”

  “Then what? Why are you here? Leave me alone,” I said.

  He closed the door and walked over to me. He sat down on the bed next to me, quietly. I could tell that he was calm.

  “I cannot leave you alone. I never should have left you in the first place. Don't you see, human? I have fallen for you. I thought that it was only lust and desire at first, but now I know that I love you. I love you deeply. You are all that I think about. Now that you carry my child, it is meant to be,” he said putting his large hand on my belly.

  His eyes were gentle and soft as he looked at me. It was the first time that I had seen him soften like this, except for when he was making love to me. I had to admit that feeling his warm hand on my belly made me feel safe. I felt like I wasn't in this alone.

  “You love me?”

  “I do. And I will love our child together. I would never take this child from you. I don't know what would possess you to think that. This is our child together. We will raise it together, on my home planet. You will love it there, you will see. It is a lot like Earth. Lots of greenery, plants, water, oceans. It is beautiful, even more so than Earth. Our child will be accepted there and treated with respect. I need you Imuna. But most of all, I need you to need me too,” he said.

  “Oh, Evex…” I whispered.

  He leaned over and kissed me. I felt safe with him. After feeling like I was about to be arrested by the authorities on Earth, I had never felt safer than in the strong blue hands of this alien leader. I felt my nipples harden and ache for his touch. I felt the moisture gathering between my thighs. I wanted him, but not in the lustful way that I had felt the first time I was with him; this was different. I wanted him to make love to me. I wanted some sort of sweetness that I could not explain.

  “I love you, Imuna. Damn, I love you and want to protect you,” he whispered as his lips kissed mine over and over as though he could not get enough.

  “I want your protection. I do need you, Evex. I need you and our child needs you,” I said.

  He moaned and pushed me back onto the bed. I surrendered to him. I wanted him to just own me in a way that only a male could own a female. I wanted to give him everything, including this child.

  He pushed up the sweater I wore to my shoulders. He kissed my naked breasts softly. Then he put his hands on my belly and placed soft kisses. He looked up at me through his blue-black hair and smiled. He seemed so proud to be on the verge of becoming a father. Then he looked down at my blue belly and whispered, “I can’t wait to meet you.”

  The sweet notion made my eyes water. He moved higher and kissed my mouth sweetly, and slowly. I pushed my hands into his hair feeling the desire inside of me mix with the strong emotional bonding of love. I was done for. I was his, all of his. Whatever he wanted of me, he would have. I wanted to be his lifelong mate.

  Evex stopped kissing me and stood up. I moved, but he stopped me, “No. Don’t move. You must be careful. We must be careful. You carry our child. Allow me,” he said as he undressed me with caution. He slowly unbuttoned my pants and pulled off my boots. He slid my pants and panties down to the ground and off of me. Then he pulled my sweater off and slowly laid me gently down on the bed, turning me so that my head was on the pillow.

  “Let me pleasure you, Imuna,” he whispered. I nodded my head eagerly. He laughed at my enthusiasm. His hands roamed over my body like he was a masseuse as he caressed my skin and kneaded my body. Then he climbed on the bed and positioned his face between my thighs. He groaned as he looked at my sweet center. I felt desirable. I felt wanted.

  Evex pushed his face onto my center and licked me. I moaned and wiggled underneath him. His long tongue moved up and down my slit. Licking and kissing me. Then his tongue landed on my bud and pressed there. “Oh yes. Yes, please don’t stop.”

  “I’m only getting started,” he said.

  His hands moved under my bottom, supporting me as he licked and kissed and licked some more. I was on the brink; then he would stop and kiss the inside of my thigh. He was prolonging the pleasure, over and over until I thought I would lose my mind.

  Finally, after much teasing, he concentrated on my bud, not letting up. His tongue pressed and moved back and forth, left to right.

  “I’m going to release. I can’t hold out,” I whispered.

  He didn’t stop. He kept doing exactly what he was doing. I felt powerful with this strong alien leader pleasuring me. Then I fell deep into a pleasurable release. The pulsing throbbed my entire center. I squeezed my legs and pressed his face between my thighs. He slowly licked up and down, drinking my nectar. I grabbed the sheets in my hands and squeezed as I moaned.

  “Oh Evex…oh…” I whimpered.

  He let out a small laugh and moved up my body. But he lay beside me on the bed not on top of me as he licked my breasts. I was still enjoying the fog of the ecstasy around me as my trembling body vibrated with pleasure.

  “You are damn sexy, human female,” he whispered.

  “And so are you, alien Leader,” I teased.

  “Look how hard you make me,” he said as he wrapped his hand around his hard staff.

  “I can see that,” I said.

  “I don’t want to hurt you. You are too fragile in your state,” he said. “I am twice your size.”

  “I think I can handle that,” I said as I sat up. I put my hand on his chest and pushed him down. He laid down.

  “What are you doing, Imuna?”

  “Watch,” I said. I straddled his stomach and placed soft kisses on his chest.

  “I see. Are you sure?”

  “Yes, with me on top, I am in control. Your weight cannot harm the baby or me this way,” I said.

  “I trust you,” he said.

  I smiled and grabbed his cock. He put his hands on my waist and lifted me up. I slowly pushed the tip of his cock inside of me and then slowly sat toward him.

  “Oh fuck. Yes, yes,” he moaned as he watched me slid down his hard member.

  I moaned with the delicious sensation. We both looked at each other, locking eyes as I moved down his cock. Then he was completely inside of me.

  “Are you alright?” he whispered.

  “Yes, more than alright,” I said. Then I began to move my hips, grinding on top of him. He breathed hard as his hands moved from my waist to my breasts. He pinched my nipples and massaged my mounds. I placed my hands in my red hair, letting him have access to my breasts easily. Then I lifted myself up and down, over and over.

  “That feels good. Fuck that feels good,” he moaned.

  Being on top felt good. I felt in control of this powerful alien leader. I had him under my spell as I decided how fast to go. I slowed down, then sped up. I liked playing with him, watching his face change as though he was on the brink, just so that I could stop again. But as I played with him, I felt the fam
iliar sensation build inside of me as well. I was on the brink once more.

  “I’m going to cum,” I said.

  I moved faster on top of him, placing my hands on his stomach for balance.

  “Me too,” he whispered. Then his body tensed underneath me. I released in pleasure just as I felt his strong fluids rush inside my body.

  A few minutes later, we lay side by side. I was exhausted from the round of pleasure. Evex lay beside me, caressing my body, always putting his hand on my belly.

  “I promise myself to you, Imuna. I promise myself to you and this child. I will always be there to protect you both. You are my everything. We can do this together. Nothing will change the happiness that we have together now. Nothing.”


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