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Evex_Warriors Of Ition

Page 13

by Maia Starr

  Chapter 7

  Captain Alicron Qinov

  “Where are we going? Look at me. I am covered in mud,” the human female Vicki complained.

  “You are welcome for my rescuing you,” I said sarcastically.

  “Thank you. But what about Nancy?” she asked, and she followed me along the ravine. I had successfully led her out of the encampment of cyborgs. Now we had to put some distance between us and them.

  “We will have to come back for her. First, I need to find the others. I can do a lot on my own, but I can't take on that many machines. It is better that we try to find my crew before we return to get your friend,” I said.

  “And how do you think we should find this crew? They could be anywhere,” she said.

  “You heard what they said. Ten miles to the east from here they found more of my ship. We will go there,” I said.

  “You heard them say that? But wait, we can't do that. We can't go where they're going,” she said.

  “We can if we are careful and quiet,” I said looking at her. “Clearly, we are on their planet, and they know the terrain better than we do. But we could at least head in that direction. Maybe we will run into my soldiers or some of the human females on the way,” I said.

  “Oh, is that your plan? That is the best you can do?” she said. I had had enough of this. I turned to face her. She was covered in mud. I tried not to laugh.

  “Do you have a better idea, human? Would you like me to leave you here alone? Maybe you can come up with the plan and do it on your own. Or did you forget that I had to rescue you from those machines?” I said.

  “Rescue me? I wouldn't be here in the first place if you had not taken me against my will from my own planet, or did you forget about that? I hate you, you blue giant jerk!” she said.

  “I am going off to find the rest of my crew. You can stay here if you're going to continue to bitch the entire way. I don't need that. No matter how sexy you are, I am not going to put up with your constant crap!”

  “You don't have to be such a jerk about it!” she said.

  “You don't have to be so loud. Are you trying to get captured again?” I said putting my hand on her mouth. She looked up at me. Touching her mouth with my hand, I felt a surge of heat run through my body. Suddenly I felt very turned on. I really wished that we were still on my ship so that I could take her, claim her right there at that moment. It is what I wanted to do. But I could not.

  “We should get cleaned up. I can't have you leaving a trail of mud for the machines to follow,” I said as I took my hand off of her mouth. I turned away from her and continued walking. She quietly followed. Whatever I had done had finally made her quiet.

  When we were a safe distance away from the cyborg camp, I found a small creek. I walk to the edge of it and stuck my hand in it.

  “Is it water?” she asked.

  “It is,” I said. Then I walked into the creek. It came up to my waist, and I dunked my head under. I was glad to get the mud off of me because it had started to grow hard. I came back up to the surface. I looked at Vicki. She was just standing there.

  “What are you waiting for? Are you going to leave that mud on you?” I asked.

  “No, I guess not,” she said. Then she slowly walked into the creek. It was a lot higher on her small frame, coming up to her breast. She dove under the water and swam around. I walked back onto the bank of the creek and sat down. I took off my boots and then stood up to take off my belt and pull my pants down.

  “Wait! What are you doing?” she asked. I looked at her standing in the creek with her eyes wide.

  “I have mud everywhere. I don't know about you. I want to get it off,” I said as I pulled my trousers completely off. She stood there staring at me. Her eyes were directly on my crotch. All I could do was smile. The Kynon had no shame in our bodies or our nakedness. This was our natural way of being. I jumped back into the water and swam around naked.

  “You can't tell me that you don't have mud lodged between your skin and your clothes,” I said to her.

  “So, maybe I do,” she said.

  “We are on a strange planet. I do not know this planet. I do not know what kind of microorganisms could be in that mud, possibly borrowing into your skin,” I said.

  “Agh!” she screamed. She quickly pulled off her shirt and threw it on the bank of the creek. Then the rest of her clothes came off. She had her back turned to me but I could still see the shape of her body. The pale creaminess of her skin was making me aroused. It was so different than my own blue skin. It was exotic to me. She turned around to face me. Her hands were over her breasts.

  “Why do you hide your nakedness, human? I do not understand why you are ashamed,” I said to her.

  “I don't hide out of shame. I am hiding so that you don't look at me,” she said.

  “I do not understand. Why would you not want me to look at you? You are allowed to look at me,” I said standing up out of the water letting her see me.

  She gasped and turned away from me.

  “No, you don't understand. It is just wrong. You don't know how life is on Earth,” she said.

  “Well if it means hiding your beauty, then I don't know that I want to know what life is like on Earth,” I said swimming around in the water.

  She slid deeper into the water, hiding her nakedness under it. “Can I just wash in peace?” she said as she washed her hair under the water getting the ponytail out of her hair and the mud.

  We swim in silence, swimming and watching. Then I grabbed my boots and my pants and washed them in the creek. Then I laid them out to dry on a hot rock with the sun hitting it. I looked at Vicki. She looked at me with her big eyes. She was staring at her clothes.

  “I suppose you want me to hand your items to you?” I said.

  “Yes, that would be nice. I need to wash them,” I said.

  I looked at her and then looked at the clothes. They weren't too far from the edge of the water. She could reach them, but she would be out of the water more than she wanted to. I went to her clothes and picked them up. Then I stepped further away from the water.

  “Wait. What are you doing? Where are you taking those?” she said.

  “You need to get over your shame of being naked. If you want your clothes, you are going to have to come get them,” I said setting them down on the ground further away than they were before.

  “You arrogant jerk! Can you get any worse?”

  “Yes, I can. Now you can either come get them and wash them so that you can lay them out to dry, or you can stay there. But when my clothes are dry, which I know will be in about fifteen minutes, then I am going to continue on. You can stay here being shameful in the water. Maybe the Vindon leader will find you,” I said.

  “Err! You… you blue buffoon! I hate you,” she said angrily to me.

  “You say that a lot. It means nothing to me,” I said, going to sit on the rock with my clothes, allowing my skin to dry in the sun.

  I watched as she timidly put her arm over her breasts and her other hand covering her blonde curls between her thighs. But this barely covered anything. She tiptoed out of the water. I had an eye for of her pale creamy skin and her jiggling ass. I smiled. It was a good view.

  “I can't believe you. This is such bullshit. I want to go home,” she mumbled to herself over and over as she quickly tiptoed to her clothes. She wadded everything up in a bundle covering her breasts and her crotch and then she tiptoed back into the water. She began to wash her clothes on the bank and set them out on a boulder to dry. But she continued to swim around when she was done with her labor. I actually saw a smile cross her face; she was having fun in the water. I didn't blame her; it was nice and crisp and cool, especially after being covered in mud.

  But as I watched her enjoy herself, a hunger grew inside me like I had never felt before. I was catching glimpses of her hard, pink nipples above the surface of the water as she swam around playing and frolicking. The hunger took hold of me, and I could not
hold back anymore.

  Splash. I jumped in the water and swam over next to her. She stood up. She looked at me with shock on her face. But this time she did not put her hands on her breasts. They were naked and beautiful, allowing me to get a good view of them. Her pink lips trembled slightly and then I knew, she wanted it too. I put my hands on her arms and pulled her naked body against my hard chest and stomach. I covered her mouth with my own. I savored this moment, feeling her delicious mouth against mine. She tasted different. I had never tasted anything like it before: like a sweet fruit. My lips brushed against hers, and her mouth slowly opened. I allowed my tongue to move inside of her mouth. She let out a soft moan. She felt weak in my arms as though she was melting. She kissed me back, and I felt her small hands pressed against my stomach.

  But then she stopped. Her hands pressed against me and she pulled away.

  “No. I don't want that. Do not touch me again,” she said. She stomped out of the water on to the bank of the creek. She didn't try to cover her nakedness now as she quickly pulled on her shirt.

  “I apologize, human female. I am used to taking what I want. I am used to taking what is mine,” I said.

  She turned to me and narrowed her eyes. “I do not belong to you. Let me make that very clear,” she said.

  “I think you do,” I said with a smile.

  “No. I do not.”

  “I took you from your planet. Then I rescued you from the machines. I above anyone else have ownership over you. You are mine, human female Vicki.”

  “There is only one person that owns me, and that is myself,” she said. She grabbed her clothes and shoes and moved further down the bank away from me. She climbed on top of a small boulder and sat there drying in the sun. I laughed. She could think that she wasn't mine, but that meant nothing.

  Chapter 8

  Vicki Varsa

  I was not expecting to see the tall blue alien naked. So when he casually took off his pants and stood naked at the side of the creek I was in complete shock. First of all, because it was the first time I had ever seen a naked alien, but also because of the size of his member. He had been completely hard, and it was proportionate to the size of this ten-foot-tall alien. It was long, thick, blue, and I could not take my eyes off of it.

  Then he did something that I wasn't expecting; he kissed me. I surprised myself when he kissed me because I got lost in the moment and kissed him back. Feeling his hard, wet body against mine made me forget that he was an alien. I lost all sense of myself in that moment. I was naked myself and in the water. This tall, gorgeous alien with a perfect long, lean muscular body and blue skin was holding himself against me. At that moment my body grew heated. Even though I was in the cold, crisp water, I felt a flash of heat against me. I felt his hard, long staff press against my stomach. I wanted him to take me. It was wrong. I even wanted him to take me by force, but that kind of thinking was exactly what he wanted. It was in that moment that I finally remembered myself and pushed him away.

  Now, we were traveling along this unknown planet that seemed to be occupied by cyborgs. I didn't know where we were going; he didn't know where we were going. I only knew that I wanted to find my friend Bridget. I really hoped that she was out there somewhere and safe.

  “I don't understand why we are going in the same direction as the cyborgs. We should be going in the completely opposite direction, don't you think? We are going to get caught. The two of us are no match for those robot things. Whatever they are,” I said struggling to keep up with his long stride as he marched ahead of me. I was out of breath. I was used to walking in high heels and pencil skirts from my car into the office, and that was about it.

  “I must find my crew, or parts of my ship. It is possible that I could send out an emergency beacon signal to my home planet or one of our ships out in space. They could send a rescue mission. But I can't do any of that without any leads on where the radio transmitter might be. My point is that the cyborgs know this planet and we don't. Following them to the parts of my ship that they found will give me some knowledge at least. Then I can go from there,” he said.

  “And what do we do if we come across them? What if we get caught? I did not like the way that cyborg leader was looking at me. I don't want to be near him again,” I said.

  “I will deal with that when it happens. You worry too much,” he said.

  “I am an agent; worrying is all I do. I need to know what is going to happen before it happens. I need to plan. I need to schedule. I have to know everything in advance or I can't relax and—”

  “Are you always like this? When do you enjoy life? Are all humans like this?” he asked.

  “I enjoyed life. What makes you think I don't enjoy life? Just because I like to be prepared?” I said.

  “Prepared or in control? I think you have a problem with control. You don't like to lose control, do you?” he said as he stopped walking. I did not know that he had stopped walking and I ran directly into his back. I bounced off of him like he was a wall. He let out a laugh.

  “What is wrong with control? You like to be in control as well. That is why you are a captain, is it not?”

  He turned around to face me. He was only an inch in front of me. He looked down at me from his towering height.

  “I am a captain because I am a damn good soldier. I am a captain because I have the skill to lead. But I am not afraid of losing control,” he said.

  I swallowed. Having him this close to me was staring feelings again. He was just so beautiful to look at.

  “I am not afraid,” I said. But my voice came out very weak, almost a whisper. He smiled as he looked at me.

  “Good, because I need you to be strong. We have a lot to do,” he said.

  “Okay,” I said. He turned around and continued to walk. I took a deep breath and followed him. Why did being that close to him make me feel so unusual? He took me from my planet. He was arrogant and thought that he was entitled to me like I was property. I hated him deeply, so why did my body betray me when he was close to me?

  We continued to walk. Then we came across a very large outcropping of boulders that went up onto a wall of rock.

  “Stay here,” he said.

  “What? No,” I said becoming a little frantic.

  “I am going to climb to the top of this and look on the other side. I have a feeling that is where the cyborgs are. Your weak human body will not be able to climb up this,” he said.

  “That? You are going to climb up that?” I said looking up at the massive rock wall.

  “Yes, it won't take me long. Come this way,” he said.

  I followed him. He walked along the rock wall. “Here.”

  There was a nice cave-like area. It wasn't exactly a full cave, but half of the wall hung over in a ledge creating some shade. I gladly got out of the sun and sat on a large rock. It was nice and cool.

  “Do not make a sound. If you hear anything besides me saying your name, hide. There are plenty of crevices between these rocks for you to hide in. I will not be gone long,” he said.

  “I won't make a noise,” I said.

  “Good. For once, if you would just do what I tell you,” he said in a very dominant and arrogant voice. I narrowed my eyes at him. He was so frustrating. But then he easily began to climb on top of the boulders. My mouth fell open as I watched him. His long blue limbs made easy work of the rock wall. It was like watching a free climber without ropes sped up to one thousand times the speed they normally climb. I could not believe it.

  I continued to watch him climb until he was completely out of range. Then I sat back and enjoyed the shade and took off my boots. I wiggled my toes, allowing my feet to breathe. We had walked a long way. It felt good to give my legs some rest. I watched the horizon of the strange planet as I sat there waiting. The dirt in this area was a bright orange, and the sun was glaring off of it even though it was nearly sunset. There were lots of rocks and dust. It was good for being able to see if anyone was coming from far away, but I
did long for trees and cold water.

  I waited about fifteen minutes before I started to get worried. But then I heard small pebbles falling from the rock wall, and I knew that Alicron was coming back down.


  “Yes,” I whispered. Then he jumped off the wall and landed. He was a sight to see. With the exercise of climbing, his muscles were flexing, and he was breathing hard. I could not take my eyes off his blue chest.

  “They are there,” he said as he walked under the rock ledge and sat down on a rock beside me.

  “What? Who are there? Did you find Bridget?” I said getting anxious.


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