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Evex_Warriors Of Ition

Page 68

by Maia Starr

  "So what happens if—”

  "Next!” she said as she disregarded my question and was already motioning to the next woman in line. I stood up from my chair and went to the next station.

  After getting my photos taken, I finally sat down at a station and scrolled through the photos of potential husbands. There was a photo of them in weredragon form, as well as normal form. It was all very shocking to me. I stared at them with my mouth open. All of them were very appealing, but there was one that stood out amongst the others.

  His name was Commander Kasian Jade. He was a fighting warrior, but had come to Earth to oversee an engineering project in upstate New York. It was his way of life that I found very appealing. He lived out in the country on a plot of sprawling forest with a large cabin and vegetable gardens. Since I was a chef, I knew that I would find great pleasure in cooking from my own garden and living out in the country.

  I was done with city life and the dirty air. I also liked that he was head of an engineering project. It would keep him busy and it meant that he was very intelligent. Of course he was also very easy on the eyes, with beautiful, dirty-blonde locks down to his shoulders and blue eyes that seemed kind. He was the one. I quickly put him at the top of my list.

  As I scrolled through the rest of them I knew that I should not bother. It was recommended that we put five in total on our list. But I had already made up my mind: it would be Commander Kasian Jade or no one at all, at least not this round of registration. If he picked me as well, then it would be a sign, a very good sign. I wrote a big black line through my other four slots meaning that I chose to only list one. Then after completing registration, I went back to my apartment on the west side of Los Angeles and waited for a solid month until I finally got the news. Commander Kasian Jade had chosen me and offered marriage.

  I was shocked, but also extremely thrilled. My life would be dull no longer. I needed a drastic change, and this was it. I did not spend much time thinking about it; I needed something different and if I thought about all the bad things that could happen, I would talk myself out of doing it. I was going to be the wife of a weredragon in New York.

  I packed up all my belongings and sent them ahead of me to his address. Then once I had wrapped up my life in Los Angeles, I flew to New York City where I would stay the night and then take a boat up the Hudson River to Hudson Valley. It was all planned out and perfect. It was wild, and I suddenly started to think of myself as a wild child. I was really going to go through with this. I smiled to myself every time I thought about it. It gave me goosebumps.

  But I wasn't expecting my last night as a bachelorette to be so thrilling and wild, it was unpredictable. It was so unlike me, but then again, I was looking for change, and that change had to come from deep within me. But I didn't know that my actions that night would have bigger consequences than I could ever imagine.

  Chapter 2


  She was hours early! When I saw the note on the table that she had arrived and had taken it upon herself to journey into the woods, I ran outside. I stared at the horizon and the last amounts of pink and orange of the sun were disappearing. She was out there alone in the woods, in unfamiliar territory. I had not bothered to clear many trails or even walk them, because I always flew over the forest.

  “Kelly! Kelly!” I shouted. There was no answer. I ran toward the one and only trail entrance and shifted into dragon form while I was running. Then I flew low along the trail. Branches scratched at my arms and face. I didn’t care; I needed to find her. The forest had bears and wild cats, and about now is the time they would begin to hunt. I had to find my fragile wife to be before the predators did.

  When I set out to find a human female bride, this was not what I was expecting to happen. It all started months ago. I didn't want to be on Earth, but I had no choice. Earth needed me. My king had commanded me to live on Earth for two years to oversee a big project. I had trained as a warrior all my life, but also studied building and engineering. It was theses skills that overshadowed my warrior skills. The king soon took notice and had me in charge of many projects on Mooreah. Then, as terms became more and more agreeable with the humans, he loaned me out to the Earthlings.

  I was to go to Earth and build a large air cleaning system. The Earthlings had taken their environment for granted and the Earth was barely breathable. I agreed to these conditions with my king, for who was I to be disloyal to him? I agreed on the grounds that I would build it in an area full of trees and clean air. I did not want to be in the dirty, polluted cities of Earth. Then we would move it fully assembled into the cities. The king agreed and stationed me in an area known as Upstate New York. When I arrived, I found the place agreeable; after six months, I had even fallen in love with the place.

  I had built a very large home structure that the Earthlings called cabins. It was made of large trees and it was two stories with very large second floor decks perfect for takeoff and landing. It was a very natural home that mixed in with its surroundings reminding me of Mooreah. It was good enough for now, until I could return home to Mooreah.

  But after six months, I grew lonely, I needed companionship, so I registered for the human female bride program. I had always planned on taking a human female bride, but I had planned on taking one while I was in Mooreah and having her flown to Mooreah to meet me. But since I was here, I figured I might as well look for one, the perfect one.

  Looking through the registered brides that were sent to me month after month, I never picked one. That was until I saw her.

  She was called Kelly Perkins. She lived on the other side of the country. When I saw her delicate brown hair, soft features, and small frame, I knew that she was the female for me. There was something very natural about her. When the other brides sent photos to me, they were covered in what the Earthling females called makeup. I didn't find it appealing; there was something very fake and strange about it. We did not have our females on Mooreah using this sort of costumed paint on their face. I was not used to it.

  Then I read her background and saw that she enjoyed the natural environment of what the humans called hiking. She also enjoyed preparing food, which meant she knew greatly about how things grew, plant life. These were the things that I could respect. These were the things that I found attractive. Many brides that I had read before her were something that the Earthlings called models, which simply meant they stood while being photographed. Yes these women were of great beauty, but what would they have to offer a marriage?

  I sought an equal, someone that could contribute to the marriage. If I wanted a beauty that did nothing but birth offspring, I would simply pick a Drackon female. It was not what I wanted. So I sent for her, this Kelly Perkins. She would be arriving in a week’s time. I set her photo down on the table as I prepared to walk out of the cabin and leave to the engineering project, the massive air filters. There was a knock at my door.

  "What are you doing here, brother?" I asked as I saw my brother Orik standing on the other side of the door. He did not wait for me to invite him in; he simply walked in and made himself at home. This was his way, as always.

  "That is the greeting you have for your brother? I have not seen you since you left Mooreah. You didn't even say goodbye then,” he said, moving over to the table.

  "I don't speak to you on Mooreah; why would I seek you out to say goodbye?"

  "I have learned that the King has put a big project in your hands for the Earthlings. I would like to join,” he said to me.

  "No. Now, if you will leave, I have work to do,” I said to him, pointing to the door.

  He looked down at the table and then picked up the photo of Kelly. “Is this why you want me to leave? Do you have company? She is very pretty. Very delicious,” he said to me.

  I snatched the photo from his hands and said, “No. I want you to leave because when I have brought you into a project in the past, you end up stealing funds from the project. This is why I do not speak to you anym
ore, or have you forgotten the last project, brother?”

  He laughed and said, “That was a mistake. I did not steal from that project. I have come all this way. Will you not even offer hospitality to your brother?”

  "No. Leave or I shall have you removed by order of the king. If he knew you were anywhere near this project, he would have you arrested. Does he even know that you have come to Earth?” I said to him sternly.

  “Always telling on me, Kasian. You have been that way since we were younglings. When will you just be on my side for once?” He gave me a grin and then walked out. I moved over to the communication line and contacted my security team at the engineering project.

  "This is Commander Kasian Jade. My brother has arrived on Earth. By no means is he allowed anywhere near the engineering project. I also need three warriors to come to my cabin and guard it while I am gone. He is a very dangerous warrior and is not to be trusted."

  "Yes, Commander, right away.”

  I hung up the line and waited for the security team to arrive. There was no way I would leave my home unattended where there was so much information about the project and about me stored away. My brother had proven himself time and again to be a very bad Drackon warrior. He had nothing but his own interests in mind and often was mixed up in the criminal element of those located on vanilla. I had come to his rescue many times, but after the last mix up on Mooreah a year ago, I cut off all ties with him. I no longer saw him as my brother. That wasn't something that I took very lightly; family meant everything to me.

  I was glad that my new bride was not present when he appeared unannounced at my cabin. It would not be safe for her. Hopefully he would not return, but I knew my brother better than that. I would have to have a security team at all times even after she arrived. I knew that I would eventually have to report his presence to my king, but I hoped that my brother would leave Earth before I had to do that.

  "Do not leave these premises. I also need security to follow my brother,” I said to the security team that arrived at my cabin.

  "I will call it in now, sir. We will be tailing his every move."

  "Just until he leaves this town. I don't need him tailed in other parts of Earth, just here,” I said to them. Then I left my cabin and went to the engineering project. That last order would be an order that I would regret, but I couldn't have known that then. I was too preoccupied with the engineering project and my bride coming the following week.

  Chapter 3


  I landed at the airplane terminal at six o'clock from Los Angeles. I took a taxicab straight into the heart of Manhattan to a very luxurious hotel that my husband to be, Commander Kasian Jade, had paid for. It was a great idea for me to stay the night since I was already arriving after sundown, and then making the trip the next morning refreshed and rested. I already had a long flight from Los Angeles to New York. I wanted to make a good impression when I met my husband to be; I wanted to look my best, not tired. It was nice of him to put me up in digs like these. I planned on changing into a formal dress and having a nice, expensive, gourmet meal alone. After all, food was my life—good food.

  Then maybe I would take a luxurious bubble bath and have a beauty night with a clay mask and deep condition my hair. It would be like my own personal spa. I was very excited when I walked into the hotel lobby.

  “You seem very happy. Haven’t seen a smile like that on a human female since I arrived on Earth; very nice,” I heard a very deep voice say.

  I turned to see a very tall and gorgeous alien Drackon male leaning against the counter. He was so attractive, with brown hair and blue eyes, that he caught me off guard. I had never seen one this close before. He was very, very, tall. He winked and walked away from me into the lobby.

  “How may I help you?” the desk attendant said.

  “I’m checking in. Kelly Perkins,” I said as I looked at the desk attendant. The Drackon’s presence had left me breathless. I sort of took a peek over my shoulder to see if he was still in the area.

  “Yes, Ms. Perkins, we have the penthouse suite all ready for you. Here is your key. Alexander, will you please take Ms. Perkins’ bags to penthouse three? Is there anything else I can do for you, Ms. Perkins?” she asked with a very polite smile.

  “Yes, actually. I would like to make a reservation for dinner at nine in your best restaurant,” I said.

  “Absolutely. How many?” she asked.

  “Just one, only me. Treating myself,” I said to her.

  “Understood, Ms. Perkins. Reservation is made in our Red Room Restaurant. It is our best, for nine o’ clock. Would you like a reminder call to your room thirty minutes before?”

  “No, but thank you,” I said as I grabbed my key and allowed the bellhop to take my bags and lead me up to my room.

  The room was astounding. I tipped the bellhop and closed the door behind me. It was an amazing penthouse, bigger than my apartment in Los Angeles. I walked into a very large sitting area with massive windows that overlooked the city. I moved toward them and pulled the heavy blue drapes all the way open. It was then that I noticed they were actually French doors. I pulled them open onto a large veranda outside. There were tables and lounge chairs, all for me. I jumped up and down and then moved back inside. There was a large welcome basket and two bottles of champagne and strawberries. It was then that I noticed the pink envelope. I greedily opened it. It read “ – to my Kelly. Please enjoy these gifts in thanks you for agreeing to take a chance on me. Yours, Commander Kasian Jade.”

  “Oh my! He’s such a romantic. I hope that he is everything I want him to be,” I smiled. Then I moved to the bedroom. I gasped. There was a large canopy bed with lace curtains. The antique vanity dressing area was perfect. Then there was the main bathroom; I say main because there was a half bathroom in the hallway between the bedroom and sitting room.

  “Oh! It’s perfect!” I shouted as I ran in. The tub was so large, I thought I might be able to swim inside of it. Everything was made of white marble and chandeliers dangled from the ceiling. I twirled across the room. I went back to the main room and popped the champagne and ate a few strawberries. There wasn’t enough time to take a long bath, so I took my champagne into the bathroom and jumped in for a quick shower. Even the shower was incredible, with powerful water jets and aromatherapy steam. I could get used to this. When I was done with drying off, I poured another glass of champagne, and another, and another. Before I knew it, I was finishing off the bottle while brushing my hair. Oops, I said to myself as I felt very tipsy.

  I put on a red silk dress and red heels and I felt like a million bucks. I brushed my hair into a slick ponytail on top of my head. I put on dangling silver earrings and bracelets to match. I wanted to feel like I was having a night on the town, even though I was only going downstairs.

  I left the amazing penthouse and took the elevator down to the lobby. I secretly looked around for the gorgeous Drackon warrior that I had seen earlier. I knew that I was getting married soon, but there was no harm in looking. I walked into the restaurant and the host led me to my table. It was a very busy restaurant, but it was quiet and elegant, with candlelight on every table. A piano was being played in the corner and it was perfect and low key, yet still extravagant. It was very New York.

  I sat down at the table and set the fabric napkin in my lap. I requested water and another glass of champagne from the waiter; I figured I might as well keep my buzz going to prevent me from setting into early hangover symptoms. Then I ordered a very indulgent meal of soup, filet mignon, sautéed vegetables and truffles, and a salad. I savored every single bite. I was truly in my element with the nice food. I really enjoyed cooking. Of course, I also kept the champagne flowing.

  “Anything else, Ms. Perkins?” the waiter asked after he took my empty plate when I had finished the meal.

  “Yes, New York cheesecake with dark chocolate,” I said with a smile. “And maybe some sort of rich chocolate coffee cocktail?”

bsolutely, Ms. Perkins. We have a very nice Irish coffee with a shot of dark chocolate and the best whiskey all the way from Scotland,” he said with a smile.

  “Yes, that sounds perfect, but could you make it a double?” I said, feeling very indulgent about my nightcap.

  I dug into the cheesecake, and it did not disappoint me. As I licked the chocolate off the fork from the last bite, I realized that I was being watched. I looked toward the bar and I saw the Drackon warrior from the lobby. He was smiling at me. I felt so awkward and startled by his handsome face that I turned away from him quickly.

  I put the fork down and drank from the coffee. Each time I looked into the mysterious Drackon’s eyes, he was staring at me. A piece of me enjoyed it, as I wasn't expecting any excitement like this for the night, other than really good food.

  Then I did something risky. The next time we locked eyes, I batted my lashes and smiled at him. My heart began to beat so fast. It was exceptionally daring of me and I knew I was being such a bad girl. He grinned back. I was feeling flushed everywhere. I looked away and started to finish my coffee. I knew I should be getting back to the room to take a bath and relax. Tomorrow would be a big day for me. I looked up in order to ask the waiter for the check. Then I heard.


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