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Earthman Jack vs. The Secret Army (Earthman Jack Space Saga Book 2)

Page 23

by Matthew Kadish

  “A poet???” said Jack, shocked beyond belief. “Shepherd?”

  Seqis laughed. “Oh, yes,” he replied. “He was always scribbling poems in those notebooks of his. Kept trying to make them shorter and more poignant. He always said that complicated was easy, but simple was extremely hard – in writing as well as in combat. I’d never seen anyone tackle their training with such passion. It was quite unusual for a man of his age to become a Warrior Paragon, but he was motivated. Not just by the death of his wife, but by the life of the Princess. He felt it was his duty to protect her, and such a duty meant he had to be the best guardian he could possibly be. It was that passion of his that inspired me to follow him into service. It was under his recommendation that the Princess named me Supreme Commander of the Royal Vanguard.”

  “Wow,” said Jack. “I had no idea.”

  “He was a great man,” mused Seqis. “He always seemed to know the right course of action, no matter the situation. The night you spirited away our little Princess, I asked myself ‘What would Shepherd do?’”

  An image of Shepherd ripping out Jack’s lungs and gazing into his open chest wound flashed into Jack’s mind and made him chuckle. “Something tells me he wouldn’t be talking to me as nicely as you are,” said Jack with a smile.

  Seqis laughed. “He always was a tad overprotective,” he said. “Rest assured, I confronted Princess Glorianna about this matter just as I am you, and I made it clear to her that under absolutely no circumstances was such a thing ever to happen again without my express permission.”

  “And what did she say?” asked Jack.

  Seqis was quiet for a moment, regarding Jack with a kind smile. Finally, he sighed. “I believe her exact words were: I am Princess Glorianna of Legacy Prime, Blood of the Ancients, and heir to the throne of the Empire. If I want to sneak out at night with my friend to watch a robot wrestling match, I need no one’s permission to do so.” Jack couldn’t help but laugh at that. Seqis even joined in with him. “It would appear you are an extremely bad influence, Earthman,” said Seqis.

  “Hey, those are the best kinds,” replied Jack.

  “There’s a distinction here, though, which I feel the need to make very clear to you,” said Seqis. “I am soulbound to obey the Royal Family, no matter what. When we take our vows of service, we swear to live and die by the word of Legacy Prime, whether we agree with those words or not. We obey the orders of the Princess – any order, no exception. It is not my place to dictate to the Princess what decisions she should and should not make. If she orders that she is to go off with you on your spaceship to see a robot wrestling match, then that is what we shall allow. Thus is the drawback of my position. I must always obey the Princess, no matter what. That obligation, however, does not extend to you.”

  “Fair enough,” said Jack. “So you’re telling me never to pull something like this again?”

  “That’s exactly what I’m telling you,” said Seqis. “I like you, Jack. You are tenacious, and brave, and I believe you are a true friend to the Princess – something of which she has precious few. But if ever the situation arises where you endanger her in any way, I will not hesitate to deal with you appropriately, nor will my sworn companions. I am letting this incident slide because of your commitment to Princess Glorianna’s well-being in the past. But this is the last time I will extend such leniency. From here on out, you are officially on notice. Do you understand what I’m telling you?”

  Jack nodded. “Don’t tick off the Royal Vanguard,” Jack said sheepishly.

  “A wise strategy,” replied Seqis.

  Chapter 19

  Hands in his pockets, Jack shuffled along the hallway leading back to his quarters. He’d gotten worse lectures in his time than the one Seqis had administered, but for some reason, the warning the warrior had given Jack felt far more serious than anything that could have ever been dished out in school. Despite his abashed mood, Jack couldn’t help but smile as he remembered his night out on the town with Anna. It had been a lot of fun up until the end when she’d flat-out rejected him. Jack felt bad that he wouldn’t be able to hang out with her like that again. From what he could tell, Anna’s life in the Empire seemed pretty dreary. She needed someone to get her away from it every once in a while.

  I am a Hero of the Empire, he thought to himself. Maybe I could set up more outings like that with her, but get permission first. Who’d tell us “no”?

  Jack remembered the way Anna had looked at him as they had sat upon that over-pass. The way her eyes had half-closed as he’d leaned in to kiss her. He’d never really kissed a girl before, but something had told him that’s what they looked like when they wanted to be kissed. If it hadn’t been for the fact that she was engaged to some loser, Jack was convinced she would have totally wanted to be with him.

  Maybe I shouldn’t give up on her just yet, he thought. Maybe I could steal her away from her fiancé? Maybe I could be the one she wants to marry? Is it really so crazy to think I could pull that off? I mean, who’d have thought I could take out a Deathlord fleet and beat down their Supreme Commander? That was probably way harder to do than this would be. She already likes me, right? And now that I’m a famous hero, maybe others wouldn’t think it’s such an unusual thing for us to be together.

  That’s when Jack made up his mind. He was going to stop playing the victim. He was going to take control of his destiny. He figured he’d pulled off the impossible before. He could do it again…

  He was going to steal Anna away and get her to be his girlfriend.

  The decision brightened Jack’s mood. He felt good as he approached the door to his quarters, already trying to figure out what he could do to make what he wanted a reality. The big thing on his mind was how he’d deal with this Mourdock guy Anna was engaged to. In his brain, he imagined J.C. Rowdy wearing a Skyborn uniform and acting like a jerk while getting ready to marry Anna, right before Jack crashed in through the roof of the church and punched him out, to the applause of everyone in attendance. His daydream was interrupted, though, once he entered his apartment and heard people talking.

  “…and then I told her: Babe, I know she’s your mom, but let’s be honest – you two are hard to tell apart!”

  Jack peeked curiously into the living room as raucous laughter erupted. There were three men there. The one speaking was on his feet with a drink in his hand. He was a tall, slender man, maybe 18 or 19 years old. His skin was as pale and pristine as porcelain, his cheeks dusted with light freckles and his hair a well-groomed shock of orangey-red. He was dressed in a form-fitting black and gold uniform which accentuated the fact that his body appeared quite well-defined, and on his breast was the insignia of a gold mountain within a red circle.

  Another man of the same age sat on the couch opposite him, sharing in his laughter. He too wore a well-fitting uniform, colored in black and red. His skin was the shade of mocha, and his hair was a lazy mass of dark, wavy curls. He wore the insignia of a red flame within a black, upside-down triangle.

  The third man wasn’t laughing, but he did have an amused smile on his face. He was far older than anyone else, Jack guessed he was well into his 50s. He wore dark blue robes, his hands tucked into the large sleeves of the opposite arms. His face was thin and weathered, and he sported a neatly trimmed white beard.

  Jeez, how do people keep getting in here? Jack wondered.

  “Ah! There you are, sir!” said Dan as he came shuffling up toward Jack.

  The three men turned and saw Jack standing in the hallway, looking at them. “Finally!” said the man on the couch, getting to his feet. “You have far too little good alcohol here for us to be kept waiting this long, Earthman.”

  “Uh… who are you guys?” asked Jack warily as the three men approached him.

  “I am Wilvelm of Legacy Blackfyre,” the man responded.

  “And I’m Fredreek of Legacy Goldstone,” the red-haired one said. “But you can call me Fred.”

  “And you can call me Wil,” Wi
lvelm chimed in.

  “If I may, sir,” said Dan. “Legacy Blackfyre rules over the Red Giant system, a neighboring solar system to the Maxima system. And Legacy Goldstone rules over the Omnicron system.”

  “I thought Legacy Prime ruled Omnicron?” said Jack.

  “My Legacy oversaw this system before the fall of Regalus Prime,” Fredreek said. “Part of the deal when the capitol was moved here was that we get to retain control. Legacy Prime only has dominion over Capitol City. Everything else is still ours.”

  “Oh,” said Jack. “Um… what are you guys doing here?”

  “We came to see you, obviously,” said Wilvelm with a cocky smile. “We’ve just spent the last two months in the wilds of the Rim fighting Deathlords constantly. Figured maybe you could teach us a thing or two, oh great Hero of the Empire.”

  “You guys fought Deathlords?” asked Jack.

  “Well, Mourdock does most of the fighting,” said Fredreek. “He’s way better at it than we are.”

  “But we’re more than happy to take equal credit for his victories,” said Wilvelm with a good-natured smile.

  Hearing that name made Jack’s stomach tense slightly. “You guys are friends with Mourdock Skyborn?”

  “Well, I don’t know if I’d call them friends,” someone said. Jack turned toward the sound of the voice and froze. A man had emerged from the kitchen, smiling warmly at Jack. He was wearing a neatly tailored navy blue uniform, the winged star of the Skyborns proudly emblazoned across his broad chest. His pristine blonde hair was combed back on his head, and Jack had only seen eyes as blue as his on Anna. His face was nearly as perfect a face as a guy could get, and he strutted forward with a confident walk that gave him an aura of power and authority without any sign of cockiness or hubris. All told, he looked like a male model, crossed with another, even better-looking male model. “More like, bratty little brothers in constant need of babysitting, if I had to categorize them,” he said jokingly, stopping in front of Jack.

  “Sir, may I present to you the Emperor Ascendant, Mourdock of Legacy Skyborn,” said Dan.

  That’s Mourdock Skyborn??? thought Jack as all his dreams of stealing Anna away suddenly came shattering down around him. Just looking at how amazing Mourdock’s appearance was made Jack incredibly insecure. How was he going to compete with a guy as good-looking as that?

  “Uh… s’up?” replied Jack, not really knowing what to say.

  Mourdock gave Jack a friendly smile, his teeth so bright and perfect, Jack could have sworn he caught one of them glint in the light. “Sorry for stopping by unannounced,” he said. “Your Attaché Android let us in. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “No, no, not at all,” said Jack, though he did kind-of mind. “What can I, uh, do for you?”

  “You could shake my hand for starters,” said Mourdock, extending his hand. “And allow me to thank you for everything you’ve done.”

  “Yeah, taking out the Planetkiller fleet on your own?” said Wilvelm.

  “Facing off with a Deathlord Supreme one on one?” chimed in Fredreek.

  “Not to mention saving the life of the woman I love more than anything in the universe,” said Mourdock. “You’re truly deserving of your title, Hero of the Empire.”

  “Though I had pictured you’d be taller,” said Wilvelm.

  “Yeah, I get that a lot,” Jack muttered as he meekly shook Mourdock’s hand. “So, I take it you guys know the real story, huh?”

  “Anna filled me in,” said Mourdock. “I filled in these guys.”

  The older man in the robes approached and gave Jack a slight bow. “And if I may,” he said, his voice gentle. “It is an honor to be in your presence. I dare say few could have accomplished what you did. It is a true testament to the spirit of all living things that you were able to deliver such a massive defeat to our enemy. An accomplishment truly deserving of a real hero. I am humbled to be in such esteemed company.”

  “Jack, allow me to present my personal tutor in the way of the Free Mind, Master Paragon Hasatan,” said Mourdock.

  “Pleased to meet all of you,” replied Jack.

  Wilvelm clapped his hands together. “Well, now that all the feel-good stuff is out of the way, what’s say we get going?” he said. “I’ve been itching to cut loose since the moment we portgated in.”

  “I second that,” said Fredreek, taking a small datapad out of his back pocket and checking it. “They’ve got the Diamond Room reserved just for us over at Club Cristo, and after two months in the boonies, I just want to drink myself silly.”

  “Oh, you guys are going out?” said Jack, kind-of relieved his guests weren’t going to be staying long.

  The group chuckled. “We, Earthman,” clarified Wilvelm. “We’re going out.”

  “A victory like yours deserves a proper celebration,” said Fredreek. “Not this formal state-sponsored nonsense.”

  “Oh, I don’t know,” said Jack, feeling a bit overwhelmed at being hijacked by complete strangers. “I’ve never gone clubbing before…”

  “Well, trust me when I say there’s no one better to introduce you to the nightlife of the capitol than the men in this very room,” said Wilvelm as he sidled up to Jack and put his arm around him like they’d known each other forever.

  “Indeed,” said Fredreek. “Girls, music, drinks – we got all the best hook-ups.”

  “Hitting the town with the next Emperor doesn’t hurt either,” said Wilvelm with a wink.

  Jack looked at Mourdock nervously. “Um… I… uh…”

  Mourdock’s face softened in understanding. “If you don’t want to go, it’s okay,” he said. “I just thought taking you out would be a fun way for us all to get to know one another. I’ll understand if you care to pass, though. We did just spring this on you.”

  The group all stared at Jack, waiting for his answer. Jack felt very awkward. He hadn’t really done much that was fun since he’d arrived at Omnicron, and the idea of going to a nightclub did sound appealing. But going out with the fiancé of the woman he loved made him uneasy, especially since Mourdock didn’t seem like the jerk he’d pictured him to be at all.

  “C’mon, Hero,” said Wilvelm encouragingly. “It may not be as exciting as storming a Ghost Planet, but partying with us does have its charms.”

  “Yeah, trust us,” said Fredreek. “I guarantee you’ll have a blast.”

  Jack looked at Mourdock, who smiled at him. “It would be a shame to celebrate without you,” Mourdock said. “I was really looking forward to all of us hanging out together.”

  Jack sighed, relenting. What’s the worst that could happen? he thought. He smiled at Mourdock.

  “Alright,” Jack said. “Let’s party.”

  Chapter 20

  What am I doing? thought Jack as he walked with Mourdock and the others down the hall toward the teleportation platform. I don’t want to go out with these guys. I’m supposed to hate Mourdock! Why am I hanging out with him?

  Despite his reservations, Jack was starting to feel a tingle of excitement in his gut. Though he was younger than the others, it was the first time since he’d left Earth that he felt like he was among kids his own age. And even though each one of them looked like underwear models, they all had an easy-going attitude that reminded him of his friends from back home. As they neared the teleporter, Jack couldn’t help but wonder what the night had in store for him.

  “The four of you have fun tonight,” Hasatan said when they reached the platform. “Do try to stay out of trouble, for a change.”

  “We make no promises!” replied Wilvelm.

  “Aren’t you coming with us, Master?” asked Mourdock.

  “I’m afraid clubbing is a young man’s game, my Charge,” replied Hasatan with a smile. “Besides, I have some matters that require my attention which I must see to.”

  Mourdock nodded and placed his hand on Hasatan’s shoulder. “Try and have some fun yourself,” he said. “All work and no play does not a free mind foster.”

/>   Hasatan chuckled. “Wise words are wise,” he said. “Now go. I shall be fine.”

  Mourdock stepped back onto the teleportation platform as Hasatan took his leave. “What do you think are the odds old man Hasatan has himself a secret girlfriend he’s ditching us to go see?” mused Wilvelm.

  “Meh. Fifty-fifty,” replied Fredreek.

  Mourdock chuckled. “Lay off, you two,” he said. “Trust me, if Hasatan had a girl, I’d know about it.”

  “You’d like to think you’d know about it,” ribbed Wilvelm. “That old man is wily. Bet when he was our age he got into all kinds of trouble.”

  “Well, let’s do him proud then and show him how trouble is done!” said Fredreek as he hit the touchscreen display on the wall.

  “Please state your destination,” said the A.I. on the touchscreen.

  “Royal Guard Barracks, Reception Room,” replied Mourdock.

  In a flash, the group teleported to a large room where members of the Royal Guard were waiting to greet them. One of them stepped forward. He wasn’t wearing a helmet like the others. He had close-cropped light brown hair, a square jaw, and his pointed ears were cauliflowered from previous fights. Jack noticed his shoulder pauldrons seemed far more ornate than the ones other guards wore, and he had two horizontal gold bars on his breastplate to denote a rank. “My Lord,” he said, bowing slightly toward Mourdock. “We have your escort ready and standing by.”

  “Thank you, Commander,” said Mourdock. “Jack, this is Commander Gunner, the head of my Royal Guard contingent.”

  Jack’s head throbbed slightly when the Commander looked at him. “Nice to meet you,” Jack said rubbing his temple.

  “As if it were not enough of an honor guarding the Emperor Ascendant, now I have the responsibility of watching over a Hero of the Empire, as well,” Gunner said with a smile. “I will not let you down, Earthman.”

  “Just do us a favor and keep your men out of sight, if possible,” said Wilvelm with a sigh. “It’s hard to unwind surrounded by armed guards.”


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