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Earthman Jack vs. The Secret Army (Earthman Jack Space Saga Book 2)

Page 37

by Matthew Kadish

  Jack could feel his face getting warm and flushed. That whole love triangle thing hit a bit too close to home for him.

  “Oh, my, we already have a guest?” came Nataylia Evenstar’s voice.

  Jack and Kimlee turned to see Nataylia approaching, a small contingent of personal guards in their burgundy uniforms with her. For some reason, Jack’s head suddenly started to throb. “Mother, you remember Jack?” said Kimlee.

  Nataylia smiled warmly and took Jack by the hands. “Hard to forget a Hero of the Empire, especially one as handsome as him,” she said before giving Jack a light kiss on each of his cheeks. “You honor us with your presence, Earthman.”

  “Thanks for having me,” Jack replied, rubbing his temple as he tried to massage away his headache.

  “Jack, this is the head of our personal guard, Commander Dorshyre,” said Nataylia, gesturing to the stern-looking uniformed guard at her side. “He’ll be conducting security for the party tonight.”

  Jack looked at Commander Dorshyre, who nodded toward him, just as Jack’s headache seemed to grow worse. “Nice to meet you,” Jack said.

  “And you,” Dorshyre replied. “It is a privilege to be entrusted with the safety of not only Legacy Evenstar, but a Hero of the Empire, as well.”

  “Just be sure to keep a special eye on him, Commander,” said Kimlee with a little nudge to Jack’s ribs. “He’s a bit of a trouble magnet.”

  “Yes, that business at Club Cristo,” lamented Nataylia with a frown. “So unfortunate. To think, there are actually those who believe we had something to do with that awful event.”

  “That’s why we have so much security here tonight for the party,” said Kimlee. “There are concerns the Skyborns may try to get revenge or some such nonsense. You probably had a rough time getting up here, huh?”

  “No, not really,” Jack said, rubbing his temple. He hadn’t noticed that much security at all. “There were just a couple checkpoints. Nothing major.”

  “We only have the regular security detail monitoring tower access, my Lady,” said Dorshyre to Nataylia. “I planned to deploy more men once Lord Eudox returns and we get closer to the start of the party.”

  “Well, as long as they are all in place by the time the guests start to arrive,” replied Nataylia. “After all, we don’t want any trouble making its way here, do we?”

  “No, my Lady,” responded Dorshyre. “We certainly don’t.”

  “Trouble?” asked Professor Green. “What kind of trouble?”

  “The systems just locked me out again, Professor,” said technician Rolo as she tapped at the control console on the bridge of the Earthship.

  “Oh dear,” Green muttered, heading back to Rolo’s station. He’d been about to return to the engine room he’d finally gotten the ship to manifest when she had asked him for help. The ship was being so uncooperative with the Maguffyn techs, Green felt he was spending most of his time ping-ponging between all the different stations, troubleshooting one issue after another. “Didn’t I just give you access a moment ago?”

  “Whenever I try to delve deeper into the diagnostics, the ship locks me out,” said Rolo with frustration.

  Green sighed. “Yes, the ship is being rather temperamental, if I do say so myself,” he said as he leaned over Rolo’s shoulder and tried to unlock the restrictions the ship had enacted.

  “Do you think the Earthman is behind this?” Rolo asked. “He’s supposed to be able to control the ship with his mind, isn’t he? Could he be trying to sabotage our efforts?”

  “Oh, heavens no!” said Green. “Jack would never do such a thing. Well… actually he would, but not without good reason! Remember, we’re only here because he’s granted us access. He’s trying to cooperate. It’s just the ship that doesn’t seem to want to.”

  “I’ve never dealt with a piece of technology that was so frustrating,” muttered Rolo. “We’ve been at this for days, and it feels like it’s been years.”

  Green frowned. Rolo wasn’t exaggerating. Though he’d only been in his new position a short time, Green felt as though the project had been going on far longer than it had, with all the setbacks they were constantly experiencing. Green had wondered if the same issue that had been affecting the operation of the Entanglement Engine could have spread to other parts of the ship, but he and Jack seemed to be able to operate its systems just fine. It was only when the Maguffyn employees got involved that things became difficult. All their attempts to get readings on the ship and to study its inner-workings had been extremely problematic. And he could tell Armonto Virtuoso himself was getting terribly frustrated with the lack of progress.

  “Well, you know what they say, the Empire was not built in a day,” Green said, trying to sound cheery. “With enough time, effort, and patience, one can accomplish anything he sets his mind to.”

  “Time and effort we have an abundance of,” came a voice. “Patience, not so much.”

  Green turned and saw Armonto walking down from the teleporter, looking at the team of technicians at the various bridge stations with bitter disappointment. “Mister Virtuoso!” said Green, approaching to greet the man. “What brings you by?”

  “Your latest status report,” grumbled Armonto as he pulled out his datapad and held up the report on its screen for Green to see. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re progressing even slower than you were before.”

  Green opened his mouth to respond when he heard a collective groan from the technicians around him. “What’s wrong?” Green asked.

  “Every one of the ship’s systems just shut down completely,” Rolo replied. “All our progress has been lost.”

  Green sighed with exasperation. Armonto gazed at him, obviously displeased. “Green, I brought you on this team because you could supposedly get this annoying hunk of metal to cooperate with us. Do you have an explanation as to why we’ve just been kicked back to square one?”

  “Um… well, sir… you see…”

  “Oh, for the love of…” grumbled Armonto. “Just spit it out, already.”

  “Ah, well…” said Green quietly. “This only ever happens when you come to check on us. Sir.”

  Armonto scowled. He looked around at the walls of the bridge as though he were insulted. “Yes, I forgot, the ship doesn’t like me,” he said softly. “Well, I’ve decided I don’t much care for it either.” Armonto pointed toward Rolo. “You there. Radio the home office and tell them to teleport in a slicing team immediately. I’ll be handling this Earthship issue myself.”

  “A slicing team?” said Green, his eyes wide. “Am I to understand you’re going to try and… hack the Earthship’s systems?”

  “Yes,” replied Armonto. “I’m through playing games here. This blasted ship has had our people locked away in this spaceport for too long with nothing to show for it. It’s a wild beast, and if we are to tame it, we must break its spirit first. And I intend to do exactly that.”

  “But, sir, you can’t!” said Green.

  “You think I’m incapable of hacking into this monstrosity?”

  “No, sir, I just mean… the ship is not yours to do such a thing to!” said Green. “Jack would never allow it.”

  “I am not concerned with what the Earthman will and will not allow,” Armonto replied. “The technology in this ship could be vital to ensuring the continued survival of the Empire. If I have to rip it apart with my bare hands to get to its secrets, so be it.”

  “But—” Green stared to protest.

  “Professor,” said Armonto sharply. “If you have another suggestion as to how we can finally get readings on this ship, by all means, speak up now.”

  Green frowned. He did not like what Armonto was suggesting. Then again, for the life of him, he couldn’t come up with an alternative.

  “Go ahead, speak up,” said Kimlee as she twirled around, showing her outfit off for Jack. “What do you think?”

  Kimlee was sporting form-fitting black pants, knee high red boots, and a dark burgundy
blouse. She’d come out to the main room to show Jack each one of the outfits she’d been considering wearing to the party. Jack found he rather enjoyed having an excuse to look at Kimlee so closely, even if he couldn’t decide what outfit she looked best in. After all, Kimlee Evenstar tended to look great in everything.

  “Uh… I’m not really good at this whole picking out fashions thing,” Jack said.

  Kimlee put her hands on her hips and pouted. “You know what you like, don’t you?”

  “Well… yeah,” Jack replied.

  “So? Just tell me if you like it!” she said, spinning around once more.

  “I like it!” replied Jack. “I’ve liked everything you’ve worn. It’s, like, impossible for you to look bad in anything!”

  “You’ve got to be more specific about what you like about it!” whined Kimlee. “Do these pants make my butt look big?”

  Kimlee turned around, and Jack felt himself blush as he took a big, long look at Kimlee’s rear. “No… no, not at all,” he said. “Your butt looks great!”

  “Really?” Kimlee said coyly. “You like it?”

  Jack’s collar suddenly felt too tight, and he had to loosen it. Please, Lord, when is Amadeus going to get here??? he thought desperately. “Um… well… uh… I don’t not like it…” Jack said, feeling all sorts of flustered. Jack then heard conversation coming from the hallway. When he turned, he saw Eudox and Amadeus emerge, followed by more personal guards. Immediately, Jack’s chest felt flush with relief.

  “…but if we push for the vote now, we can win it!” said Amadeus.

  “If we try to move the vote forward, that will give Casgor the excuse he needs to slap delays on it until the Skyborns have the votes to beat us,” responded Eudox. “If we stick to the scheduled day of the vote, they’ll be unable to use any of their stall tactics. Politics is a game. And sometimes to win, you need to know the rules better than anyone else.”

  “We’ll only win if our coalition lasts that long,” muttered Amadeus. “They’re bleeding us of votes every day.”

  “All part of the game, my son,” said Eudox as he smiled and gave Amadeus a pat on the back. “Our Empire at work. Do not fear. I always play to win. Our alliances are strong. We’ll have the votes when the time comes.”

  “Ugh! Enough of the political talk!” said Kimlee as she approached and gave her father a kiss on the cheek. “I swear, you two could suck the fun out of an orbital carnival if you wanted.”

  Eudox chuckled. “You are right, as usual, my dear,” he said. “Forgive us. We’ll try to be more play and less work for tonight’s festivities. Speaking of which, it would seem your new boyfriend is already here.”

  Eudox’s words made Jack’s eyes grow wide and his chest tense. Kimlee slapped her father’s shoulder. “Daddy, stop that!” Kimlee said, shaking her head in exasperation. “Why would you say such a thing?”

  Eudox chuckled. “Apologies, that is what I get for following your love life on the news, I suppose,” he said. “Besides, could you blame a man for hoping his daughter has the good sense to snatch up a Hero of the Empire when the opportunity presents itself?”

  Kimlee looked at Jack apologetically. “You see what I live with?” she said. “He’s worse about toying with people than I am.”

  “I always try to set the bar I hope my children will live up to,” said Eudox with a smile as he approached Jack and gave him a bow of greeting. “It is good to see you again, Jack.”

  “And you, Mr… uh, Lord Evenstar,” replied Jack.

  “What are you doing here so early?” Amadeus asked.

  “Apparently, I’m really bad about checking my email,” replied Jack.

  “Sorry, that was our fault,” Amadeus said. “We’ve been trying to corral our supporters all day to lock them into voting for our offensive proposal.”

  “Yeah, right, the war thing,” said Jack. “Is it going well?”

  “Not as well as it could be, but not as badly, either,” replied Eudox. “I think we might just be able to eke out a win here, as long as something disastrous doesn’t happen.”

  Jack’s head throbbed again. He rubbed his temple as Nataylia emerged once more, with Commander Dorshyre and his men in tow. “Ah, I thought I heard you in here,” Nataylia said with a smile.

  “There’s my lovely wife,” replied Eudox as he moved to her and gave Nataylia a loving kiss on the cheek. He took both her hands in his and gave them each a quick kiss, as well. “How lucky I am to have such a vision of beauty to come home to after staring at the dour faces of politicians all day.”

  Nataylia smiled warmly at her husband’s praise. “Yet I’m sure your silver tongue works just as well on them as it does on me.”

  “Lord Evenstar,” Dorshyre said, looking at the guards who’d accompanied Eudox and Amadeus inside. “Who are all these men?”

  “I had extra guards portgate in from Redwater,” said Eudox as he moved to one of the bars that was set-up in the room. “I figured with tensions so high between us and the Skyborns, it would be prudent to have extra bodies around who are loyal to us. I believe you know Sergeant Kalpryn?”

  A blonde guard stepped forward and smiled. “Commander, good to see you again,” he said.

  “And you, Sergeant,” Dorshyre replied with a frown.

  Jack rubbed his head. It was as though there were drums pounding in his skull. Amadeus looked at him curiously. “Are you all right?” he asked.

  “I just have a bit of a headache, is all,” Jack replied.

  Kimlee’s datapad rang with the melody of ‘Can’t Buy This For A Digicredit.’ She checked the caller I.D. and sighed. “I have to take this. It’s my music label,” she said, stepping away and answering the call.

  “So, my sister had you evaluating her outfits,” Amadeus said with a shake of his head. “I really am sorry. I should have been here to spare you the indignity.”

  “That’s okay. It wasn’t so bad,” Jack replied.

  “You realize she already has what she’s going to wear picked out, don’t you?” Amadeus said with a chuckle. “She was just trying on outfits to flirt with you.”

  “Not really complaining about it, dude,” said Jack with a smile, before a searing pain shot through his head. Jack grimaced and pressed his temples.

  “Sergeant,” said Dorshyre. “Take your men and post them at the security checkpoints to begin receiving the guests for the party.”

  “We don’t need that many men at the checkpoints, Commander,” Eudox said, pouring himself a drink. “I want them stationed in here. I desire to project an image of strength to those in attendance tonight. Real soldiers are always more impressive than security-bots, and I want everyone to see the might of the Evenstars on full display.”

  “We’ll take up our standard positions throughout the premises, Commander,” Kalpryn said.

  “No, I’ve already given those assignments to my men,” Dorshyre replied. He signaled with his hand to those with him, who began to spread out around the room. “Have your men cover the kitchen, entry, and hallways.”

  Jack’s head felt like it was about to crack open. It had never hurt this badly before. Jack sucked in air between his teeth and pressed his fingers firmly against his temples, doubling over slightly as he tried to cope with the pain.

  “Jack, are you sure you’re okay?” Amadeus asked, concerned. “It seems like your suffering from more than just a mere headache.”

  Blood was pumping behind Jack’s ears, making them ring like alarm bells.

  “Something’s… wrong…” Jack said through gritted teeth.

  “Do you want me to call a medic?” Amadeus asked.

  “No…” Jack said, a sense of dire unease wrapping around him. “Not with me… something is wrong… here…”

  Jack’s vision began to go in and out of focus, pulsing like the image of loose film running through a projector. The Evenstar guards were moving to their positions around the room. Jack looked up at one as he passed by. His headache went away and
time briefly slowed as his vision came back into sharp focus. Suddenly, Jack’s chest tightened.

  The guard looked at Jack, a worm sticking from the back of his neck and hissing as he passed.

  Oh no…

  Eudox turned, the ice in his drink clinking against his glass softly, as he smiled at his wife. “We still have some time before the party is set to begin,” he said. “Shall we take this opportunity to dance before we must be on our best behavior?”

  Nataylia giggled. “We have been married for close to thirty years,” she cooed. “You do realize there is no need to romance me as you did when we were young.”

  Jack felt his heart pounding in his chest as he looked around wide eyed. Other guards had worms sticking out of their necks, as well, and each one of them was taking various positions around the room. One was headed toward Kimlee, who was absently gazing out the windowed wall as she spoke on her datapad. One was circling around Amadeus. One was coming up beside Nataylia…

  “Come now, my dear,” Eudox said with a playful shake of his hips. “What is wrong with keeping romance alive? We may be old, but we’re not dead.”

  Jack watched, frozen in shock, as Commander Dorshyre came up behind Eudox Evenstar, the guard’s face grim, the worm in his neck hissing at Eudox vehemently, as he placed a hand on Eudox’s shoulder.

  “Actually…” Dorshyre said softly. “You are.”

  “NO!!!” cried Jack, reaching his hand out toward Eudox as the plasma bolt erupted from the man’s chest.

  A look of horror washed over Nataylia’s face. Her jaw dropped, her eyes unable to look away from the gaping, smoking, cauterized hole in her husband’s chest.

  Eudox looked down at his wound, as though unable to comprehend what had just happened. The drink he was holding slipped from his hand, falling to the ground and shattering.

  Two more blasts tore through Eudox’s chest as Dorshyre fired again, a look of pain and shock on Eudox’s face as the plasma bolts did their grizzly work.

  Nataylia screamed.

  Sergeant Kalpryn and his men turned and looked at their Lord in stunned surprise as his body dropped to the floor.


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