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Earthman Jack vs. The Secret Army (Earthman Jack Space Saga Book 2)

Page 60

by Matthew Kadish

  “And once the Skyborn alliance loses its Elder votes, the Evenstars have the political advantage they need to dissolve Mourdock’s marriage contract and wed Anna to Amadeus,” said Fredreek. “Or did Kimlee forget to tell you all that when she was whispering in your ear about how to vote?”

  Jack looked at the two men, wide-eyed. “What?” he said. “Kimlee didn’t… that’s not what… you guys have it all wrong!”

  “Do we?” asked Wilvelm. “You told us yourself you wanted her to be your girlfriend. We should have known then she had her hooks in you. But we made the mistake of thinking you were our friend.”

  “I am your friend!”

  “Sure you are. You just prefer the type of friend you can make out with, right?” said Fredreek.

  Jack grimaced. “Me voting for that bill had nothing to do with Kimlee,” Jack insisted. “They’d taken my ship from me. They were going to exile a friend of mine. I had to do something to fix that!”

  “You could have come to us,” hissed Wilvelm. “We could have helped you!”

  “My family rules over this system,” Fredreek said. “Mourdock’s father has Casgor in his pocket. Between Mourdock, Wil, and me, we have enough pull to make anything happen in this town. But instead you go against us and side with the Evenstars? All because… what? A pretty girl kissed you?”

  Wilvelm shook his head in disappointment. “We expected more from you, Hero,” he said.

  Jack frowned. It was obvious he wasn’t going to change Wilvelm or Fredreek’s minds about his actions anytime soon. “Where’s Mourdock?” he asked. “I need to speak with him.”

  Fredreek jerked his head toward a door at the back of the room. Without another word, Jack passed by them, making his way to Mourdock’s quarters. He peeked inside and saw Mourdock standing at his bed, packing clothes into a travel bag as robo-servants prepared the rest of his belongings for transport.

  “Hey,” said Jack, stepping into the room. Mourdock didn’t acknowledge Jack at first. He just continued folding his clothes and placing them into his bag. If what Jack had just gone through with Wilvelm and Fredreek was any indication of what he could expect from Mourdock, he had the feeling he was about to enter into an extremely uncomfortable situation. “So, do you hate me now, too?” asked Jack.

  Mourdock glanced up at him as he packed. “Hate you? No,” Mourdock replied. “I can’t say I’m not a little disappointed, though.”

  “I just did what I thought was right,” Jack said.

  “I know,” said Mourdock with a sigh. “I guess I’d just come to believe that we have similar ideas of what is and isn’t right.”

  Jack put his hands in his pockets, feeling incredibly awkward. “Jeez,” he said, “I kinda feel like you’re breaking up with me or something.”

  Mourdock chuckled at that. “Are you saying you still want to be my friend?” asked Mourdock.

  “I never wanted to stop being your friend,” replied Jack. “I thought we still were friends, until Wil and Fred put on their jerk-faces.”

  Mourdock looked at Jack and smiled softly with understanding. “Give them some time,” he said. “They’ll come back around.”

  Jack hesitated for a moment before getting the courage to speak. “I didn’t want to be friends with you, you know,” he said. That made Mourdock stop packing and look at him, Jack’s words definitely catching his full attention. “I was jealous of you. You’re tall and good-looking and rich and can totally kick butt and fight on the wings of crashing shuttles… but most of all, you have the girl of my dreams. I couldn’t be with Anna because of you, and I wanted to hate you for that.”

  “Wanted to hate me?” asked Mourdock.

  “Yeah,” said Jack. “And I really wish you were some meathead jerk I could show up or something, but you’re not. You’re a freakin’ cool guy. I didn’t want to like you, but I do. I actually want to be your friend now. And it would kill me if I thought I’d screwed that up.”

  Mourdock approached Jack and looked him in the eyes. “That must have been difficult for you to admit,” he said.

  “Well, don’t act like you didn’t already know most of it,” replied Jack.

  Mourdock smiled. “Still, having the courage to say it to my face… it’s kind of refreshing.”

  “Really? ‘Cause I could keep going on about all the stuff I wanted to hate about you.”

  “I said ‘kind of’ refreshing,” said Mourdock with a laugh. “Let’s not ruin the moment.”

  “Yeah, all right,” said Jack with a smile. “So we’re cool?”

  A resigned sigh escaped from Mourdock. He nodded. “We’re cool,” he said. “To be honest, I felt much the same way about you.”

  “Really?” asked Jack, astonished.

  “Some alien kid single-handedly destroys a fleet of Deathlord motherships, beats a Deathlord Supreme one-on-one, and rescues the girl I love from certain death?” said Mourdock. “Who wouldn’t be jealous of that?”

  “You always struck me as being above that type of thing.”

  “It may be hard to believe, but I’m not Mr. Perfect,” Mourdock said. “I can be insecure and petty just like anyone else. In fact, I tend to let my emotions get the best of me most of the time. I guess I just might be better at hiding it is all. But after getting to know you, I feel like we’re very similar, Jack. And though we may differ on certain things, there is something that I can say with absolute certainty…” Mourdock put his hand on Jack’s shoulder. “I’m honored to consider you my friend,” he said.

  Jack smiled, touched at Mourdock’s words. “I’m glad to hear you say that,” he said, “because I need your help. There’s something wrong with Anna.”

  Mourdock frowned, a look of concern growing on his face. “What’s wrong with her?”

  Jack took a deep breath. “This is going to sound crazy, but I need you to believe me,” Jack said. “She’s been infected with an evil brain worm.” Mourdock stared at Jack as though he couldn’t quite comprehend what he’d just heard. “An invisible evil brain worm,” Jack clarified. “Only I can see it. It’s secretly controlling her actions, and I believe it’s trying to get her to destroy the Empire.”

  A small smile grew on Mourdock’s face before he chuckled and waved his finger at Jack. “That was a good one,” he said. “You had me going there for a moment.” Mourdock moved back to his bedside and continued packing, chuckling more as he did so. “Invisible brain worms? Classic.”

  Okay, clearly, telling the truth is not going to get me anywhere here, thought Jack. “Listen, Mourdock, in all seriousness… I need you to do something.”

  “And what might that be?” Mourdock asked. “Catch some invisible brain fish?”

  “I need you to stop Anna from going through with these decisions she’s been making.”

  Mourdock frowned, realizing Jack was making a serious request. “I’m afraid that is one favor I cannot grant.”

  “Why not?” asked Jack. “Mourdock, surely you can see there’s something not right with her! Suspending the Directory, revoking Legacies, choosing to destroy a Great Seal… what she is doing is dangerous!”

  “I’ll admit, she’s changed. She’s not the same quiet girl I once knew,” said Mourdock, sadly. “But she’s acting like an Emperor now, and I see her reasoning behind the decisions she’s made. If she believes this is the course of action she must take, then I’m going to support her.”

  “Even if it means tearing the Empire apart?”

  “I never cared about the Empire, Jack,” said Mourdock. “The only thing I’ve ever cared about is her. If she wants to tear the whole thing down brick-by-brick, I’ll be right by her side as she does it.”

  “How can you say that?” asked Jack, shocked.

  “Because I love her.”

  “Love doesn’t mean you can’t disagree with her, dude!” insisted Jack. “You’re the Emperor Ascendant! You have a responsibility to protect the citizens of the Empire – especially from those no one else can! People would li
sten to you if you came out against this!”

  “You’re right,” replied Mourdock. “But I’m not going to. I’m choosing to trust Anna. I’m going to support her in whatever way I’m able. What she’s doing now is paving the way for us to be married sooner and for her to inherit the throne quicker, and I’m all for that, because it means we’ll finally get to be together just as we’ve both always wanted. If she has to break a few rules to make that happen, so be it. I’m sick of following the rules.”

  “Mourdock, please…” Jack begged. “There’s no one else who can do anything…”

  “There’s nothing that needs to be done, Jack,” Mourdock replied. “Have some faith. Believe in her as I do. Trust me, she won’t let you down.”

  Jack hung his head. It was clear to him Mourdock would be of no help in this matter either. That meant it was now up to him, and him alone, to do something to help Anna. Jack turned to leave but stopped at the door. “Hey, Mourdock,” he said, causing Mourdock to look at him. “Just… be sure to remember something really important. No matter what happens between us, no matter what differences we have, and no matter what you might hear about me, just know this… I would never ever betray a friend. And for better or worse, you’re my friend. I swear that to you.”

  Mourdock gave him a strange look, then nodded. “I’ll be sure to remember that,” he said.

  As Jack made his way out of the apartment, he passed by Paragon Hasatan. “My offer still stands, you know,” Hasatan said as the doors opened.

  Jack turned and looked at the man. “Your offer?”

  “To train you,” Hasatan replied. “Did you forget?”

  Jack rolled his eyes, totally having forgotten. “Sorry,” he said. “A lot has been happening lately.”

  “It would seem so,” said Hasatan as he took a step toward Jack. “You were not joking about these brain worms, were you?” he said quietly. Jack looked at Hasatan, surprised not only that the man seemed to know about the worms but that he also actually appeared to believe him. “Forgive me,” the Paragon continued. “I’m afraid I am guilty of listening in on the conversation you just had with Mourdock.”

  Jack frowned. “No, I wasn’t joking,” he replied.

  “What do you plan to do about it?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Hmmm,” Hasatan said. “May I offer some advice?”


  “You find yourself in a position where you cannot attack your enemies head on,” Hasatan said. “So you must attack them from a different angle. These worms may control their hosts, but who controls the worms? If you can find the puppet master, you can cut his strings, and all his best-laid plans will come crashing down around him once he’s lost the control he’s come to rely upon.”

  Jack’s mind raced at the Paragon’s suggestion. Yes, that makes sense, he thought. I can’t fight Anna, but I can fight whoever is controlling her! “How am I supposed to find who that is?” Jack asked.

  “Does your love for the Princess not guide you?” asked Hasatan. “I thought that is what gave you your power?”

  Jack gave Hasatan a confused look. “It… it doesn’t work like that,” he responded.

  “Then perhaps you should find something which does,” Hasatan said, tapping Jack on his chest. “If love cannot deliver you the answers you seek, then what good is it?”

  And with that, the Paragon turned away.

  Chapter 53

  Jack teleported down to the guest level of the tower, still pondering what Hasatan had told him. He was almost back to his apartment when he heard Kimlee’s voice call out his name. He turned and saw her hurrying toward him, a small army of Evenstar guards led by Sergeant Surior in her wake. “Kimlee?” he said, surprised to see her.

  “Thank goodness I caught you,” she said as she approached. “I tried calling, but as usual, you weren’t answering your datapad.”

  “Is everything alright?” Jack asked, slightly alarmed by the worried look on her face.

  “Lady Evenstar, we should not be here in the Royal Tower,” Sergeant Surior said. “It is far too dangerous. You could be arrested at any moment…”

  “This will not take long,” Kimlee said as she motioned for her security to wait as she approached Jack. “I’m sorry to just drop in on you like this, but I needed to see you before I went back to Redwater.”

  “You’re leaving?” said Jack, disappointed in the news.

  “Evacuating is more like it,” muttered Kimlee. “Between Casgor, the Skyborns, and the Princess, Amadeus doesn’t feel the capitol is safe for us. We have way too many enemies here, and they’re all far too powerful. We’re portgating back home as quickly as possible to try and rally our allies to us.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “Leaders from all over have been contacting Amadeus about ceding from the Empire,” Kimlee said. “The idea that Anna is willing to strip Legacy titles from those who cross her has spooked a lot of people, a significant enough number to make Amadeus believe declaring independence might be the best course of action.”

  “What?” said Jack, stunned. “You’re seriously going to break away from the Empire?”

  “We either break away and fight for what’s ours or let Anna destroy us,” Kimlee said. “Casgor’s already planning to put Anna on the throne ahead of the age of assumption using his emergency powers to bypass the councils. If that happens, and we’re not prepared, both Amadeus and I will be arrested for treason and killed.”

  Jack grimaced. “This is wrong,” he said. “This whole situation… it’s just wrong!”

  “I’m glad you think so, too,” said Kimlee, “because I came here to ask you to come with me.”

  Jack’s eyes widened. “Come with you?”

  “Amadeus says that if you were to ally yourself with us, it could sway a great deal of public support to our cause and make the idea of cessation more acceptable to the people on the planets who wish to join us,” Kimlee said. “You could be a figurehead for the movement – the hero who defeated the Deathlords, who is now leading us to do it again while the rest of the Empire cowers. But that’s Amadeus’s reason why he wants you to come. I have my own.” Jack had a sinking feeling in his gut as Kimlee took him by the hands and looked into his eyes. “I want you to come so we can be together,” she said softly. “I don’t want to leave you behind.”

  “Kimlee…” Jack said. “I… I can’t…”

  A pained look formed in Kimlee’s eyes. “Why not?” she asked.

  “Because, there’s something going on here!” Jack replied. “Something bad! And someone needs to do something about it!”

  “And you really think you’re actually able to do anything about what’s happening?” Kimlee asked.

  “I have to try!”


  “Because…” Jack said, not really sure how to respond. “Because Anna needs my help!”

  Kimlee’s face darkened. “Anna needs your help?”

  “You don’t understand. There’s something wrong with her—”

  “I’ll say.”

  “No, I mean there’s actually something wrong with her! She’s been infected with—”

  “Anna doesn’t need your help, Jack!” Kimlee interrupted. “I do! I came here against the advice of my guards because I need you! I’m the one who cares about you! Not her! She’s engaged to Mourdock! She doesn’t want you! But I’m here! Right now! And I’m asking you to be with me! Why would you even be thinking about her, after everything she’s done?”

  “Because I love her,” Jack blurted, before he even had time to think about what he was saying.

  Kimlee recoiled as though she’d just been slapped. She looked at Jack, her face frozen in shock. Jack frowned. He knew he shouldn’t have said that, but it was too late to take it back now.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “But not long ago, I made a promise. I promised Paragon Shepherd that I was going to devote myself to his cause, because he believed that’s what
I needed if I was going to survive after my planet was destroyed. Strange as it might sound, he was right, because doing so has given me a strength and purpose I never knew I could have. His cause was Anna. And I think I’ve been devoted to her since the moment I first laid eyes on her. But more than any type of devotion I might feel, above all, she’s my friend. And I don’t abandon my friends, especially when they need help the most. Right now, from the looks of things, I’d say I’m the only one around who actually wants to try and help her! So I can’t leave. Not while she still needs me.”

  Jack could tell from the look on Kimlee’s face she was not happy with him. “So you’re choosing her over me,” she finally said.

  “It’s not like that,” Jack said.

  “It’s exactly like that,” replied Kimlee. “Once again, the Princess gets everything she doesn’t deserve, and I’m left with nothing.”


  “Don’t,” Kimlee said, backing away. “Just… don’t.”

  The expression on Kimlee’s face was so sad it broke Jack’s heart. She covered her mouth with her hand and turned, walking away, her guards falling in around her with looks of disappointment on their faces, as well. Jack watched her go, feeling like seven different kinds of crap.

  Maybe I should have said I wanted to just be friends, he thought bitterly.

  Jack turned to enter his apartment, wondering what his next move was going to be to help Anna. He’d gone to everyone he could think of who might be able to help him and had been turned down. As much as he hated to admit it, he was completely on his own, and despite his past track record of pulling off the impossible, he had no idea how he was going to save the day all by himself.

  “Ah! You’ve finally returned, sir!” said Dan, who was already waiting for him at the door when it opened. “Excellent. We should get going right away!”

  Dan began ushering Jack back down the hallway without waiting for Jack to comply, something that was extremely un-Dan like in Jack’s experience. “Dude – wait,” protested Jack. “Where are we going?”

  “I just received notice that the Empire is relinquishing control of your ship back to you,” Dan replied. “We are to teleport to the spaceport administration offices to begin filling out the dataforms required to take possession of it right away.”


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