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Damaged Alpha

Page 9

by Samantha Leal

She looked at him and he wrapped his arm around her shoulder again.

  “And how would you make sure of that?” she asked with a smirk.

  “Oh, I have my ways,” he winked. “I’m sure a nice little contribution to an extension or refurb wouldn’t be refused.”

  “You’re not kidding,” Melissa laughed.

  She kissed him and turned back to watch the sunset.

  She had found everything she had ever truly wanted, and now she was being given the opportunity to explore her destiny without any risk to her future involved.

  She trusted Nate, and she knew he was genuine.

  She wanted this more than she had ever wanted anything, and she was with him all the way.

  She had known it already. When she thought about it, she realized that, on some level, she had felt it the moment she laid eyes on him, if that sort of thing was even possible. It was time to stop being such a chicken shit, she decided.

  “I’m coming with you,” she whispered. “I never want this to end.”

  Nate turned to face her squarely and smiled. His eyes pierced hers and he kissed her passionately.

  “You have no idea how happy that makes me,” he said as he cupped her face. “This is all so meant to be, I have every faith in us.”

  “Me too,” she smiled.

  This final acknowledgement of what they both must have known was inevitable released a wave of heat between them. Having not even realized that they had still each been holding back, they now both surrendered to an instant wave of passion that swept between them.

  In an instant, they were locked in a kiss that was like none they had shared before. It was as if they had both unleashed a final hunger that only the other can satisfy.

  Initially, it was with that sweet caring that each felt for the other. As they both fully took in that they had fully committed to each other, they caressed each other’s faces.

  Nate held her face in his hands as they stared into each other’s eyes…and then, in an instant, his hands were moving down to catch her at the waist as, all in one motion, he lifted her and came to his feet.

  She wrapped her legs around his hips as the blanket fell away and he effortlessly carried her toward the bedroom.

  Even as he strode powerfully down the hall she could feel his hardness as she clung to him, legs spread around him, as she hung on, yearning to envelope him.

  Reaching the bed, he threw her down gently, even as he moved to rip of his shirt.

  Breathlessly, she said, “Wait, just look into my eyes for a minute.”

  Taking the cue, Nate moved to lay beside her and cupped her face once more as his hand moved beneath her shirt to cup her breast and tease at her rock hard nipple. “I want you like I have never wanted anyone before. I want you to be happy. I want us to be happy.” Catching the ridiculousness of what he was saying he interrupted his own revelry, “Shit. I am happy,” he laughed.

  She smiled, feeling more connected to him than she had ever felt up to this moment. “Take me” was all she said.

  He did not need any more prodding as he moved his mouth down to take one of her perfect breasts in his mouth, his tongue dancing around her nipple, as she struggled to undo his belt once again.

  She was already sopping wet as he lay beside her again and joined in the race to remove each other’s pants. He slipped a hand down to feel her wet heat as she pressed her pussy against his strong hand. He rubbed at her clit, teasing it gently as she spread her legs to invite a deeper touch.

  At the same time, she grasped his girth in her own hand and stoked it appreciably, unleashing a further torrent of juices onto his probing fingers.

  Interrupting their passion only to remove the last barriers to their connection, in an instant, he was on top of her.

  But he just let his cock press against her wetness. As she bucked and tried to angle him inside her, he only looked at her, wanting to draw out the moment as long as he could.

  Teasingly, he let his thickness probe at her opening, even as she tried to hook her legs behind him and pull him inside.

  Finally, just when she thought she couldn’t take it anymore, he thrust, all at once, deep into her hole, stretching her open suddenly and unleashing a wave of pleasure so intense and complete she almost came on the spot.

  As he did so, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply. “I love you, baby,” he murmured into her ear as he nibbled at it, beginning to rock his fat cock in and out of her wet pussy.

  She felt herself open more and more as he plunged deeper and deeper with every thrust.

  “Oh baby,” she cried, “fuck me, baby.”

  He didn’t need any prompting as he bucked harder and harder, his powerful hands gripping her wrists and pinning her to the bed.

  He pounded her as she let out a guttural cry of pleasure, coming all at once even as he groaned in his own climax and unleashed a powerful jet of his seed deep into her core.

  “Oh my God,” she said, as he collapsed on top of her, his cock still pulsing inside her.

  “God, you are so hot” was all he could say…

  They lay just like that for a long time until their position gently transformed into a cuddle as they lay beside each other. She rested her head on his broad chest, not wanting the moment to ever end - but knowing contentedly that it didn’t have to.

  Completely sated in body, mind, and soul, they both drifted off to sleep.


  The sun rose perfectly over the side of the house and lit up the landscape outside of the windows. The beach was gleaming, and the sea looked a deep, welcoming blue. As Melissa and Nate lay in bed, they held each other tight and she trailed her fingertips up and down his incredible muscles.

  Last night had been amazing, but it had only quenched their desire for each other for a scant few hours. As they lay there beginning to contemplate their respective days, Nate moved in to kiss her for a moment, his tongue briefly flicking against hers - before he groaned and ran his hands through his hair.

  “I have a Skype call in an hour,” he said. “And I really have to shower.”

  “Spoilsport,” she mused as she watched him get to his feet and cross over to the adjoining bathroom. “I’ll make us some coffee.”

  She climbed out of bed too and pulled on one of his t-shirts. It skimmed past her butt and left her long, lean, and tanned legs exposed as she padded, barefoot, into the kitchen.

  She threw open the doors and let in the morning air, and then she boiled some water as she stood and looked out at the beach. She still couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that he had bought this place. He had done it all for her, and now they were going to head back to his place in Palo Alto during the week, and then return to the beach on weekends and begin their renovations.

  She bit her lip and smiled.

  She was beginning her real life. It felt as if everything that had come before had just been leading up to his moment.

  The kettle whistled on the stove and she moved back inside and made two large coffees. She could hear the water splashing in the shower and Nate whistling. Steam was billowing out from the doorway, and she headed back out onto the terrace to drink her coffee and take in the sights of the morning sun on the beach.

  She had only been out there for a matter of moments when she suddenly realized that she wasn’t alone. As she sipped her coffee and looked out toward the waves, she heard a snapping come from the woodland to her left and when she squinted toward the trees she saw a flash of red and then the sound came again.

  She sat back against the back of her chair and looked sternly in the direction of the noise. Her heart had picked up pace a little, but she still wasn’t particularly worried, more just concerned that someone had gotten lost or was about to catch her sitting there in her underwear.

  Then the noise came again, and again, and several people suddenly emerged from the trees, with their cell phones poised as if they were waiting to capture something on camera.

  “Oh my God,” she
whispered as she dropped her coffee and it slammed against the floor.

  There must have been around five people and they were all coming closer and closer. To Melissa’s horror, the man at the front, leading the pack, was Dylan.


  Her ex-boyfriend.

  She felt her jaw sag open and her stomach drop.

  “What the…” she said aloud as she rose to her feet and tried to hide behind the chair.

  “We know you’re up there, Melissa!” Dylan’s voice pierced through the calming sounds of the ocean. “We just want to see if it’s true… Are you really with THE Nathan Woods?”

  Melissa lowered her head and closed her eyes.

  How the fuck had they found out where they were staying?

  She knew it wasn’t Carly, because she hadn’t even told her where the secret beach house was… so her stomach dropped even further when she realized that someone must have followed her back there from the bookstore the previous evening.

  And she didn’t have to spend too much time guessing who.

  It had to have been Dylan.

  He was the only person twisted enough to do something like that.

  She rose to her feet slowly and walked across the terrace to the edge of the balcony. Dylan was down on the sand now, looking up at her with menace, as all of his friends stood there with their phones prepared to catch a photograph of the infamous Nathan Woods.

  “You’re insane,” she said. “And what the hell do you even think you’re doing here?”

  “We’ve come to get in on the action,” Dylan said with a wicked laugh. “The media is going crazy for this guy. Do you have any idea how much money we could sell a photograph for if we found out where he’s been hiding?”

  “This isn’t cool, Dylan,” she said. “Get the fuck out of here.”

  “Is it true?” Dylan asked with spite, as an awful smile curled up on his lips. “That you’re fucking him?”

  She felt as if he had just stabbed her and twisted the knife. He was so full of malice and malicious intent. He wanted to hurt her. He wanted to hurt her all over again, as if he hadn’t done enough already.

  “I don’t have to answer to you,” she said. “Now get out of here.”

  His friends all looked as if they were losing their nerve and they were all backing off a bit down the beach.

  “Come on, dude,” one of them said. “This is crazy. He isn’t even here.”

  Three of them walked off and disappeared back into the woods, but Dylan and one other guy stayed put and stared up at her.

  “Tell me,” Dylan said through gritted teeth. “Are you fucking some billionaire?”

  Melissa rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “This is ridiculous,” she said. “I don’t even understand how you could think that you have the right to ask me anything like that. You ended our relationship!”

  “This is your ex-girlfriend?” the guy that had been standing with Dylan suddenly said with disbelief. “As if you got us to come here making us think that Nathan Woods is out here hiding. You clearly just want to get to her. Lame, man.”

  The man nudged past him and gave him a disgusted grimace and then he disappeared back into the forest too.

  “Looks like your backup has left you alone,” Melissa said with amusement. “What did you even think you were going to gain by coming here. This is trespassing, you do realize?”

  “The beach is public property,” Dylan said with venom.

  “But the way you accessed it wasn’t,” she said. “I take it your car is up there somewhere. Parked on this land?”

  His eyes widened a little but then he stood his ground.

  “You always thought you were too good for me, didn’t you?” he spat. “Always thinking you had bigger and better aspirations.”

  Melissa looked up to the sky and shrugged.

  “Dylan, you are actually insane. I loved you… I was with you and you broke my heart. You cheated on me. Us breaking up wasn’t my fault. The only person to blame is you. So don’t come harassing me when you’ve heard that I’ve moved on. It’s just the dumbest move I’ve ever heard of or seen, and quite frankly, it’s completely pathetic.”

  Behind her, she heard Nate’s footsteps crossing toward her and she turned to face him.

  She knew by the look on his face that he had heard it all and he looked angry and full of rage.

  Dylan hooked his hands around the wooden railings of the veranda and pulled himself up and over, and when he was right there next to Melissa he started to circle her and shout at her, spitting all of the anger and nastiness that he had long held inside of him.

  “You’re not anyone else’s,” he said. “You’re mine!”

  Melissa backed away from him, aware that he had clearly gone insane, and at the same time, Nate dived out of the darkness of the house and grabbed him by the scruff of the neck.

  Dylan’s eyes were wide as Nate lifted him by the collar of his shirt and pushed him up against the side of the house. His feet were shaking and he couldn’t find purchase on the ground, but Nate held him there like some kind of hulk and stared at him with a look that could kill.

  “Who the fuck is this?” he said through gritted teeth. “And what does he think he’s doing on my property.”

  Dylan’s demeanor instantly changed and he started to whimper and flap.

  “I, I, I…” he stammered. “Please, I didn’t mean it, I just…”

  “This is Dylan,” Melissa said with scorn. “My ex who has clearly suddenly suffered some kind of delusional episode.”

  Nate slammed him up against the side of the house again and brought his face closer to Dylan’s so that he could stare at him directly in the eye.

  “I’m only going to say this once, kid,” he began. “So I hope you’re fucking listening… If I ever see you speak to her again, or come anywhere near her, or our property… I’ll fucking kill you. Do you hear me?”

  Dylan’s legs were trembling and his eyes were wide as if he had just woken up from a nightmare. He had clearly misjudged the situation and what he was going to get from it. His cellphone had clattered to the floor and he was all alone, with none of his cronies to back him up or get the photo they so readily craved.

  Nate lifted his booted foot and brought it crunching down on top of Dylan’s cellphone, and then he twisted it until the entire thing smashed to pieces.

  “Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. Here.” Nate said as he dropped him to the floor, and Dylan scurried back toward the railings of the terrace, scrambled over it and fell down onto the sand below. Nate stood back, but Melissa watched him as he ran away down the beach, tripping as he went, clearly terrified.

  What a fool he had been.

  She had no idea what had possessed Dylan to act so foolishly, but he had clearly completely lost his nerve the moment his friends had bailed out on him.

  “Are you okay?” Nate asked as he came up behind Melissa and wrapped his arms around her.

  “You’re damned right I am,” she smiled as she kissed him and held him tight. “That was badass.”

  Nate shrugged and smirked and then she kissed him again and ran her hands all along the perfect rock hard edges of his body. She had never seen anything so hot in her entire life.

  Her man, he could take over the world.

  He led her inside and they collapsed down onto the couch and lay in each other’s arms.

  “It’s a shame you have this Skype call,” she said with a raised eyebrow playfully.

  “It’s to tell them I’m coming back,” he said.

  She smiled and kissed him again.

  “Well, tell them you’re bringing something special back with you,” she laughed.

  Nate kissed her and smiled.

  “Oh, I will…” He grinned.

  Packing up was easy, and there weren’t any tears as Melissa knew that she was going to be coming back every weekend. She had spoken to Roz over the phone that morning, and she had fully understoo
d. She had also heard the rumors milling around town of the mysterious man that had caught Melissa’s attention, and of how he was potentially kind of a big deal.

  “Oh my word,” she had said. “Get yourself out of there and see what life is all about. Palo Alto, Silicon Valley, oh my!”

  “Are you sure, Roz?” she had asked.

  “One hundred and ten percent. And if you ever want to come back, your job will be waiting.”

  Melissa had grinned and looked back toward Nate as he was packing his bag and stomping around the beach house. All of it was so sudden but so very, very right.

  This was the kind of moment that only came once in a lifetime, and Melissa knew she had to enjoy every second of it.

  This was where she was supposed to be.

  “Are you all set?” he asked her as he rolled the motorcycle onto the back bed of a new gleaming black truck he had had delivered that morning.

  “Sure,” she grinned as she opened the passenger door and climbed in.

  Nate climbed in beside her and they looked over toward the closed-up beach house. It felt a little bit sad to be leaving, but she knew they would be back come the weekend, and they even had a little stow away on board with them to come along for the ride…

  Melissa turned around to the back seat and smiled at Cleo who was curled up content in her basket and ready to hit the road. There was no way her beloved girl was ever being left behind, and Nate had been an absolute star about the whole thing, even getting the right kinds of basket and boxes for her to travel.

  “Let’s do this then,” he said before he started the engine, leaned into the middle of the cab and kissed her again.

  “Yes,” she smiled. “Let’s do it.”

  He put the truck into reverse and turned it around, before he headed up the driveway and back toward Ocean Road.

  “Here’s to our future,” he said. “And the beginning of the best adventure I’ve ever been on.”

  Melissa curled up next to him and put her head on his shoulder.

  With him, she knew she could go anywhere and be anything. He inspired her and gave her all the confidence in the world.

  He truly was her soul mate.


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