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Life = Death - volume 10 - Poems on Life , Death

Page 4

by Nikhil Parekh


  So that each morsel of food that I consumed perfectly assimilated into each ingredient of my blood once again-instead of only wanting to vomit out with the fiercest tenacity the instant it entered my inconsolable intestine,

  So that each passing draught of freezing wind fomented me to uninhibitedly shiver once again-instead of me facing it bare-chested like an amorphous piece of lifeless junk,

  So that each holocaust of unfathomably bizarre pain evoked a tear in my eye once again-instead of just emotionlessly staring at blank bits of endless sky and languidly passing by,

  So that each bit of happiness profoundly brimming in the atmosphere brought a smile to my lips once again-instead of them biting viciously and unstoppably against patches of desolate nothingness,

  So that every ray of unfettered dazzling Sun illuminated the pathway of my truncated life once again---instead of drowning me deep and more ghastily deeper into a mortuary of forlornly plaguing darkness,

  So that each ounce of jubilant honey brought sweetness into the fabric of my existence once again-instead of dreadfully embittering every conceivably innocuous beat of my soul,

  So that each droplet of sensuous rain cascading from the sky tantalized me once again-instead of insensitively charring me down till the very last bone of my already deadened spine,

  So that each infinitesimal bit of vividly blooming life made me a poet once again-instead of perpetuating the non-existent devil in me to incongruously curse under my breath,

  So that each bountiful flower spread its majestic fragrance into the inane vacuum of my life once again-instead of becoming an intolerably decrepit stench which treacherously led me to the trench of gory death,


  So that each tingling adventure impregnated that beautiful enthrallment into my survival once again-instead of dulling me into the most sadistically jinxed graveyards of monotonousness,

  So that every vivacious rainbow in the sky ecstatically differentiated the boundless colors of my life once again-instead of maiming me for forever and ever and ever into a coffin of estranged blackness,

  So that every exhilarating space around me granted me that spirit of untamed freedom once again-instead of barbarously suffocating me to the gallows of indescribably sinister death,

  So that each element of desire aroused me to the most unprecedented hilt once again-instead of uncouthly silencing the last cry of my joyousness to stonily devastating hell,

  So that every globule of aristocratic dew punctuated each nerve of mine with unparalleled fantasy once again-instead of becoming an unsurpassable ocean of blood for me to lividly float on,

  So that each anecdote of true friendship made me immortally realize the beauty of life once again-instead of becoming the unbearably black stamp of hedonistic betrayal which stabbed left; right and dead center,

  So that invincibly united strength taught me the ultimate chapters of humanity once again---instead of venomously chopping the entire planet into spurious differentiations of caste; creed; color and tribe,

  So that every tangible trace of life which sprouted on the Universe made me believe in God once again-instead of maniacally driving towards the dungeons of insanely plundering devil,


  So that every day for me became a 'valentines day'; wherein I ndefatigably breathed the essence of peace; love and friendship in one & all-instead of strangulating every pore of my body to horrific death this very cursed instant,

  You would definitely have to come back to me 'Tobby' darling-for I knew no more life and love beyond you-you'd always be the ultimate hero of my eyes after God-and now alone without you; I can think of nothing else but death; death and wholesomely silencing death.



  Was he an angel who'd descended right from the center of the sky; to bless each ingredient of my space with unparalleled happiness-grant me the unfailing tenacity to reach closer to the most impossible of my dreams?

  Was he an invincibly pristine cloud-which incessantly showered the golden rain of prosperity upon my bereaved countenance; saw to it that I came out effulgently alive-- everytime I entered my corpse entirely dead?

  Was he the ultimate prince of my miserably asphyxiated destiny-who metamorphosed every maelstrom of flagrant luck that dared come my way; into a fountain of perennial happiness?

  Was he every mischievously uninhibited wrinkle in my otherwise livid kin-which profoundly inspired every tangible and intangible entity that I encountered on the streets-and fomented them to majestically think?

  Was he the answer to every flummoxing enigma of my dreaded existence-the most perfect sound of 'yes' which unequivocally dissipated from each of my entangled heartbeat?

  Was he the pricelessly ultimate valentine of my life-taking me a fathomless kilometers away from every brutally estranged reality; innocuously dancing with me all the time in God's invincible paradise?

  Was he the unsurpassable confidence that empowered even the tiniest of my veins-as the battlefield of life grew more and more cannibalistic and I was subjected to the goriest devils of sadistic blood?

  Was he every different word of unbridled innocence that my mouth uttered- solely epitomizing only the essence of truth in a world - otherwise deplorably swamped by a pack of manipulative wolves?

  Was he the very best and untainted form of God's creation in my palms-uninhibitedly swaying from one corner to the other-and granting the most meaningful impetus to me in my impoverished life?

  Was he the most unprejudiced moisture of my disdainfully shrunken eyes-genuinely leading me to the corridors of eternally magical freedom; reflecting my undying compassion for ever fraternity of living kind?

  Was he the innermost voice of my inconspicuously buried soul-which earnestly strived for uniting the farthest ends of this boundless planet; into the insuperably miraculous religion of mankind?

  Was he the embers of unflinching passion innately smoldering in my bruised bones-fervently clapping everytime I advanced towards any path of goodness; after crumbling into morbid soil?

  Was he the impregnable fortress that fearlessly towered around each trembling part of me - safeguarding even the most infinitesimal aspect of my existence to the hilt - whilst I snored to the tunes of my very own whimsical dreams ?

  Was he the most faithful friend; philosopher and guide that I harbored-who stuck more unassailably to me than my very own shadow-even as I eccentrically marched the walk of ghastly death?

  Was he my ultimate definition of a perfect living being-unfathomably mischievous and adventurous-yet one of the most immaculately princely pearl of God's earthly rhyme?

  Was he every heartfelt tear that effusively cascaded down my eyes - as every different human chose to befriend the commercially sleazy devil from the atmosphere - rather than blend with the beats of immortal love divine ?

  Was he each of my ancestor and sibling at the most crucially critical of my times-lending his poignant ears to even the inconsolable of my cries-when the rest of the 'blood related' word round me had died?

  Was he an inimitable magician that suddenly appeared out of nowhere in my beleaguered life-ensuring the most charismatically magnetic smile on my lips till the very end of my time?

  Was he each of my heartbeat which never betrayed-considering itself the richest on this earth alive-as it loved and acquired love of one and all on this gigantic planet alike?

  Was he my most infallibly perfect impression on mundane soil-as I chose to tread the path never ever taken before-upon which failure was the most certainly biggest writing on the walls?

  Ah well, for others he might as well been merely a dog named ' Tobby ' who had taken birth in the same form , at the same instant that he was dead - but for me he was ; is and shall remain as my darling ' Everybody ' till I breathe my very last and till

  beyond a destined more of my nicely varied lifetimes .


  Irrespective of whether they were extraordinarily happy; or whether they inconsolably fretted in the aisles of utter desperation-with the gruesome blackness of extinction ominously maiming each of their senses,

  Irrespective of whether they were perennially successful; or whether they miserably floundered a countless times even before alighting a single foot-unnecessarily losing it- in their bouts of whimsical fidgetiness,

  Irrespective of whether they were unsurpassably rich; or whether they profusely slavered at the most diminutive morsel of food-brutally emaciating since a record number of days and treacherously freezing nights,

  Irrespective of whether they were in unconquerable space; or whether they were left to uncouthly stagnate on the fecklessly sordid streets and hackneyed gutter bins of the country's largest slum,

  Irrespective of whether they sang a boundless tunes in the praise of the Lord; or whether they sadistically licked up every pint of spit emitted by the vindictively trouncing devil,

  Irrespective of whether they bustled as perfectly symbiotic busy-bodies; or whether they aimlessly loitered through the lanes of slandering oblivion-which'd nothing but hoarse regret to offer as a pathetic end-product,

  Irrespective of whether they were unassailable magicians; or whether all what they dared touch; sullenly metamorphosed into frigidly incoherent bits of lame dust,

  Irrespective of whether they were invincible perfectionists; or whether they perpetually adhered to the famous axiom 'To Err is Human' and immortalized the same with their relentless failures,

  Irrespective of whether they were triumphantly persevering; or whether they lazed and endlessly lazed even under the most acrimoniously scorching sun; just because their bones creaked a trifle whilst getting up,

  Irrespective of whether they were brilliantly optimistic; or whether they lugubriously crumbled every instant reminiscing the mortuaries of the dreadfully asleep past,

  Irrespective of whether they were unflinching patriots; or whether they darted at the speed of lightening for cover; at the tiniest insinuation of the most imperceptible danger,

  Irrespective of whether they were blessedly fantasizing; or whether they lecherously circumscribed their entire lives within the constraints of the monotonously clerical corporate office,

  Irrespective of whether they were unconquerably truthful; or whether they were brutally trapped in satanically parasitic web of lies-resorting to it inevitably to find that ultimate escape route in today's manipulative world,

  Irrespective of whether they existed on the freezing north pole; or whether they compassionately warmed each ingredient of their blood under majestic rays of the Sun; extreme south,

  Irrespective of whether they conversed in articulate English; or whether they uninhibitedly recharged the atmosphere with every vibrancy of indigenous language that was spoken under the Sun,

  Irrespective of whether they were the perfectly synchronized gentlemen; or whether they resided in rustically mud baked huts-bursting at the seams to accommodate an innumerable more of their kind,

  Irrespective of whether they were Christ fearing Christians; or whether they were an equally Bhagwan/Allah/Buddha fearing 'Hindus'/ 'Muslims'/ 'Buddhists' and every other sacred tribe on earth divine,

  Irrespective of whether they wholeheartedly celebrated wondrous X-Mas; or whether they zealously indulged in the lights and colors of; 'Holi', 'Diwali', 'Muharram', 'Id' and countless other sacred festivals of the likes,

  O! Yes-Irrespective of anything and everything-On the 31st of December every year-all of them joined hands in one insuperable mass together; embraced each other without the tiniest of discrimination -to welcome the newest dawn of all times-the dawn of a joyously happy new year-the first Sunrise of a magical 1st January.


  I felt as if every ounce of hysterical sorrow on this Universe had suddenly metamorphosed into the perennially glorious waterfalls of compassion; dissipating their goodness upon each bedraggled pore of my existence,

  I felt as if the most horrendously parasitic of leech had suddenly started to donate an infinite granaries of blood to all those in need; abruptly shrugging the parasitic tag from each conceivable cranny of their demeanor,

  I felt as if a boundless clouds of newness had suddenly formed an invincible entrenchment around every iota of earth; blessing its haplessly parched and commercially adulterated surface with a zillion droplets of creation,

  I felt as if each inanely stagnating hair on my decrepit flesh suddenly rose towards the ultimate summits of undefeated paradise; and forever found its zealously real mission in life,

  I felt as if each iota of contentment on this fathomless Universe was suddenly lined up on the contours of my miserably chapped lips; making me look forward to no greed or malice any further,

  I felt as if ?a brilliantly streaming morning was suddenly rising out of treacherously maiming blackness; triumphantly maneuvering every devastated footstep of mine towards the path of symbiotic oneness,

  I felt as if even the most frigidly orphaned of stones had suddenly become the supreme peaks of unassailable Everest; inviting one and all alike on this enthralling planet in the spirit of tantalizing adventure,

  I felt as if even the most fetidly lamenting droplet of my sweat had suddenly become the most unparalleled cistern of happiness; profusely drenching each scorched arena of my existence with cloudbursts of ecstasy,

  I felt as if each vein in my inconsolably cringing blood had suddenly commenced to generate a countless electric currents of goodness ?all throughout my soul; absolving me of even the most inadvertently committed of my sin,

  I felt as if the whole manipulatively blood-sucking world had suddenly become my platform for impregnable success; to discover; to evolve; to admire; and to forever embrace with the blessings of the Almighty Lord,

  I felt as if every worthlessly aimless step that I listlessly took- had suddenly some priceless purpose in god's infinite chapter of blissful creation; to immortally unite all in the fabric of insuperable oneness,

  I felt as if every disdainfully creaking bone of mine had suddenly sprung like an untamed tiger; to inexhaustibly massacre even the most intangible trace of devil from this endless earth,

  I felt as if every spell-bindingly panoramic fantasy on this globe had suddenly come into the whites of my eyes; royally perpetuating me to perceive beyond the extraordinary-each unveiling instant of princely life,


  I felt as if every patch of languidly barren earth had suddenly become the ultimate heaven; the ultimate paradise; right infront of my eyes and without laboring a step further on planet divine,

  I felt as if I could suddenly survive on limitless whiffs of air around me; abjuring every worldly pleasure in vicinity till my very last breath; with the Omnipotent light of the Sun and Moon my sole saviors,

  I felt as if even the most mundanely committed actions around me-had suddenly become miraculously ameliorating poems of the most unprecedented degree; and my sole panacea for success,

  I felt as if the brutally entangled labyrinths of my brain- had suddenly unleashed into an unsurpassable sky of freedom; where the only rule that existed was that there were not the tiniest of 'rules',

  I felt as if each of my salaciously betrayed heartbeat-had suddenly been embodied with the imprints of immortal friendship; which made me rise from my veritable corpse- to lead an infinite majestically new lives once again,

  Everytime; O! Yes undoubtedly everytime; after I made; embraced and rose in

  the spirit of love.


  Be it belonging to the infinitesimally irate ant; who traversed an infinite steps in its journey from the bottom of the majestic dinner table; to its tantalizingly steaming top,

  Be it belonging to the stoically invincible Everest; which stood with its head high as the lone unflinchingly exuberant warrior; even as the entire planet beside was dissolvin
g into the mortuaries of hopelessness,

  Be it belonging to the measly disheveled mushroom; frenetically staggering with each draught of fresh air; trying to solidly emboss its very own place in the languid bits of mud circumscribing it,

  Be it belonging to the wondrously tangy wave; dissipating into an unparalleled festoon of royal froth; triggering an inevitable smile on every bygone face, after clashing against the seductive black rocks,

  Be it belonging to the voluptuously crimson thundercloud; which craved and craved and unstoppably craved for its time; to melt into a boundless droplets of everlastingly mollifying rain,


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