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Seduce Me Tonight (Mischief Books)

Page 13

by Kristina Wright

‘Let’s do it,’ I said.

  He looked up, fork halfway to his mouth. ‘Yeah?’

  I nodded. ‘Yeah.’


  Of course, having decided to have a threesome, I now had a million questions. I didn’t even know the logistics of finding someone to have sex with us. Did we just ask a friend? Put an ad on an adult website? Hit on someone at a bar?

  ‘Why don’t you ask Joe?

  I blinked at Eric. ‘Joe? My friend, Joe?’

  ‘Sure, why not? You’re always saying what a player he is and how open-minded he is and that you’re pretty sure he’s done everything, so this won’t faze him in the least. Why not Joe?’

  It had never even crossed my mind that Eric meant a threesome with a man. I had visions of a leggy blonde prancing through our bedroom or a redheaded vixen doing wicked things to me or a raven-haired beauty doing kinky things to both of us … but a guy? And Joe, at that?

  ‘Wow. Joe. Huh.’ I considered it.

  I’d known Joe since I was a freshman and he had been working three jobs to put himself through college. He tutored me in Spanish. He’d been cute and funny and the most open person I’d ever met when it came to talking about politics, religion and sex. But we’d never slept together. He’d been out of my league, or so I thought. We’d stayed friends though and gotten closer over the years. He was single and, according to him, kinky, with a high sex drive. I felt something like excitement stirring at the thought. Arousal? Over Joe? Maybe. Or over the idea that Eric had thought about me having sex with Joe. In either case, it didn’t seem all that strange any more to consider my friend in that particular light.

  ‘Why not Joe?’ I said, marvelling at Eric’s suggestion. ‘But I figured you had a girl in mind.’

  Eric smiled. ‘Would you prefer another woman?’

  Despite a little making out at college parties and a couple of really serious girl crushes, I had never been with another woman. And while I technically didn’t have to do anything with another woman in a threesome, I figured that was the only reason men ever suggested it – to watch the two women together.

  I tried to look as casual as he did. ‘The threesome was your idea. What do you want?’

  ‘I want to do something we’ve never done before and I want to do it together. Doesn’t matter who’s there or what parts they have, it’s about you and me doing something new,’ he said. ‘I figured you’d be more comfortable with another guy, but if you’d prefer finding a woman I might know a couple.’

  Something I hadn’t felt in a very long time stabbed me in the heart. Jealousy. Pure, cold, irrational jealousy. ‘No, I think a guy would be fine.’

  He laughed. ‘OK.’

  Curious, I asked, ‘You won’t be jealous? I mean, there will be … things going on, right?’

  ‘You mean you’ll be having sex with Joe.’

  I cringed at the way it sounded. ‘It was your idea!’

  ‘Oh, baby, you’re so cute,’ he said. ‘Yes, it was my idea. And I’ve thought about it a lot. There might be some jealousy, but I think it will be outweighed by happiness to watch you being pleasured by two men and one of them will be me.’

  Eric was good at making things sound more enticing than they really were. I was trying to sort the fantasy from the reality. ‘So you admit you’ll be jealous but not so much you won’t be able to enjoy it.’

  He shook his head. ‘Nope.’

  ‘OK. This whole thing is blowing my mind, but I think I’m in,’ I said.

  Knowing I would be the centre of attention made me incredibly nervous, but I wasn’t sure why. Performance anxiety? I had seen enough porn to know that a woman in a threesome doesn’t get to just lie back and enjoy – she has twice the men to pleasure. But I reminded myself that we could make the rules up as we went along. Maybe I would just lie back and enjoy. Maybe that’s all that Eric expected of me and Joe wouldn’t mind. My tension eased a little. This was my husband and one of my best friends. It would be OK. But I was getting ahead of myself and the situation at hand.

  ‘Now how to I bring it up to Joe?’

  ‘Just ask him,’ was Eric’s ever-simple response.

  And so I did.

  * * *

  Joe dropped a brotherly kiss on the top of my head. ‘What’s up, lovers?’

  I laughed, not nearly as uncomfortable as I might have been before my drink. ‘Just waiting for you. Late as always.’

  Joe checked his watch. ‘I’m two minutes late, love. Anxious to see me? Or anxious to see me naked?’

  I blushed and Eric laughed. Nothing was different about this exchange than it ever had been. Joe had always been touchy and flirty, even in front of Eric. I didn’t know why I hadn’t noticed it before, but this easy camaraderie had always been there. Maybe it was the vodka, but this whole threesome idea was making more and more sense to me. Why not Joe, I had been asking myself since I sent that two-line email asking him if he wanted to have drinks and maybe go to bed with us. Ha ha. Joe’s response, ‘Yes and definitely,’ had been so quick and easy, I wondered if the two of them hadn’t been plotting this behind my back. But I watched them now, shaking hands, joking about Joe’s cerebral legal career and Eric’s death-defying hobbies, and realised no, this was new to both of them, too. They were just that comfortable with each other. And with me.

  ‘Are you in there?’ Eric asked, as he left a twenty on the bar to cover our drinks. ‘Joe asked if we were ready to take the party elsewhere.’

  ‘Oh, yeah, let’s,’ I said, sounding as enthusiastic as both my husband and my friend. And I guess I was. I felt as if a door had opened inside me, brought on by their enthusiasm and how comfortable we all seemed together.

  It had been Joe’s idea to get a room at the hotel downtown. ‘Neutral territory,’ he called it. ‘Keeps the marital bed sacred. My house is off limits because I don’t want you having any weird association when you come over for my dinner parties.’

  Apparently, Joe had been the third party in a lot of threesomes. I was fine with letting him take the lead and Eric, having put the idea out into the ether and gotten the ball rolling, was content with whatever made me happy. Could it be this easy? I wondered as I took Eric’s arm on my right and Joe’s arm on my left and let them lead me to the bank of elevators in the lobby. Joe’s longer, leaner body was an interesting contrast to Eric’s muscular, stocky frame. I felt like I was getting the best of all possible worlds. I giggled.

  ‘Why the hell not?’ I asked out loud.

  They both laughed, as if knowing exactly what I was thinking. Joe had chosen the hotel and booked the room, and it was gorgeous. There was a bottle of champagne and three glasses chilling on the bar and the bed was already turned down. I felt like a princess who didn’t have to choose between her princes, for tonight at least.

  I’d spent about two hours getting ready for tonight, choosing my outfit with the kind of careful attention I usually reserved for formal events. Even more. Eric had laughed as he watched me go from closet to bathroom mirror, back to closet, rejecting each outfit as too revealing (I didn’t want to look like a hooker in the hotel bar), too tight (unsightly lines from clothing would be a turnoff), too frumpy (I had two men to arouse) or because it just didn’t feel like me. I wanted everything to be perfect, whatever that meant, since I wasn’t sure this would ever happen again.

  ‘You’re just going to end up naked, anyway,’ Eric had called to me as I made wardrobe change number three.

  I’d ended up in a slinky black wrap dress that was cut to flatter my curves without showing too much skin. I might end up naked, but I wanted to start with a good foundation. To that end, my underwear was new and sexy as hell. I was actually looking forward to revealing it to the two most important men in my life. My lovers. The words sent a shiver up my spine.

  Joe rested his hands on my shoulders as he semi-steered me toward the bed. ‘Are you cold? I think we can warm you up.’

  The cliché made me laugh, but his big hands on my shoulder
s were doing funny things to my insides. ‘I think we’ll all be warm before the night is over, right?’

  ‘Indeed.’ Serious Joe, a lusty libertine in an attorney’s body. ‘Warm, hot, sweaty, flushed …’

  He left me to sit on the edge of the bed while he popped the cork on the champagne. Eric had been quiet since we got to the room and I watched him move around, closing curtains and adjusting lights. He was more serious than I thought he’d be under the circumstances – I’d expected a lot of levity from him. Despite the alcohol and my newfound sexy persona, I felt my nervousness return.

  ‘Everything OK?’ I murmured, as Eric moved past me to the bathroom.

  He flashed me his biggest grin. ‘Oh, yeah, baby. I just want to make sure once we hit the sheets we don’t have to get up for anything.’

  I shook my head. I should have known. Eric is an adrenalin junkie, but he isn’t reckless. He is prepared for anything he does, whether it’s cave diving or mountain biking – or a threesome, apparently. I smiled to myself. This was going to be OK.

  Of course, there are no books about the etiquette of a threesome. Or, if there are, I haven’t read them. Somebody had to break the ice and Joe was busy pouring champagne and Eric was pulling a strip of condoms and a bottle of lube out of our overnight bag, so I figured it was up to me.

  Neither man was looking at me as I stood up and unfastened the buttons on my dress. I slipped it from my shoulders and felt the silky fabric slide down my body to puddle on the floor. The move had been silent, but it caught the attention of my two men. They both pivoted to look at me standing there in my underwear and heels – a lacy pushup bra to accent my full breasts and a hip-riding lacy thong. I’d forgone stockings – too many porn movies featured actresses whose stockings had rolled down or gotten runs – because I didn’t want to attempt to remove them gracefully.

  I took a deep breath, which served to push my breasts even more up and out over the cups of my bra. And that was the last breath I really remember taking. Both of them were on me before I could exhale, Eric pushing me down on the bed and Joe kissing the side of my neck. Joe had never touched me intimately before, but my body didn’t seem to resent the new guy. My nipples tightened and I arched my neck to give him better access while Eric parted my thighs.

  I was hazily aware of my already damp thong being stripped away by one set of hands while my bra clasp was released and the cups of my bra peeled from my sensitive breasts by another pair of hands. I had the sudden urge to giggle because I was, in fact, lying back and being pleasured, in-between them stripping off their own clothes. I thought I’d enjoy being the recipient of their attentions a bit longer before I took a more active role.

  Joe eased me back on the bed, his long, graceful fingers cupping and stroking my breasts while Eric knelt between my thighs. The clash of familiar and foreign touches, the combination of so many hands on my body and the sheer decadence of being the centre of attention had me writhing on the bed before Eric even put his mouth on me. He anchored my hips to the bed with his hands, rougher and bigger than Joe’s, and dipped his head between my spread thighs. The first feather-light touch of his tongue on my engorged clit was enough to have me clawing at the pillow above my head, a banshee wail rising up from deep within me.

  Both men chuckled, sounding relaxed and pleased by their efforts. Embarrassed by my outburst, I grabbed the pillow and pulled it over my head to stifle my cries as Eric began to eat me out in earnest.

  ‘Oh, no, you don’t,’ Joe said, pulling the pillow from my face. ‘I want to hear every whimper and squeak. I’ve been waiting for this for a long time.’

  I wanted to ask him what he meant when he said he’d been waiting, but I couldn’t catch my breath. Eric was devouring my pussy, licking and sucking at my labia like he was starving and I was dinner. I pressed my hand over my mouth despite Joe’s protests, and cried out. I wouldn’t last long at this rate.

  Joe, determined to stay in the game, began nibbling his way from my neck down to my breasts. When his mouth closed around my nipple at the exact moment Eric’s lips began sucking at my clit, I thought I was going to levitate off the bed. The dual sensations were too much for my already heightened senses and I could feel my stomach clenching as I began to come. I grasped the backs of both their heads and held them in place as I rode out the most exquisite orgasm I had ever experienced. Everything tingled, every nerve ending responding to their mouths, the sensations travelling along my skin, my body going rigid as I clung to them and rode out my orgasm.

  Eric spoke first, after what seemed like several long minutes of only my heavy breathing filling the air.

  ‘Well, that was quick.’

  We all laughed, whatever tension there might have been dissolved like my inhibitions.

  ‘Had to get the first one out of the way,’ Joe said, stretching out on the bed next to me. ‘Now we can take our time.’

  I found myself glancing at his erection, then looking quickly away in embarrassment, only to sneak another look when I stretched and sat up. I had no idea why I was feeling so shy

  ‘Sweetheart, you can do more than look.’ Joe’s dry wit came from years of dealing with the law. I had no idea where his hedonistic ways came from.

  I looked at Eric, who was grinning the way I’d seen him grin before he went off on one of his adventures. There was no sense of regret or hesitancy in his expression. Joe looked equally eager to get on with things. Now that I was coming down from my orgasmic rush, I searched my emotions for some sign that I might want to back out of this and be the tease in this three-way party. But I felt nothing but love and anticipation – and a growing sense of renewed arousal as I watched Joe’s cock jump under my steady gaze.

  ‘Seriously, Nina, you’re torturing me here,’ he said, and he did actually sound like he was in pain. ‘If you want to back out, I’ll understand, but if you don’t –’

  I leaned over and took him in my mouth. I think it was the first time ever that Joe hadn’t completed a sentence. I giggled around the head of his cock, which was both familiar and strange after so many years with Eric. But it was strange in that exciting way something new seems strange – the strangeness quickly fading to be replaced by curiosity and a need to rise to the challenge of pleasing him. Wondering how he would respond if I flicked my tongue this way or that, feeling the urge to bit down in that way Eric liked, but doing it carefully to see if it was something Joe would appreciate. He did, groaning as he pushed his hips up and drove his cock another inch into my mouth. I stretched my mouth to accommodate him, making an appreciative sound that vibrated around him and made him gasp.

  My eyes were closed, so I didn’t know what Eric was up to until I felt his hands on my hips, raising me on my hands and knees. I groaned around Joe’s cock again, amused by the way he gasped and tugged my hair.

  ‘You’re driving me mad, woman,’ he said. ‘I can’t take much more.’

  ‘We have all night,’ Eric reminded him, nudging the head of his cock between my thighs.

  I felt him at my entrance and I widened my stance while keeping Joe entertained. I couldn’t voice my desire, but I needed to be filled. Now.

  Eric granted my silent wish, pushing ever so slowly into my wetness. I groaned, my throat muscles vibrating around Joe’s cock. He had given up all attempts at composure and was driving his cock into my mouth almost to the point of making me gag. I wrapped one hand around his shaft to control his motions while Eric shoved his entire length into me. It was an amazing sensation, taking Joe to the back of my throat while feeling Eric so deep inside me. Why had I never tried this before?

  There was no time to consider my future threesome plans because the men had found a rhythm between them. Eric’s strokes pushed me to take Joe’s cock deeper in my throat, while Joe’s tugs on my hair to keep my strokes going served to make me move back on Eric’s cock. Back and forth, they seesawed me for the purposes of their pleasure – but I was the one enjoying it the most. Pleasuring two men this way, satisf
ying them both while enjoying myself, was more than I could take. I could feel another orgasm rising in me, making me breathe harder and take my mouth off Joe’s cock.

  Joe groaned at the sudden lack of friction and I stroked him with my hand, looking up into his face as I came on Eric’s cock. I was slipping into some other mental space, feeling wild and wanton in a way I never had before. Completely out of my mind with lust, I pushed back on Eric’s cock, seeking to maximise every sensation my body was feeling.

  Eric drove into me hard, rough in his own lustful need. My knees went out from under me, my upper body collapsing across Joe, his cock rubbing erotically against my breasts. He moaned, Eric moaned, I screamed, every muscle in my body going tense as I strained for release.

  Eric pulled my hair up in his hand, murmuring, ‘Take him in your mouth again.’

  Still caught up in my own need, I could only whimper. Then he did something that only served to send me hurtling into an orgasm as intense as the first one – he leaned over me, grasped Joe’s cock in his hand and guided my mouth down over the head. I gasped in shock and arousal, watching Eric’s big hand around Joe’s thick cock. And then, as Joe slipped to the back of my throat once more and my lips brushed Eric’s hand holding the base of his cock on the down strokes, I started to come.

  Eric released my hair, but kept his hand around Joe’s shaft, whispering in my ear, ‘I’m going to come so deep inside you, baby. You look so sexy.’

  I went as far down on Joe’s cock as I could and felt Eric slip a finger inside my mouth alongside Joe’s shaft.

  I groaned as Joe tensed, then released a hot thick shower of come across my tongue. Eric resumed thrusting into me, clearly not wanting to be left behind, and within moments was joining Joe in flooding my body with semen. I whimpered and groaned between them, my poor body wrung out from the multitude of sensations.

  I was still stretched across Joe and now Eric was stretched across me. As the high from my orgasm started to subside, I started to be uncomfortable in the middle of this man sandwich.

  ‘You can release your death grip on my wang now,’ Joe said, his sense of humour still firmly in place despite our amorous adventures.


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