Book Read Free


Page 1

by Laura Avery





  Copyright 2018 Laura Avery, all rights reserved.

  No part of this work may be reproduced without written consent of the author. This book is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: Quiver is a dark romance and is intended for mature audiences only. It’s extremely possessive and crude. Please don’t read if strong sexual situations, language, violence, and bullying offends you. All individuals portrayed in this work of fiction are eighteen years of age or older.

  Sign up for Laura Avery’s mailing list here!

  Chapter One

  “Just the little lamb for the job.”


  My little brother was missing and I was close enough to coming off the rails that not being able to get in touch with him was a fucking problem. Liam had been breathing down my neck the whole way here. Needless to say, he wasn’t too happy when he found out I knew exactly where Emery was and he hadn’t been notified.

  I pounded into Emery’s room, desperate to find Pierce. I found him all right; he sat on the edge of Emery’s bed, hands crossed over his chest as he scowled to the other side of the room where Morgan was. Emery had her feet curled up into her chest, a textbook in her hands. I followed the loud rattling sound that bounced off the walls and realized Morgan was handcuffed to the top of her bed.

  “Jesus Crist,” I slammed the door shut behind me. “What the fuck is going on in here?” I kept my gaze on Emery, trying to show her that her master was back. “Emery, get over here. Now.”

  She pushed the book down onto the mattress and scurried to my side immediately, just the way I liked it. I pushed my hand around her shoulder possessively and pulled her closer to me. “What the hell happened?” I found myself clinging to her harder than usual, Liam had my anxiety level at another level, I had to see that she was still safe and sound and still mine. Forever, fucking mine.

  “Morgan was having a hard time behaving,” she whispered quietly.

  “He didn’t handcuff you, did he?” Annoyance overtook my body.

  Emery shook her head and glanced downward.

  “Look at me,” I demanded, wanting those innocent brown eyes on me.

  “Of course, I didn’t handcuff her,” Pierce snapped, standing up from the bed. “She’s not a crazy bitch who needs to learn a lesson.” He moved closer to Morgan. “Are you ready to be a good girl yet?”

  “Fuck you!” Morgan hollered.

  Pierce laughed. “I guess not.”

  “I’ve been trying to call you,” I told him coldly.

  “What’s wrong?”

  I glanced down, startled to see Emery looking up at me. “What?”

  She bit down on her lip and shook a little under me, causing my cock to go stiff. “Um, I mean, something is wrong, right?” She wrapped her hand around mine, almost intimately, and I sprung back, wounded. What the hell did she think she was doing?

  “Nothing is wrong,” I lied, refusing to look at her. The fact that she could see through me right away rubbed me the wrong way, no one should be able to look into me like that, especially not her. “Why didn’t you pick up?” I growled at Pierce, dismissing Emery from my touch.

  “Because someone,” he said sarcastically as he glanced at Morgan, “thought it would be funny to throw my phone into her water bottle.” He moved closer to her. “Have I told you how good you look all tied up like that, Morgan?” He ran his hand up and down her leg. “It almost makes me desperate enough to give you what you’ve been craving for years now.”

  “Fuck you!” She screamed. “I wouldn’t touch you if you were the last man on earth!” She started rattling her hands against the bedpost again, sending screeching metal into the side of my eardrums.

  Oh, for fuck's sake.

  “Sure, you wouldn’t, sweetheart.” Pierce winked.

  “I need to talk to you. Outside. Now.” I opened the door and motioned for Pierce to leave. Pierce ignored Morgan's cries for him to unchain her and walked out into the hall, laughing to himself. I turned to Emery. “Sit. I’ll be back.”

  Once the door was closed behind us I grabbed Pierce by the arm and yanked him after me down the hall. “We have a fucking problem.” I dragged him after me until I reached the steps and threw the door open to the stairs, giving my little brother one last thrust through the open space.

  “What the fuck?” Pierce trailed off when he saw Liam, a seething look on his face as he did some struggling of his own. “Looks like I wasn’t the only one putting my handcuffs to good use, huh brother?”

  Liam lunged at us, shaking his wrist forcefully. “You’re dead.”

  Pierce laughed loudly. “Fuck, what is he doing here?”

  “He got un-caged early for good behavior.”

  “I should have known you would be involved with this,” Liam shook his head in disgust. “You always were Jackson’s little lap dog, weren’t you?” He pushed his black eyes closer together. “Do you get off on that little bitch just as much as he does? Is that it?” He smirked back and forth between the two of us. “You two pass her back and forth like a whore, each have your turn running through that ridged pussy of hers? Fuck, I might as well have a run at it. Sharing is caring, right?”

  “Always good to see you, too, bro,” Pierce laughed, not even flinching.

  But I wasn’t like my little brother; I had never been good at letting Liam’s harsh words roll off my back. He knew just what to say to get to me and it had been no different this time. My fist was flying through the air before I could think about it, connecting with the side of his mouth. “Fuck you, Liam! She’s mine, you hear me? MINE!”

  Liam spit out a mouthful of blood from the blow. “Real fair fight considering you have me chained to a fucking stairwell, you asshole.” He spit again, this time sending it landing right near Pierce’s feet. “How long? How long have you known where the fuck she was?”

  I looked away guiltily. I had kept something big from him and I knew it.

  “Fuck, you’ve always known haven’t you?”

  I refused to meet his eyes. “I was waiting for the right time to approach.”

  “Fuck that!” Liam hollered. “You were being a selfish prick is what you were doing. How could you do this to me? How could you pick her lying bitch ass over your blood? She ruined my fucking life!”

  “No one’s picking her over you,” Pierce said firmly.

  “The hell they aren’t! She was supposed to die! That was always the plan! It’s been the plan for two fucking years!” He tried to lunge at me again but the handcuffs kept him in place.

  It was only a matter of time before they snapped at his strength.

  I turned around and glanced out the window, letting the bright sun blind me until it burned my pupils so deeply that it ached. The pain took over my brain and I waited, enjoying it. I hadn’t wanted Liam to find out about it this way. I’d thought I would have more time before he was free to be with us, thought I could get Emery out of my system before he would have to ever find out anything about it. “She’s still going to die,” I told him calmly. “I just want to have fun with her first.”

  I knew I had fucked up. I had broken our code.

  We didn’t keep things from one another.

  Liam sighed. “I bet you do.”

  “You both need to calm down,” Pierce finally spoke. “We’re finally getting somewhere, now isn’t the time to turn on each other. We’re going to deal with the situation, Liam, just let Jackson get what he wants out of her first.”

  I could feel Pierce’s eyes on
me and I knew he was thinking the same thing I was. What did I want out of her? How could I answer his question when I didn’t even know myself?

  “Why? Why her?”

  “Because.” I turned around. “She’s fucking mine.”

  “You’re an idiot.” Liam huffed and shook his head before pausing and sighing heavily. “What about Charlotte?” he asked softly. “Where is she?” His eyes burned into mine, waiting eagerly.

  “I don’t know,” I told him honestly. “We’ve been looking, Liam, we really have. She must be living under a rock or something; it’s the only thing that makes sense. It’s like she’s fallen off the face of the earth.” Charlotte had been missing since that day in the courtroom, untraceable.

  “Do you think Emery knows where she is?”

  “It’s possible.” I doubted it.

  Liam shook his head. “See if you can get it out of her, have your fun,” he paused. “But when we find Charlotte, she’s mine. I get my hands on that fucking bitch first. Do we all understand?”

  “Absolutely,” Pierce spoke right away.

  I nodded. I didn’t give a fuck what he did with Charlotte. She was no concern to me. I wanted her to pay for what she had done to Liam but I would do that on his terms.

  “Good, now fucking un-cuff me.”

  Relief overcame me; this whole situation could have gone a lot differently, a lot bloodier. I moved toward Liam and then glanced at Pierce. “Go and do some un-cuffing of your own, would you? And keep Morgan out of the room for a while.”

  I needed to relieve some much-needed tension…

  And I knew just the little lamb for the job.

  Chapter Two

  “Crawl to me.”


  Something was wrong with Jackson.

  I knew it even before he came back into my room and slammed the door shut behind him. He twisted the lock over and leaned his back against the wall, breathing heavily as he closed his eyes and let out a sharp exhale. “Come here, little lamb.”

  His tone was soft, demanding, and darker than usual.

  I obeyed, just like I always did, moving my body slowly toward his. As I got closer his scent started to drift into my senses, whiskey and mint. Another sign something was weighing heavy on his shoulders, it was only noon and he had already been drinking.

  I waited patiently before him, watching the adrenalin radiating off of him with thickness. “You’re scaring me,” I whispered ironically as I pushed my body slightly up against his so that our chests were touching. I had seen Jackson a lot of ways, but never like this. He was too quiet, too calculated and empty.

  It was worse than usual.

  He half chuckled and half moaned. “Put your hands on me.”

  “Where?” I swallowed.

  “Anywhere. Everywhere.” His eyes were still closed, his chest still heaving like he had just run a marathon. “I want to feel your hands on me, Emery.”

  I slowly moved forward, reaching my hand slowly toward his face. I had never had this much control before, never been allowed to touch him freely. It was almost overwhelming to have free range on this much danger and beauty. My hand quivered but I didn’t care, he knew the effect he had on me by now. I started at his jaw, tracing how defined and angular it was before making my way down to his lips.

  They were firm and thick. They parted when my thumb came near and he stuck his tongue out, sucking on my finger gently before he bit down and sent a shot of pain through my finger.

  He moaned when I jumped at the sting.

  God, he sounded good when he was turned on.

  So good.

  I massaged the smooth skin around his neck tenderly as I continued to work my hands down slowly until I reached his stomach. I wanted to see his abs so bad. I knew they were perfect, knew they were defined. My hands played with the material of his shirt.

  “Hurry up,” he groaned in agony.

  I pushed his shirt up slowly and ran my fingers up and down his ripped stomach. Lord, he was even more perfect than I imagined. He looked like he was photoshopped on, a six pack with the perfect V shape leading down into the waist of his jeans.

  Before I realized it I found myself leaning forward and tracing soft kisses up and down his stomach. He tasted even better than I imagined, his skin was so hot I felt like my mouth was on fire and the soft spot between my legs started to buddle to life, filling with liquid.

  My tongue darted out and licked over every defined muscle as my nails dug forcefully into his skin, so deep that I hoped I left marks, just like he had on my neck days before. I felt like I was claiming him, allowed to make him mine just like he had made me his so many times before.

  “Shit,” he whispered from above me. His cock was growing rapidly, poking me in the chest now, showing me how turned on I was making him. How fucking hard he was getting thanks to me.

  That’s right, this little lamb made you that hard, daddy.

  Jackson grabbed my face and pulled me up, crashing his lips down on top of mine. I was only frozen for a second, shocked at the contact; Jackson had never kissed me before. In fact, I couldn’t recall a time when I had seen Jackson kissing anybody. Girls were always all over him, but I felt like he was more about receiving pleasure than giving it.

  Kissing was personal to someone like him, almost too personal.

  And, Lord, was our kiss personal.

  He pushed his tongue into my mouth right away, thrusting his hand into my hair and pulling me forcefully into his body as he dominantly claimed my lips. I had never kissed a man before but if I was inexperienced Jackson didn’t show it, shoving his tongue so far down my throat that I stumbled backward a little bit.

  He roared into my mouth one more time, gently sucking my lip before he shoved me off of him and let my body fall to the ground. It didn’t hurt physically but emotionally I felt stung. I didn’t want him to stop kissing me, I wanted him to own my mouth again and fast.

  His eyes were intense, filled with need and rage. He shook his head forcefully as if he was trying to shake the image of me out of his mind. He ran his hand back and forth over the huge bulge in his jeans. “Look what you fucking did. Are you proud of yourself?”

  I flushed. Of course, I was proud of myself.

  He was Jackson fucking Lucas.

  “Yeah,” he seethed. “I’ll just bet you are. We both know you’re a dirty little girl underneath all that innocence you carry around like a fucking badge of honor.” He stepped around me and sat down on the edge of my bed. “Well, you made me this hard, little lamb, so now it’s your job to take care of it. Now get over here and show me what that dirty little mouth can do.”

  My hand flew to my mouth immediately. Was he crazy? I had never sucked anyone’s cock before! Especially not one as big as his! “I don’t know how to do that!” I spat out desperately. “I’ve never done it before! I’m going to choke!” I couldn’t stop all my thoughts from tumbling out at once. God, he made me so nervous!

  Jackson grinned happily. “You know, you would think you admitting you’ve never done any of the stuff I want you to do before would get old but it hasn’t yet.” He grabbed his hard-on again. “I know you haven’t used that wet little mouth before, Emery, my cock is going to be the first and last one you ever have between those puffy good girl lips. Now get the fuck over here and get to work, baby.”

  Oh, shit, was my gag reflex going to be able to handle this?

  I started to rise on shaky knees. Jackson Lucas wanted my mouth wrapped around his huge cock. He wanted my tongue to take him to the edge of pleasure and back. Just the knowledge made my wetness drip past my panties and specs landed between my legs.

  Lord, help me.

  “No,” Jackson snapped. “You crawl to me.”


  “You heard me. On your knees and crawl to me.”

  I dropped down on all fours and started to slither forward.

  “Slower, my little lamb.” His hand was still on his cock but now he was gripping
it hard through the fabric, showing off the outline of it perfectly. “Look at me when you crawl to this cock, Emery.”

  I let my eyes meet his. He was calmer than he was when he first came in. Whatever had been bothering him had started to fade thanks to the little game we were playing. I was taking his mind off it, letting him get his aggression out in other ways, ways that we both craved.

  His grey eyes were pleading with desire and it was all for me.

  “Yeah, just like that, good girl,” he moaned. “Fuck, Emery, you look so good on your knees.” He took in every inch of my body with his gaze as I moved closer and closer to him. “You’re so fucking perfect.”

  It was the closest thing he had ever given me to a compliment but I wasn’t going to stop and remind him. He was clearly too turned on to think straight, saying things he normally never would. And damn me if I didn’t enjoy it.

  When I reached his knees he reached out and ran a finger up and down my lip. “Open up.” He pushed his fingers between my lips and shoved his hand down my throat, making hard strokes as he moved them faster and faster. “Wider, Emery,” he ordered. “If you can't even handle my fingers how are you going to take my huge fucking cock?”

  I obeyed and gagged on the edge of my fingers when he went too far back. “Shit,” he sighed as he removed his hands from my throat. “That mouth is just as tight as that pussy, Emery, we need to open you up.” His hands came down to my shoulders before pushing my hair behind my shoulders and nudging the straps of my tank top down. “Let me see your bra, baby.” He yanked my shirt down without waiting for me to do it and let out a low moan before slowly reaching inside of my cups and pulling each one of my breasts slowly.

  I immediately blushed and tried to cover myself from him.

  “Don’t.” He shoved my hands down and shook his head. “Don’t do that.”

  My heart was racing so fast I thought I might explode.

  “Say it,” he encouraged me eagerly.

  “No one’s ever seen my breasts before,” I whispered.

  He grinned happily. “And what great breasts they are, little lamb.” He took one in his hand and started to turn it over in his fingers, grunting. “Look at those fucking nipples, Emery.” He shot his finger out and yanked on one roughly. “They’re so fucking pink and so fucking hard. You dirty girl, you’re that turned on, huh?”


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