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The Backup and the Baby (New Hampshire Bears 7)

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by Mary Smith

  Copyright 2017 © Gone Writing Publishing

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  New Hampshire Bears’ Roster

  Coach: Taden Long


  15 – Hamilton Baer*

  56 – Alden Brockman

  11 – Ladd Hanes

  28 – Edgar Hopp

  81 – Zerrick Justice

  88 – Finlay Mackey

  67 – Gage McLoyd

  16 – Vance Pemberton

  53 – Jarvis Richter

  72 – Remington Rosin

  65 – Kyson Wick

  86 – Bas Zorn


  6 – Cabel Dirks

  4 – Keaton Jaco

  32 – Walker Lange

  2 – Dag Limon

  5 – Ivan Rodin

  7 – O’Dell Tillman

  57 – Shade Wooten


  50 – Teo Elgin

  33 – Nathan Paxton

  * - means Captain

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen


  Next New Hampshire Bears’ Book

  About the Author




  I STARE INTO the bathroom mirror looking at myself at all angles. Why did I let Janan, my sweet dear, overly blunt cousin talk me into this outfit? Even though she and I are cousins by blood, we’re practically sisters. However, no matter her opinion, this outfit doesn’t fit right.

  I bite my lip hard. I fluff my hair, but it’s too long and too fuzzy to do anything with. I toss my head back and sigh. I’m about to be on a date with the hottest man ever and I look like an overstuffed burrito.

  I head over to Janan’s room. I know she’s in there studying. I push open the door. “Eeek! I’m sorry.” I cover my eyes. “Sorry. Sorry. Sorry,” I say over and over because I just caught Janan making out with her boyfriend Hamilton Baer. The man is huge. Bigger than huge. He’s six feet eight and nothing but muscles and more muscles.

  “It’s okay.” Janan giggles. “We were just kissing. What’s wrong?”

  I drop my hand. “This top is too tight. If I bend over these pants may split. The heels are already hurting my feet. This is a huge mistake, right?” I blurt out without even thinking. Suddenly, the buzzer goes off. “Oh God.” I shake out my hands to shake away the anxiety. “He’s here. He’s here. He’s here. What am I going to do?”

  My cousin comes over and hugs me. “You’re going to be outstanding!”

  “I’ll get the door,” Hamilton says. “And if he even takes a step out of line, I’ll kick his ass.” He pats my back and goes to the living room to let Teo in.

  “You’re going to be fine.” She hugs me tight. “Just be yourself. He’s going to love you.”

  I groan. “I’m a fat girl who loves to cook and eat cake.”

  “You’re not fat. Now, go be sexy.” She commands me and shoves me toward the door.

  “Let’s hope I don’t drop any of the food.” I mumble and head into the living room.

  “Hi, Teo,” Janan says first, and I see Hamilton whispering something to him.

  Teo is wearing a pair of dark jeans and a light green polo. His eyes are very pale blue. If you look at them quickly it’s almost as if his eyes are white with black pupils, but for some reason, they’re mesmerizing. I love this unique feature of him.

  “Hi, Janan.” Teo’s Swedish accent isn’t deep but you can hear it.

  “Well, you both enjoy your night.” Janan squeezes my hand before leaving with Hamilton.

  “Hi, Nova,” he says.

  “Hi.” I rub my hands together nervously. “How are you?”

  “I’m okay.” He looks around the room. “This is a nice place you and Janan have.”

  “Um...yes it’s nice.” I’m not sure what to say or do. This is much different than when we text. Actually, we didn’t really talk much there either. We stand awkwardly away from each other in the middle of the living room. Both of us are gazing around at everything but one another.

  This is a mess.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to go out?” he finally asks.

  “No.” I rush out. “I cooked. I like to cook.” God, I sound like a fool. Thankfully the oven timer goes off to break up my awkwardness. “We’ll have dinner over here.” I carefully walk over to the kitchen. These heels are killing me. The ones I usually wear are not as high.

  Sitting at the breakfast bar, Teo comments. “It smells wonderful.”

  “It’s lasagna. Do you eat lasagna?”

  “N, I’ve been to Italian restaurants.”

  My cheeks burn with embarrassment. I’m an idiot. He’s from Sweden not some other planet. I open the oven and bring out the pan. “I didn’t mean to imply you’ve never had it.” My voice is uneasy and cracks.

  “I was kidding.”

  I look up and he’s smirking.

  “You seem very tense. I was trying to break up the tension.”

  I take a deep breath. “You’re right. I’ve never been on a date before and I’m not sure what to say or do.” I slap my hand to my forehead. Did I seriously just tell him this is my first date?

  “How about I help you out? What can I do?” He jumps up, ignoring my comment, and comes over to me.

  “Okay.” I look around for something for him to do. “The plates are up there and the drinks are in the fridge.” I point to everything. “I’ll finish the salads as the lasagna cools a bit.”

  Teo moves around me grabbing the items. “Um, there’s only water or sports drinks. Do you have any beer?”

  I freeze as I chop the veggies for the salad. Janan and I both made vows as children never to drink alcohol due to the way Sharon, Janan’s mother and my aunt, acted when she drank. She was a horrible person. I’m not sure if I want to open that can of worms on a first date. “Janan and I are underage.” I reason. “I’ll just have a water. Thanks.”

  “I forgot you’re only nineteen.” He grabs a couple of bottles and goes back to the breakfast bar.

  “We can sit at t
he table.” I suggest.

  “Nah, this is fine.” He sits on the stool and watches me. “Where did you learn to cook?”

  “I’ve always loved it. No one ever really taught me. I just kept trying when Sharon would allow me to or when Uncle Tad was home. He was the only one who would be my taste tester.” I smile at the memories of my uncle trying not to gag on some of the crazy concoctions I made up.

  “Coach Long is a good man.”

  I agree with him. My uncle is the coach of the New Hampshire Bears and is an amazing man. When I was two, he took me in when my mother died. My asshole of a father left my mother when she told him she was having me. I don’t even know who he is and I don’t care. Even though my childhood wasn’t the greatest, I have Janan, Uncle Tad, and Uncle Oliver. He’s my godfather, not my real uncle. He’s Uncle Tad’s best friend and has been there for me a lot in my life, especially now. Uncle Oliver owns the Bears and numerous other sports teams and businesses.

  I can still remember the first time I saw Teo. Well, really his eyes. They drew me in like a moth to a blue zap bug light. I was at practice waiting for Uncle Tad to finish up and spend the day with Janan and me. Teo walked right past me with a nod and a small smile. My knees went weak and I was hooked. I had a crush on him.

  Now here we are.

  I set the salads in front of him with several choices of dressings since I have no clue what he likes.

  “I hope you like everything I put in the salad.” I hop up on the stool.

  Teo smirks. “Should I give you a hand? I forget how short you are.”

  I glare at him, which only makes him chuckle. “I’m not that short.”

  “Okay.” He takes a bite of his salad and we fall into silence for a bit as we eat.

  What does one talk about on a first date? I should have Googled this beforehand, but I had to get ready in this get-up and do my hair and makeup. Does he read? Watch TV? Have hobbies? What the hell do I say or ask?

  “What are you going to school for?” He has already inhaled his food and turns to me.

  “Oh, I’m going for business. Well, it’s actually business management because I’d like to open my very own bakery someday. It’s a far-off dream, but it’s something I’d like to do.” I peek up at him through my eyelashes. I’m hoping he doesn’t think it’s insane.

  “Sounds like you have a plan.”

  “Did you go to college?”

  He nods. “I did. I finished before I signed on with Bears.”

  “What did you study?”


  “Wow, how fascinating?” I twist around to face him.

  “It’s cool.” He shrugs. “I hope to find something after my hockey career is over.”

  I try to think of something else to talk about because I don’t have a clue about architecture. “Do you have any siblings back in Sweden?”

  “Were you born in New Hampshire?” He quickly changes the topic I figure family isn’t a topic he wants to talk about–especially his own.

  “I was born in Wisconsin. Uncle Tad and my mother are from there originally. When she died, Uncle Tad was living in Alabama as an assistant coach, and I went to live with him.” I jump off the stool and twist my ankle. With Teo’s quick reflexes, he grabs me by the arm and steadies me, pulling me closer to him. “Sorry.” I breathe.

  “Why are you wearing such strange shoes?” His eyes pierce mine.

  “It goes with my outfit.” It sounds just as silly in my head as it does out loud.

  “You can take them off. They’re not you. You’re much prettier without them.” His face is close to mine.

  It’s at that moment I fell in love with Teo Elgin.

  TONIGHT, OF ALL nights, I had to work late. I’m rushing all around to try to get out of the steakhouse without having to make Teo wait much longer. He’s supposed to be at my apartment already. I’m not sure if he’s there or not since we’re not allowed to have our cell phones while on shift. I practically trip over my own feet as I punch out and bolt for the door, yelling goodbye to all I pass. Janan has our car tonight, so I need to grab a bus or run home.

  “Hey, N.”

  I skid to a stop as Teo’s accent fills my ears. “What are you doing here?”

  He is leaning against his car. Pushing off it, he strolls over to me. “I stopped by the apartment and since you didn’t answer the door I texted Hamilton to find out where you were. Janan said you probably had to work late.” He leans in to kiss me but I turn my head.

  “Teo, I’m nasty right now.”

  “Not to me.” He pulls me close and pecks my lips.

  “Let’s get me home. I’ll shower, get ready, and we’ll head out for our night.” My toes are still curled from his simply sweet kiss. If I don’t step away from him, I may devour his mouth.

  “Do you really want to go out?” He frowns in disgust.

  “Oh.” I take a big step back. “If you’re tired or whatever I can walk home.”

  “What? No. I mean how about we go back to your place, you can shower and get comfortable. Then we can order a pizza and watch a movie.”

  “Really?” I beam. Even though I had been looking forward to going out in public with him staying in sounds perfect.

  “Yes.” He smiles.

  “Let’s go.”

  On the drive to the apartment, Teo tells me about practice and a new book he’s reading about architecture. On our first date, it took us a little while to get comfortable with each other, but the more we ate the more we talked.

  “Give me a few and I’ll be ready,” I tell Teo and rush to shower and clean up.

  I really love working at the steakhouse. Even though I’m only a hostess, I’m still learning a lot about the restaurant industry. I can’t wait to open a bakery and be my own boss. It’ll mean so much to have something of my own.

  I dry my hair quickly but leave it hanging in frizzy waves. I slip into a pair of gray leggings and a yellow tunic. I know it’s not super dressed up, but I don’t want to be in pajamas. I give up on my makeup because I’m starting to sweat from the nervousness of having Teo in the apartment. Yes, he’s been in here before, but this feels different than the other night.

  “Nova, pizza will be here in a few. Are you okay?” Teo yells through the door.

  “One sec.” I try to push my hair down again. Silently I growl in frustration and give up.

  I open the door of the bathroom which leads to my bedroom and stop. “Um…”

  “I’m sure you know this, but you don’t have a TV in the living room.” Teo is sitting on the side of my bed.

  He’s sitting on my bed!

  “Yes, I know.”

  “How come?”

  “Oh, I’m not sure you want me to ruin the evening.” I stand at the end of my bed. I’m not sure where to sit.

  “What do you mean?” He turns to me by scooting to my headboard and stretching out his legs. “Why is there no TV in there?”

  “Okay.” I clear my throat. “Sharon hated TVs and she broke the one at our home. Janan and I seem to just keep it up.” I’m certain Teo knows about the abusive home I grew up in considering the entire Bears organization knows about it. Hopefully, I don’t have to talk about it in depth. I’ve spent the last year and a half in therapy and have done enough talking about my past.

  Teo nods. “Are you going to sit by me or stand there the entire evening?”

  “I’m...I’m…” Can I be any lamer?

  “N.” He moves off the bed and takes my hand. “Nothing is going to happen unless you want it to. Right now, I’d like for us to sit on the bed, find a suitable movie, and enjoy each other’s company.”

  I deflate as the tension leaves me. “Thank you, Teo.”

  “You’re welcome.” He kisses my forehead as the door buzzer goes off. He leaves me to grab the food.

  I shake my hands out to try to get myself back into focus. This is Teo. He is someone I like and have a good time with. There’s no reason for me to act this w

  “N, where are we eating?” He steps into the bedroom.

  “Here.” I climb up on my bed. “They brought us napkins, right?”

  “Yes and I got us water.” He holds up the plastic bag with the water bottles.

  Together we help each other in the bed and get everything arranged to eat. I grab the remote and flip on the VUDU app on my TV. Teo isn’t sure what it is and I explain it to him.

  “I hate clutter. I converted my DVDs to digital and started to purchase all my movies and TV series through here. It cuts down on clutter, and I get new movies weeks before they’re released.”

  Teo stares at me for a second.

  “I sound like a TV nerd, right?” My cheeks are aflame and I drop my head.

  “No, it’s nice to see you’re passionate about something. Since you’re the expert, you pick what to watch.” He picks up a slice of pizza.

  “Okay.” I begin to flip through my TV library when Teo stops me.

  “What’s that?” He points.

  “That?” I move the cursor over.


  “The Big Bang Theory. Have you never watched The Big Bang Theory?” Suddenly, I feel as if Teo has been living a sheltered life.

  “What is it?”

  I stare at him in disbelief before I go into an extremely lengthy and detailed synopsis of the wonderful characters of The Big Bang Theory.

  “Is it funny?” he asks, grabbing another slice of food.

  “Just watch.” I click on season one and we begin the most amazing show ever created. In my opinion anyway.

  We make it through all of season one, a large pizza, and a couple of bottles of water. Teo and I laugh–a lot–and I continue to give him more details of the show. He doesn’t seem to think I’m a loser either. We clean up the food and discard the trash.

  “How about we start season two?” Teo hops back up on the bed.

  “Sure.” I excitedly click on the next season.

  “If you don’t care I’m going to move because I can’t see well.” Teo begins to move closer to me.


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