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The Backup and the Baby (New Hampshire Bears 7)

Page 14

by Mary Smith

  “Nova, are you okay?”

  “Fine.” I smile at my Uncle Oliver. Yes, it’s fake. He knows it’s fake but doesn’t call me out on it.

  Teo is on fire tonight. He’s spectacular. Just a few minutes to go and he’ll have another shutout. I’m happy for him. I knew when he said he was quitting it wasn’t real. Yes, he loves and dreams of being an architect, but hockey is his love as well. He belongs on the ice. I knew he was making a rash decision. It’s the reason why I convinced Uncle Oliver, Conner, and Janan to give him a second chance. Of course, they thought I was crazy but they agreed.

  I stand and clap with the others as the Bears rack up another win. I’m proud of Teo. His heart is back in it, and I know he’s happy. That’s what matters.

  I’ve spent so much time trying to make him forgive me, I figured out he doesn’t even care for me. Okay, that’s a stretch. He does care for me. Mostly because I’m the mother of his child. I guess he cares for me.

  Hell, I don’t know anything anymore.

  I avoid everyone again as I make my way back to the hotel and make sure everything is ready to load up. In truth, I just don’t want to run into Teo. I’m about to be on a plane with him. Hopefully keeping my earbuds in and my work in front of me will keep him at bay.


  I MAKE SURE to be one of the first to board the plane. I pick a seat in the back where Uncle Tad and the coaching staff usually sits. I stare out the window and try my best not to watch the guys settling in. I almost feel Teo’s presence when he steps foot onto the plane. I shut my eyes, praying to whoever will listen that Teo doesn’t sit by me.

  No one is listening because he flops down right next to me.

  “Hi, N.”

  Shit. I open my eyes and turn to him. “Teo.”

  He leans a little closer to me. “You know we need to talk.”

  “Is this of a personal nature?” The lump in my throat is creeping up.

  “You know it is.”

  “Then there’s nothing to discuss.”

  “N.” He lowers his voice more. “I’m begging. There’s a lot for us to hash out.”

  “Teo.” Like him, I keep my voice low. “Drop it, please. We only need to discuss the topics of Klara and the Bears.”

  “And us. The topic of us is important.”

  I blink several times trying to keep the tears from falling.

  “Just give me a few minutes to explain everything.”

  I cross my arms protecting myself–and my heart.

  “N, you mean a lot to me. You need to know this. I was a dumbass for the way I treated you. You need to forgive me. We need to be together.”

  If he said those words to me a few weeks ago I would have jumped into his arms. But not now. Now, I need to think about all the factors. My heart is broken, and he won’t be able to repair it.

  “Teo, I’m sorry. This is over. We both need to move on. I already told you to find someone who will treat you better.”

  “Go out with me.” He softly blurts out

  “Are you listening to me?” I hiss.

  “Yes. Are you going to answer me?”

  My heart is screaming yes. My head is shouting no. All in all, I’m not sure who to listen to. This is becoming more and more confusing.


  I jerk my head up to see Uncle Oliver standing above us.

  “We need to go over the contract and meeting notes. Teo, go sit with the team.”

  Teo opens his mouth to say something, but he quickly closes it, stands, and goes toward the front of the plane.

  “Thank you.” I mouth as Uncle Oliver nods and takes Teo’s seat.

  “You can’t avoid it forever.”

  I know he’s right. I just need to figure out a way for Teo to see it my way.

  THERE’S NOTHING BETTER than holding your baby, kissing her chunky cheeks, and hearing her giggles. I hold her tightly after I send Emma home. Klara and I play on the floor, eat too much, and laugh even more.

  It’s the perfect ending to a long day.

  As we finish dinner, the sound of the doorbell makes my heart flutter. I know who it is. I don’t even need three guesses. I pick up Klara and together we answer the door. Klara smiles the second Teo says hello. She loves her daddy and that does make me happy. I don’t know what it’s like to have a father. I love my uncles but a father is a different kind of bond. I’m glad Klara has it with Teo.

  “Is it me or is she bigger?” He takes her from my arms.

  “I had the same thought.” I shut the door. “She’s had a bath and is fed. You two have fun.” I kiss her cheek and head to the kitchen to go over tomorrow’s agenda and notes.

  Tomorrow is a big day because I’m going to be working on the Rams players’ contracts. I want to show Uncle Oliver I can do this. He’s entrusting Janan and me with his babies. Yes, they’re his babies because it’s his first love. I want to make him proud.

  I’m making my notes as Teo comes in and sits down next to me. He doesn’t say anything, but I can feel his eyes on me.

  “Did she go to sleep?” I try my best not to look at him.


  We fall back into silence.

  “Are you going to talk to me?”

  I put my pen down and look up at him. “We’re talking now.”

  “No, N, I’m serious.”

  “We’ve talked.” I stand and hope he follows me to the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  He stares at me for a full lifetime before leaving.

  At least this time I didn’t cry all night.

  I’M REPLYING TO an email when Franceen comes in with a large vase of roses.

  “Someone has a delivery.” She sings out.

  “Who are these from?”

  “I don’t know, but someone must be pleased with your friendship.” She smirks before leaving my office.

  I open the card and gasp. They’re from Teo. Why is he sending me flowers? Did he send them by mistake? It has to be an error.

  I miss you. Please have dinner with me.

  I miss him too, but we can’t do this. There’s no trust. Well, I trust him. It’s the fact he doesn’t trust me. Or does he? He kept saying it over and over for the past week. He’s saying we should be together. It’s wearing me down.

  I grab my cell and call Janan. The second she answers I tell her about the past week of him trying to talk to me and the flowers.

  “You know you want to go out with him,” she tells me. “Go!”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Yes, you do know. You have been heartbroken over him since that stupid party. This is your second chance. It’s right in front of you and you need to take it.”

  “I have a bad feeling.” I confess. It’s something I can’t explain or put my finger on, but it’s there.

  “What do you mean?” Janan inquires.

  “He hates me, Jan. He can’t turn it off. Nobody can. And don’t forget he doesn’t trust me.”

  “Oh Novabear.” She sighs. “People can change. They do change if they want. I’m telling you to take this chance and run with it. If it pans out, great. If you both realize it’s not meant to be, then at least you tried. You have to try. At least give it a try for Klara.”

  “I hate when you’re right.” I groan.

  “You love it when I’m right.” She corrects me.

  “Whatever.” I only half joke. “I have to get back to work. Love you.” I end the call and lightly bang my head on the desk. Why is my life complicated? Can’t I just have an easy day?

  I have to push this all out of my head and focus on work. There’s a game tonight and not to mention I’m about to be in a room full of agents to continue negotiations for the Rams contracts. I’m nervous enough without adding Teo and whatever he’s going to add to my anxiety.

  If I drank alcohol, I’d down a bottle right now. Instead, it’s time to be an adult.

  AS I LEFT the office, I told Uncle Oliver I wouldn’t be at the game tonig
ht. I’m exhausted and just want a night home to myself and Klara. Teo will be busy with the game and will certainly go home afterward. It’ll be nice to spend an evening with no distractions.

  I send Emma home as soon as I’m settled in. I place Klara in her high chair and start prepping dinner. Cooking is like therapy for me. I’m not sure where the love of cooking came from, but I’ve been doing it for as long as I can remember.

  I think back to Teo’s and my first date. Even though in the beginning it was nerve-racking, I was able to relax and it turned out to be fantastic. Soon, we were talking about everything and anything. We laughed a lot during the time we dated. Most of all, we talked. There was no topic off limit. He didn’t judge me when I told him I was a virgin. Hell, he didn’t even blink when I said I never kissed anyone.

  He cared for me.

  He cares for me.

  And I love him.

  “Klara, should I give your daddy another chance?” I shouldn’t be asking my five month old this question. She looks up at me, with Teo’s eyes, and laughs. “Well, okay then.” I kiss her forehead and go back to making dinner.

  I STIR WHEN I hear knocking. Opening one eye, I realize I fell asleep on the couch with the TV on. I stretch my arms out and get up. I know it’s Teo.

  “Hey.” I rub my eyes as he comes into the house.

  “Sorry. I woke you, didn’t I?”

  “It’s okay.” I yawn. “I fell asleep during the game.”

  “Wow! The game wasn’t that boring.” He smirks.

  “No.” I try to give him a glare, but I’m too tired. “I’m exhausted.”

  “You’re working too hard.” He moves closer to me.

  “Thank you for the flowers.” I try to stay focused on words and not how delicious he looks when he smiles and how lickable he is.

  “When’s our date?” Our bodies are touching. I can’t think straight having him this close.

  “Teo, you’re a great guy. You will make someone happy.” I’ll try not to be jealous about it either.

  “I want you.” He leans in closer. “Tell me when we’re going out.”

  Our lips are close. Close enough to kiss. Close enough to feel his hot minty breath tangling with mine.

  “Teo.” I lick my lips anticipating this kiss.

  “Tell me you don’t want me and I’ll never pursue this again.” His stare is intense.

  I open my mouth to tell him I don’t want this, but I’m lying. I do want this. Teo is the only man I do want.

  “Say it, N. Say you don’t want me.” His eyes are challenging me.

  “I...I…” My thoughts are jumbled and he’s too close for me to straighten them out. At last, I let my heart answer. “I miss you.”

  Teo grabs my face and kisses me hard, pushing my body flush with his and the wall behind me. I open my mouth letting our tongues entangle. He moves his hands to the back of my thighs, lifting me up. I wrap my legs around his hips.

  “I need you.”

  His words cause me to shiver. “Across from Klara’s room.”

  Teo easily carries me down the hall. I’d told him when we were dating he was going to throw his back out. But right now, I don’t care. When we reach the room, he lays me on the bed, covering my body with his.

  “Fuck, N.” He growls and nips down my neck, pushing up my shirt. “Your tits are huge. Why are you wearing a bra?”

  “I’ve not pumped tonight. I’m leaking.”

  “Leaking?” His eyes widen. “Interesting.”

  “No!” I grab his chin and make him look at me. “Milk is for Klara. Not you.”

  Teo pouts and it causes me to laugh.

  “You’re depriving me of nutrients.”

  “No! It’s for Klara. Klara only.”

  His pout turns into a smirk. “I guess I’ll have to suck on something else then.”

  I giggle as he removes my shorts and licks up my thighs. I freeze as he begins sucking on my clit. Soon, I relax and pant harder when he pushes his fingers inside me.

  “Fuck, I’ve missed you, N.”

  “Teo.” I arch my hips as the tension fills me.

  “Cum for me. You’re so fucking beautiful when you cum in my mouth.”

  I moan as the tension falls away, and I begin to shake. I squeeze my thighs, fisting his hair, pulling him closer to me.

  “Damn, I missed your pussy too.”

  The first time we ever had sex, I had been thrown off by all his dirty talk, but now it’s turning me on more than anything.

  Together we get his clothes off and toss his boxer briefs somewhere in the room. We’re all arms and legs trying to get undressed. Just as he’s ready to push into me I hear wailing on the baby monitor. We both stop and look at each other as the crying grows louder.

  “I’m being cock-blocked by my own daughter.” Teo rolls off me.

  “I’ll check on her.” I grab my robe and cover myself before going into her room. “Sweet monkey, what’s the issue?”

  She bawls harder reaching for me. I pick her up and cradle her in my arms. She slows her crying but is still whimpering.

  “Are you hungry?”

  I pull my robe apart and nestle her to my chest. Klara easily latches on and begins to feed. I stroke her cheek and hair to sooth her. Once she’s finished, I rock her a little while longer and then put her back in her crib. I watch her for a moment as I feel Teo wrapping his arms around me.

  “We created a stunning baby.” He kisses me below my ear.

  “We did.”

  “Now, may we continue what we started?”

  I lean back on his chest. I’m tired, but I do want him. “Please.”

  Teo spins me around and guides me back to the bedroom. Again, he lays me on the bed and my body relaxes from his weight on me.

  “We need to get my clothes off.” I nod down to my robe.

  He clears his throat. “Don’t kill me, but can we take a rain check until morning?”

  I smile because I’m growing more tired. “Yes.”

  He kisses me again. “By the way, I’m spending the night.”

  FOR THE FIRST time in a long time, I woke up with a smile on my face. I’m curled up to Teo with my head on his chest. I stare at his thick lashes fanning over his cheeks and the slow rise and fall of his chest. Do I wish we had sex last night? Hell yes, but this is just as amazing.

  I kiss his chest before sliding out of his arms. I check on Klara and she’s sound asleep. I pad my way into the kitchen. Knowing Klara will wake up soon, I need a moment of silence and coffee. It only lasts until the Keurig finishes my cup. The front door opens, and I know it can only be one person. The same person who has breakfast with me every day. And today she brought Hamilton.

  “Novabear, I think I need you to make me some lasagna?” Janan begins to make her coffee as I grab the eggs and bacon for breakfast.

  “You think?”

  “I’ve been craving it,” she says.

  “It’s all she talked about last night.” Hamilton adds.

  Janan begins to go on and on about the details of when she started having this craving as I continue breakfast. My back is away from the doorway when I hear Klara’s giggles and Hamilton saying, “Hey...Teo,” to match Janan’s gasp.

  “Good morning, Hamilton. Janan.”

  I turn and see him standing there shirtless. Of course he’s shirtless.

  “We weren’t expecting anyone else to be here.” Janan continues. I know she’s staring me down, but I continue to work on breakfast.

  “It was a last minute type of thing.” He walks over to the counter and makes himself some coffee.

  Thankfully, no one–especially Janan–asks any further questions. I plate up everyone’s food and hand them out. I grab Klara’s breakfast and begin to feed her.

  “Why aren’t you eating?” Teo seems confused.

  “She never eats anymore.” Janan chimes in.

  “I eat.” I correct her. “But I want to make sure Klara is taken care of first. Usually, I
grab some toast or a bagel before I leave.”

  “What?” He furrows his brow. “Is this how you lost your weight?”

  “I think it was the stress of you.” Janan continues to speak. “She was really torn up about everything.”

  “Janan.” I growl.

  “What?” She shrugs. “If you two are fucking or back together or whatever, shouldn’t he know for the past year you’ve pretty much cried yourself to sleep.”

  I roll my eyes at her. “Enough. Please.” I see Hamilton nudge her, and I’m hoping she takes the hint.

  “I’m just making him aware.” She mumbles.

  “I’m aware.” Teo nods. “It’s all worked out.”

  My heart stops and I try my best to keep a nonchalant expression as I focus on Klara’s feeding.

  “Well, I’m happy to hear it,” Hamilton says and quickly changes the topic to hockey and their upcoming game tonight.

  Soon everyone is finished with breakfast and Janan cleans up and leaves with Hamilton. I get Klara and myself ready for our day. Teo remains by my side most of the time, especially when I’m getting into the shower.

  “Are you coming to the game tonight?” He leans against the bathroom counter making faces at Klara as he holds her while I put on my makeup and finish my hair.

  “I am, if I can get everything done today.”

  “Are you going to the office? It’s Saturday.”

  “No. I plan on spending most of the day with Klara and while she naps then I’ll work. We’ll meet you after the game. I’ll bring Klara tonight.”

  “Really?” Teo’s eyes light up.


  He leans down and gives me a kiss. “I’d love it.”

  I smile. This is the life I can get used to.

  Chapter Twelve


  IN THE PAST twenty-four hours, my life has changed to be the greatest now. Yes, I want Nova, but I also want to be a family. I don’t just want to be a couple. More is what we need. After practice, the guys and I headed to lunch, during which my mother called me at least ten times. I ignored every single call. She’s nothing to me, and I don’t care what she has to say.


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