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WindSwept Narrows: #15 Rose Maddock

Page 8

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  “Ryan…this is a very…very…serious…”

  “And I’d like it to be OUR serious, Rose. I’m asking for your input. Your impressions. Your likes and dislikes about each,” he outlined casually, tugging on her palm until she was in the chair, reluctantly. He watched the sparkling amber eyes skirt to everything but the split screen of his computer. “Rose…”

  She knew she was sulking. She could hear the cajoling in his voice. That soft, deep voice that belonged in a far away land. She brought her gaze up slowly, her lower lip pulled between her teeth. Pale lashes blinked, her eyes going from one to the other, curiosity engaged, despite herself.

  “Can I see the floor plans?”

  Surprise, she thought, watching his hands move expertly over the keyboard, the spilt screens displaying his request. She leaned closer, pulled her chair closer to his. A sigh broke free without a thought to it when his palm moved along her neck, massaging gently.

  “Pictures are better than floor plans,” he said after a few minutes, calling up photos on the insides and outsides of both. He leaned back, placing the mouse where she could reach and watching her eyes as she went through the photographs of the homes. He had a suspicion which she would prefer, yet battled with a part of him that claimed he didn’t know her well enough to make that guess. Even when another part of him knew he’d known her in his heart forever.

  He watched her take one fingernail between her teeth, eyes narrowed as she went through the photos again.

  “Maybe it’s just the décor…I don’t know…” she clicked on the colorful, high vaulted living area that opened to a gorgeous Sound view below. “I like that one….and before you say it…it almost doesn’t have anything to do with the indoor pool and hot tub,” she felt a flush strike her cheeks when he laughed and nodded.

  “To be honest…and it might be the décor of the other one…I preferred the one with color and windows, as well,” he closed the files and met the slowly opening eyes. “Not so very painful?”

  Rose met his stare. She was familiar enough with the cost of real estate in the area. Especially with the houses with such a view. Even more so added to the size of the house, the imported beautiful rustic tiles and the beautiful new kitchen.

  “Umm…can I ask…”


  “No? Just…no? You don’t even know what I was…”

  “You were going to ask me the price,” he said, satisfied when she pulled her lips into a taut bow, brow furrowed and eyes narrowed. “And I said no. You can not ask.”

  “I could find out.”

  “You could. Would it stop you from living with me?”

  Rose knew the breath caught in her chest. His question threw her brain into a tail spin and he knew it. She stood up, leaving the empty glass on his desk and striding into the bedroom without looking back. She’d just thought about how, mostly nice…the last five days had been.

  Ryan let a soft breath of air escape from between his lips. He’d worked all of his life. Sometimes good, sometimes less than good. He’d taken chances and skirted lines, but even when it turned upside down, he’d learned from his decisions. He had no past to call on for this one. He’d never asked a woman to live with him before. Resolutely, he shoved against the arms of the chair, tapped lights out and went into the bedroom to see if she was packing.

  Rose wasn’t packing. She was stretched out face down on the bed, on top of the blankets with a pillow firmly over her head.

  “Can you breathe in there?” Ryan asked after stretching out sideways across the large bed. He listened to the muffled answer, his head shaking before lifting the pillow and dropping it behind him. “Once more…”

  “I’m not dead, so I guess I’m breathing.”

  He allowed a few beats of silence to pass. “You’re not packing.”

  “I’m not a coward.”

  “I never…”

  “My packing would indicate my running, which further indicates I’m a coward.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I thought about it.”

  “I know,” he said softly, his fingers sifting through the wisps of bronze. “It’s a frightening thing to consider. Becoming part of a couple…”

  “No…lots of other things are more frightening,” she said quietly, turning her face out of the spread and facing him. “It’s…uncharted…there’s no manual to follow…”

  Ryan lay on his back and stared up at the dark ceiling, lights sparkling in from outside casting shadows around the room, around them.

  “No…no, I don’t suppose there is…too many variables, I imagine,” he listened to her soft yawn and sat upright, tugging her with him. “Sleep, Rose,” he waited until she was up before pulling the blankets down, blinking as the night shirt she’d been wearing was pulled over her head and tossed to the chair. He felt his throat dry up like a teenager, watching the long legs, tawny coiled center and well muscled curves slide into the bed. He shook his head, hard and climbed in beside her.

  “You sleep in pajamas? How cute,” she murmured, burrowing down and closing her eyes with a long sigh.

  “You don’t?”

  “Skin needs to breathe,” she replied through another yawn. “We’re going to fight about this house thing.”

  “Must we?” He rolled to his side, his palm out and stroking lightly from her shoulder, over her back and onto the handful of her behind with a possessive squeeze. “Exactly which part will we fight about? So I can be prepared.”

  Rose felt some of the tired suddenly vanish. “I suppose we could fight tomorrow and have the make-up sex tonight. I’m only a little tired…think you can handle the ravishing part?”

  “Hmm…let me check my ego…”

  “Huh! Your ego would survive a ten point quake,” she gurgled when she was rolled to her back, watching him quickly shed his clothes before moving smoothly against her.

  “Thank you…I think I’ll enjoy the ravishing tonight,” he nibbled on her shoulder, sending shivers up her spine. "I like how you sigh my name..." One hand cupped her breast, teasing the nipple until it hardened under his palm. "I adore the way you throw your head back when you come."

  As he said this, the hand that was kneading her thighs slipped up to the thatch of hair between her legs. Damp, hot and ready, he parted the amber curls. He teased her mound until it opened for him, wetting his fingers as he explored the delicate folds.

  "I want you to come on my hand." He said huskily. She lay her head on his chest, her hands clutching the arms that kept her tightly against him.

  “Ryan..." She moaned, thrusting her hips toward him as a thick finger slid into her. "Yes..."

  "You're always so wet for me, my sweet Rose." Another finger joined the first. He moved his hand steadily, the pull and sucking sound filling her ears, as did Ryan's husky breathing against her ear. He could feel her body tensing as his kiss ranged over her mouth and down her throat. When his teeth bit into an aroused, taut nipple, her eyes closed tightly and her body gave itself over to him.

  He sheathed himself and joined her for the final throes, his hands cupping her behind, lifting her slightly and losing himself when she went over again, wrapping herself around and inside a part of him he’d never allowed another person to go before. Panting breathlessly, his mouth covered hers, their moisture cooling in the night breeze from the window she’d opened. He listened to the satisfied mew when he withdrew and returned a few minutes later, his arm out to pull her against him. He thought she was already asleep until her fingers tightened around his, her body snuggled close.

  Chapter Ten

  They didn’t fight in the morning. He went out for his run just after the wake up call came, leaving her in the shower. She left him a freshly toasted bagel and a pot of coffee. It wasn’t until he was standing before the mirror knotting his tie that he noticed the cloisonne lapel pin, a brilliant vibrant red rose attached where one might be were it a real flower.

  His Rose.

  Hayworth entered the suite at
the same time Ryan was completing a memo about a new purchase, nodding to the wording and shooting it off to his admin for execution.

  “You look disgusting,” Hayworth commented. “I’m not used to you being this happy. It ain’t normal.”

  “Adjust. Oh, and there’s milk in the refrigerator. Rose happens to like milk, it seems. I sent through a note to the real estate agent for a purchase. I want it settled today,” Ryan checked folders, dropped things into his brief case and checked his watch. “When will the cars be here?”

  “Sometime today, along with the goods. It’s all traveling in the moving van together,” he filled his coffee cup and followed Ryan out of the suite.

  “The agent is eager. She’ll make it work,” he said as they waited for the elevator. “I sent her your information. When she tags you, make the transfer. Then contact Oliver and tell him he can get started on the building project at the house. Let’s get downtown…I want these meetings finished and this property acquisition over with so I can get down to the buildings.”


  Rose was locking down her computer, glancing at her phone before lifting it and tapping out a text.

  “Off at noon on Fridays. I’ll be at my apartment taking care of laundry.” And she shot it off to Ryan, tucking the little cell into her bag at the same time a reply came zinging through.

  “Do you have a vehicle?”

  Rose sat and tapped. “Yes.”

  She considered whether or not to move yet. Adding another text.

  “Do you need a ride somewhere?”

  “Meet me at this address, please, at two this afternoon.”

  She was working on a snappy comeback when another text popped up.

  “I don’t fight by text. Hold it until we’re face to face.”

  Rose stuffed things in her pack and headed to her apartment, still growling as she entered her cozy place. She stuffed laundry into the washer and went to her computer, calling up her MMO and played while clothing was being washed and dried. She minimized the game enough to tap in the address and get a general map of where he wanted her to go, scowling and printing before going back to killing things and solving puzzles.

  The drive was pleasant and scarcely ten minutes south along a quiet road through a nice housing area on the Point. The gates were open and a couple cars sat in the wide parking area, a three car garage off to the left and the house sprawling….it was the only word she could think of to describe it….the house definitely sprawled along a wide swatch above the coastline.

  She felt her stomach lurch. She was positive her hands had become clammy as she slide from behind the wheel of her quiet four door. A big part of her was about to turn and run when a huge moving van came towards her, making her back up as he maneuvered.

  “Rose,” Ryan came around from the outside corner, his shoes silent on the dark rust colored stones that made the pathway. He managed to snag her fingers before she could bolt. “Just in time.”

  “For what?” Was the instant and suspicious retort.

  “For a viewing, sweet…nothing painful,” he promised with that sleek smile. “I’d like you to meet Matt Hayworth…personal assistant.”

  “Miss Maddock,” he extended his palm, shaking hers warmly.

  “A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Hayworth, please, call me Rose,” she felt her knees shaking, her feet hedging as Ryan tried leading her into the large house.

  “Rose…your feet appear to be stuck…you’ll relax once you have a little tour…”

  “You said viewing,” she jumped on the word change immediately, dragging her feet a little more. Somehow she knew if she went inside, she’d be doomed. “You said viewing as in it’s not a done deal yet…”

  “It’s a done deal, Rose,” Ryan sighed, his palm tightening around her waist. “You’ll love the kitchen…we’ll start there,” he told her, that soft lilt in his voice making her groan and he laughed when he got her over the threshold and inside the house. “Open your eyes, Rose.”

  “You’ve done it? You’ve really, really gone and…and…” Rose opened her eyes to stare into the biggest kitchen she’d seen in a very long time. All the appliances gleamed in stainless steel and black. Two large refrigerators, a double oven and a gorgeous gas range. She felt her insides shiver. “This is just so wrong…”

  “Oh, and Matt thanks you for the milk,” Ryan commented casually, watching her move around, opening cabinets and peering in the pantry. “He likes it with his coffee and I don’t drink milk.”

  “Would you prefer half and half or cream?” She asked absently.

  “A wise and discerning woman,” Matt complimented warmly. “She’s too good for the likes of you.”

  “I’ll make sure we have it in the fridge, Matt,” Rose said with a sigh.

  “Hmmm…that sounds to me like you’re taking up my invitation,” Ryan watched her spin, her mouth opening and closing with a snap. “I can’t wait to explore a grocery with you, Rose.”

  “You? In a grocery store?” Matt quickly turned his laugh into a cough.

  “I need air…” Rose said and moved past them to the open patio doors, holding onto the edges and inhaling deeply.

  “How about a look at our home office?” Ryan glanced at Matt, who nodded and went to see the moving people.

  “Our office?”

  “I noticed you have a computer desk and setup, Rose. It’s easily big enough to share,” he told her, taking her palm and guiding her along a wide hall to the east side of the house.

  “Phoebe?” Rose frowned and stepped forward. “What are you doing here?”

  “Wiring and setting up a home office,” the petite dark haired woman sat back on her heels and smiled at her friend. “How’s the new computer working for you?”

  “Breezing through the game, thanks,” Rose moved and sunk onto the floor, her head in her palms as her elbows rested on her knees. “What kind of setup here?”

  “Three hung monitors…you know Tommy…my muscle and assistant,” she nodded to the nineteen year old attaching the mounts to the walls. “You’ll have top notch wireless and cable throughout. Top of the line system, too, with a killer mainframe for routing.”

  Rose was about to answer when Hayworth came around the corner and Ryan’s cell sounded loudly.

  “They need to know where you want stuff, Ryan.”

  Ryan looked down at his cell and swore softly, his palm out to pull Rose to her feet. “Please…would you deal with the furniture? Master bedroom is above the kitchen. Nice loft and sitting room. Just put the stuff where you want it. Please. I have to…”

  “It’s okay, Ryan, I’ll handle it,” Rose waved at Phoebe and took off at a light trot to the front of the house.

  She watched Hayworth split off from her, directing the moving people with things that went into the apartment above the garage, evidently, she mused, his quarters. She listened to the little voice asking if she knew what she was getting herself into.

  Rose drew in a long, steadying breath and went to work organizing and directing. Boxes were easy. And the master bedroom and bath….unbelievable, she thought, standing before the huge walk in closet and watching them stack boxes as another couple men were assembling the king sized sleigh bed where she wanted it placed. She went below and leaned into one of the breakfast stools. He was making certain she put her mark on the house, she realized, smiling at the men and directing them. The house would still look empty, she realized, moving to the patio doors and listening as the large truck drove away an hour and a half later. She listened to men talking, the hammering and sawing stopping as the work day came to a close a little before five.

  She walked through the whole house. Several times, as she kept getting turned around. The living area had a gorgeous stone floor, vaulted ceilings and a very nice fireplace. It was done in colors of deep red and crème with one wall nothing but windows facing the Sound. There were three living areas, she realized, the stone flooring changing only in color to suit each new room.

sp; There were four bedrooms, two with little sitting areas and private baths. There was the office and another room where she saw his weights and resistance machine being set up by the movers before they left. The diningroom had a nice wooden table that could easily seat ten people, she thought, counting the chairs. She remembered him talking about entertaining over holidays.

  Rose walked outside, gathering her sweater closed as the winds of evening picked up. She stood on the large stone patio and just stared at the changing colors in the sky off in the west. Ryan found her standing there shortly before six and led her back into the warmth of the house, neither of them speaking. He’d turned the fireplace on and sat back on the sofa, pulling her easily onto his lap. She didn’t say anything, just sighed and laid her head on his shoulder.

  “Ready for some dinner? I think we missed lunch,” Ryan commented, his hand stroking gently over her head.

  “Back to the hotel?” Rose pushed herself to the sofa, digging into her pocket for her keys.

  “For tonight. I want to pack up and move things out here tomorrow and check out of the hotel,” he said quietly, her silence worrying him.

  “I met Susan…” She said without looking at him. “She’s nice. I like her…”

  “Matt and Susan have worked for me a little over six years now.”

  “A housekeeper…” She said, a trace of disbelief in her voice. “I…umm…told her I’d go shopping tomorrow. Food and stuff…since she has lots to do to get their apartment together.”


  “I like shopping…not crazy about hauling things inside…”

  “I think we’ll manage,” he promised with a little smile, standing up and tugging her after him. “Let’s go to the hotel. How about dinner at the pool?”

  “Dinner…at the pool?” She looked at him as they left the house, watching him set the alarm. Lights filled the large apartment above the garage so she knew the property wouldn’t be empty tonight.


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