A Dom's Decision
Page 9
Athol skimmed the several sheets. As he'd expected, Linsey had detailed what he told her in a clear and concise manner. Probably a lot better than he could speak the facts.
"Oh wow," Anna looked up from her document. "That's so sad."
"Understatement, pet," Caden said as he took off his glasses and put them away. "I'd say someone is shit stirring with a ladle. Any idea who or why?"
Athol shook his head. "Everything Edan and I know is in there. It all came out of the blue, when Seonagh tried to get in here after she got that letter Linsey's photocopied. So far we've followed all legal routes. Now?" He lifted one shoulder. "Well, what do you reckon?"
"So, may I?" Lizzie looked from Fiona to Athol and Edan. Athol nodded.
"Be our guest. We're stymied apart from contacting Sina, and then that involves Seonagh and her Delia fiasco. Which I'd rather not reopen. Poor kid has enough on her plate."
"Exams," Edan said. "The uni has exams starting next week. They matter. I did a bit of legal digging and she's on the way to a first. No way do we want to jeopardize that."
"Right, then, let me see." Lizzie started to count on her fingers. "Firstly however many years ago, at the time that fits, you both had a relationship with Sina?"
Athol and Edan both nodded. Athol felt goose bumps on his arms, and rubbed them. Edan glanced at him and mouthed 'I love you'. It gave Athol a warm glow, and he mouthed 'ditto'.
"Give over, you two. I'm thinking, and once I take my uniform off I usually stop. Thinking I mean, and let Fi do that. So where was I? Oh yes. A menage?"
Athol blinked. "I guess it was. We just called it the three of us."
"Therefore either of you could be the father?"
"Yeah, and that’s okay with both of us. We're not bothered about that. It's the Affric bit that concerns us," Athol took a mouthful of water. "I hate to say it, but my twin wasn't a nice person."
"That's an understatement," Edan said. He sounded so vehement that Athol was taken aback. "He was two hundred percent jealous of Athol, and did everything he could to derail his life," Edan continued. "More than Athol'll ever know. Hell, he even tried to come on to me once, pretending he was Athol. I gave him a thick ear, and threatened if he tried it on again with anyone he'd not have a cock to wave."
"You never told me that," Athol hated the whiny note in his voice. His skin crawled at the thought of Affric anywhere near Edan.
"What was the point?" Edan said in a prosaic tone. "I knew he wasn't you even before he opened his mouth. He was a very pale imitation, and he knew it. Instead of becoming his own person, and forging his own way in life, he did his best to fuck up yours. Think of how often you had to prove you weren't doing something you shouldn't in a place you had no right to be. Dammit, he wasn't even at uni. He was bad, through and through, and if your parents hadn't pandered to him, there might have been redemption. They did and there wasn't. And as bad as it makes me sound, the only good thing he ever did for you was to kill himself."
The silence in the room was absolute. Athol couldn't even hear anyone breathing. Then Edan rolled out his hands, palm uppermost. "If I've fucked us up. Well I'm sorry, but it had to be said."
"And it's said," Linsey said in a level voice. "To be honest, I reckon you've said what a lot of us think after hearing all this. So now do you two want five minutes to fight or make up? We can go and tour the dungeon or something."
Edan looked at Athol with hope, trust and misery all showing in his expression. Athol swallowed.
"No. Edan's right. Affric was spoiled and I suffered." Athol hadn't realized how cathartic saying those words would be. "Over and over again. I lost one family because of him, but I gained you lot. I think I came out the winner. His attitude was one reason I entered my profession. I'm fascinated how and why people act as they do. And yes, I think it makes me a better Dom." He grinned at Edan. "Or switch or whatever I am. Affric or whoever has done me another favor as well. They've given me Edan again. That's the one positive thing that's happened. Now with Edan and you all backing us, I know we'll get this mess sorted eventually. It’s just how to do it without throwing mud, and creating problems."
Anna smothered a sob, and blew her nose. "Pregnancy hormones," she said. "I well up at the smallest things and this is a biggie."
"Well we're all here to help you," Caden said, as he hugged Anna. "What do we do next?"
"Find who's behind that letter and throttle the truth out of them?" Edan asked. "Or even better give them a compulsory tour and play session in a dungeon with a deaf Dom who doesn't hear safe words. This is one time I reckon Safe, Sane, and Consensual doesn't come into play."
Athol blinked. "Ede, I thought you were the peacemaker in the group, not the ball breaker."
Chapter Seven
Edan swallowed. "So did I, but it seems everyone has a turning point and this is mine. Let me or Athol know that one of us might be a father, and fine. It's a possibility. I think the point of all this is to cause confusion. We are both big enough to get over that. But to fuck with an innocent kid's mind is something else. If we want to get to the bottom of all this we need to talk to Sina, and that's then going to let her know that Seonagh knows all this and hasn't shared it with her mum. That's breaking a confidence, and it doesn't sit well. I'm stymied, to be honest, so all suggestions gratefully received."
"Didn't you swap unis after the second year?" Lizzie asked Athol. "To do the medic stuff?"
Athol nodded. "Yep, maybe we need to explain that a bit more. Just before the end of the semester, Sina came to both of us and said she'd decided our relationship wasn't working any more. She'd loved being with us, but it was time to move on. That as I was off down south, we might as well stop there and then. Well, what could we say, except yes? I mean I knew it wouldn’t last for ever, and I also know it might not survive me being away, but it was a bit of a shock."
Edan stood up and began to pace the room. He was angry and not sure why. "I hadn't thought out the logistics, but it was a shock, I tell ya. I argued we should try and keep things going, but Sina was adamant. It was as if she was scared or something. Then when the next term started I didn't see her about. I asked around, and eventually one of her mates said she'd left. That was it. Meanwhile, Athol was miles away, and Affric came and tried his stupid tricks. Well I tried to get in touch with Athol. Only to get a very shitty message telling me it was all over and to stop bothering him."
"What?" Several voices spoke at once. Edan laughed and held his hand in the air like a teacher demanding silence. "Don't get your knickers in a twist. I knew it wasn't Athol, and he'd got the same message purporting to come from me. That was nothing. Our sticking point was neither of us would give up our Dom-like stance, and we were too immature to know how to share. Combined with heavy uni workloads, the distance and all the Affric crap, we had one weekend together, which culminated in an almighty row. We both spat the dummy out, grabbed our balls and buggered off in separate directions."
"Idiots," Anna said fiercely. She stood up and poked Edan in the ribs. "Look at you both. Anyone with half a brain can see you're meant for each other. Goodness, and yes it's tale telling, but for years Athol's only been half alive. He gave his all to his work, and yes I do know that. Not just for me, but for others. But as a Dom? In his life? He's gone through the motions. But his heart and soul were lost. I'm guessing you were the same?"
"Exactly, so now things are back to right, don't mess it up. Let's sort out if we need to have a daddy shower for either of you, and well … oh, I don't know. I'm pregnant, my mind is allowed to be a mush."
"Honey pie, that's not mush … it's rock hard logic,” Athol said. "And I can tell you, we're going to make sure we don't make a mess of things. If we can."
"That doesn't make sense," Anna pointed out.
"It does if you're Athol," Edan said. "And it's true. If this goes arse up it won't be through lack of trying to ensure it doesn't. The only thing is I can't think of a way to contact Sina and not s
pill the beans about Seonagh's involvement."
"I can," Linsey, who had been quiet for ages, said. "If I could have got a word in edgeways earlier I'd've mentioned this. It's not in the notes, because I only checked the emails just before we all got together. Dommisimma received an email tonight. Stating that a concerned bystander has information about one of our Doms not owning up to his responsibilities and not following the Hippocratic oath."
"Fuck that." Athol's shout was full of rage.
It matched the anger that spread through Edan. He clenched his hands into fists. It was either that, or punch the wall. "Load of bollocks. Athol would never break that."
"Oh shut it, we all know that," Linsey said impatiently. "What's interesting though is the writer tries to say Athol fathered a child with a patient. Wait for it, the next bit is interesting."
Edan sat down quickly and put his hand on Athol's shoulder. Athol shook, and it jumped from him to roll over Edan's skin. Bastards, how dare they?
"Go on." Athol spoke in an even tone. "What else?" He leaned against Edan.
"It gives the dates, and says you were in Inverness. But I'm sure it was when you were on that exchange thing and living and working in Melbourne. That's not exactly commuting distance, is it? Look, we need to write all this down, but when did Affric die and what did he do for a living?"
"After I was back in Scotland from Australia, and as far as I can tell, not a lot. Remember, my mum and dad wouldn't have anything to do with me, and after I refused to bail him out again, neither would Affric. The strange thing is a few weeks after he died I got a letter from him. It hadn't been addressed properly, and was dated several weeks earlier. Very brief: 'Athol, I've cocked up big time. Sorry.' There was nothing else. Like I told Ede, he'd left me everything. And amongst the debts were some shares that were worth a lot more than his debts. I used the interest to donate to charity." He looked at his watch. "Sorry, but that reminds me, I need to check my work emails." He stood up and left the room.
Caden glanced at Edan. "Is he okay?"
Edan wondered that himself. "I guess so. We've made a pact to be open and honest with each other, so I think he'd've said so if not."
"I'm okay. Pissed, annoyed and ready to spit nails, but okay. Whoever is behind all this has contacted Sina." Athol had reentered the room without Edan noticing. He leaned over to give Edan a kiss, and his citrusy cologne filled Edan's nostrils. So Athol, and so welcome. His cock hardened and Edan willed it down. It was neither the time nor the place.
"It soon will be, and I'm not much better. A numbers game later?" Athol spoke directly into Edan's ear. It was all Edan could do not to groan. Sixty-nine. Oh, yes please. The hot as Hades thoughts of what might occur when they were alone, combined with the arousing sensation of Athol's breath tickling his skin... He hoped he wasn't as red faced as those sensations aroused in him. Luckily, he reckoned he'd muttered, because no one else picked him up on it. He grinned as Athol sat back in the seat.
"So, I checked my emails about an appointment I might have, and there's an email from Sina. Sent to work, because she said it was the only way to contact me. She needs to talk to me, Edan and Affric urgently. Could I either get us all together and tell her when, or let her know how to contact the other two."
"Have you replied?' Edan asked.
Athol shook his head. "Not 'til I spoke to you."
"Well, I'm here, so let's try and see her as soon as."
Athol nodded. "Hey, everyone. You know this is no reflection on you, but we're not doing this with an audience. Some things are best done alone."
"Like the numbers game?" Anna asked. She giggled. "I have very sharp hearing." She buried her face in Caden's neck.
"And you're playing with fire, pet," Caden said and lifted her head to flick her nose. "Keep this out of it."
Anna wriggled the appendage. "Am I being bratty?"
Athol waggled his finger. "Is this the woman who wouldn't even use the word sub or brat?"
Caden took hold of Anna's chin and turned her face toward Athol. "Answer him, pet."
Athol bit back a grin. So evidently did Anna. She opened her eyes wide and shut one very briefly. "Yes, Sir …Sirs, even. But I'm secure and happy and embracing my life. I know names are just that. No more, no less and what we make them. However, I'm sorry if I was rude. I was aiming for bratty and the notebook."
"Oh, you got that as well." Caden's voice was stern. It didn't seem to faze Anna. She blushed and laughed.
"Oh good. Seriously though, Athol, I'll be interested to find out who's writing all this stuff and why. And why now?"
"Won't we all? Well, shall I say tomorrow?" Athol asked Edan. "She did say as soon as possible."
"Good idea, we can't do much else without speaking to her."
"Excellent. Do you want to send a reply? Then we can go on to the next part of the evening."
"Good idea. Two? Six?" Athol asked Edan.
"Dunno. Maybe two? Then we've got the evening to ourselves."
Athol was sure he heard a muttered 'numbers game' from Anna's direction. He deliberately didn't look there.
"Give me two, then." He typed a few sentences into his phone. "All done. Either it will be fine or not, and Masterful as I am, I can't sway that. So, sweeties… what next? Mah Jong? Whip the tail from the donkey? Strip whist?"
"In your dreams, mate. You'd cheat. I've played strip billiards with you, and I was buck-naked and you were fully clothed. After one game."
Athol bowed. "And are you saying you didn't enjoy it? I must have slipped up somewhere. I wouldn't now."
"Exactly, so no strip anything," Edan said. "Well, not unless we do it in reverse, and I get to call the shots."
Linsey stood up. "When you two jokers have stopped scoring points, please follow me." She opened the door and walked out, with the others following. As she got to the door, Anna turned round and winked.
"No counting now."
"She's enjoying this," Athol said. "And you know it's so bloody good to see."
"I can tell. Do you know what's going on?" Edan asked Athol as they brought up the rear.
"Not a clue. Except the club's closed and no one here is interested in public play, not even amongst friends. Lin can be as tight as a clam when she needs to be. That notwithstanding, are you still okay with all this?"
Athol laughed, deep and from his belly. "Ohh yes please, gimme gimme. Okay." He sobered. "Well, if Sina gets back to us, maybe we'll be one step nearer to knowing what's going on. This misconduct thing worries me, though. I would never ever…"
Edan stopped him by putting his fingers over Athol's mouth. It was a sign of how worried he was that he neither nibbled nor sucked them. Or that his cock remained deflated and hidden under his denims, with no inclination to sit up and beg for attention. An awful thought struck him. "What if it never did?"
"Hush, hon. I know. And if it comes to anything we can so disprove it. Now let's see what's going on with Linsey. Did I say I love your friends?"
"And they do you, hon. Or else we'd not be wandering down the corridor to whatever Linsey's set up. We'd be politely drinking a cup of coffee and about to go home via the all-night Indian takeaway. Hold on. I'm vibrating." He fished his mobile from out of his pocket. The movement outlined his prick—still quiescent. "From Sina. She says, perfect." He went to put his phone away. Edan took it out of his hand.
"I want the privilege of feeling you up. Why should you get all the fun? My hands will do it soooo much better. See?" He slipped his fingers inside the pocket, and reached the seam at the bottom, brushing Athol's dick as he did so.
Athol's jeans went from loose to tight in one second flat as his cock perked up and demanded more attention.
"You've not put the phone in." Athol groaned the words as Edan stroked him through the thin pocket lining.
"Oops. I'll need to take my hand out and start all over again." Edan winked as Athol moaned.
"You'll kill me,
hon. I'm in pain here."
"And you think I'm not?" Edan asked as he pulled his hand out, waved Athol's mobile at him, and slowly inserted it in Athol's pocket. Athol bit his lip, and thought of icy showers, tripe—he hated tripe—and anything non-erogenous, as once more Edan's fingers stroked his length. He’d not bet anything important that the material between fingers and dick wasn't damp. He'd lose the bet.
With a wicked grin, Edan licked his lips in a parody of all things sexy and let the phone fall to the bottom of the pocket. Then he bit his bottom lip and tilted his head to one side. "Ah, well, I guess we need to catch up with the others."
"Bloody tease. Just you wait," Athol warned as Edan removed his hand and shoved it in his own pocket. "I'll get my own back."
"Well, I hope so. Why else would I put myself through that agony?" Edan asked.
Athol hauled him into a bear hug and kissed him on the lips. He drew back before Edan had time to respond.
"I love you."
"And I love you."
"Oh good, so now we've had the numbers game and tonsil tennis, can we have your attention?" Linsey stood a few yards down the corridor, with her hands on her hips. "Before our blooming friend wilts and falls asleep."
"Shit, yeah, sorry." Athol hooked one arm around Edan's and the other around Linsey's waist. "Apropos to nothing, where's Laura?"
"Don't ask." Linsey's voice brooked no argument.
Athol ignored the warning, and turned to Edan. "Linsey and Laura today make our relationship these last few years look like bosom pals. You thought we were stubborn? Ha, they make us look like amateurs, don't you, Lin?"
Linsey scowled. "She's the stubborn so and so."
Athol looked at Edan. "Sound familiar?"
"Oh yeah."
"Take it from me, Lin, it takes two to tango, two to compromise and two to make it work. Give and take, love, you know?"
"Yup, the numbers game. I know."