Book Read Free

And Hell Followed

Page 9

by Mark Scott

  Chapter Nine

  After a half hour of walking and jogging through the back streets of Miami, Martin and Leah arrived at Saint Mary's Catholic Church. They stood in the shadows of a large oak tree on the edge of a parking lot washed in the orange light of street lamps. They ran across to the far side. Martin guided Leah to a large iron gate. The gate was locked with a chain and heavy padlock. Martin braced himself and pulled the two gates apart enough for Leah to slip through.

  "We're safe now", said Martin, "very few people know what is back here. C'mon."

  The two of them walked silently down a narrow sand road, a glowing path twisting through hulking shadows of ancient oaks. Pennants of Spanish moss hung from the limbs, twisting in a cool wind. Tattered clouds raced across the sky periodically hiding the moon.. Eventually a cemetery, the old Saint Mary's church and the bay came into view.

  "Wow! I never knew all of this was back here."

  "Yeah, there's a parsonage and a half dozen cabins back here that used to be used as a retreat next to the bay. Prime real estate, huh?"

  They walked along a waist high coquina wall that surrounded the cemetery. Even in the broken moonlight dark patches of algae and blooms of lichen on the stone made it apparent that the wall was very old. Martin stopped and hopped over the wall. In a corner of the wall he dropped the gun and brushed leaves and moss over it. He hopped back over the wall again and the two friends continued on down the path. The clanging of a flag pole could be heard along with the whoosh of the choppy little waves expending themselves on the shore. They walked around the dark and boarded old church, following the path of sand and broken shell. The trail snaked through an open grassy field studded with very tall and stately palms. The fronds rustled in a cool brisk wind coming in off of the water. As the two friends approached the parsonage Martin could see the blue flickering light of a television through a window. He glanced down at his watch.

  "What time is it?" asked Leah.

  "Ten fifteen...OK...let's do this." Martin drew a heavy breath to bolster his resolve. He stepped up to the door and knocked on it lightly. A second later the porch light came on and a voice addressed them from within the little house.

  "Who is it?"

  Martin answered rather meekly, "Bruce Martin."

  Father Patrick Ryan cracked the door. A shard of bright light leapt out of the room and illuminated Martin's face. The priest opened the door a little wider. His expression betrayed the confusion of his mind. Martin instantly picked up on this.

  "If we may come in sir", said Martin, "then I can explain why I'm here. Please."

  "If you call our office in the morning, I'm sure that they can arrange for any counseling that you may need." said the priest with a hint of irritation in his voice.

  "We're not in need of counseling Father...we seek sanctuary."

  The priest was obviously surprised. "Sanctuary?"

  "Yes...please, if we may come in I can explain."

  The priest studied them intently for a few seconds before stepping aside to allow them in. Martin walked into the room. Leah followed him and smiled at the priest as she entered the bright little room.

  "Can I get you something to drink?" asked the priest, taking notice of their disheveled appearances.

  "Oh yes, thank you some water please." said Martin.

  The priest turned to Leah "Oh nothing for me, thank you", she said timidly.

  Martin turned to Leah and smiled weakly. She returned the gesture. Martin sighed heavily as he released the stress from his body. After being hunted for the last several hours he now began to feel at ease. The warmth of the room was an inviting refuge from the cold and hostile world beyond the old coquina walls of the church compound. Martin surveyed his surroundings. There was a large crucifix that hung on the taupe colored walls of the small living room. A large window occupied the far wall, curtains drawn across it. Martin sat on a long, deep couch. An assortment of pillows was piled on one side where the priest had obviously been laying watching the television. Next to the door was a well-worn recliner upon which Leah sat nervously on the edge. She and the chair were washed in the warm light of a floor lamp standing sentry behind it. The polished wooden floors reflected the flickering purple and white light of the television. The whole effect was one of security and serenity.

  Leah was a well-liked woman. She was attractive and confident. She had a keen sense of humor and was kind and empathetic. Martin was attracted to her and was beginning to see new attributes that he was unaware that she possessed. After all, she had just been swept from her comfortable life into a world of murder and mayhem. She was now hunted by God knows who and had just hiked no less than five miles through a cold winter's night. But despite this she was calm and composed .Leah watched Martin eagerly sipping his water. Martin looked over at the priest who had now sat down on an ottoman.

  "I guess I should start at the beginning" said Martin. The priest sat quietly listening to Martin relate the entire story. When Martin finished he sat staring and anticipating the priest's response, hoping with every fiber of his exhausted being that the priest would believe him.

  "There was a story on the news tonight about that flu." said Father Ryan.

  "So then you believe me? You can give us sanctuary? Ya know I used to go to this church. I'm Robert Martin's son. He's buried in the cemetery out front."

  "Oh really?" asked the priest, his disinterest betrayed by the tone of his voice. "Yes, Bruce I think that we can put you up for a while".

  "Thank you!" shouted Martin as he leapt to his feet and took the startled priest's hand into his and began to shake it furiously.

  "Yes, thank you" said Leah softly. The priest turned and smiled at Leah.

  "What shall I call you miss?"


  "Leah", continued the priest "we have a very small convent. Only Sister Loretta lives there. You will have your own little apartment, it's not much but it has a kitchenette in it. I am afraid, however, that the pantry is bare. If you come here with Bruce in the morning we can have breakfast and then get you set up. Bruce, I think that you will like your accommodations; we have five small cabins out along the bay. They were used for retreats, they're actually quite nice."

  "Thank you Father, anything is most appreciated."

  The priest stood and disappeared down the dark hall before returning with a set of keys.

  "These are the keys to your room, it's the last one right outside the parsonage" said Father Ryan as he handed the keys to Leah.

  "Thank you very much, I'm beyond tired and, well, just wiped out. It has been the weirdest and scariest night of my life. I hope you don't mind if I turn in now", she said.

  "Of course, Bruce I would venture to say that you too are ready for some sleep, huh?"

  "Yes, I am exhausted."

  "Come young lady I will escort you to your room. Bruce, make yourself at home, I'll be right back."

  "Thanks for everything Leah, I'll see ya tomorrow"

  "OK Bruce, see ya in the morning."

  Martin fell onto his side. He felt himself sink into the soft couch. He stared over at the T.V. The news had just ended and an old episode of the Twilight Zone was coming on. Martin's eyes closed and he fell into a deep sleep.

  Martin was aroused from his sleep by a light tapping on the door. He sat up, startled by his new surroundings. He rapidly collected his thoughts and ran his hand over his hair in a futile attempt to tame his bed head. Opening the door he was greeted by a nearly frantic Leah.

  "What's wrong?"

  "I was watching the news this morning and they are saying that the flu may be the Bird Flu. Anyhow, the news showed the emergency rooms at several hospitals around the country and they are overflowing. People are in a near panic and some experts are calling for a travel restriction."

  "Just in time for the holidays? That'll go over like a lead balloon."

  "They were still talking about it on every news channel. Come watch it with me."

  "OK let me
freshen up first; I'll be right with ya."

  Leah sat down and picked up a magazine from the coffee table. She began flipping through it when Father Ryan came down the little house's hallway.

  "Good morning Leah, were your accommodations suitable?"

  "Oh yes Father, thank you very much. I also want to thank you for giving us sometime to figure out what we're going to do. I was just telling Bruce that the Flu outbreak is all over the news...they're claiming that it is the Bird Flu."

  "I fear that dark times are here."

  "Really Father? Do you think it's going to get worse?"

  "Most definitely, evil is entrenched everywhere, perhaps the epic showdown between good and evil is just over the horizon."

  "The Apocalypse?"

  "Well, yes but to be more precise, the end times."

  "The end times? I would love to learn about this Father, I'm afraid, to tell you the truth."

  "No need for fear if your faith is strong in the Lord. I would love to teach you about the End Times, unfortunately I must prepare for a funeral mass. It seems that one of our parishioners has fallen victim to this flu. Perhaps this afternoon?"

  "That would be great."

  "I will come find you when I have some time."

  The priest went into the small kitchen to make some coffee leaving Leah to ponder their conversation. She sat there troubled by what the good father had said about evil. She tended to believe him considering how quickly evil had swept her from her comfortable life. Leah was snapped from her thoughts by Martin's voice.

  "Good morning Father."

  "Good morning Bruce. My, I see that we are going to have to find you some clothes. I will gather some for you. I will have somebody set you up in your cabin as well. I have a funeral today..."

  "A flu victim!" injected Leah.

  "Oh." was Martin's only response

  "So there will be people around today. Only in the new sanctuary outside of the compound but the burial is in the cemetery that you passed at the front of the compound. So you will have to lay low today Bruce. I don't mind providing you and Leah sanctuary until you get this straightened out. The church surely doesn't need any difficulties with the law."

  "Of course Father. I'm exhausted. Today would be a good day to rest and get my head together."

  The priest smiled at Martin as Leah rose and gently took him by the arm. I beg your pardon Father but I 'm going to show Bruce my room."

  "Oh yes, of course" said the priest in his usual cordial manner.

  The two fugitives left the priest to prepare for his day and walked the short distance to Leah's room. The nun's cells looked more like military barracks. Each room had a tiny single room with a sink, a small refrigerator and a microwave tucked into one corner. The kitchenette also had a small round table with two chairs. The bedroom was just as small as the rest of the cell. Leah walked over to a dusty television and turned it on. The news was on and Martin and Leah sat silently absorbing all of the misinformation. According to the reports the Bird Flu had made the dreaded leap to human to human transmission. Emergency rooms were overflowing with the ill and the dying. Panic had already gripped the country. The president was to speak at noon. After an hour of the news Leah took the remote into her hand and turned the T.V. off. Martin looked at Leah. Leah looked at Martin.

  "I have to figure a way to get the truth out there", said Martin.

  "I've been thinking about that and I believe I have a way to get the word out there in a hurry without giving away our location."

  "Oh yeah?"

  "Yeah...there's a nun living next door, I'm going to ask her if she has a digital video camera...I'll be right back!" Leah said with enthusiasm.

  "I'll be here" replied Martin in flat tone that belied his mental exhaustion.

  Leah darted out of the room. A few minutes later she burst into the room with a triumphant grin on her face. "Bingo!" she said holding up the small video camera. She sat the camera on the table and began to move quickly about the room. Martin watched her with growing curiosity. She went into the bedroom and yanked off the sheets from the bed. She tossed one across the table and hung another on the wall behind him.

  "What in the world are you doing? And where'd you get a camera?" Martin asked.

  "From Sister Loretta. I'm getting ready to shoot some video. I'm putting sheets over anything that could possibly give the government a clue to our whereabouts. Bruce, have you ever heard of a website called You Tube?"

  "Sure" said Martin a little insulted by the inference that he may not be up on the Country's pop culture.

  "Well I figure you tell the story, I record it and upload the video onto You Tube. Whata think?"

  Martin sat for a second before a slight grin broke out across his face. "Leah, that's ingenious! But, how will we upload it? Can't they find us if we go onto the internet?"

  "Well yes, that's true...the trick is to not to go onto the Internet from here, I'll figure that out later, first let's video your story. Hey...I have another idea to throw them off the trail...we'll make 'em think that we left Florida!"

  "How ya going to do that?"

  "By putting a coat on you and throwing a pair of gloves on the table, ya know, like ya just took them off."

  "Where ya going to get a coat and gloves?"

  "I saw them hanging in the priest's apartment. I'll be right back!"

  Once again Leah darted out of the room and she returned a few minutes later with her props. Martin put on the coat and tossed the gloves off to the side on the table while Leah set up the camera.

  "O.K. Bruce, ready when you are..." said Leah.

  Martin drew a deep breath and began. A half hour later Leah pushed the stop button on the camera. "Great" she said. "I'll figure out how to get this on the web..."

  "Hey Leah!" interjected Martin, "where's the phone and that guy's wallet?" In my room, with my laptop, why?"

  "Well the phone is supposedly secure and satellite...right?"


  "Well...I bet it has internet had all kinds of bells and whistles!"

  "I'll go get it!" said Leah. She returned and handed the rather large phone to Martin. He fumbled with it and managed to turn it on but that was all he was able to do. In frustration he handed it to Leah who deftly navigated the keys until she found the internet. Next she examined the device for a USB connection. Finding that, she connected the phone to camera and within minutes Bruce Martin was on You Tube informing the world of the true nature of the influenza outbreak. With that burden off of their minds the two friends, still exhausted from the events they had endured fell fast asleep; Martin on the little couch and Leah on the bed. When the golden light of a waning winter's day filled the room, Martin was roused from his sleep by a knocking on the door. Father Ryan had come to show Martin his accommodations. The priest led Martin along a narrow sand path that wound through a tangle of Mangrove trees that lined the bay shore. Father Ryan was an elderly man. His face was weathered and tan, in sharp contrast to a thick head of snow white hair. He was a tall man and he carried himself confidently. As the two men walked the priest spoke to Martin in a calm and soothing manner.

  "Bruce, do you believe in evil?"


  "Do you know what evil is?"

  "Sure, it's the opposite of good. It's dark and it's, uhm...corrosive to the soul."

  "What form does evil take Bruce? Have you ever seen the face of evil?"

  "Yes...yes I have...its human."

  "True...true. But it is something that is in us all. But when it has an accommodating soul it flourishes. Evil has a door, a portal into every human heart. If you invite it in, then it shall come. Evil has many forms and it will possess you if you allow it."

  "You mean like a demonic possession?"

  "There are many levels of possession. One can simply become self-absorbed and narcissistic or one can slip completely under the influence of an evil entity, a demon, if you will. Some who have been exposed to the e
vil acts of others are able to see, or more precisely, able to identify true evil. You, Bruce...keep your mind open and your soul fortified...there is a reason you have been chosen to inform the world of this evil thing."


  The old priest stopped and turned to Martin. Martin could see the seriousness of his words etched across the Father's face as he spoke. "I had a dream about you last night Bruce. You were standing on a flat land and there was a mountain behind you. Over this mountain was a bunch of hovering helicopters and you were yelling at the top of your lungs that the entire world has fallen under the spell of the Beast."

  "The Beast?" said Martin with half a chuckle. The priest looked intently at him and then turned and began walking once again. The old man returned to telling Martin about his accommodations as they left the Mangroves and walked out across an open field with a scattering of small and rustic cottages. Martin's cottage was a small building. The clapboards were white and weather worn. Here and there bare wood could be seen as well as brush strokes of light green algae. A coquina stone chimney stood on one end and a thin blue smoke twisted up out of it. The two men walked up three wooden steps onto a small front porch. The old decking creaked in protest under their weight. The priest opened the door. Martin instantly recognized that he would be comfortable here. The living room was small. A much worn couch sat on one side while an old rocker sat before the crackling and popping fire. On a little end table was a portable TV. The kitchen was similar to Leah's with only the most essential tools for cooking. There was a small bedroom and a bathroom the size of a broom closet.

  "I stocked your cupboards with items from our food pantry and took the liberty to put some fresh chicken and pork in your freezer. There is a little hibachi grill on the front porch...feel free to use it, charcoal's in the pantry there" said the priest motioning to a curtain covering a closet. If there is anything you need, please feel free to ask. You are welcome here for as long as you need to stay. I would like to pray with you and Leah each morning if that is OK with you."

  "It's OK with me...but I can't speak for Leah."

  "Leah and I have already talked...she is very interested in the state of the world. She is intrigued by some of the priests what we do."

  "By what you do? I always thought that you were just...ya know, just priest. All the years that I've been coming here I never knew that you guys did something. Just what is it that you do?"

  "Well Bruce, we are experts in what you might call the supernatural. It's what the Church calls possession, evil. We support Priests in the Caribbean and Central America. They are much more in tune with the spiritual universe than Americans. You see Americans are blinded by the material world. We have our comfortable lives, filled with our things and we hide behind our science, anything we do not understand we write off to ignorance and we scorn those who believe in these things. Evil is on the move Bruce, all must soon choose their course." Martin stood there blinking stupidly at the priest unsure of what to say. For Bruce Martin was, or rather had been, one of those of which the priest spoke. The press constantly assaulted and demeaned anybody who believed in spiritual things, including God himself. The Father broke into a broad smile and patted Martin on his shoulder. "I see you are not as receptive to these ideas as your friend...we'll all talk later. For now get something to eat and watch some of the news. I think that you will find it rather frightening."

  Once the old priest had departed Martin turned on the little television and sat back to watch the noon news. The hospitals were overflowing with flu victims. The president was making an address at eight tonight. The rest of that day a restless Martin piddled around the little cabin. The weather began to turn gray and misty. When the temperature began to drop Martin retrieved wood from a pile along the side of the cabin to feed the fire. He watched the day turn to night wrapped in a blanket on the rocker on the front porch. After a meal of pot pie and rice he walked the bayside path back to Leah's apartment. Leah greeted him enthusiastically.

  "We've had over a hundred hits on our video! People are really freaked out, their postings are crazy! One guy is even linking our video to his news site!"

  "Cool! The President is going to speak tonight, it outta be interesting. Wanna watch it together?"

  "Sure. Ya hungry?"

  "No...I had me a little pot pie, some rice and tea....I sure miss my old life. Leah, I'm really sorry that I got you..."

  Leah raised her hand to silence Martin. She glanced at the microwave to see the time. "President speaks in ten minutes." Leah walked over and turned on the T.V.

  The President's speech was preceded by the usual talking heads. The President sat behind the Executive desk in the oval office and he began to speak: "Good evening my fellow Americans. Over the last several years the experts on global pandemics have been alarmed by the rise of an avian strain of Influenza known as H5N1, commonly called the Bird Flu. In the beginning this virus was only transmitted between a sick bird and a human by direct contact. Today it is my sad duty to inform you that this virus has indeed made the leap to human to human transmission. I'm sure that you have all seen the news reports about the enormous influx of the sick overwhelming the Nation's hospitals. While we cannot immediately attack this virus we are working on a vaccine. This process, however, is complicated and drawn out. It may well be nine months before there is a vaccine for this virus. Even if we succeed in acquiring a vaccine it may be of little use if this virus continues to mutate. While our weapons against this virus are limited there are things that we, as a Nation, and that we, as a global community can do to limit the awful impacts of this disease. I, as President of the United States, am immediately declaring a nationwide state of emergency and am directing that Martial law begin immediately. This, unfortunately means, that personal liberties will be temporarily suspended. The results of the November elections are also being temporarily suspended. Now is not the time to transition between administrations. Also beginning immediately all personal travel shall be halted. Passenger airlines will be grounded and the roads patrolled to enforce the travel restrictions. We are doing this to isolate and prevent the further spread of the virus. Commercial airlines, moving products will continue to operate as normally as possible. The freight trucks will also continue to operate as normally as possible with certain restrictions in place to protect both the brave workers and the general population. For instance, truck drivers will not leave their cabs while being loaded or unloaded and fueled. I am asking all Americans to shelter in place. Do not leave your house to go to work or school. Schools are closed until further notice. If someone in your house is ill with the flu please call the emergency services in your town. Medical teams will be moving through towns to assist the sick. Do not go to the Hospital. The Country's hospitals are overwhelmed. The National Guard will be in your neighborhood very soon to bring you water and food. Please constantly monitor your television and radio for further instructions. This pandemic may be over in as little as three months or as long as a year. Be assured that this Nation and your Government will do whatever it takes to insure that we come through this as a people and with minimal impact to our society. I ask all of your support and prayers. God Bless America and God bless us all."

  "Well I guess that Colonel Davis was right on the money. That SOB is lying to the entire country...the entire world! The Colonel said that they would declare Martial law...I wonder if the Colonel and company are actually going to overthrow these guys", said Martin.

  Leah looked at him with a look of anxiety upon her face, "I guess time will tell."


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