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More Than Pride

Page 3

by Kell Amber

  “This is it.” Dillon announced, circling around and closing the door behind them. His not so subtle locking of the door sounded loud to Evin’s ears. His survival instincts had him searching for other exits. Luckily the two big windows appeared to open wide and would allow perfect egress for an aerial-minded shifter.

  Once satisfied that exits were available, he turned his attention to the rest of the room.

  It took him a moment to realise what he was staring at. All along the walls were pictures of owls. Photos, sketches and small statues decorated Dillon’s room—all owls.

  “Wow, that’s a lot of birds,” Chester said in awe.

  Evin caught Dillon’s gaze. “I guess you don’t really have any question as to me being your mate, do you?”

  Dillon shook his head. “I just didn’t think you’d believe me, and I didn’t know if I could give up Chester to accept you. It’s easier to take a kitten than a bird.”

  “You were willing to give him up for me?” Chester asked.

  “Yeah, and I know I would’ve regretted it for the rest of my life.”

  Dillon’s expression went a lot towards soothing Evin’s battered heart. He’d always wondered why the birds pairing off at the nest had never appealed to him. The few hurried encounters he’d had never calmed him or kept him sated. He’d thought for a long time that maybe he wasn’t worthy of a mate. Now he found out he was, in fact, worthy of two…and what fine mates they were. 2 “I think we should follow Talan’s advice and make sure we’re compatible.” Evin couldn’t stop the wide smile crossing his face…not for all the honey seed in the world.

  Taking a deep breath he pushed his bird back under the surface. He doubted either man wanted to kiss him with a feathery face.

  “You make a handsome human,” Chester remarked.

  Evin thought he detected a bit of relief over his reversion to fully human. He’d let it go this time. Eventually the kitten would have to get used to all of his forms but right now he’d do whatever made life easier.

  Keeping an eye on Dillon, Evin moved cautiously closer. Thinking they were mates was a far cry from watching a stranger kiss the one you were already positive was your mate.

  Owl statues notwithstanding, just because Dillon had dreamt of an owl didn’t mean Evin was the owl he’d been dreaming about.

  “Go ahead,” Dillon encouraged, breaking the last bit of restraint Evin had scraped together.

  Evin stepped closer to Chester and waited for a nod from the man before brushing his lips against the cat shifter’s. Chester let out a little moan. Taking that as further permission to continue, Evin kissed him again.

  “Oh fuck, you two look so good together.” Dillon let out a soft noise of need.

  Evin barely paid him any attention as he leaned in to absorb the perfection of Chester’s mouth against his. A low purr vibrated his lips. Evin laughed.

  He couldn’t remember the last time his heart hadn’t borne the burden of the bird shifters. His brother was the leader but Evin worked as his second in command. At least he had, until his brother had gone bat-shit crazy. He willingly let all his problems fade into the background while he claimed his mate.

  A low growl had him lifting his mouth. Dillon watched them with hungry eyes.

  Reluctantly he released Chester, grabbing the man before he fell. “Strip,” Evin ordered before turning his attention to Dillon.

  “I guess that makes me next,” Dillon said. His voice, rough with desire, went straight to Evin’s balls.

  Evin cleared his throat. “I guess it does.” 2 Where his attraction to Chester was warm like a summer day, his attraction to Dillon crackled like an out-of-control forest fire. Dillon’s taller physique threw him off for a moment. His lovers were usually shorter or Evin’s height. He’d never kissed a man taller than himself. As one of the larger owls in the aviary, Evin had never made love to anyone as big as Dillon. He didn’t know if he would like being in the more submissive position.

  However, he doubted he would have a choice. Dillon exuded alpha characteristics that were only overpowered by the man’s pride alpha. Evin didn’t know how pride hierarchy worked, but he’d bet Dillon was at the top of the power ladder.

  Dillon broke their kiss, his eyes showing a flash of cat in the pupils.

  Evin gave a low growl that sounded suspiciously like a cat purr. Damn, the felines were already wearing off on him.

  Dillon began to pull off his shirt and a soft voice whispered “Wow” from the bed. Evin had to agree. The lion shifter’s chest was definitely wow-worthy. Muscles rippled as Dillon removed the garment and tossed it on the floor behind him. His eyes never left Evin during the entire proceeding.

  Dillon licked his lips.

  Evin shuddered.

  A low purr came from the bed. Evin and Dillon turned to see Chester lying on his back, his legs spread and his hand wrapped around his long, dripping cock.

  “Do you want first taste or shall I?” Dillon asked.

  “You go ahead.” As much as he wanted to taste Chester, he didn’t want to ruin his chances by annoying the lion shifter. He had no doubt that Dillon could have him tossed out and banned from the lions’ lands with only a few words. Talan had as much as told Evin it was Dillon’s show.

  Dillon examined him for a moment as if assessing his sincerity before nodding and heading towards the needy kitty on the bed.

  “Feeling lonely, kitten?”

  “You’re too dressed,” Chester complained.

  “Sorry.” Dillon’s smile said he was more amused than anything.

  “Get rid of your pants, now!” Chester insisted. 2 Laughing, Dillon obeyed the demanding man, revealing a big cock that had Evin clenching his ass cheeks and Chester smiling with joy.

  “Oh, definitely wow.” Chester flipped over and crawled towards Dillon, his movements slinky like the animal he had hiding inside.

  Chester dragged his eyes away from Dillon to meet Evin’s gaze. “You strip too.”

  “Yes, kitten.” Joy bubbled through him at Chester’s intent gaze. If he could get any fragments of attention from either of his mates, he’d accept whatever scraps they tossed his way.

  Dillon turned to watch Evin remove his clothing. He’d never been self-conscious…most shifters weren’t. They spent too much time naked between transitions from animal to man to overthink their bodies. Evin knew he was in shape. He’d known a few shifters who weren’t, but somehow he’d never really thought about being a sexual object before. The focused expression on the two men’s faces before him told him it was time to reconsider.

  A blush crossed his face. Damn, he’d never live that down.

  “Don’t take forever,” Dillon teased. “Or did you want help?”

  The thought of two sets of hands stripping and caressing his body made him harder than concrete.

  “I think that’s a yes,” Chester said, smiling.

  “I think you might be right,” Dillon agreed

  Dillon stalked over to Evin, his every stride mimicking his lion form. Evin bet Dillon made a beautiful beast.

  Chester hopped off the bed in a move Evin had to admire as it bounced his dick up and down in an oddly inviting manner. His fingers twitched with the need to feel the hard shaft in his palm. Gorgeous man.

  Before he had a chance to touch Chester, he was sandwiched between two hot, naked bodies. Chester pulled Evin’s shirt off and licked Evin’s shoulder with his catlike, rough tongue. Tingles of sensation went down his spine and straight to his erection.

  “Look what I found.” Dillon cupped Evin’s cock and rubbed his palm against the placket of Evin’s pants. He couldn’t stop the whimper passing his lips. When Dillon dropped to his knees before him, Evin sighed. 2 Dillon’s green eyes sparkled with mischief as he unsnapped Evin’s pants and, in one quick shove, pushed them down to Evin’s feet.

  “Ohh, what are you going to do with it?” Chester asked.

  The cat shifter wrapped his arms around Evin’s waist, snuggling him from b

  Evin tried to remember the last time someone had held him. His usual sexual encounters involved a hurried fuck against a wall or in the back room of some bar. Birds didn’t get attached to anyone who wasn’t their mate. They had sex with random strangers until they found their perfect match. Evin had had enough sex in his past to know this was completely different. Dillon’s touch didn’t feel impersonal or rushed as if he were trying to get Evin off as quickly as possible so he could have his turn. Dillon touched Evin like he cared about the man attached to the cock.

  “Nice.” Dillon’s deep voice smoothed over the ragged edges of Evin’s soul.

  Evin shifted uneasily with his limited mobility. His nerves shook over the vulnerability of his position, with his ankles bound in the denim and his body open to the two men surrounding him. Evin had to force himself to stand still.

  Dillon rubbed his large, warm hands up and down Evin’s thighs. The heat soothed him and calmed the bird inside, who urged him to shift and take flight.

  “Easy, honey.” Chester kissed Evin’s cheek. “Dillon’s going to take care of you.”

  Dillon’s mouth sank onto Evin’s cock. Perfect suction, wet heat and the sight of a stunning naked man on his knees brought all of Evin’s fantasies to life. When Chester was added to the equation—and how could he not include the hot, young stud trying to drill a hole into Evin’s back?—it took little time before he was gripping Dillon’s thick hair to warn the man.

  “Give it to him, Evin. He wants to taste you.” A low purr in his ear sent him over the edge with a shout.

  Chester rubbed his erection in the crease of Evin’s ass as Evin emptied his balls into Dillon’s willing mouth. Dillon swallowed quickly and, just as Evin became uncomfortably sensitive, Dillon released him. Good thing Chester stood behind him because otherwise Evin would’ve pooled like a puddle onto the floor. It would have been an easy feat since all his bones had dissolved.

  “He’s so pretty,” Chester cooed, sliding a finger down Evin’s cheek. 2 Evin snorted. “I’m not pretty. You’re the pretty one.”

  Dillon helped Evin out of his pants before climbing to his feet.

  “Evin’s right—you are the pretty one,” Dillon agreed.

  Evin leant forward to capture Dillon’s mouth, but before he could make contact, the lion shifter lifted him up and tossed him over his shoulder.

  “Hey,” Evin protested.

  Dillon slapped Evin’s bare ass. “Hush.”

  “Ooh, look at that colour.” A hand slid across Evin’s butt cheek, light and cautious.

  Even if Dillon hadn’t been using both hands to steady him, Evin would’ve known Chester’s fingers anywhere. The younger man’s touch was now branded on his soul.

  Evin bounced on the bed where Dillon had dropped him. Chester let out a whoop and threw himself onto the mattress.

  A wide smile stretched Evin’s lips. When had he last laughed? The troubles of the bird nation wore him down on a day-to-day basis. The fighting between breeds, the fear of hunters, and his brother’s manic swings from pleased leader to irrational asshole ate away at him.

  The happy sigh Chester gave as he snuggled up with Evin caused an unfamiliar, warm sensation in his chest. “Don’t you want us to take care of that?” He pointed at Chester’s erection, which hadn’t gone down in the least.

  Chester nodded. “Please. I want Dillon to fuck me. You can fuck me tomorrow.”

  Eyeing Dillon’s cock, Evin thought Chester would be too sore the next day for anything.

  “Turn over, baby.” Dillon grabbed a tube of lube from the top of his nightstand.

  “Expecting company?” Evin’s happy complacency vanished at the thought of Dillon with anyone besides him or Chester. They hadn’t even been properly mated yet and Evin already hated the idea of anyone else ever touching Dillon.

  Dillon gave him a wry smile. “Let’s just say I’ve been taking things in hand for a while now.”

  “Oh.” That was different. He didn’t mind if Dillon self-pleasured…especially if he got to watch.

  Chester happily turned over onto his stomach and lifted his ass, shaking it at Dillon as if trying to tempt him. Evin could have told Chester that Dillon didn’t need any extra 2 encouragement. The lion shifter’s eyes were glued to Chester as he slicked himself up.

  Luckily there was no need for a condom between shifters since they couldn’t catch diseases.

  Evin relaxed after watching Dillon apply enough lube for three averagely endowed men. He had worried that Dillon’s size might harm Chester, but the lion shifter’s care let some of his worries ease.

  Chester fidgeted impatiently as he waited for his mate to enter him. Now that he’d found out one of his mates belonged to the lion pride, he knew he couldn’t betray them. He wondered if the poison would hurt when it started killing him or if it would be painless.

  Knowing the bastards who had injected him, he could probably count on it being a horrifyingly awful process. He felt bad for his brother, because his dying among the lions meant that Garfield wouldn’t get the antidote either. However, Garfield had whispered to Chester before he’d left to run for it. Garfield didn’t expect him to return. His brother had also prepared himself for death.

  All worries about poison and his impending demise vanished when Dillon slowly penetrated him, pushing away Chester’s concerns with the stretch of his hole around the lion shifter’s huge cock.


  Dillon froze. “Am I hurting you?”

  Chester moaned. “In all the best ways.” He wiggled experimentally. “More.”

  He’d never been so full before. His past lovers had been toothpicks next to Dillon’s size.

  Spreading his legs for better balance, he tried to stay in position while Dillon filled him. He almost jumped when soft fabric brushed his stomach.

  “I thought you might want some support,” Evin said, repositioning the pillow so it was fully beneath Chester’s stomach.

  “Thanks.” He gave Evin a grateful smile as he relaxed and relieved some of the strain on his arms and back.

  Evin kissed Chester’s cheek, such a sweet gesture from a rough-hewn man. His heart melted beneath the care of the two big, tough men with soft, squishy insides. He doubted he’d have long to enjoy them. 2 When Dillon finally stopped pushing forward, his entire body covered Chester from head to toe. Clenching his ass, Chester tried to tighten around Dillon’s shaft but since he was already fully stretched it was difficult to move.

  “I’ve got you, honey.” Dillon’s warm voice calmed Chester’s skittish kitten half. The furry tabby wanted to snuggle with the lion. Well, it could just do that later after his human half got the pounding he needed.

  “Fuck me.” Right now he didn’t want flowers and hearts. He needed a hard, deep claiming more than his next breath and, since he didn’t know when his last would be, he meant it.

  Taking Chester at his word, Dillon gripped Chester’s hips and gave him what he wanted.

  “Yes, right there.” Dillon slid at the perfect angle, pegging Chester’s prostate. By habit, he resisted the urge to make noises. Blending with humans had taught him to suppress his animal side during sex.

  “Let go, sweetness,” Dillon growled in his ear.

  Chester purred, the vibration shaking his entire body.

  “Oh, hell yes!” Dillon shouted.

  The tips of his fingers ached as he clutched the sheet and his claws threatened to extend.

  Concentrating on the feel of Dillon slamming inside him, Chester gave a start of surprise when a hand wrapped around his cock. Turning his head, he caught Evin’s grin.

  “Look what I found,” Evin teased.

  “Bring him off!” Dillon demanded.

  Evin didn’t argue as he slid his hand up and down Chester’s shaft, lubricating his hand with the pre-cum dribbling from the tip.

  Noises babbled from Chester’s mouth that he didn’t even recognise as his own as he came all over Evin’s hand and th
e pillow. Soon a low groan and the shuddering of Dillon’s large body behind him told him his lover had also found his release. When Dillon’s mouth brushed the juncture between Chester’s neck and shoulder, Chester snapped away as far as he could with them still linked together.

  “Don’t bite!” Panic raced through him, snatching away the afterglow of his orgasm. 2 Dillon slowly slid out of Chester, his touch fading as he moved away. Tears filled Chester’s eyes. After he’d stopped shaking, he carefully climbed off the bed and headed for the bathroom. Terror made his legs rubbery as he stumbled away from the two men he wished he could keep but knew he was more likely to destroy. His mates would only survive his death if he didn’t fully bond with them. He was selfish enough to have sex with his mates, but not to bind them to him forever.

  When Dillon had almost bitten him to leave a mating mark, Chester had freaked. What if by biting him Dillon became poisoned? He couldn’t be responsible for infecting the man he could easily love.

  Sobbing, he slammed the door shut behind him and locked it with a shaking hand. He wasn’t worthy of these amazing men. Chester turned on the shower. He waited for the water to start steaming before he stepped inside. There wasn’t enough water in the world to wash away his sorrow. 3 Chapter Two

  Dillon watched Chester run away. Heartbroken and sick to his stomach, he turned to Evin. “He doesn’t want my mark.”

  Evin’s brown eyes reflected Dillon’s concern. “I’ll go talk to him and find out what’s going on.”

  Dillon nodded. He rubbed his chest where it ached from his mate’s rejection.

  The owl shifter pressed a soft kiss on Dillon’s lips. “I’ll be back. Remember…the kid is nuts about you.”

  Dillon had thought the same thing up until about a minute ago, but it was never good when someone fled the room after sex. There was no positive spin he could come up with to explain that behaviour.

  Evin patted Dillon’s shoulder as he followed after Chester. Dillon watched Evin try to open the door.

  “It’s locked.”

  “Break it open. I don’t care.” Dillon knew he sounded like a lifeless zombie but what did he have to care about anymore? He’d lived his life hoping to find his other half. Now, after finding there were two men in his mating, it looked as if he was going to be the odd man out.


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