A Call Away

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A Call Away Page 12

by KC Richardson

  “You were amazing,” Syd declared before licking a trickle of sweat off Abby’s neck. She tasted like salt and vanilla and sunshine. Syd decided this was her new favorite flavor, and she wished more than anything she could bottle it.

  Abby chuckled near Syd’s ear, the breath sending shivers throughout her body. “I think that’s my line. I don’t think I’ve ever come that hard.”

  Syd rolled them over and hovered above Abby. “Let’s see if we can beat it.” Syd started to slide down Abby’s body, hungry for more, when Abby stopped her.

  “Hang on. I’m going to need a minute. Come back up here.”

  Syd lay on top of Abby, resting on her forearms, looking into Abby’s eyes. Abby grinned and her dimples appeared. Syd kissed each one before kissing Abby’s lips. Simple kisses that could tell so much. Syd wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of her time in bed with Abby, having sex, basking in the afterglow, then having more sex.

  Abby’s hand cupped Syd’s face and she brushed Syd’s hair behind her ears, massaging her scalp, neck, and shoulders. Syd felt herself starting to drift off, and Abby must’ve felt it too.

  “Turn over. I’ll cuddle you from behind and we can take a little nap.”

  That was one of the best ideas Syd had heard in a really long time and she obliged. The feeling of Abby pressed up against her backside and her arm wrapped possessively around Syd’s body quickly knocked Syd into dreamland.

  Chapter Twelve

  Syd woke up a couple of hours later feeling sore but rested. She reached behind her to feel for Abby’s body, wanting to resume where they’d left off, but she felt nothing but sheets and a blanket. Great. Syd must have scared her off, or Abby decided that she didn’t want a fling after all. What a shame, she thought as she sighed heavily. Syd had felt they really connected in bed, and she would’ve enjoyed the rest of the week with her. She guessed the best thing to do would be to finish cleaning out the house, get the farm listed with a real estate agent, and return to her life in Chicago.

  She looked around the room, and with the exception of the rumpled sheets on her bed, there was no evidence that Abby had even been there. No evidence of the mind-blowing sex they’d had except the smell that still permeated the room. She brought her fingers up to her nose and could still smell Abby on them. She salivated just at the scent and grew wet thinking about having her fingers buried deep inside Abby, her head thrown back, and eyes clinched shut in the throes of passion. Oh, how Syd wanted a repeat performance along with all of the other ways she wanted to make Abby come. She moved her arms above her head and lengthened her body in order to stretch her muscles, then shook her head. Syd threw on a T-shirt and shorts and headed to the kitchen to heat up some soup for lunch.

  She took her bowl to the kitchen table and was surprised to see a note from Abby.

  Dear Syd,

  Our time together today was beyond remarkable, and I wanted nothing more than to remain in bed with you, but I had to get home to do the afternoon chores. If it’s all right with you, I’d like to have dinner with you tonight. Call or text me when you get this to let me know.


  Syd smiled as she read the note again, and the relief washed over her body like a warm waterfall, making her feel a little lighter. Abby hadn’t been spooked after all, and Syd immediately texted her to tell her yes to dinner and that she’d make it. After she finished her soup, she opened her laptop and logged in to her email. She had done so every morning just in case there was something that needed her attention, but her inbox had been empty. Today, there had been an email for a grant she had applied for to start up her own youth center. Her hands shook as she moved the cursor to open the letter.

  Dear Ms. Carter,

  I am pleased to inform you that your application has been chosen for the grant through the Sundance Group. Our committee had received many applications, and as you may know, we are looking for programs that will engage and build leadership among low-income families and people of color, and that will prioritize principles of equity and social justice in their work. We have all agreed that the youth center you plan on opening meet those criteria. We would like to schedule a meeting with you soon to finalize your grant. Please call us at your earliest convenience to make an appointment. Congratulations.


  Anne Palmer

  Syd took a shaky breath and wiped the tears from her eyes. They had chosen her application. She’d be able to start her own center. She read the email over and over to make sure she wasn’t misinterpreting the letter, but no matter how many times she read it, it continued to say the same thing. She dug her phone out of her pocket and called the number Ms. Palmer had included. The phone call had lasted all of five minutes, but she had a meeting scheduled in a few days in Chicago. This was definitely a cause for celebration. She couldn’t wait to tell her parents and Vanessa. And Abby. Syd really wanted to tell Abby the wonderful news.

  She rummaged through the refrigerator, freezer, and pantry to figure out a special meal for tonight. She remembered seeing candlesticks and holders in the living room where Virginia’s china had been stored, but she had packed them up earlier. She retrieved them from the boxes she had placed in the garage earlier in the day, but she frowned as she realized she still had a lot to go through to pack up or donate. She was really going to have to be diligent and not let herself get distracted by the blond-haired, blue-eyed, sexy farm girl down the way. Thinking of Abby pushed the thoughts of packing aside, at least until morning. She was determined to fix a delicious meal for Abby, then go upstairs for dessert. Maybe they could have some strawberries and whipped cream later. Syd shivered when she thought of licking the whipped cream off Abby’s nipples and other delectable areas of her body.

  She placed the candles on the table, found some matches, and set the table for two. She did most of the prep work so she wouldn’t have to worry about it later, then she poured a small glass of wine and took it upstairs to sip while she got ready. She returned to the kitchen an hour later dressed nicely and smelling pretty. She had dabbed a little of her perfume behind her ears, hoping it would lure Abby’s mouth to her most sensitive erogenous zone. There were a few things Syd wanted to use her mouth for on Abby too.

  She was just putting the finishing touches on dinner and lighting the candles when there was a knock on the door. Syd looked at her watch and noted Abby was right on time. In fact, she’d been punctual every time she said she’d help her with something. That was a huge issue with Syd. Tardiness was a turn-off for her, and when someone continued to arrive late, that was a deal breaker because it showed disregard for her and her time. Thankfully, she’d never experienced that with Abby. She opened the door to find Abby standing there holding a bouquet of wild flowers that looked like she picked them herself. Syd didn’t recognize any of them. The color blend of pink, orange, and purple was absolutely gorgeous and reminded her of the sunrise and sunset she’d gotten to experience since being on the farm. The flowers were tied together with a royal purple ribbon that matched one of the flowers. Syd placed her hand over her heart, taken aback by the chivalry of Abby. No one had ever brought her flowers for a date. Ever. Did people still do that? Obviously, Abby did, and it made Syd feel warm all over.

  “For you,” Abby said as she handed over the bouquet.

  “Oh, Abby. These are so lovely. Thank you.”

  Syd stepped into Abby’s arms once she was inside, and she couldn’t wait another moment to kiss her. It was a nice kiss, not meant to fan the flickering flames that had lingered with Syd since earlier in the day. Syd snuggled into Abby’s neck and inhaled her earthy scent. “You look very nice. You taste nice too,” Syd noted as she kissed her way down Abby’s neck.

  Abby moaned and pulled Syd into her. Abby’s mouth found Syd’s, and she kissed her like a lover who’d been away far too long. Syd wanted Abby to back her up against the door and take her where she stood, but she broke the kiss instead, putting her forehead against Syd’s, breathing

  “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself.”

  Syd chuckled shakily. “Don’t be sorry, just please promise me you’ll kiss me like that again later.”

  Abby smiled and kissed the tip of Syd’s nose. “I promise. It smells great in here.”

  Syd grabbed Abby’s hand and led her to the kitchen table. Syd was nervous about Abby’s reaction to the candles. She wasn’t sure if it would be something she’d appreciate, maybe it was too romantic, but the smile on Abby’s face reassured Syd she’d made the right decision.

  “Come, sit. Dinner’s almost ready. Would you like a glass of wine?”


  Syd poured a glass and set it on the table in front of Abby. She cupped Abby’s face in her hand and she leaned down to kiss her. She felt Abby’s legs spread and her hands on Syd’s hips, pulling her closer. The kiss deepened, and Abby’s hands moved to Syd’s ass, squeezing, making Syd throb. She broke the kiss and stepped back, instantly regretting the move and feeling the loss of being so close. But if she remained where she was, dinner would be forgotten and they would need sustenance for what Syd had planned for later. She smiled and shook her head before turning her back to Abby, feeling her eyes bore into the back of her. She plated their food and took a seat across from Abby.

  Syd was quite pleased when Abby took a bite of the chicken stir-fry and moaned appreciatively. The sound reminded Syd of Abby making similar sounds just mere hours ago while in the midst of climax. Syd planned to elicit more of those sounds until she had Abby screaming her name as she came. She noticed the temperature increasing, sure it was just internal, and she took a sip of wine.

  “So, I got some news today,” Syd said after she finished chewing her food.

  “Oh, yeah?”

  Syd nodded. “I got the grant that I applied for so I can start my own center.”

  Abby dropped her fork on her plate, stood, and pulled Syd into a tight hug. “That’s so great! Is there anything else you have to do?”

  Syd laid her head on Abby’s chest and relished the way she felt in her arms. She was pleased that Abby was so happy for her and genuinely interested. “I have to go back to Chicago in a couple of days to meet with them officially.” Syd leaned back in Abby’s arms and looked into her eyes. “Do you know how great this is going to be for the kids?”

  “I do know. They’re very lucky to have you on their side looking out for them. I’m so happy for you, baby.”

  The term of endearment surprised Syd, and by the wide-eyed look Abby had going on, it surprised her too. But Syd loved the way it sounded coming from Abby’s mouth and the smile that accompanied it.

  “Thank you.” Syd moved closer to kiss Abby. A short, sweet kiss. Another. And another. Then Syd ran her tongue along Abby’s upper lip until she opened her mouth and allowed Syd to enter. The longer the kiss went on, the more control Syd lost, and she frantically started unbuttoning Abby’s shirt. Dinner forgotten, Abby quickly blew out the candles and grabbed Syd’s hand as they ran upstairs and tumbled into Syd’s room. They stripped their clothes off but couldn’t bother with their bras and panties. Syd pulled Abby on top of her and held on for dear life as Abby sucked and bit her nipple through the lace of her bra at the same time her hand slipped under Syd’s panties and into her hot, wet center. Syd scratched her nails down Abby’s back as Abby thrust her fingers in and out of Syd.

  The roaring in Syd’s ears started the same time she felt her orgasm build deep in her belly and explode out of her mouth as she cried out Abby’s name. Abby sat up and practically ripped the panties off Syd before she moved lower and took Syd into her mouth. Abby licked, flicked, and sucked Syd’s clit, and she put her hand on the back of Abby’s head, holding her there. Syd’s hips rolled back and forth until she froze a moment before bowing her body and crying out.

  Syd was spent. Two quick orgasms, so quick that she barely had time to form a thought before she was crying out in ecstasy. She wanted to reciprocate. She wanted to make Abby feel as good as she did, but she was so wasted, she felt like she couldn’t move a muscle. Her eyes were closed, but the feeling of Abby’s soft lips lightly kissing her inner thighs made her smile. In one day, Abby seemed to know exactly what Syd needed. There was one thing that Syd wanted though, and she wanted it now.

  “Take off your bra and panties and come up here.”

  Abby did as she was told and crawled on the bed. Before she could lie down next to her, Syd grabbed her hips and guided her until Abby was straddling her face. Syd looked up to see the hunger clouding Abby’s eyes, and she gave Abby a knowing smile before taking her in her mouth. Abby moaned and sighed before she started moving her hips back and forth, slowly, grazing her hardened clit over Syd’s protruding tongue. Abby tasted salty and sweet, and Syd felt she could stay like this for the rest of the night, drinking all of Abby in. The feel of Abby’s growing and hardening clit in her mouth had quickly become one of Syd’s favorite sensations.

  “Oh, God, Syd. That feels so good.”

  Syd reached up and fondled Abby’s breast, squeezing and pinching her nipple, making Abby cry out. Her nipple was rigid and tickled Syd’s palm as she brushed it across the hard point.

  “Keep doing that, baby.” Abby’s movements sped up and she reached forward to grab the headboard. “Fuck, Syd. I’m going to come in your mouth.” Syd had never heard Abby say “fuck” before, and she found it pretty hot to hear and feel Abby let loose. Abby shuddered as her juices flowed into Syd’s mouth and she welcomed all of it.

  Syd caressed Abby’s back while she continued the pressure on her clit until Abby stopped trembling. She loved that Abby felt so comfortable with her that she could do or say anything. She looked up and found Abby staring down at her, looking spent but satisfied, a tired smile ghosting her lips. Syd flicked Abby’s clit with her tongue one more time before moving her mouth away.

  “You okay?”

  Abby laughed. “That was ridiculously fantastic.” She lay next to Syd and traced little patterns on Syd’s chest and breasts, and brushed across her nipples, turning them hard once more. “You wore me out.”

  She leaned over and kissed Abby soundly on the lips. “Can you stay the night?”

  Abby nodded and pulled Syd closer. “I’d like that.”

  Syd hesitated, then decided to take a chance. “Would you want to go to Chicago with me? We’ll only be there for a few days.”

  “I’d like that too.”

  Syd smiled and laid her head on Abby’s chest, feeling her heartbeat against her cheek. They fell asleep in each other’s arms and didn’t wake until morning.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Abby woke facing Syd and studied her peaceful, lovely face. She was on her stomach, arms tucked under her pillow. The white, crisp sheet was pulled down to her lower back and made her light brown skin look creamy and smooth. Abby couldn’t remember seeing anyone so lovely, and she had the sudden predilection to move closer, to be in the same air that Syd was breathing. She was tempted to reach out and skim her hand over Syd’s flawless skin, or run her fingers through her hair. Unfortunately, she had to get going soon and she regretted having to leave.

  Yesterday and last night had been the most amazing sex she’d ever had. Syd was an outstanding lover, so free, so knowing, so giving. If Abby hadn’t been so wasted after her orgasm last night, she would have had sex with Syd all night long. She wanted to explore every inch of Syd’s body, taste her skin, know her inside and out. And she didn’t have much time to do it. Syd would be leaving soon, going back to her life in Chicago, and Abby didn’t know if she’d ever see her again. That thought left a sour taste in her mouth and a heaviness in her chest.

  “Why do you look so sad? Do you regret last night?”

  Abby must have been really deep in thought because she hadn’t noticed Syd had even opened her eyes. Abby had to reassure Syd and erase the look of doubt that marred her face. She reached over and gently brushed a lock of hair off Syd’s forehead.

p; “The only thing I regret is not being able to stay in bed with you all day. Why are you awake so early?”

  Syd turned on her back, stretched her arms above her head, and all Abby could do was stare at Syd’s exposed perfect breasts. Her mouth watered at the thought of taking a nipple and sucking on it for hours.

  “Eyes up, Price.”

  Abby looked at Syd’s face and laughed when she saw an eyebrow arched and a crooked smile. Busted.

  “I can’t help it,” Abby said as she crawled on top of Syd. “You have the most gorgeous breasts and I was just thinking of how much I want to suck a nipple into my mouth.”

  “Well? What’s stopping you?”

  Abby didn’t have to be told twice. But rather than suck hard, she lightly brushed the tip of her tongue across and around it until it grew rigid. She bit gently which got Syd writhing beneath her. Abby knew she had to get home soon to do her chores, but she’d be nuts to leave now with Syd so ripe and willing. She’d also be nuts to leave Syd wanting, and Abby could never do that to her. She slid her hand between Syd’s legs and found her wet and ready.

  She slipped two fingers into her slick walls and stroked in and out slowly as she started sucking Syd’s nipple. She felt Syd’s legs wrap around her, opening herself farther. Abby continued to take her time, wanting to draw out Syd’s impending orgasm and try to make it last more than five minutes, but the way Syd was moving, Abby knew she wouldn’t make her goal. She released her mouth from Syd’s breast and watched as she continued to pleasure her. Syd’s lips were slightly parted and pursed, eyes closed and brows furrowed as if she, too, was trying to make it last.

  Syd began panting, her walls tightening, and Abby knew she was close. She felt herself hard and throbbing, and she wanted to come with Syd. She withdrew her fingers, spread her lips to expose her clit to Syd’s, and began moving against her, back and forth, intermingling their lust. She felt Syd’s fingers dig into her back, pulling her harder, closer. After just a few thrusts, Syd came and pushed Abby over the edge. Their skin glistened with sweat and mingled when Abby collapsed onto Syd.


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