A Call Away

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A Call Away Page 13

by KC Richardson

  “Well, that was a hell of a wake-up call.”

  Abby chuckled in the side of Syd’s neck and licked a trickle of sweat once her breathing slowed. “I couldn’t help myself. You’re so damn sexy.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself, Abigail.”

  Abby looked into Syd’s eyes. “I like the way you say my name,” she said before kissing her long and soft. Uh-oh. Starting to get a little too serious. “Like I said, I’d love to stay here all day, but I have to get home to get some stuff done.” Abby got out of bed and looked around the room for her carelessly discarded clothes from the night before. As she dressed, she made the mistake of looking over to Syd to see her intently watching Abby.

  “Stop that.”

  Syd’s smile was so provocative that Abby was this close to getting back into bed.

  “What?” Syd continued to leer while tracing her fingertip around her nipple and moving it south.

  Part of Abby wanted to wait and watch to see how far Syd would take that finger. She had a feeling Syd would give her a hell of a show and torture her all at the same time. Abby hurried over and put her hand over Syd’s to stop the progression. “I really have to go, and if you keep doing that, I’m never gonna leave.”

  “Okay, I’ll be a good girl.”

  “Let’s not get crazy now. Just until I get back, then you can go back to being bad.” Abby smiled and winked. “Um, may I come back later?” She didn’t want to be presumptive even though she had an inkling of what Syd would say.

  “Of course. We’ll see if we can eat the entire dinner tonight. I guess I better get up too so I can feed the chickens. Never in my life did I expect that phrase to be uttered from my mouth on a regular basis,” Syd said as she giggled.

  Abby laughed and gently pushed Syd back onto the bed. “No, I’ll feed them. I want to remember you lying here, looking flushed and sated so I can think later about the way you look right now. I’ll call you later to let you know what time I’ll be back.”

  “Sounds good. Give me one more kiss before you go.”

  Abby leaned down and met Syd’s lips. When Syd lightly nibbled Abby’s lower lip, she whimpered and pulled away. How the hell was she going to get anything done today knowing Syd was only half a mile away? She walked to the door, then retreated back to Syd and sat on the side of the bed.

  “Hey, would you like to go for a ride later?”

  “I thought that’s what we were going to do,” Syd said as she tickled Abby’s side.

  She squirmed away from the assault on her ribs. “I meant for a horse ride.”

  “Uh, no.”

  Syd looked at her like she was crazy and it made Abby smile. “Come on. We’ll just walk the horses. No galloping will be involved. I promise to keep you safe.”

  “Are you nuts? Did you not hear me when I told you I’ve never been on a horse?”

  “You rode Bevin.”

  Syd threw her arms in the air. “Yeah, with you walking him. All I had to do was sit on him. What you’re asking me to do is actually ride the horse.”

  Abby put her hand in front of her mouth to smother her giggle. “At least come see the horses, meet Pokey. Once you see how sweet and tame she is, you won’t be afraid to ride her. I want to share this part of me with you, and just think, it will give you a heck of a story to tell your friends back in Chicago.”

  Abby watched Syd chew on her bottom lip. She had seen her do this before when she was thinking about something. The fact that Syd was even contemplating going for a ride made Abby feel a little victorious.

  “I’ll come by and meet the horse. But that’s all I’m promising.”

  “Thank you.” Abby kissed her again and started for the door.

  “By the way, is there a stream anywhere near here?”

  “No. Why do you ask?”

  Syd’s fingertip was slowly teasing her nipple again, and Abby could do nothing but watch. She had a feeling that Syd would be teasing her a lot over the next week, but she also knew she’d follow through and thoroughly satisfy her. What was a little suffering if it eventually led to a happy ending? If it was good enough for her characters on the page to go through, then it would be good enough for her. Karma sure was a bitch.

  “The other night, I had a dream of us riding then stopping at a stream so the horses could get a drink. You placed a blanket on the ground and once we were on our sides facing each other, you started massaging my very sore muscles on my inner thighs.”

  Abby audibly gulped. “Tell me more.”

  “Well,” Syd said as she stood in her naked glory, nipples peaked, and body flushed as she pressed up against Abby. “I kept telling you to go a little higher until you reached the area that was aching a lot more than my muscles.”

  Abby gripped Syd’s hips, squeezing the hardened muscles and pulled her closer into her. “Then what happened?”

  “You just slid your hand in my panties and found me swollen and wet for you,” Syd explained as she slid her fingers into the front of Abby’s pants and Abby’s legs nearly buckled.

  “And I woke up,” Syd said as she removed her hand and stepped back, out of reach from Abby.

  A bead of sweat formed on Abby’s upper lip and she ran her fingers through her hair. “Jesus.”

  “Uh-huh. So, I was just wondering if there was a way for you to help me finish my dream. That might make me more inclined to risk my life by riding a large animal.”

  “I’ll think of something,” she blurted out. Christ, when did Abby revert to being a teenaged boy raging with hormones? She really needed to leave and tend to her responsibilities before she spent the day in bed pleasuring Syd. Not that that would be a bad way to spend her day, but she had to get her chores done so she would have plenty of time later to play “Make Syd’s Dreams Come to Life.”

  She kissed Syd once more and meekly waved before going out to the barn. When she finished feeding the chickens, she looked up to Syd’s window and saw her standing there completely naked, smiling down on Abby. She laughed, blew Syd a kiss, and went home to get some work done.

  Abby walked into the house to find her gran sitting in the living room reading the newspaper. It wasn’t late, in fact it was barely seven thirty, but they were both early risers, and Abby was willing to bet her grandmother had been awake since before the sun rose. She peered around the paper and looked Abby up and down.

  “I guess I don’t have to ask how dinner went last night.”

  “Uh…” Abby felt her face burn, and she had no idea what to say to that. It’s not like her gran didn’t know Abby was a lesbian. When Abby had figured it out early in college, she had told her grandparents. They weren’t exactly thrilled, but they didn’t give her a hard time about it either. After her grandfather died, her grandmother started asking Abby more questions, telling her she was interested in her life and she didn’t want Abby thinking she couldn’t talk to her about anything. But Abby obviously hadn’t talked to her grandmother about her sexual trysts. That would just be weird.

  “I may be old, Abigail, but I’m not blind. I know you and Sydney like each other and since you didn’t come home last night, it didn’t take a genius to know what you did. I don’t want to know the details; I just want to know if you had a nice evening.”

  Abby took a seat in the chair opposite her grandmother. She knew she must smell like sex and Syd, and she didn’t want to get too close until she had a chance to shower and brush her teeth. “We had a nice evening, Gran. Syd cooked us a chicken stir-fry and we had some wine. She told me last night that she got an email saying she was being awarded a grant to get her own youth center started. She was very excited so we did a little celebrating.” Abby could feel her face turn hot, and she knew she wasn’t fooling her grandmother.

  “Well, that’s terrific news. What do the two of you have planned for today?”

  “I’m going to do some work around the house and get some writing done. Syd’s coming over later and we’re going to take Pokey and Bevin out for a ride.
Did you need me to do anything for you today?”

  “No, dear. I’m going into town in a little bit to have breakfast with some friends then get my hair done. I’ll be back later this afternoon.”

  “Okay. I’m going to take a shower and get started. Oh, before I forget, Syd has to go to Chicago tomorrow for a few days and she asked me to go. Do you need me for anything around here?”

  “Really? Why does she need to go back to Chicago?”

  “She needs to meet with the lady who contacted her about her grant. I figured I could keep her company on the drive.”

  “In that case, I’ll be perfectly fine.”

  “Thanks, Gran. Love you.”

  Abby showered then went to feed the horses, promising them she’d be back later to take them out, then went to her office and booted up her computer. She ignored her email and pulled up her manuscript. After her and Syd’s recent sexual activity, Abby was feeling inspired. She always felt writing sex scenes was her weakest link in her craft. Maybe it was because she didn’t have a lot of experience. Well, maybe not so much experience as adventure. Maybe it was the inconsistency of having sex. After all, she hadn’t had a girlfriend since college.

  She and Karen had a nice relationship, vanilla, really. Neither was experienced; they were each other’s first girlfriends, and Karen was satisfied with keeping it status quo. She never wanted to experiment beyond what Abby called “finger jobs.” In the almost-year they’d been together, Karen never went down on her, they never used toys, never tied each other up or blindfolded the other. Vanilla. Abby had never experimented much beyond that either, mostly because every other woman she’d been with was only for one night. She had to be comfortable with a woman if she were to bring out her toy—singular—to use with someone. Would Syd be willing to go there? Had she gone there with anyone else?

  She didn’t know anything about Syd’s history with other women. Had she had many girlfriends? Did she ever have time to have a serious relationship? From what she’d said, she worked long hours and didn’t have much free time. Maybe Abby would “pack” tonight, see if Syd would be interested. In the meantime, Abby had writing to do. Her two characters had met at a bar and were leaving together. She knew they were going to have hot monkey sex that night, and Abby knew how it was going to happen. The foreplay, the actual sex scenarios, the afterglow. She now knew what it felt like to have earth-shattering, toe-curling sex, and she was now able to describe every feeling her characters were going to experience from her firsthand knowledge.

  Abby had never gotten aroused while writing a sex scene, but she was now. She recalled having Syd’s mouth on her, her fingers inside her stroking that special spot, her nipples being teased, and the direct current that led to her clit. Abby shifted in her chair more than a few times, the seam of her pants applying occasional pressure to where she wanted Syd’s tongue to be. When she was done writing the scene, she had a strong urge for a cold shower and a cigarette even though she’d never smoked a day in her life. She wiped a bead of sweat off her forehead and laughed at herself.

  Well, her characters were definitely sexually satisfied, something she knew more about thanks to Syd. She was shocked when she looked at the time in the bottom right corner of her computer, and she saved her work to her Dropbox. She needed to get moving. Syd was going to be at her house in thirty minutes.

  Syd arrived wearing jeans and a form-fitting tank top, and Abby felt her libido rise, as it always did whenever she was close to Syd. She took her in her arms and kissed her hard up against the door. Abby groped Syd’s breast as she continued to explore her mouth until Syd gently pushed her away.

  “Where’s your grandmother?”

  “She’s in town,” Abby said as she closed the distance on Syd, only to be stopped by her outstretched arm.

  “Are we going riding, or are you going to fuck me right here? I wouldn’t mind skipping the ride, you know.”

  Hearing Syd ask her if she was going to fuck her nearly made Abby’s legs give out. Abby blew out a deep breath and stepped away. She didn’t seem to have any sort of control when Syd was around, and it was making her just a little bit crazy. “No, I promised them we were taking them out. Come on.” Abby grabbed Syd’s hand and led her out to the barn. They stepped up to the first stall where Bevin was waiting. Abby handed Syd an apple. “Here. Feed this to him and he’ll be your best friend for life.”

  “Are you crazy? His mouth is huge! He’ll bite off my hand.”

  Abby laughed. “No, he won’t. He’s gentle when you feed him. Watch.” Abby placed her hand under Syd’s and brought the apple up to Bevin’s mouth, and he delicately took the fruit from her hand. Abby reached out and rubbed his nose. “That’s my boy.”

  They moved to the next stall where Pokey was, and she handed another apple to Syd. This time, she did it by herself, and once the apple was in Pokey’s mouth, Syd rubbed her nose.

  “This is Pokey. She was your grandmother’s horse, and I promise she’ll be very careful with you.”

  Pokey moved her head up and down and curled her lips to show her teeth as if she was agreeing with Abby and smiling, and it made Syd laugh.

  “Okay. First, I’m going to show you how to groom Pokey.”

  Abby pulled the older horse out of the stall and tied her with crossties to keep her still. She placed the brush in Syd’s hand and covered it with her own to teach her the proper brushing strokes. “This is to remove any dirt or grit from her. If there’s dirt and we put the saddle on, it will cause her pain.”

  Once Pokey was properly groomed, Abby grabbed a hoof pick and cleaned her hooves, sparing Syd from having to do that. She took Syd through the rest of the steps until Pokey was ready to ride then she repeated the process with Bevin. Abby showed Syd how to put on the saddle pad and saddle and buckle it, making sure it was secure. She then showed her how to put the bridle over Pokey’s head and guide the bit into her mouth. Once both horses were tacked and ready to ride, Abby grabbed a few water bottles from the small refrigerator next to the tack room, along with a rolled-up blanket, and placed the items in her saddlebag. She then untied Bevin and Pokey and led them outside the barn.

  “Do you remember how to mount?”

  “I stick my foot in the stirrup, grab the horn on the saddle, and pull myself up?”

  “Yes. You’re a quick learner,” Abby said as she winked.

  “I have a question. How do I drive this thing?”

  Abby laughed heartily and handed her the reins once she was in the saddle.

  “What you want to remember is to hug Pokey with your legs by curving them inward toward her and keep your toes pointed upward. You want to hold the reins in your left hand like you’re holding an ice cream cone and keep them loose. When you want to turn right, move the reins across her neck to the right and the opposite to go left. She’ll know which way you want her to go when the reins touch her neck. When you want to stop, pull them back toward you.”

  Syd nodded in understanding. Abby was trying to keep the directions as simple as possible, but in all honesty, Pokey was such a great horse, she’d do exactly as Bevin would do while she was beside him. Syd could just hold onto the horn and Pokey would move identically to Bevin. But she wanted Syd as informed as possible so she could feel like she had a little bit of control during the ride.

  “To get her to walk, kick or squeeze her. Relax your body and let it move with the horse. Watch me.” Abby climbed into her saddle and squeezed Bevin’s sides. As he started walking, she let her body move with him, and she also demonstrated how to use the reins. Syd watched every move, and Abby was confident that she would enjoy her first real horseback ride. She looked relaxed in the saddle. And sexy. Abby had thought about a special private place to take her after Syd told her about her dream, and her stomach fluttered as she thought of Syd’s reaction to her little secluded paradise. There wasn’t a stream, but there was plenty of grass and trees to provide shade and privacy. Abby wanted to please Syd, in any way she wanted.
  “You ready?”

  “As I’ll ever be.”

  Syd let out a little startled yelp when Pokey started walking next to Bevin, but she quickly relaxed as they strolled through the pasture heading toward the back of Abby’s property. The air was hot, the sun was shining down on them from the deep blue sky, and Syd couldn’t believe she was thinking that it felt heavenly. There were no car horns, ringing phones, people shouting, no high-rise buildings. Just green grass, full, mature trees, wild flowers, birds flying overhead, and the sound of hooves clomping on the ground. Syd didn’t think she had ever felt that peaceful. She looked over at Abby who gazed back at her, and Syd could see the pride in Abby’s eyes. She loved that she was the one that caused that emotion.

  “You’re doing great, Syd. A natural.”

  “That’s because I have a great teacher.”

  “Virginia and I would ride together like this about once a week, maybe twice. It was a nice way to spend some time with her and discuss life. Your grandmother was a very intelligent woman who understood the ways of the world more than one would think. She seemed to know just the right thing to say if I was feeling sad about not having my parents around, or frustrated with life in general. She always listened, offered advice, and by the end of the ride, I would always feel better. I miss so many things about her now that she’s gone, but our rides are near the top of the list.”

  Syd could see the sadness in Abby’s eyes and on her face, and she wished she could lean over and caress her cheek, hold her until the feeling lessened.

  “That sounds like a special time you two had. I’m glad she was able to help you and be your friend.”

  A few minutes later, they came to a grove of trees, and Abby brought the horses to a halt then dismounted. She draped the reins over Bevin’s neck then helped Syd off Pokey. She grabbed the blanket and a couple of bottles of water before taking Syd’s hand and leading her under the canopy of branches and leaves.


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